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Strawberry Century - Cycle

View Member's Race Log
Plant City, Florida
United States
Tampa Bay Free Wheelers
60F / 16C
Total Time = 3h 40m
Overall Rank = /
Age Group =
Age Group Rank = 0/
Pre-race routine:

This was an organized ride That Jessica told me about a few days ago in my home town. Could do 20, 38, 65 or 100 miles.

My alarm went off at 5:20 and I was in such a deep sleep I was like WTF Why am I getting up? What day is it? What do I have to do? Figured it out and got up. Went to ride site and got registered. Had a mouthful of eggs (I'm not a big egg fan) and a blueberry muffin. Got my stuff set up and met up with Jess and her friends.
Event warmup:

None...tried to keep warm
  • 3h 40m
  • 65 miles
  • 17.73 mile/hr

We all started out together and did great to the first rest stop. The confounding factor was that I had to do a surgery today but the hospital could not tell me what time I could start and I was not sure if I should do 38 or 65. I called the OR at the first stop about an hour into the ride. They told me to go long.

Jessicas friends were pulling a big group of people. They dropped me on a hill because this annoying little jerk kept coming to practically a complete stop for every bump, pepple, RR track or anything else in the road. Then he would sprint like 30 MPH to catch up. I can't ride like that and I hated it. I really wanted to knock him off his bike and I couldn't get around him. I fell into my own pace and was still doing 19-20MPH. Rode with a very nice guy on an orange bike :) Us orange bikes gotta stick together!!!

Jess was sweet and waited up for me then we caught up at the second rest stop. Called the hospital again and they were still completely not helpful...shocking I know. The rest of the ride I rode with Jess, rode with the orange guy, rode with a group. Whatever. Towards the end the wind really kicked up. I was stuck behind these chicks doing like 16 and it was, making me CRAZY. Finally I went around them with orange guy. The last stretch was on a very busy road and at every intersection those chicks had to zoom past then slow down to 16 ggrrrr. The road is VERY busy tho and I didn't want to wreck going around them. Threw the bike in the car and went straight to the hospital.
What would you do differently?:

Be more aggressive going around slow people. I did well with my fluids but I cut it close. I had 66oz with me. 44oz of efuel and 22 oz of water. There was a big line for water at the second rest stop and I thought my water was still full so I didn't bother....turns out it was just about empty. Luckily I still had 22oz of efuel left. Took 3 gels during the ride.
Post race
Warm down:

Threw bike in car and went to the hospital. Did surgery

What limited your ability to perform faster:

Not good at hills, wind

Event comments:

It was good. I wish I had known about it sooner but since I was on call I would still have had to sign up the day of. Wish I didn't have that surgery hanging over my head. Jess was sweet to wait for me twice. She totally talked me into the ride

This was my longest ride EVER. I felt really good tho. If I had had the time I would have gone for the century. I did good with nutrition for the distance but I would have needed to re-fuel if I was going further.

I have never riden in a group like that before. IT was an intersting experience. It was fun to meet people and talk to people while riding. I'm not sure how I feel about the group riding thing. The drafting and socializing was nice. The biker people seemed to be on the whole a skittish group. It varied from pack to pack. I am uber careful about cars but the way they crossed streets was very strange to me. I'm not sure I liked it overall. I could have riden for days with orange guy. We were just about equal in ability and he was pleasant to talk to. It was very different.

I was supposed to do a 3.5 hour ride today anyway. Riding 3.5 hours in my neighborhood is about as much fun as riding 3.5 hours on a trainer. I would have wanted to blow my brains out. The time went VERY fast which was nice. I am supposed to ride 4.25 hours next Sunday and I don't know what I am going to do because I don't have anyone to ride with.

Last updated: 2006-03-26 12:00 AM
03:40:00 | 65 miles | 17.73 mile/hr
Age Group: 0/
Overall: 0/
Wind: Strong with gusts
Course: Around and about Plant City
Road: Rough Dry Cadence:
Turns: Good Cornering: Good
Gear changes: Good Hills: Below average
Race pace: Comfortable Drinks: Just right
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Average
Mental exertion [1-5] 3
Physical exertion [1-5] 4
Good race? Yes
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? No
Lots of volunteers? No
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities:
Race evaluation [1-5] 4

2006-03-26 3:44 PM

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Williamston, Michigan
Subject: Strawberry Century

2006-03-26 3:54 PM
in reply to: #379779

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Subject: RE: Strawberry Century

Nice job on the longest ride ever!  17.7 mph is good pace, too.

Hey, you should get the orange guy's number and get to ride with him some time. 

2006-03-26 4:00 PM
in reply to: #379779

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Wife, Mother, Friend.
Subject: RE: Strawberry Century

find out about  orange guy!  Is he single?

congrats on your longest ride so far!  You'll probably break that again next weekend.  


2006-03-26 4:38 PM
in reply to: #379779

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Subject: RE: Strawberry Century

Sounds like a great time with Jess and your fellow orange bike guy (you don't know his name do you?).

What a good way to get in your hours and have fun too! They have organized rides most weekends if you look around. As I go longer I'm searching those out...but my longest ride planned this summer is 70 and you are almost there.

Nice speed..I would love to go that fast for that only hope in Cranberry is on the run...but you'll be faster by then... I need to keep working at that Well if you are ahead of me the whole way you can cheer me on as I finish.

Excellant bike day Sue!

2006-03-26 6:34 PM
in reply to: #379779

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Subject: RE: Strawberry Century
Awesome!  you did your longest run ever and your longest ride ever with BTers!  That bike of yours is magic (as is the rider!)
2006-03-26 8:17 PM
in reply to: #379779

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Evergreen, Colorado
Subject: RE: Strawberry Century
GREAT ride, Sue.  You are so fast on the bike!  Amazing!

2006-03-26 9:04 PM
in reply to: #379779

Subject: RE: Strawberry Century
Orange guy?  Is that like riding with Carrot Top?  LOL...hey you did good, congrats on the longest distance ever!!
2006-03-26 9:05 PM
in reply to: #379779

Subject: RE: Strawberry Century

Orange guy?  Is that like riding with Carrot Top?  LOL...hey you did good, congrats on the longest distance ever!!   Oooops, double whammy!



Edited by max 2006-03-26 9:06 PM
2006-03-26 11:29 PM
in reply to: #379779

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Subject: RE: Strawberry Century

Woohoo Sue!!! Lovely ride...

Although strangely enough I now want strawberries.... mmmm.....

Now was Orange guy hoT?

2006-03-27 7:02 AM
in reply to: #379779

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Williamston, Michigan
Subject: RE: Strawberry Century
OK orange guy was too old for me and his name was MIKE.  I called him orange because he had and orange bike like me
2006-03-27 10:30 AM
in reply to: #379779

Subject: RE: Strawberry Century
Sue- you kept up a really good pace for 65 miles!! I hope to get there someday. I like riding in a group, less boring. Riding alone for 3 hours gets boring to me.

2006-03-27 10:58 AM
in reply to: #379779

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Extreme Veteran
Plant City, Florida
Subject: RE: Strawberry Century
good ride Doc, and the sx brick is funny as heck....that is a long way I thought 56 was long so congrats!!!!
2006-03-27 11:34 AM
in reply to: #379779

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Chelmsford, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: Strawberry Century

Great ride Sue!  I'd have come with except that first I'd promised to ride with Renee, then I cancelled cuz I had company, then I decided to ride and you were already out there.  But damn...great ride girl!!! It's really good to see you in a positive mood!!

BTW, I'm supposed to do 50 miles with Renee up at Suncoast on Sunday (4/2) but if you're gonna go 4.25 hrs I'll bet we could get a bunch more in, and I'd love to do about 65 or 70...why don't you come up with us???

Edited by F150TPA 2006-03-27 11:35 AM
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General Discussion Race Reports! » Strawberry Century Rss Feed