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Rock 'N RollMan Half Iron Triathlon - Triathlon1/2 Ironman

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Macon, Georgia
United States
Georgia Multisports Productions, Inc.
91F / 33C
Total Time = 5h 08m 24s
Overall Rank = 47/365
Age Group = M 30 - 34
Age Group Rank = 10/41
Pre-race routine:

Woke up at 4:30 am and took a quick shower. Gotta be clean to get Dirty! Ate 3 microwave Jimmy Dean sausage biscuits and a cup of coffee. That gets the bowels moving (Sharing violation...I know).

Got my stuff in place in transition. Luckily, I did a run through because I had forgotten to put my sunglasses out and it would have been a BAD day on the bike and run without them. After the 3rd run to the porta potty, I just vegged out a bit listening to Sarah Brightman and helped JC get her Transition set up. When we arrived at the race site, they were playing some Trance style music and it was eerily cool. Almost like a Sirens song calling you into the water...either to kill you or shower you with gifts...wasn't sure at this point.
Event warmup:

I really don't do much of a warm-up for a HIM. I swam about 100 meters before the start so that I can check my goggles and prevent leakage.

I was in the second wave, and it was a land start. Since it was a clockwise swim, I stayed to the right and tried to get a good line.
  • 34m 49s
  • 2112 yards
  • 01m 39s / 100 yards

First I have to tell my packing story. As I was packing my bag to leave, I checked the water temperature online and it was posted at 85 on Thursday. No way it would be wetsuit legal...right? Well, I get there on saturday and it's listed as 80...Nervous Dan. When they announced that it would not be wetsuit legal, I literally shouted...Yes! Many a person stared at me. I would of not been happy if the temperature had dropped.

I think I had a GREAT swim. The first 100 m, I managed to only slide my hand in one crotch and get my crotch groped once. I had a couple of slaps to the back of the head, but after that it was great. There was the typical leg smacking and side rubbing, but nothing "flagrant" or goggle knocking.

I decided to not go out superfast and try to catch feet because I SUCK at drafting. So I started out at a pick-up pace and then settle into race pace. I got out of the 'wave' pretty quickly. I caught the first wave (3 min head start) before the 1st turn buoy. I was spotting nicely and can only think of 2 times where I looked up and I was signifigantly off course. 2 stroke correction. I also have realized I've gotten good at telling when someone is about to do a breast stroke infront of me. Their feet drop down in the water and I go around. I held my ground and even had a couple of little ducklings behind me for the first lap.

Coming out of the water for the first lap, I could tell that my goggles were starting to fog up a bit. I told myself, "Don't mess with them...don't mess with them". So what did I do as I came out of the water? Pulled them up and rubbed out the fog. What happeneed when I got back in? A couple of drops of water joined the inside...STUPID DAN!

I continually passed people as the swim went along. I worked on stretching out and pulling through. I got into a breathing rythem really quickly and was able to keep it for most of the swim.
What would you do differently?:

I would push more towards the end. I only picked it up the last 100 m or so. Once I made the last turn, I was feeling good and should have used that to really take it on home. Instead, I kept my 3-2 breathing and should of switched to my 2-2 breathing and increased my turnover.

But I do Look Damn Sexy in a swim Cap...that I can't change!
Transition 1
  • 03m 9s

I don't know wether to blame it on the ham sandwich I ate during T1 or that the Domino's Pizza guy that was delivering to my T1 spot was late, but I had a Horrible T1 time. Granted, it was a 150 meter run up from the lake and into T1, but over 3 min...DAMN. I also had issues putting on my Jersey, it rolled up on me in the back. Unfortunately, My Aquaphor Active race uniform is a 2 piece.

Plus, I'm notorious of sitting down and putting all my stuff on. I really have to work on that.

NOTE: Swallow your e-cap as soon as you put it in your mouth. I put my e-cap in my mouth and forgot about it. It was "stuck" on the inside of my lower jaw. I found it as I left T1. Unfortunately, my molars found it too. It ruptured and the nastiest taste on the plant erupted. I almost ran off the road trying to spit it out. NASTY...remember kids...always swallow.

I also had issues clipping in (nervousness) and putting my gloves on. I don't have velco gloves so I duck taped them to the aero bars. Well, between the e-cap and the clipping, I wasn't focused on putting gloves on. But I did it while rolling down the road, so that's a good thing.
What would you do differently?:

Place the Pizza order earlier so that they are there on time.

Relax a bit more when the first thing goes wrong because it becomes a snow ball type of thing.
  • 2h 48m 23s
  • 56 miles
  • 19.95 mile/hr

This being a "B" race for me, I was wanting to work on the bike. I felt really comfortable on the bike and need to get the measurements so that I can adjust my Kestrel to match them. The guy that I borrowed the bike from reset his computer for the day, but not overall. I was trying to track my avg speed, but it said 16 mph. I knew that was wrong and realized that he didn't really reset it. So I had to go off of feel. No cadence either. Oh well. At the end, I got his avg up to like 18 so his bike can feel like it had an engine. :p

As I said, the bike was really hilly. I choose to be very mindful of my fluid intake. There were 3 bottle exchanges. (15, 30, 45) the middle one had gatorade too. I didn't take anything at the first one because the bottles weren't cool (no shit!). At 25 miles, I started on my Triple threat bar. I ate about 1/3 of it and shoved the rest in my pocket. I could tell that I was keeping a high heart rate because it was getting hard to eat and drink.

I grabbed a gatorade at the 30 mile marker with the intention of refilling my water bottle. BUT...I grabbed a red and I had yellow in my bottle. So I kept the bottle and drank from it for about 2 miles. Then I checked behind me to see no motorcycles were there and chucked it. Now before I get yelled at, I made sure it was by a gas station so that it had a chance of getting picked up. Not in some random ditch.

At mile 40, I decided to eat some more of my bar. I reached back and grabbed what I thought was my bar. it was the side of the e-caps bag. Next thing I hear is e-caps hitting the pavement. Not good. But I did find the bar and ate it. And I also found an e-cap that did not manage to escape and quickly took that one. But during the eating of the bar, I managed to bite the tip of my tongue. Ouch is all I have to say about that one. Nutrition wise, I managed to also take about 4-5 oz of Gel.

I started to feel the hills and my stomach shutting down around mile 45. I decided to stop pushing and just hold a 21 mph avg for the rest of the ride. I kept telling myself to relax...just relax. I got into a better mindset and finished the bike strong.

Random memories on the bike: People with Disk wheels around me were not good climbers. They would Zipp (pun intended) by me on the downhills and I would easily catch them on the uphills. Weird.

Around mile 35 or so, a Clysdale came by me. I'm talking 6'10" - 7' tall. When he came around me on the bike, I was in my Aerobars and was looking at the middle of his seat post. He was massive! I want him on my side in a bar fight. The next 3 riders that passed me commented on him.
What would you do differently?:

I am still weak on the hills. I need to get some strength on them. Eating while maintaining a high heart rate is another thing I have to work on.
Transition 2
  • 01m

T2 was pretty much flawless. I did my balet impression coming off the bike to dismount. My friend got an awesome picture (I need to make it smaller to make it my new avatar) of me with my right leg straight over my seat.

Rack, shoes, grab hat and number. Put hat and number on while running. No issues.
What would you do differently?:

Nothing. Quick T2.
  • 1h 41m 4s
  • 13.1 miles
  • 07m 43s  min/mile

I got off the bike and felt good. I had relaxed enough on the last 30 min of the bike. My plan was to settle into a really slow pace (8 min) for the 1st 3 miles since they were uphill and be able to hammer the last 3. (That was the suggestion from Felipe). I left T2 and was leaning back, shortened my stride and everything. 7:17 1st mile...Crap! It continued until finally around mile 4, I had settled into a 7:45 pace.

Mentally, I was more prepared for this run than at Great Floridian. I wasn't dreading each mile. I had a 5-5-3 plan. Worry about the 1st 5 miles, then the next 5 was a new race and everyone can do a 5K. The heat started to get to me about mile 4. I started taking in fluids at mile 2, but should have been taking them at each stop. But the cold towels were HEAVEN! I'm talking Nobel prize type good here. I couldn't get it to really stay across my shoulders even when I tucked it into my top. Some people did the Sahara Desert thing by putting it under their hat. I didn't want to take my hat off, so oh well. I draped it over my shoulders and hoped for the best.

I did a planned walk through the aid stations around miles 5 & 10. The race went into survival mode about mile 6. I could feel my heart beat in my throat for the rest of the race. I'm glad I didn't have a HR monitor because it would have told me to stop. I think between the heat I haven't train for and trying to keep my pace, it was a bad combo. But I was smartish and maintained.

Only 5 people passed me on the run. And just like at Great Floridian, it was in the last 3 miles and the final one was in my A/G. I tried to hold him, but no go. I came to within 10' of him and then he took off the last 3/4 of a mile. Oh well...I tried.

Overall, I was VERY pleased with my performance. I had a wouldn't it be great goal of under 5 hrs, but that was just not in the cards. I gave it what I had and that's what matters in racing. Your best effort against the clock..the rest falls out where it may.
What would you do differently?:

Since I am still in "base" training, it really doesn't apply, but more Tempo work. My training "failed" me at mile 10ish or so. I need to work on that as well as settling into pace right off the bat. I might have been able to finish stronger if I held back a bit on the front end.

But the "Kill Dan Coach" will be adding many Tempo runs he tells me. I am afraid.
Post race
Warm down:

Medal, Freezy Pop, Water and standing under the shower thing. In that order...yummy Freezy Pop!

At the finish line, the guy shook my hand like he was a long lost friend. I thought I might know him and by the time I realized it, they had taken my chip off, I was able to walk on my own and he patted me on the back. That was awesome! He knew what he was doing. In my head I thought I was going to fall across the line.

What limited your ability to perform faster:

Nutrition training while at Tempo speed and Tempo runs. Not that the heat or hills helped at all. :p

No Complaints. That's what I had that day.

Event comments:

I can't say enough about this race. It was well directed in every aspect! Lots of Volenteers, tons of food, minimal traffic on the course and lots of cops directing traffic. If you want to challenge yourself mentally, physically and in every other way, do this race!

Did I mention that I qualified for the Halfmax National Championships? I also PR'd by 4 min. Not bad for a "B" race. Plus I have to start a Zipp fund.

Last updated: 2006-06-01 12:00 AM
00:34:49 | 2112 yards | 01m 39s / 100yards
Age Group: 8/41
Overall: 46/365
Performance: Good
2 lap course with about 20 yrds of running around a "cone" on the beach. 1st lap: 17:03 2nd lap: 17:45
Suit: Just my Tri Shorts
Course: A 2 lap clockwise triangular course. The finish had a big red arch, so it was easy to spot that on the way back. I didn't even bother with the buoy's on the way in. The yellow turn buoy's could have been a bit bigger, but still very good course.
Start type: Run Plus: Waves
Water temp: 80F / 27C Current: Low
200M Perf. Good Remainder: Good
Breathing: Good Drafting: Bad
Waves: Good Navigation: Good
Rounding: Good
Time: 03:09
Performance: Below average
Cap removal: Good Helmet on/
Suit off:
Wetsuit stuck? Yes Run with bike: Yes
Jump on bike: Yes
Getting up to speed: Below average
02:48:23 | 56 miles | 19.95 mile/hr
Age Group: 18/41
Overall: 83/365
I was riding a borrowed bike, wheels and gel flask. So this crap about not doing anything new on race day is a bunch of bunk. Danny likey Zipp Wheels...I was riding a set of 606's and they were sweet. You can definetly feel the wind working on them. But it was fun to go 40.5 mph on a right sloping turn with a slight crosswind. I was geared out and leaning forward as much as I could. Fun times and worth the climb.
Wind: Some with gusts
Course: Very Hilly and tough course! Comet was right when she said that you can't find a rhythm. Very few times was I able to settle into a pace. I was either climbing or gearing up for a decent. Lots of gear changing. There was only 3 out of the saddle ascents and one of those was because I was a bit tired and needed a rest from the Aero position.
Road: Smooth Dry Cadence: 95
Turns: Good Cornering: Good
Gear changes: Good Hills: Average
Race pace: Hard Drinks: Just right
Time: 01:00
Overall: Good
Riding w/ feet on shoes Good
Jumping off bike Good
Running with bike Good
Racking bike Good
Shoe and helmet removal Good
01:41:04 | 13.1 miles | 07m 43s  min/mile
Age Group: 7/41
Overall: 38/365
Performance: Good
1) 7:17 2) 7:30 3) 7:12 4) 7:47 5) 7:48 6) 7:53 7) 7:43 8) 7:39 9) 7:44 10)7:56 11)8:24 12)7:48 13) 7:55 Goal pace was 7:30's.
Course: Overall a moderately hilly course. Not a lot of shade but aid stations about every 1.5 miles. 3 turn around points, so that was a bit weird. But they were smart and put an aid station at each turn around. You caught it going and then 100 yds later coming.
Keeping cool Average Drinking Not enough
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Average
Mental exertion [1-5] 4
Physical exertion [1-5] 3
Good race? Yes
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities: Good
Race evaluation [1-5] 5

2006-06-05 12:12 PM

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Atlanta, Ga
Subject: Rock 'N RollMan Half Iron Triathlon

2006-06-05 2:15 PM
in reply to: #443566

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Pulaski TN
Subject: RE: Rock 'N RollMan Half Iron Triathlon
Awesome JOb PRing and thanks for the heads up on the Ecaps. I hope I remember to swallow as well. Again congrats on qualifing for the half max championships!!!
2006-06-05 2:30 PM
in reply to: #443566

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Vestavia Hills
Subject: RE: Rock 'N RollMan Half Iron Triathlon

Solid time ... "B" race or not.  From what I have heard, that bike course is one that deserves respect - the rollers will catch-up to you.

Your half-mary run times are nothing to sneeze at, especially after the ~20 mph for the 56mi ride.

The bit-tongue + lost e-capps = bad race karma for littering ... but even with those wrinkles in your nutrition plan, you did not falter on the run.

Congrats on posting a Grand Prix qualifying time! 

2006-06-05 3:02 PM
in reply to: #443566

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Atlanta, Ga
Subject: RE: Rock 'N RollMan Half Iron Triathlon
Huengsolo...I will accept that Bad're right!!  It was deserving.

Edited by Marvarnett 2006-06-05 3:03 PM
2006-06-06 10:34 AM
in reply to: #443566

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Chesapeake, VA
Subject: RE: Rock 'N RollMan Half Iron Triathlon

WOW!  Congrats on such a great time and PR for a 'B' race. 

Did your pizza ever arrive?  :P

2006-06-06 10:28 PM
in reply to: #443566

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Virginia Beach, VA
Subject: RE: Rock 'N RollMan Half Iron Triathlon
Great race Dan!  You should be flying later in the season once you get some strength and speed work in the mix.

2006-06-07 7:52 AM
in reply to: #443566

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Virginia Beach, VA
Subject: RE: Rock 'N RollMan Half Iron Triathlon
Great race! Congrats!
2006-06-07 3:39 PM
in reply to: #443566

Subject: RE: Rock 'N RollMan Half Iron Triathlon
Great post. I participated in the event as well but haven't had the time yet to file a full race report. Swim in 39:42, bike in 2:53:44, and run in 1:36:07 (not hard to tell that I come from a running background).

I saw that same guy on the bike. He flew right past me. He was huge. I was a little discouraged as he flew by me but in the back of my head I said I'd seem him again on the run. Sure enough, mile 10 or 11 rolls around and I'm passing him on the run. That's always fun.

I agree with you that this was a very well run race. For some reason I expected a small time operation, but I thought this was first class all the way. This is my first half-iron but I've done several large city marathons (NY, Chicago, Marine Corp) and the organization and volunteers for this event were right on par with those major events.

Congrats on such a great time. Very impressive!
2006-06-08 7:40 AM
in reply to: #443566

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Atlanta, Ga
Subject: RE: Rock 'N RollMan Half Iron Triathlon

5:14 isn't shabby at all!!  Looks like you had a great race too.  I thought the same thing when he went by me.  As I was coming in he was already on the run and again, I told myself...I'll see you again.

Did you see the blonde girl that probably shot by you on the run?  I ran with her in College and that was her first HIM.  She's an ANIMAL!  At the first turnaround I didn't expect to see her and I was running scared at that point.  I had to convince myself that she had to catch me and not let her catch me. 

2006-06-08 7:49 AM
in reply to: #446534

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Chesapeake, VA
Subject: RE: Rock 'N RollMan Half Iron Triathlon
Great race man.  I wonder if I can get pizza at the eagleman the weekend.  But seriously, I thank you for the post.  I will make sure I have the extra drinks on the run.
2006-06-08 11:04 AM
in reply to: #443566

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South Florida
Subject: RE: Rock 'N RollMan Half Iron Triathlon

"stop pushing and hold a 21 mph average"  "a really slow pace (8 min)"

 You are amazing!  I couldn't ride my bike 21 mph if I was riding straight down Mt. Washington.  Good job on a B race.  

2006-06-08 12:53 PM
in reply to: #443566

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Boston, MA
Subject: RE: Rock 'N RollMan Half Iron Triathlon

CONGRATS! Next time just call me, I'll deliver the pizza for you BTW, if by ecaps you meant endurolytes I wouldn't bother using it anymore (for real) they do not have enough sodium content to make a significant impact in you race/training unless you are taking like 8-10 per hour. (I am now using other stuff) Anyway, great time for a B race, good job!

2006-06-08 1:53 PM
in reply to: #443566

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Extreme Veteran
Provo, UT (my heart is in Seattle)
Subject: RE: Rock 'N RollMan Half Iron Triathlon
Excellent race.  Your race report was awesome to read too! Congrats on the performance!
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