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2009-08-25 8:17 PM

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Germantown, WI
Subject: What are they thinking...
Please allow me to vent.

OK, first of all I think I will either get a strong reaction to this or no reaction at all.  I also have to say that my mind might be clouded by frustration after sitting in court on the jury the past two days listening to testimony.  We finished and rendered a verdict but I didn't leave the courthouse until 7:00pm tonight.

(OK, on a side note I have no idea how I was allowed on this jury.  It was a personal injury case involving an auto accident.  I revealed in questioning that I was involved in a significant accident last year and that I have a pending lawsuit for personal injury.  Why the defense allowed me to be on the jury is beyond me.  But I digress...)

So yesterday I knew I would be coming back today and the Y is just down the street from the courthouse so I figured I would stop in and see if my membership at the Metro Milwaukee Y's would allow me to go into the Y in West Bend.  I could.  Great!  So I asked about the pool since I wanted to swim today.  I was told "Oh, we have an Olympic sized lap pool."  That was strange since I didn't know any pools in the area were 50 meters except the one at the Schraeder  Y, so I looked.  No, this looked like a standard 25 yard or meter pool.  Whatever.

So I came in today and asked the lifeguard how long the pool was.  He said (and it was posted) that it was 27 yards.   I asked if that meant it was 25 meters.  He said not, it was an odd amount that did not convert evenly to meters.  Who designs a pool like that?  I later looked it up and 27 yards is about 24.6 meters so either is is mis-posted or it really was designed at a wierd length.  Whatever.

So I get in the water and notice that they have two lane lines in the 6 lane pool dividing it into two lane sections each.  Every area was filled with people swimming laps so the water in each of the two lane sections was pretty choppy.  Not the worst thing - training for OWS!   However, every other Y I swim at (Menomonee Falls and Wauwatosa Y's) open individual lanes and put in more lane lines for lap swimming so people don't run into each other.  Whatever.

So I am swimming and having a pretty good workout.  I was planning on going for an hour which was going to go until 7:45.  (I had to be at the courthouse at 8:20.)  So at 7:25, they start taking out all the lane lines.  I stopped and asked the guard what was going on and if I could still swim.  She told me that I could swim until 7:30 when they close the pool to lap swimming so they can have an aerobics class.  WTF!!!!  How big is this class that they have to close the whole pool??????  I swam the last 5 minutes I could and got out.  The last few laps I swam, people were geting in the deep end with floatie belts on and just hanging out not minding that I was still swimming - getting right in my way.  WTF!!!!  Get out of the way!!!  After showering and changing I went and looked into the pool.  There were a good number of people in the pool, but they were mostly close to the end of the pool and the deep section is at least half the pool.  There was no one else in the pool area except this class and the lifeguards.  No swim lessons, no one playing in the shallow end, no one.  There is definately enough room to keep at least one lane open for laps and still have enough room for this class they have.

So my frustrations were/are - 1) do people at the desk think this is really an Olympic sized pool? 2) Who designs a pool to be 27 yards - or is it really meters and they don't want to label it as such? 3) Why only put in two lane lines for 6 lanes of lap swimming? 4) Why do you have to close the entire pool to lap swimming at 7:30 to accomodate a class that does not use the whole pool?

OK, #'s 1,2, & 3 are minor but #4 upset me so much that the other issues just got to me that much more.

OK, I'm done venting.  Thanks for listening.  Am I wrong in being upset by this?

Edited by kbreitz 2009-08-25 8:22 PM

2009-08-25 8:32 PM
in reply to: #2370646

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West Bend, WI
Subject: RE: What are they thinking...

HA- I live in West BEnd I swim here ALL the time

Yes the pool is crazy length..... I just say its 25m.  The staff at the front desk is clueless


Yes they have retarded lap swim hours.  Usually they have the two lanes open at the end for lap swimming though... unless the senior areobic clas takes over.  They do have the hours listed somewhere and yes they do suck.


Yes a lot of us have bitched about #4

Let me know next time youare there Ill swim with ya!

2009-08-25 8:57 PM
in reply to: #2370646

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Delafield, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: What are they thinking...
I'm still trying to figure out why they would put you on the jury (I'm a lawyer in my other life)
2009-08-25 9:00 PM
in reply to: #2370717

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Germantown, WI
Subject: RE: What are they thinking...
My only thought wasa that this case involved two automobiles and my accident was bicycle vs. truck.  Still I thought I was an automatic boot from the pool, since I have not resolved the case yet.
2009-08-26 7:09 AM
in reply to: #2370646

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Extreme Veteran
San Luis Obispo County, CA
Subject: RE: What are they thinking...
My pool is 23.75 yards because the pool deck wasn't per code, and the county made them fill in 1.25 yards of the pool at one end.  So, the lane marker is off, and you get to practice your math a lot.
2009-08-26 7:13 AM
in reply to: #2370646

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West Allis, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: What are they thinking...

well what would you expect from a hick town like west bend???


2009-08-26 8:36 AM
in reply to: #2370646

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Waukesha, WI
Subject: RE: What are they thinking...

We have the same complaint at the Waukesha Y.  They will close three lanes to have an aerobix class for 9, yes count them, 9 women.  And they only use the shallow section.   Frustrates me to no end.  Yes, the hours are posted so I should know not to go at that time, but come on...9 people!!!

2009-08-26 8:39 AM
in reply to: #2371226

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Waukesha, WI
Subject: RE: What are they thinking...
Joe Runner - 2009-08-26 8:36 AM

We have the same complaint at the Waukesha Y.  They will close three lanes to have an aerobix class for 9, yes count them, 9 women.  And they only use the shallow section.   Frustrates me to no end.  Yes, the hours are posted so I should know not to go at that time, but come on...9 people!!!

I agree!  Then throw in summer rec and swim lessons!
2009-08-26 9:17 AM
in reply to: #2371226

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Extreme Veteran
Madison-ish, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: What are they thinking...
Joe Runner - 2009-08-26 8:36 AM

We have the same complaint at the Waukesha Y.  They will close three lanes to have an aerobix class for 9, yes count them, 9 women.  And they only use the shallow section.   Frustrates me to no end.  Yes, the hours are posted so I should know not to go at that time, but come on...9 people!!!

The prairie athletic club does the same thing in the morning.  They used to have one lane open unless they had 15 people.  I hate getting there at 5:30 and have them close the pool.  It was part of the reason I fell from grace last Dec and stopped working out for a couple of months.
2009-08-28 10:57 AM
in reply to: #2370646

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West Allis, WI
Subject: RE: What are they thinking...
As a water aerobics instructor I should probably plead the 5th!Sealed
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