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2007-08-19 3:52 PM

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Subject: HOOAH! My first Tri...The Westpoint!
Training will out....

I've done a bunch of bike races this season and I loved them all but never has the atmosphere at those events been like this. To think that a few weeks ago I almost bailed because of trouble with running, but thanks to my coach I ran like the Roadrunner hisself. What I would have missed out on....

I knew a bunch of people from my Bike and my Tri club that were competing and met others I knew from the road while setting up my gear. Spoke with lots of competitors including a gentleman who was 76, a runner and swimmer doing his first tri... AT 76!!!!!!!

Got there early so set up would be relaxed, did my thing, met some people I knew from the road, goofed with my buddies and finally got suited up....

Body Glide helped with getting the wetsuit on but I probably would have been better off without it. I had prepped the least for swimming, in fact I only put in four swim sessions in a pool and no open water sessions or a wetsuit; LISTEN TO THE ADVICE OFFERED UP BY THE EXPERIENCED HERE AT BT, they speak truth as clear as tap water. A half mile looks alot farther in open water than it does in a pool.

It was a deep water start with a small chop in the water. I was confident despite my lack of swim time even though I had swam 1500 yds in 22m30s in the pool. See how I keep going back to that pool? The signal sounded and we were off. I sprinted out front feeling good when somebeody looking to cut the angle ran over me. It took me about a dozen strokes to get my rythm back and by then a whole 'nother problem came up.

My wetsuit felt like it was choking me. I started treading water trying to sort things out as My wave passed by but I knew I was in trouble. "This ain't no pool.", went whizzing around my head. Nowhere to hold on, nowhere to go. My Wife has always told me she is amazed at my ability to stay calm in bad situations even though a light on in the basement will set me off...

I looked around for a kayak and thought, "Be proud and drown or be smart and rest."

I grabbed the float and got myself together then continued on. The wetsuit became so restrictive that I had to unzip it and if I could have, I would have sliced it off and left it there floating in the water. The wetsuit issue and I guess, the first open water swim in many, many years nearly got the best of me. Another wave was going by but I knew I needed to just take my time and get through this. I was the second to last to finish the swim in my wave and several of my buddies were at least five minutes gone but likely more... I could make up time on the bike, my strongest event.

After the last turn, and much backstroke, I was able to freestyle to the shore. Once out of the water the predator came out. My coach was there cheering me on as I hit the sand and that meant the world to me. Now it was on!

I ripped that 40lb suit off, got into my cycling gear and ran out of Trans1. Now we were on very familiar ground, this was my element. I was, without a doubt, winded from the swim but I attacked from the get go. The course is an out and back loop with alot of gradual 2 to 8% climbs. My biggest advantage here would be my bike racing skills.

I got aero, leaned in and started passing rider after rider. I saw several of my buddies passing in the other direction and knew that I could catch them here or on the run with time made up.

My endless hours of hill repeats paid off as I powered up the steeper climbs and flew over the rollers. I'm a bit nuts on descents and it showed. I passed scores of riders on the downhills, hitting forty three and still pedaling while others coasted to conserve. On the way back in I knew I had made up a tremendous amount of time. I avg'd close to 20 mph for the 15 mile ride even with the climbs.

Turning back into the half mile approach before the slow down to the trans area I was on fire, sprinting at close to 30 mph with people cheering their loudest and cyclists, whipped from the ride, left surprised and slack jawed from my passing....

I dismounted and ran to my spot to see my buddy Frank, who had left the water several minutes ahead of me just getting his shoes on. I shouted, Go Frankie, Go!" Knowing that I had made up alot of time.

By the time I was up and running Frank had gone but I could see him up ahead in the distance. My family was right there cheering me on which gave me a charge. I started my run just like Coach said, short strides and high cadence. Grabbed what I thought was water from a volunteer, poured it all over my face and chest only to discover it was a sports drink...YUCK!

Took me about a mile to get a rythm going and caught up to Frank F. We spoke but he saw I had hit my stride and I took off. I spotted another friend of mine, also Frank, and was able to catch and pass him as well. I felt good, strong. I took it a little easy where I had to and poured it on when I could.

The run was also a very hilly affair, not an easy three miles by any means, though I'm sure some of you hard cores here are probably laughing at the three miles about now.

One of the things I really enjoyed about the race is the idea that its very personal while staying very interpersonal. You are always in it. In bike racing when you get dropped you are out of it and also in danger of being pulled from the race. I flew by a guy on the bike who was in the AG above mine, (I'm 47), and I mean I dusted this dude, and he goes screaming by me on the run! I gotta tell you, rather than being upset about it I was jazzed for this guy and super motivated to pick up my pace. I just kept on thinking, "Go man, go man!"

I was within a half mile of the finish and saw my wife and kids off to the side clapping for me. That was my signal. I torqued it up and started to sprint. I hit the approach to the finish and started hitting it as hard as I could, the crowd cheering me on with shout outs of, "FINISH STRONG!" and , "C'MON HIT HIT IT!"....

And there it was. I was through, I did it. I was no different than the hundreds of thousands who have done this before me. Or the hundreds here today that all have a story, a goal, a reason to be here pushing themselves and stretching their limits. But I did this, I trained and worked and got out there and did this.

And when I got to the other side my friend bruce was there and we hugged and celebrated as I did with each of my friends as they came through the chute. Our family's were there at the finish and we laughed and joked and marveled and cheered for others coming through as we stuffed ourselves with bagels, and PB&J and oranges and the joy of being alive and living and celebrating our shiny moments that we cherish for ourselves all the more because we share them with others....

My total time as near as I can tell from my HR monitor which I started 30 seconds before the swim time is: 1h34m9s. I don't know my splits yet but I know they'll show that horrific swim...

But I am hooked! And I want more!

Eric J

2007-08-19 4:01 PM
in reply to: #931048

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Muskego, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: HOOAH! My first Tri...The Westpoint!
Congrats on your finish and thanks for sharing your story. And welcome to the "I want more" club.
2007-08-19 4:50 PM
in reply to: #931048

Fort Bragg
Subject: RE: HOOAH! My first Tri...The Westpoint!
Similar experience for me today. Except my panic happened when the second wave caught me and started pumelling me. I hadn't OWS for a long time. Actually, it was 1994 in the same lake you swam in... Lake Buckner. Except I wasn't doing a tri, I was a cadet. I couldn't navigate there to save my life.

Thanks for sharing.
2007-08-19 5:05 PM
in reply to: #931048

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Cleveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: HOOAH! My first Tri...The Westpoint!
Fantastic first race!!!!Welcome bet you can't wait to DO IT Again!!! OW swim is tough!!! YOU did it!!! GREAT RACING ERIC- very proud of you!!!

2007-08-19 7:59 PM
in reply to: #931048

Subject: RE: HOOAH! My first Tri...The Westpoint!
Great story. Congrats!
2007-08-19 8:07 PM
in reply to: #931048

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: HOOAH! My first Tri...The Westpoint!
Great job!! I did the same thing, I grabbed a glass of what the volunteer told me was water, and I poured it in on my face, and it was the sports drink!!! I said the same thing - YUCK!!!

The water was long for a first tri - this was my second, and I had anxiety issues in my first one, but I was fine this one, so I hope you go for another one!! I have Lake George, Olympic distance, in 2 weeks. I will be last, but I will just do my best.

Again, congrats!! Sorry I didn't get to meet you!

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