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Race Reports for Memphis in May Triathlon

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Race rating (4)
User photo
  • Organised?Yes
  • Events on time?Yes

  • Lots of volunteers to help?Yes
  • Plenty of drink stations?Yes

  • Post race activities? Average
  • Overall course based on my ability: Just right

  • Comments: This was a very well organized race, especially considering there were over 1700 racers. I felt bad for the out of towners who stayed near the course because Millington, TN is not a very appealing place. Having lived in Memphis in the past, local knowledge was a good thing to have on my side.
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Race rating (4)
User photo
  • Organised?Yes
  • Events on time?Yes

  • Lots of volunteers to help?Yes
  • Plenty of drink stations?Yes

  • Post race activities? Good
  • Overall course based on my ability: Just right

  • Comments: An awesome first race! Perfect size, well run, nicely organized, and beautiful setting. I had such a great time training for this and it was the most amazing feeling to cross the finish line. I can now understand what makes this sport so addicting!
Reported by:
Race rating (4)
User photo
  • Organised?Yes
  • Events on time?Yes

  • Lots of volunteers to help?Yes
  • Plenty of drink stations?Yes

  • Post race activities? Good
  • Overall course based on my ability: Just right

  • Comments: I loved the race and would do it again. I think I will put in more consistent training next time. Overall I really can't complain as this was a harder race than my first OLY (Clermont Florida) and I bettered my PR by about 24 minutes.
Reported by:
Race rating (4)
User photo
  • Organised?Yes
  • Events on time?Yes

  • Lots of volunteers to help?Yes
  • Plenty of drink stations?Yes

  • Post race activities? Good
  • Overall course based on my ability: Just right

  • Comments: great race, will be back next year. Hope more Bter's do it...
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Race rating (5)
User photo
  • Organised?Yes
  • Events on time?Yes

  • Lots of volunteers to help?Yes
  • Plenty of drink stations?Yes

  • Post race activities? Good
  • Overall course based on my ability: Just right

  • Comments: Great race - despite swim and bike being short. We had Amy pick up a 3rd in the women's 40-44 and Martina who picked up 3rd in the 25-29. Great race, well organized and after the race was over, I got to see Graceland! I had a great weekend with the entire D3 crew - about 15 of us - going out to eat - meeting up with the BT crew - and hitting Beale St on Sunday night. Looking forward to doing it again sometime!
Reported by:
Race rating (4)
User photo
  • Organised?Yes
  • Events on time?Yes

  • Lots of volunteers to help?Yes
  • Plenty of drink stations?Yes

  • Post race activities? Average
  • Overall course based on my ability: Just right

  • Comments: Overall, I was glad to finish under 3 hours. The PR on my swim and bike paces were AWESOME! The run sucked -- no other way to describe it. The Memphis Belle got the best of me on the run. Probably more important than any of my personal goals or pain was that the 220 members from the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society Team in Training raised over $750,000 bucks participating in this event, and to the best of my knowledge, all TnT members finished the triathlon. We WILL kick cancer's ass, one mile at a time....
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Race rating (4)
User photo
  • Organised?Yes
  • Events on time?Yes

  • Lots of volunteers to help?Yes
  • Plenty of drink stations?Yes

  • Post race activities? Good
  • Overall course based on my ability:

  • Comments: Well this was the dame that popped my cherry and let me tell ya it was painfully great. The whole weekend was an awesome experience with the BTers. I am glad I was able to meet several more of BTs finest. I know I have a long way to go between now and IMAZ but doing this makes me appreciate what goes into getting prepared just to finish and realize how much more it would take to compete which one day I will be there. I am glad MIM was my first and that the conditions were what they were. It has me now stepping my game up and also gives me a good place to gage my performance from.
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Race rating (5)
User photo
  • Organised?Yes
  • Events on time?Yes

  • Lots of volunteers to help?Yes
  • Plenty of drink stations?Yes

  • Post race activities? Good
  • Overall course based on my ability: Just right

  • Comments: FUN FUN weekend! It was a PR for me though, the course was probably a little short so I would say my performance was very on par with St. A's. But I think the course is a little harder than St. A's so there was definitely improvement. The swim was GADS easier...none of those 4-5 foot waves we saw in St. Pete! I have things to work on for sure.
Reported by:
Race rating (5)
User photo
  • Organised?Yes
  • Events on time?Yes

  • Lots of volunteers to help?Yes
  • Plenty of drink stations?Yes

  • Post race activities? Good
  • Overall course based on my ability: Just right

  • Comments: Can't say a bad thing about this race as it is my home race. It was so good to have homefield knowledge of the course. Glad I was able to complete my first OLY here and to get revenge on this course from the DNF of last year. I will do this again next year as I think the same BTers will too. Maybe we can get many more of you to join us! Casa de Cavu will be open again!
Reported by:
Race rating (5)
User photo
  • Organised?Yes
  • Events on time?Yes

  • Lots of volunteers to help?Yes
  • Plenty of drink stations?Yes

  • Post race activities? Good
  • Overall course based on my ability: Just right

  • Comments: Great race but I need to be more prepared and have better luck on bike.
Reported by:
Race rating (5)
User photo
  • Organised?Yes
  • Events on time?Yes

  • Lots of volunteers to help?Yes
  • Plenty of drink stations?Yes

  • Post race activities? Good
  • Overall course based on my ability: Just right

  • Comments: Out of all the tri's I've done, this one was best for my ability and was well organized. The finish was great with lots of people lining it all they way down. It was really amazing.
Reported by:
Race rating (4)
User photo
  • Organised?Yes
  • Events on time?Yes

  • Lots of volunteers to help?Yes
  • Plenty of drink stations?Yes

  • Post race activities? Good
  • Overall course based on my ability: Just right

  • Comments: Really fun race. My only complaint was that I wished they gave us some room at the finsh line to slow down from the run, before they were hounding us for the timing chips.
Reported by:
Race rating (4)
User photo
  • Organised?Yes
  • Events on time?Yes

  • Lots of volunteers to help?Yes
  • Plenty of drink stations?Yes

  • Post race activities? Good
  • Overall course based on my ability: Just right

  • Comments: I enjoyed the race even though I completely screwed it up. It was my first Olympic, so I got that out of the way and know what I need to do to improve my performance. Got to meet several people on BT and Coach Mike. Overall I had a good weekend and hope to go back next year.
Reported by:
Race rating (5)
User photo
  • Organised?Yes
  • Events on time?Yes

  • Lots of volunteers to help?Yes
  • Plenty of drink stations?Yes

  • Post race activities? Good
  • Overall course based on my ability: Just right

  • Comments: Here are some quick notes/observations: - early in the bike I was having a little trouble with my quads burning and feeling like it could be turning to shit, when two bikes slowly passed me side by side. One was a Fuji and the other was a Canonndale.... I said something to the effect "great, now I'm getting passed by camera's"... after getting a chuckle out of that my pace picked way up and it turned into my best bike in a race ever. - On the run, if I saw someone I knew coming the other way and I was walking, I would start jogging then call out to them, say hello, then after they passed start walking again.... rediculous isn't it :) -I didn't see any overt drafting...and I was looking hard so I could complain about it, but it just never materialized. -My underarms are sore from where my racing jersey rubbed. It was really uncomfortable on the run when the sweat would seep into the area. -I have never seen more police and volunteers on any bike course. -At the swim start the MC
Reported by:
Race rating (5)
User photo
  • Organised?Yes
  • Events on time?Yes

  • Lots of volunteers to help?Yes
  • Plenty of drink stations?Yes

  • Post race activities? Good
  • Overall course based on my ability: Just right

  • Comments: Lot of fun!
Reported by:
Race rating (5)
User photo
  • Organised?Yes
  • Events on time?Yes

  • Lots of volunteers to help?Yes
  • Plenty of drink stations?Yes

  • Post race activities? Good
  • Overall course based on my ability: Just right

  • Comments: A must-do for next year. I loved this event and it is too close to home to pass up.
Reported by:
Race rating (3)
User photo
  • Organised?Yes
  • Events on time?Yes

  • Lots of volunteers to help?Yes
  • Plenty of drink stations?Yes

  • Post race activities? Average
  • Overall course based on my ability: Just right

  • Comments: I had a blast!! I loved going with a big group!! Can't wait to do another one. Chattanooga July 17th...here I come!!
Reported by:
Race rating (4)
User photo
  • Organised?Yes
  • Events on time?Yes

  • Lots of volunteers to help?Yes
  • Plenty of drink stations?Yes

  • Post race activities? Good
  • Overall course based on my ability: Just right

  • Comments: As usual the StL TNO folks that we hung with were fun and supportive! I certainly would be remiss if I didn’t mention that we hung around on the levee waiting for the rest of “our gang” to finish, which they all did…some in better form than others but none as dominating in their AG as Sister Madonna herself. She mopped up the F70-74 group as usual (O.K. she was the only entrant). But she finished in strong, with a smile and a wave to our group!! That made for a fitting finish to a fun and adventurous weekend in Memphis….
Reported by:
Race rating (4)
User photo
  • Organised?Yes
  • Events on time?Yes

  • Lots of volunteers to help?Yes
  • Plenty of drink stations?Yes

  • Post race activities? Good
  • Overall course based on my ability: Just right

  • Comments: This was a great race....1500+ racers speaks for itself....only complaints were that the packet pick-up and race/expo was not clearly marked and was a bit confusing to find you way around. Of course, I asked the volunteers and they were more than happy to assist. I would definitely recommend this race to anyone!
Reported by:
Race rating (4)
User photo
  • Organised?Yes
  • Events on time?Yes

  • Lots of volunteers to help?Yes
  • Plenty of drink stations?Yes

  • Post race activities? Good
  • Overall course based on my ability: Just right

  • Comments: This was my first Triathlon, and I had a blast. I enjoyed it much better than the marathon I did, because it was fun changing from swim to bike to run. I hope to do more in the future.
Reported by:
Race rating (4)
User photo
  • Organised?Yes
  • Events on time?Yes

  • Lots of volunteers to help?Yes
  • Plenty of drink stations?Yes

  • Post race activities? Good
  • Overall course based on my ability: Just right

  • Comments: looking forward to the rest of the triathlon season.
Reported by:
Race rating (5)
User photo
  • Organised?Yes
  • Events on time?Yes

  • Lots of volunteers to help?Yes
  • Plenty of drink stations?Yes

  • Post race activities? Good
  • Overall course based on my ability: Just right

  • Comments: First race I have ever done. However, I would highly recommend it. Had a wonderful time. Pictures to come.
Reported by:
Race rating (4)
User photo
  • Organised?Yes
  • Events on time?No

  • Lots of volunteers to help?Yes
  • Plenty of drink stations?Yes

  • Post race activities? Average
  • Overall course based on my ability: Just right

  • Comments: Not as big a deal as I anticipated MIM would be but the field of athletes was really first class. And of course the food after was not bad either(BBQ!)
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