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Race Reports for Ironman 70.3 Eagleman

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Race rating (5)
User photo
  • Organised?Yes
  • Events on time?Yes

  • Lots of volunteers to help?Yes
  • Plenty of drink stations?Yes

  • Post race activities? Good
  • Overall course based on my ability: Just right

  • Comments: Major thanks goes out to the Cambridge Police. My bag with all the stuff that I didn't need in transition (keys, wallet, cell, clothes) was outside of transition. Some kids tried to run off with it while I was racing, but got caught by the police. They stored my bag in the swat truck until I recovered it.
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Race rating (5)
User photo
  • Organised?Yes
  • Events on time?Yes

  • Lots of volunteers to help?Yes
  • Plenty of drink stations?Yes

  • Post race activities? Average
  • Overall course based on my ability: Just right

  • Comments: My only comment is to get better food. Cold pasta as the only main course? C'mon! Pizza? BBQ? I just busted my ass - gimme some *FOOD*!!!
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Race rating (5)
User photo
  • Organised?Yes
  • Events on time?Yes

  • Lots of volunteers to help?Yes
  • Plenty of drink stations?Yes

  • Post race activities? Good
  • Overall course based on my ability: Just right

  • Comments: Other than possibly starting the waves differently (see bike course above), I feel like the race was run VERY well. The volunteer support was excellent. The fan support was good in places, and non-existent in others. I would HIGHLY recommend this race.
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Race rating (5)
User photo
  • Organised?Yes
  • Events on time?Yes

  • Lots of volunteers to help?Yes
  • Plenty of drink stations?Yes

  • Post race activities? Good
  • Overall course based on my ability: Just right

  • Comments: Pretty impressed with the race organization. Really couldn't have done much better. The course is kind of boring. The crowd support is fantastic.
Reported by:
Race rating (3)
User photo
  • Organised?Yes
  • Events on time?Yes

  • Lots of volunteers to help?Yes
  • Plenty of drink stations?Yes

  • Post race activities? Good
  • Overall course based on my ability: Just right

  • Comments: From the perspective of organization and support, this was a great event. I underestimated the course thinking that no hills would translate into a stupid fast bike split. I have been humbled. But, I did HTFU. I never cried :) and I have my finishers medal!
Reported by:
Race rating (3)
User photo
  • Organised?Yes
  • Events on time?Yes

  • Lots of volunteers to help?No
  • Plenty of drink stations?Yes

  • Post race activities? Below average
  • Overall course based on my ability: Just right

  • Comments: A very average organised race in my opninion having done 2 other IM races this would be at the bottom of that list.
Reported by:
Race rating (5)
User photo
  • Organised?Yes
  • Events on time?Yes

  • Lots of volunteers to help?Yes
  • Plenty of drink stations?Yes

  • Post race activities? Average
  • Overall course based on my ability: Just right

  • Comments: Very organized and lots of volunteers. Can't even remember how many aid stations were out on the run because there were so many of them! This race will be on my list for next year. I'd also like to thank Rick (Daremo) for coaching me for the past 6 months for this race. I feel like I've made big improvements in all three sports and I'm confident that I will continue to improve. :)
Reported by:
Race rating (4)
User photo
  • Organised?Yes
  • Events on time?Yes

  • Lots of volunteers to help?Yes
  • Plenty of drink stations?Yes

  • Post race activities? Good
  • Overall course based on my ability:

  • Comments: Very well run event. The completely exposed out and back run is a little bit un-inspiring, but I don't really see any other options for the run given where the event is located. I enjoyed the race - but not entirely sure I will do it again, just because hot, sunny, runs with no shade are not my favorite... Also, starting in the last wave was kind of a bummer - put me out on the run course late in the day with little company (not entirely by myself, but not very many racers left out on the course with me....) IMO they should send Athenas off earlier in the race. The last wave was 45-49 females & Athenas. Coincidentally, all but 2 Athenas in the race were aged 45 - 49.... I'm sure other women who might normall race athena went off with their age group waves instead. I know I would have if it had been an option, but I would have been in the last wave either way, so just went ahead and raced Athena. I'm sure this race would have a larger Athena grouping if they put them in an
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Race rating (5)
User photo
  • Organised?Yes
  • Events on time?Yes

  • Lots of volunteers to help?Yes
  • Plenty of drink stations?Yes

  • Post race activities? Good
  • Overall course based on my ability: Just right

  • Comments: This is my 2nd time at this distance. I have come a long way. I now feel about this distance as I did in year 2 of Olympics. Hard enough, but I know that I can do them. I am in the best shape of my life and now in my 4th year of this sport am really getting the hang of it. Lisa and I experimented, and we know that we shouldn't, on race day with nutrition. We bought some Hammer Perpetuem and Endurolytes. Wow, this stuff works. We made the paste for flask containers, liquid in our bottles. This along with water in the Aero bottle fueled me just fine on the bike. I did not bring any of this with me on the run. And I ran out of gas at mile 11 Overall, this was a great race for me. I can do this distance, now I can learn how to do it better.
Reported by:
Race rating (5)
User photo
  • Organised?Yes
  • Events on time?Yes

  • Lots of volunteers to help?Yes
  • Plenty of drink stations?Yes

  • Post race activities? Good
  • Overall course based on my ability: Just right

  • Comments: This was a fantastically run race. It is so well supported and staffed. The aid stations were great with the ice, water, gatorade, gus and everything else. Volunteers were so friendly and the course is nice and flat!
Reported by:
Race rating (5)
User photo
  • Organised?Yes
  • Events on time?Yes

  • Lots of volunteers to help?Yes
  • Plenty of drink stations?Yes

  • Post race activities? Good
  • Overall course based on my ability: Just right

  • Comments: This was a top notch race. Very well organized, the volunteers were all over the place and very friendly and the course is very fast (a little boring but very fast).
Reported by:
Race rating (4)
User photo
  • Organised?Yes
  • Events on time?Yes

  • Lots of volunteers to help?Yes
  • Plenty of drink stations?Yes

  • Post race activities? Good
  • Overall course based on my ability: Just right

  • Comments: incredible volunteers. plenty of aid stations course was well marked on the run.
Reported by:
Race rating (4)
User photo
  • Organised?Yes
  • Events on time?Yes

  • Lots of volunteers to help?Yes
  • Plenty of drink stations?Yes

  • Post race activities? Average
  • Overall course based on my ability:

  • Comments: I sure would have liked ice towels/sponges on the run course but I understand how much expense and manpower they add to a race. LOVE IT when a race has them but understand when they don't. This is a quality race, very well organized and supported, and I am very happy that I did it. With that said, I think I can also say that I've been here and done it and don't need to come back and do it again. There wasn't anything here to make me feel like I NEED to do it again versus experiencing a new race/venue. I think the only race I've ever done that I feel that way about is the Steamtown marathon which I have done twice and would love to do several more times.
Reported by:
Race rating (4)
User photo
  • Organised?Yes
  • Events on time?Yes

  • Lots of volunteers to help?Yes
  • Plenty of drink stations?Yes

  • Post race activities? Good
  • Overall course based on my ability: Just right

  • Comments: Really enjoyed my first Eagleman experience!!! Look forward to returning and hopefully improving!
Reported by:
User photo
  • Organised?Yes
  • Events on time?Yes

  • Lots of volunteers to help?Yes
  • Plenty of drink stations?Yes

  • Post race activities?
  • Overall course based on my ability:

  • Comments: Eagleman is a flat, flat course and we had a great day weather-wise. A bike Penalty, nutrition screw-up and port-a-potty stop cost me a sub 5:15, but I'm still satisfied with the overall results and I learned a lot. I can't beat myself up too badly as I only started biking and swimming 1 year and 7 months ago, and my very first triathlon was only 15 months ago. I know if I continue to consistenly train and learn, perhaps in 2011 I'll return to Eagleman and get my Sub 5. It was really cool seeing all the women Pro's coming past me on the run. Congrats to James G who went SUB 5!! And a huge congrats to Fred who destroyed this course with a 4:38. All the volunteers were Awesome as usual, and I met a ton of people and just had a blast while down in Maryland.
Reported by:
Race rating (5)
User photo
  • Organised?Yes
  • Events on time?Yes

  • Lots of volunteers to help?Yes
  • Plenty of drink stations?Yes

  • Post race activities? Below average
  • Overall course based on my ability: Just right

  • Comments: Such a well run event. The crowd support, the well stocked and manned aid stations, everything. There was not a single thing I experienced that could cause me to say anything negative about the support and event, it was an absolute blast!
Reported by:
Race rating (4)
User photo
  • Organised?Yes
  • Events on time?Yes

  • Lots of volunteers to help?Yes
  • Plenty of drink stations?Yes

  • Post race activities? Good
  • Overall course based on my ability: Just right

  • Comments: i'm going to jump on the soap box real quick....i saw more than one occurence of a racer being rude to a volunteer. one jerk guy pitched a fit because he couldn't take his bike out a certain exit after the race. what was wrong with the other two exits that they offered?! maybe they should just let you go out anywhere. this would make it nice and easy for me to just take your expensive as hell bike and leave you my overstock special as a gift. jerk. on the way out, i thanked the woman checking numbers. as i was walking away i heard her say to another volunteer that it was nice getting thanked "after all the grief she has gotten today". absolutely ridiculous. we wouldn't have a race without these people. be nice for the love of god.
Reported by:
User photo
  • Organised?
  • Events on time?

  • Lots of volunteers to help?
  • Plenty of drink stations?

  • Post race activities?
  • Overall course based on my ability:

  • Comments: This is a good race. I liked it. The only thing I didn't like was the boredom of the run. That could be my problem - I don't want to blame the race for that ;-) I would certainly do this race again.
Reported by:
Race rating (5)
User photo
  • Organised?Yes
  • Events on time?Yes

  • Lots of volunteers to help?Yes
  • Plenty of drink stations?Yes

  • Post race activities? Good
  • Overall course based on my ability: Just right

  • Comments: Even with the heat, a good first Half IM. Already signed up for next year in hopes I can do better now that I know a bit what to expect. Hopefully, it won't be quite so hot and I can also train a bit better without injuries.
Reported by:
Race rating (5)
User photo
  • Organised?Yes
  • Events on time?Yes

  • Lots of volunteers to help?Yes
  • Plenty of drink stations?Yes

  • Post race activities? Average
  • Overall course based on my ability: Too hard

  • Comments: Overall I really liked this race. It was freaking HOT, the run and bike course was boring, but I did like the race.
Reported by:
User photo
  • Organised?Yes
  • Events on time?Yes

  • Lots of volunteers to help?Yes
  • Plenty of drink stations?Yes

  • Post race activities?
  • Overall course based on my ability:

  • Comments: Volunteers were great. Can't say enough about them. I tried to thank everyone, but not really communicating well the last few miles.
Reported by:
Race rating (5)
User photo
  • Organised?Yes
  • Events on time?Yes

  • Lots of volunteers to help?Yes
  • Plenty of drink stations?Yes

  • Post race activities? Average
  • Overall course based on my ability: Just right

  • Comments: Great race. Awesome organization and top notch volunteers. CTA and Vigo always put on a first class show.
Reported by:
Race rating (5)
User photo
  • Organised?Yes
  • Events on time?Yes

  • Lots of volunteers to help?Yes
  • Plenty of drink stations?Yes

  • Post race activities?
  • Overall course based on my ability: Just right

  • Comments: CTA did a great job of meeting the atheletes' needs on an unseasonably hot day. Ice coolers at every aid station, extra attention at the finish. My hats off to all the volunteers who put in a long day in some very uncomfortable weather.
Reported by:
Race rating (4)
User photo
  • Organised?Yes
  • Events on time?Yes

  • Lots of volunteers to help?Yes
  • Plenty of drink stations?Yes

  • Post race activities? Average
  • Overall course based on my ability: Just right

  • Comments: Very well-organized race. Process for slot distributions needs a lot of work. Volunteers and race staff were top notch.
Reported by:
Race rating (4)
User photo
  • Organised?Yes
  • Events on time?Yes

  • Lots of volunteers to help?Yes
  • Plenty of drink stations?Yes

  • Post race activities? Good
  • Overall course based on my ability: Just right

  • Comments: Hot and humid as hell, but still the CTA puts on a great race and so very well supported by the community and volunteers. And it was nice to not have to fight waves and chop in the swim for once!
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