kaqphin - 2007-12-19 5:11 PM
In honour of my 5000th post....
Things I learnt from BT: BT men are hot
Everything looks better with glitter
Stars are important
Challenges are fun and you get to meet some great people
I love seeing other people reach their goals
Im very inconsistent about working towards mine
True friends will stand by you when you are sick or injured, even if you have never met them
Some people give great fashion advice
Waking up to an inspire can make the whole day amazing
There is loads of good advice and you don’t have to look very far
Not everything in training works for everybody
Sometimes the best training is done naked
The best support is unconditional
I have a competitive streak
You can find a relevant picture for almost anything on the internet
Work time is BT time
Everybody falls when learning to use clipless pedals
Almost everyone gets injured at one time or another, but if others can get through it so can you
The social aspect of a sport is very important
You must find the FUN in everything
There are some scary runners out there…. Im not one of them
Dreading the run is normal(ish) but people don’t like to run can still finish IM’s
At the first sign of an injury see someone
Carrying extra weight should not hold you back from trying to accomplish your sporting dreams
No matter how innocent someone seems they probably have a dirty mind
Flirting is not just fun, its good for the soul
A compliment can improve your entire day
The thought of an Aussie accent can turn some men weak
If you mention you are struggling with something (personal or training related) help, support or a training idea will come, often from unexpected places
People are generally good, kind and giving with both their time and knowledge
Nothing beats a positive attitude… and I seem to have one
I want to be a princess
Im not a bad swimmer
Men like fishnets
I need more T.I.T.S
A lot of women love the colour pink
Its ok to celebrate your successes and tell others about it
Writing down a problem relieves stress
I can loose a lot of time in the challenge forum
And according to a recent post: EVERYONE loves me!!!! (and wants me to help out with the side effects of training… interesting)
(this list is by no means definitive but merely some random thoughts I just threw together in honour of my 5000th post)