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2008-12-16 10:54 AM

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Northridge, California
Subject: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - FULL
NAME: tcovert / Todd

STORY: I'm a 48 year old, living in the Los Angeles area, who's currently working in nonprofit accounting, but has bounced around through various arts, entertainment, and charitable occupations over the years. I've always been at least as committed to various community and nonprofit volunteer activities as to whatever job my "career" is currently situated in.

Oh...and in October '08, I became a two-time JEOPARDY! champion.

I was a mediocre-or-worse athlete 30 years ago in high school--competing in track (mostly the half-mile), swimming (500 freestyle), and cross country. Over the years, I've enjoyed playing pickup basketball and beach volleyball, but too often, I let my fitness wane and had to lose weight to recover it. But, of that, more below...

FAMILY STATUS: Married (six years in early 2009), no kids. My wife also does tris and shorter running events (but she's planning her first marathon and half iron in 2009).

CURRENT TRAINING: A major priority for me is to train _for myself_ in my own way and at my own pace. I take a very "DIY" approach to training and weightloss. No coach. No heartrate monitor. I do research to help me better understand training methods and timelines, but I choose not to tie my life down to training plans any more than I have to in order to safely complete the races I enter. In addition, I spend as little as possible on my fitness: Inexpensive gear, no gym memberships, take advantage of the resources in my community as much as possible.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: In 2008, I completed my first 18-mile road race, two sprint tris (including a 4th place AG finish), three Olympic/international tris (one 3rd place AG), two half marathons, my first sub-4 hour marathon, and my "big enchilada" for the year: my first half iron, Vineman 70.3 (in a time of 5:36).

2008 RACES: The A++ race this year will be my first full iron tri, Vineman, on August 1. In May, I'm tackling the Wildflower Long Course HIM and repeating the LA Marathon. Other early year races planned include the Ironbruin sprint tri on the UCLA campus and the "Chesebro Half Marathon" trail run, both in March. As time permits, I'm hoping to find time to finally get my 5K PR below 20 minutes (currently 20:02).

WEIGHTLOSS: In my late 20s-early 30s, I lost nearly 60 lbs and started running and playing basketball again. Sadly, I let other things gradually get in the way and gained all the weight back and then some. Finally, in early 2004--at 5' 10 1/2" and 240 lbs--I'd had enough and undertook what I hope will be the last weightloss regimen of my life. From Jan. 2004 to Jan 2007, I lost 70 lbs. and began exercising again as part of that--first just walking, then added in some running, and--later on--biking, then swimming. By Sept. 2005, I'd run my first 10K. By March 2007, I'd finished a marathon. By Sept. 2007, I'd completed my first triathlon. I'm currently at 165 and have kept the weight off for almost two years. I've never followed any sort of "weightloss plan" apart from "Eat less, eat better, and exercise every day."

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTOR: In case it isn't obvious from everything I've written up to this point, I really enjoy a low tech, self-guided, approach to fitness and training and a high effort-to-expense ratio. To me, there's nothing more important about training--and competing--than the opportunity to increase self-awareness, life balance, and consciousness. So I'm definitely interested in stimulating mutual support among similarly-minded folks. I'm putting myself out here to encourage people who may worry that they don't have the time or the space or the money to participate in triathlon. (Not that I'm only interested in supporting people coming from that perspective, mind you.)

This is my second time serving as a mentor--based on the first go-round, I can say that if you are willing to diligently use the training log here (even when things aren't going well...maybe especially when things aren't going well), this is can be a good source of support.

If you're interested in joining in, let's hear about you and what you'd like to achieve.

Edited by tcovert 2008-12-17 11:48 PM

2008-12-17 1:13 PM
in reply to: #1856528

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Extreme Veteran
Carlsbad, CA
Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - OPEN


I'm in ...

This will be only my second tri season, having competed in only two sprints in late 2008. Like you, I am a formerly athletic person but let myself get way too heavy while doing grad school, having child #2 (well, my wife had the baby, but you know how it goes) and commuting between Arizona and California for work. Last February, I decided I'd had enough and have since dropped 90 pounds.

I started out cycling and it is still my strongest area by far. A few months after getting into it, I found this website while looking for bike races/tours, and thought, "Well, this sounds like fun!" Did my first sprint and was hooked ...

For my first race, I didn't really train that hard for the run for fear of weak knees acting up. I've since added running regularly to my routine and feel I'm finally getting better. Swimming as part of training is no problem at all, as I am very comfortable in the water. Swimming as part of a race is another story ... I can't seem to settle down and get into my stroke once the gun goes off, and I end up swimming really poorly.

So, my goals for 2009 are to drop another 20 pounds or so, but I have no time frame. I started all of this at 6' 1" and about 280, and I'm currently at 190. Problem area is the gut I'll get there, but I am not starving myself to do it. Since I started working out, I've completely changed my lifestyle and eating habits, and I am happy for the weight to come off naturally without stepping on the scale every day.

I would love to do an Oly this year, in addition to a few more sprints. For the Oly, I'd be happy to finish, but I'd like to move out of the middle of the pack for the sprints. To do this, I know I need to relax more on the swim and get to be a stronger runner off the bike.  I wouldn't mind the thought of a half marathon, but I'm also a bit realistic.  If I feel I can do it some point throughout the year, I'll sign up last minute.  I also definitely want to do a century ride this year.  Farthest I've gone is about 65 miles in a hair over 3 hours, and I feel I can muscle through a century if it's pretty flat.

I've already signed up for a 5k in February (Surf City) and a short sprint later in the month (UCSD Tritonman). Beyond that, I'm open. I do have a lot of traveling for work in the spring that will keep me busy (I'm good about working out while on the road), but late spring and summer will open up a bit as far as scheduling races goes.

I don't use heart rate monitors, I don't log my caloric intake (anymore), but I do use a bike computer to focus on distance and cadence. I try to log all my workouts on this site and I loosely follow some of the free plans, but like you, I do most of my training by what feels good. I know I need to step up my volume, but beyond that, I'll take any and all advice.


ETA: I'm 37 and compete in the 36 - 40 AG.

Edited by Poster Nutbag 2008-12-17 1:26 PM
2008-12-17 1:53 PM
in reply to: #1859193

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Northridge, California
Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - OPEN
Great job on the weight loss, Morgan! You're sure you've read the instructions for the mentor mostly just need to be sure to add me to your log as a friend and do the same with who ever else joins the group.

2008-12-17 2:15 PM
in reply to: #1856528

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Folsom (Sacramento), CA
Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - OPEN

I think this is the group for me.

I am a 23 year old guy that lives in Sacramento, CA. I have yet to actually run a triathlon. I jumped on the bandwagon this summer and promptly fell off after 2 months when my life got too busy. I have a lot more free time now and I want to get back on it.

 My biggest goal at this point is dropping weight. I am 5'5 and curretly weigh about 190. back in July I w peaked at 212 and got down to 182 during my first round of training, only to gain 10 pounds back as soon as I stopped. I am currently about halfway through the couch to 5k plan from the Cool Runnings website. I picked it up on week 3 since I am in better shape then when I started, and I'm currently halfway through week 4.

In terms of a triathlon goal, I hope to run a sprint by this fall. I have a long way to go since I really have never trained at all in swimming and I have done nothing other then casual biking. I think a group like this could be a big help in getting me there. I post all my workouts in my training log....for better or worse.

I'm looking forward to joining you guys for this



2008-12-17 2:26 PM
in reply to: #1856528

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Extreme Veteran
Carlsbad, CA
Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - OPEN


I'm an Arizona Wildcat, and I don't think I can handle a bRUIN in this group! It is college basketball season, you know.

Just kidding, of course. Kind of ...

Edited by Poster Nutbag 2008-12-17 2:27 PM
2008-12-17 2:48 PM
in reply to: #1856528

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Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - OPEN
I'd like to join this group ... but I really need the most help with weight loss and being CONSISTENT in my training. I can't even tell you how many times I've started and stopped. *sigh* I get very gung-ho, and then quit.

I've lost 45 pounds since Dec. 2006, but I'd like to lose at least 30 more pounds so I can do longer distance races with less risk of injury. My highest weight ever was 270.

I've done a couple of "super" sprint tris and one sprint tri and I would like to move up to Oly and perhaps a half-Iron in 2009. But if I don't get my weight down, it's going to be so much tougher to meet time cutoffs.

I am currently rehabbing from a plantar fascia tear, and I know my weight puts me at a high risk. I'm not running at all right now trying to get this healed. Before the tear, I was up to running (an extremely slow) 6 miles. I've canceled my plan to do a half-marathon in May in the hopes that I could do a half-Iron late in the season.

But I gotta get my act together.

(BTW, I welcome swift kicks in the butt when I need it, which is often.)

2008-12-17 3:24 PM
in reply to: #1856528

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Northridge, California
Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - OPEN
Hi, Matt & Susie:

(I'm a Big Ten I'm not gonna touch the UCLA/AZ fracus...anyhow...)

You're both sure to add me & Morgan (and any later adds) as friends on your log.

Keeping each other motivated is what this is all about. I don't have any magic formulas for staying motivated, but giving other folks in a setting like this permission to share what's going on for them that works (or doesn't) and offer you encouragement when it looks like you could use it is all good. The more we know about your specific goals--including weight loss every bit as much as racing--the thanks for sharing what your successes and struggles to-date!

More soon...welcome aboard!

2008-12-17 3:42 PM
in reply to: #1856528

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Vista, CA
Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - OPEN

Hi Todd -- I'd like to join your mentor group if there's space. This will be my second year doing tris. Last year I got a little gung-ho and ended up doing 7 or 8 (one a relay with my family). I finished with the 1/4man at SOMA in Phoenix and all the others were sprints. I also completed 3, 1/2 marathons last year and am doing Carlsbad in Jan. and signed up for the Avia OC full marathon in May. It was never on my radar to run a marathon, but after this training and loving the 1/2's and the tri's I thought why not?

I also lost 30 pounds 8 years ago and have been able to keep it off.  I find the tris and running events help keep me focused and with a goal to shoot for. It gives some direction to my training and workouts.  I played basketball in high school and some in college and this past year I've definitely re-discovered my competitive nature, mostly with myself. Oh, I also recently started swimming with a masters group and I'm loving it. I was so intimidated by the whole concept since I'm mostly a self-taught swimmer.

I like your no-frills approach and would like the support and I'm a great cheerleader for others, too. 


2008-12-17 3:54 PM
in reply to: #1856528

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Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - OPEN

Hi Todd,

I would love to join your group.  It sounds like the perfect one for me  Here is a bit of my information:

NAME: ambular / Amber
STORY: I am a 26 year old full time accountant and full time student (I am currently working on my Masters and CPA) ... needless to say, outside of working, studying, and training, I don't have time for much but I make it work!  I have pretty much done nothing but run over the past few years - so far I have completed one marathon, three half marathons, and more 5 and 10Ks than I can keep track of.  I am working on my swimming skills and amping up the bike miles because I have my eyes on a few triathlons that are scheduled in March and April of 2009. 

As for swimming, I have never been a strong swimmer but I have challenged myself by signing up for a one mile ows that takes place in April - I know that I have more than enough time to prepare for it but I am still nervous!

I have fallen off of the bandwagon in terms of training a few times in the past but I feel more motivated than ever and I am very excited about building up over the winter and hopefully doing well in 2009!  It would be great to join such a motivated and motivating group 

2008-12-17 3:55 PM
in reply to: #1859631

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Northridge, California
Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - OPEN
Hi, Lynn...welcome aboard! If I recall correctly, we're both veterans of Toyota Desert Tri, right? Glad to have you in the sure to add everyone in the group as friends on your log (and that you've read the mentor program instructions).
2008-12-17 3:57 PM
in reply to: #1859668

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Northridge, California
Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - OPEN
...And welcome, Amber!

I may need you to mentor me in my budding second career in accounting, actually...maybe I need a mentor group for that!

2008-12-17 4:42 PM
in reply to: #1856528

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Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - OPEN

If you still have openings I would love to join your group. 

I'm a 51 year old woman living with my girlfriend of 22 years just outside of Boston, MA and work as an Insurance Analyst for a fairly large retail corporation.  I'm a lifelong cyclist having done many long distance fundraisers and have recently discovered the joy of running.  That may be the wrong description...Wink

I have always worked in a desk job and so I love being physically active outside of my work life, and am.  But I always train alone except my partner is a great swimmer and promises to help me with that, I stink at swimming and that's a fear about doing a tri.  Right now I'm running 5-6x/week but only 3 miles.  I could go farther but there's that work thing I have to do.  I was recently forced to go into the gym due to winter in New England.  This is okay though because now I can add the cycling and swimming to my gym time, or split it up anyway.

I have never done a tri and am fascinated with the thought of doing one.  My plan is to do a sprint in the spring or early summer depending upon where I can find one and then maybe try to do another later in the year.  Might be lofty goals for me but I'm willing to try it.  Despite the time zone differences do you have room for me on your team?  Thanks Todd!

2008-12-17 5:13 PM
in reply to: #1856528

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Long Beach, CA
Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - OPEN

Todd, is there any more room in your group? This seems like a good group for me. A lot of you are facing the same issues I am...inconsisent training and weight loss. Plus, I've seen a few of you around the boards, especially the CA board.

Would love to join!

2008-12-17 5:25 PM
in reply to: #1856528

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Dalgety Bay
Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - OPEN

Aloha all


As you can see I am Paul

STORY: I'm a 46 year old, living in Dalgety Bay On the east coast of Scotland, I own a small family opticians with my wife Fiona. I played rugby to a high level at school before injuring both knees and taking up jogging (go figure) I have run on and off (mostly off) since. In my 20's I managed a self trained 72 min half mary and once one a 4 mile road race, much to mine and everyone else's amazement. Since, at 5' 9 I have blossomed to some 270lbs!!! I decided many years ago to one day do the IM at Kona- before I learnt you had to qualify. Still I want to one day get round an IM race but perhaps not at Kona I guess (but you never know).

I have trained on and off for tri the last year and did 3 sprints last year but I have to overcome my fear of open water. A lot of personal stuff, I have allowed to stop me. We have several family and friends severely ill and now I am caring for my parents to. However to reach my goals I know I must take immediate action to make sure that my training stays a priority for my own health and so my family's well being and so I can reach those goals I have set myself. (I will re- my goals in my log tomorrow and get back out there tomorrow)

FAMILY STATUS: Married 24 yrs on the 31st, no kids. We have two boys, Stephen (11) and Harrison (8).

CURRENT TRAINING: Nothing for the last 2 months. It is 23:21 hrs here or I would take immediate action but the training starts for good tomorrow.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE: Well I am going to be a permanent item here (if you will have me) good and bad. It is going to become the corner stone of my IM goals and the foundation and I see encouraging and making friends here as a bed rock for that foundation.

I would be honoured if you would allow me to join such an illustrious band of hero's.

Mahalo Paul

2008-12-17 5:37 PM
in reply to: #1856528

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Northridge, California
Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - OPEN
Cindy, Jocelyn & Paul--

Yup, still room...welcome aboard!

(Paul--It might interest you to know that my wife and I were married in Scotland in a registry office in Glasgow.)

Jocelyn: Great to see you here...hope to see you at some upcoming races!

Cindy: Time zone differences are the beauty of networking via the Web rather than the telephone!

As I've posted already (and probably will again), be sure to add everyone I'm adding as friends on your logs.

I'll probably be taking on one or two more folks then closing this up. At that point, I'll be putting up a bit lengthier post about what to expect from this whole mentor group thing.
2008-12-17 9:24 PM
in reply to: #1856528

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Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - OPEN


 I would like to join if you'll take me.

 I'm 35 with a wife and 3 kids 9, 6, and 2. I have done some working out in the past, but got that feeling that I was becoming something that wasn't me. In the summer of 2007, I got the triathlon idea, to challenge myself physically, mentally, spiritually etc. I've been training since, and love the lifestyle. I've been laying off running lately do to some knee pain. I don't have an expensive bike, or any real high tech "make you faster overnight" gizmos, and I really like your training philosophy.

In 2008 I did a marathon, an olympic, and a HIM. I'm too new to be fast , but I had a great time.

In 2009, like you I am registered for my first Iron distance (IM Kentucky)

I'm into challenging myself, positivity,  and people




2008-12-17 10:05 PM
in reply to: #1856528

New user

Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - OPEN


If you are still open,  I would like to be part of your group:

NAME: akwgolf/ Austin
STORY: I am 34 years old, married with twins, work as an engineer.  During high school, I played football and wrestled.  During college food became a bigger part of my life. When I graduated college I had balloned up to 374 pounds.  Over the next 8 years I would lose weight and gain it back, lose weight and gain it back.  I finally did something about it 2 months ago.  I had gastric bypass and have lost 63 pounds in 2 months.  

Training:  I have been training for 3 weeks now. I found a plan here on beginner triathlete.  I am ok at swimming and riding, but running is my biggest weakness.

 Races:  I am planning on 2 sprints this year and maybe one oly.  I am planning on a 70.3 summer of 2010.

Thanks Austin

2008-12-17 11:14 PM
in reply to: #1856528

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - OPEN

Any chance I can still join?

They call me the IceMan.  Name is Scott. I'm 57, a journalist, outdoor editor for a newspaper in Central Illinois and for fishing magazines.  In 2005, I had a 50 inch waist.  Three guys from the local bike club came to ask me if I'd join them in a program similar to Bicycling's Bike Town.  They would give away bikes...I would follow the progress of the people who got them.  I said yes.  I also liked that they  were about my age and all said they started riding to lose weight and get in shape.  Here they were, all thin and fit looking.  I wanted to be like them.

I bought a hybrid and started riding.  3,500 miles the first year huffing and puffing up and down the hills with all these young people in spandex on road bikes.  By the end of 2005, I bought a road bike.  In 2006, I started riding again.  In April, I was diagnosed with prostate cancer.  On June 22, I awoke, road the 18 miles I needed to turn 3500 miles and went to have surgery.  I get back on the bike as soon as I could.  7,500 miles that year. 

In 2007, I rode 8,800 miles, met a woman who rode to lose weight.  We;'d gone to high school together but didn't know each other.  She'd read about my bike exploits and emailed.  We were married in 2008, bought a house and I rode 5,000 miles between all the fun and busy times. 

I was introduced to the tri world in 2007 when I rode the bike leg of a sprint triathon for a LiveSTRONG fundraising relay team. The people were great.  Everyone urged everyone else to do their best.  I loved the atmosphere and the people.   I did it again in 2008 and decided to try to do a whole tri in 2009.  I started to run (not my strong suit) and joined the Masters Swimmers to learn how to swim distance instead of the sprint 100 yard freestyle stuff I did on the high school swim team.  Bike and swim are going well, the running is coming along.  I run and swim 3X a week, ride nearly 7 in good spinning at the gym at least 4 times and usually 5 to 6. 

I'm now wearing 36-inch jeans.  I've yet to weigh myself.  But, the belt I started with stretches around me 1.5 times.  I'm still cutting new holes when needed.  I'm in charge of the bike give-away program now.  We gave away 16 this year.

I like the no nonsense, low tech you preach.  I have a heart monitor and use it, I love my bikes.  I replace tennis shoes at 300 miles.  I love to swim long distances.  One workout a week is 1600 yards non-stop.  

My goals are to do a sprint tri in June, and Oly in July and see where we go from there.




Edited by IceManScott 2008-12-18 2:00 PM
2008-12-17 11:34 PM
in reply to: #1856528

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Northridge, California
Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - OPEN
Okay...Scott, Austin &'re the last ones in the door...welcome!

The group consists of:

Todd (tcovert)
Morgan (Poster Nutbag)
Matt (uclamatt2007)
Susie (Offthegrid)
Lynn (lmscozz)
Amber (Ambular)
Cindy (oshunluvah)
Jocelyn (sealiongirl)
Paul (paul walker)
Jake (Jake1008)
Austin (akwgolf)
Scott (IceManScott)

Be sure to add everyone as friends on your log (and be sure your log is publically viewable). If you have any questions about using your log, feel free to ask (here or by PM).

I'll be putting up a "ground rules" post in a moment or two...

Thanks for taking part!

2008-12-17 11:43 PM
in reply to: #1856528

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Northridge, California
Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - CLOSED
So here's some really simple ground rules for this group that we can try out and adapt as needed:

--First off, this is an open thread for the members of this group. If you have a question (for the group, for me, or for a specific member), feel free to post away. If you have an accomplishment that you're just bustin' to share, post it (hopefully the rest of us won't be too envious to pat you on the back for it). All of us together know more than any of us will ever know alone.

--I'd like to discourage use of an acronym that is pretty common on BT, namely "HTFU" (as in "harden the F up!"). If someone is overindulging in self-pity, we can all find more related ways to respond. Occasionally a person needs to be told to just get over something, but a lot of times (IMO), they may need to learn how to get over something. A group like this can help. So...if you are's okay to post that. Really.

--No one has all the answers. There's no right way or wrong way. There are some things that might be more likely to lead to injury than others, but very little that you're apt to be doing in training is going to kill you. (Just be careful out there on the bike, though.)

--If you have concerns you don't want to share with the rest of the group, feel free to PM me.

--I'll try to read your logs as often as I can. What I'll promise to do for sure is check in on Mondays and Fridays at the least. But what I'd like everyone to do (and I'll to my best to prompt this) is:

1) Post here on Monday (or Sunday evening, if you prefer) and let us know what's up for the week. Since several of us have races on some Sundays, I think that makes a good end day for the week. So let us know what you'd like to do during the week to come by posting here. If you feel like you are drifting and need some guidance, that's a good time to ask for that.

2) Check in with a post here on Friday. How's the week been going? If you aren't meeting your workout goals (however concrete or vague they might be), let us know...and let us know if you want some support with that or if you have ideas why and want suggestions how to get past what's in your way. And...especially...let us know if you have a race over the weekend! How do you feel about it? Ready? Last minute questions about rules or gear? Scared to death? Can't sleep you're so excited? If you have goals for the race that you're willing to share, post them. (But don't feel pressured to do so.)

Like I said above, I'll do my best to prompt these group "status reports," but don't hesitate to get the ball rolling if you have something to share.

--Last "ground rule"...and probably most important: I'm not here as a coach. I'm here as a fellow "beginner triathlete" who's willing to help facilitate a support group. I do have some training and competitive (and teaching) experience that might come in handy, but, then, I suspect each of you do. So please remember that this thread is always open for hopes and fears and--especially--questions.

Finally: Keep up with your logs. You can share as much personal material along with your workouts as you choose to. (I don't share much...just the data most of the time.) But the logging features here are the best tool for A) you to be accountable to yourself and B) the rest of us to get a sense of how you are progressing toward your goals.

A couple final thoughts: First, this is a bigger group than my last mentor group...that'll make it a little harder for me to "get to know everyone"...but I hope it'll also encourage more input here in our little forum. More of you are involved in various stages of weight loss. And, interestingly--at least to me--this is also an older group than my last bunch. I'm looking forward to hearing the experiences of a group of (as they say) "masters".

Above all, I'm looking forward to watching all of you getting to know yourselves in really challenging and illuminating ways!

2008-12-18 6:12 AM
in reply to: #1860381

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Dalgety Bay
Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - CLOSED

Aloha fellow Groupees (is that the term I wonder),

I will add you all to my friends list tonight and start looking at your logs. Compared to many of you mine will be a bit sparse till I get to losing the weight and so I will be joining a weight loss challange in the next 24hrs. But I will still post what I can.

Thanks to Todd for making us welcome and taking under his wing so to speak.

I will be going over my goals etc in the next 2 days and will post here when I have some plans. I will look at joining a challange group to perhaps unless anyone wants to have a group challange.

Feel free to sledge me in a good natured way and to kick my (for now) fat . Being across the pond makes me out of sync with most of you but that never held me back before.

I would like to wish you all luck and I look forward to getting to know you all and go through the good and the tough times. I wis you and yours all the best.

Mahalo Paul

2008-12-18 8:12 AM
in reply to: #1856528

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Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - FULL
Wow - just wow. There are so many amazing stories here. I feel completely humbled. I am really looking forward to 2009!!!

I can make a little chart later for people to put in their blogs ... do we want to have a theme? Looking for potential image suggestions here, other than a sports team.
2008-12-18 8:37 AM
in reply to: #1856528

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Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - FULL
Being all gung ho this morning, I got up at 4:45 to get my swim in before work because I had to be at work early this morning. Only to find out the pool only opens at 5:30 on MWF and opens at 6 on T-Th. So I got up at 4:45 to swim for 15 minutes. *sigh*

But at least they were quality 15 minutes. Someone posted a video on the main tri forum that has really made things click for me with what I was doing wrong. It feels completely unnatural for me at this point, and I kept forgetting to breathe because I was focusing so much on "early vertical forearm."

I thought I had decent swimming form -- I took like 12 weeks of lessons and even had been videotaped. But I am realizing that I don't know the first thing about it. So I am very hopeful that with all the drills and improvements I'm making now, that I won't be one of the last ones out of the water any more.
2008-12-18 8:42 AM
in reply to: #1856528

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Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - FULL
actually, I think I got a couple of good images. Give me a little time ta work on it.
2008-12-18 8:48 AM
in reply to: #1860626

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Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - FULL

Thanks for posting that video Susie!  Swimming is my struggle and I am constantly scoping out advice and watching different videos to improve.

This morning I hit the gym for the first time in a few days (it's finals week so I have been studying A LOT - however, I took my last final last night and now I get three weeks off!).  Has anybody tried the Expresso bikes?  I tried it this morning and I liked it a lot more than the spin classes - I felt like my quads were getting quite the workout and it was more realistic than the constant up and out of the saddle moves that are done in the spin classes.  I am picking up my bike next week when and I will be able to ride on the trainer... but for now, I think that I found the next best alternative!

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