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2013-08-04 6:01 PM

Subject: My T1 was 25 minutes
So my wetsuit is VERY tight around the ankles and instead of trying to get it off with my timing chip still around my ankle, I just decided to take the chip off first. Well after a rough 1.2 mile swim I wasn't thinking too clearly and hopped on my bike without putting the chip back on. About a mile down the road I realized it and freaked out. The words (and combination of those words) should not be repeated. So I headed back to the start hoping they'd let me back in transition to grab it but I really thought I would end up with a DNF. Turns out one of the volunteers was super helpful and got me back into transition although the whole process took about 20 minutes.

I post this for two reasons 1) to show how great some of these volunteers can be and 2) hopefully someone can learn from my mistake!

2013-08-04 9:41 PM
in reply to: jfolks259

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Subject: RE: My T1 was 25 minutes
Eeks that stinks. I'm sorry =/ Did you have timing chip over your wet suit? I put my wetsuit over my chip since I'm always scared it will come off during the swim. Also, you should look into tri glide. It's like non-stick cooking spray for wetsuits. It makes it a lot easier to get them on and off. Spray your arms and legs and you're set.
2013-08-04 10:05 PM
in reply to: jfolks259

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: My T1 was 25 minutes
You'll learn to get the wetsuit off over the chip.

You probably didn't need to go back for the chip, though since it was your own fault, probably best that you did. I lost a chip once and had no real chance to remedy the situation prior to race start so I headed out. The important thing is to announce yourself (race number, not name) and your situation to race officials at every opportunity. I did this (Long Course Worlds in Las Vegas, basically on the Silverman course) and it saved me a DQ (they knew I wasn't cutting the course because I announced myself at turnarounds/timing mats) and they even had a replacement chip waiting for me in T2. Now that's service!
2013-08-04 11:30 PM
in reply to: jfolks259

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Great White North
Subject: RE: My T1 was 25 minutes
Cut the ankles of your wetsuit so it comes off easier... say about 2"
2013-08-05 12:31 AM
in reply to: jfolks259

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: My T1 was 25 minutes
I've had this happen (I have really small ankles, the chip strap provided was too loose on the tightest setting, and it somehow fell off or got pulled off my foot during a rough swim start). As others have mentioned, as soon as you notice you need to let officials know. I did as I exited the swim and I was not DQ'd. Of course, it is their call, but in my case, going back for the chip somewhere in 1500m of ocean was not an option! Since then, I've brought my own adjustable chip strap to races in case the one provided looks sketchy.
2013-08-05 5:32 AM
in reply to: Hot Runner

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Subject: RE: My T1 was 25 minutes
I safety pin mine so I don't obsessively check for it.

2013-08-05 8:16 AM
in reply to: Blastman

Subject: RE: My T1 was 25 minutes
Yeah I had it over. This was my first tri so I clearly still have some things to learn haha :-)
2013-08-05 8:18 AM
in reply to: Experior

Subject: RE: My T1 was 25 minutes
Yeah I thought about continuing but like you said, since it was my fault and I didn't lose it, I thought it would be best to turn around. I wasn't going for any awards so I figured I'd rather at least be an official finisher than receive a DNF!
2013-08-05 10:53 AM
in reply to: jfolks259

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: My T1 was 25 minutes
got that one beat. my t1 was 2 hours and 37 minutes. My chip fell off when I took off my wet suit of a HIM and I picked it up for the run when I got back transitions. Has awesome bike but I will never know the true split
2013-08-05 11:19 AM
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Extreme Veteran
West Michigan
Subject: RE: My T1 was 25 minutes

Originally posted by Hot Runner I've had this happen (I have really small ankles, the chip strap provided was too loose on the tightest setting, and it somehow fell off or got pulled off my foot during a rough swim start). As others have mentioned, as soon as you notice you need to let officials know. I did as I exited the swim and I was not DQ'd. Of course, it is their call, but in my case, going back for the chip somewhere in 1500m of ocean was not an option! Since then, I've brought my own adjustable chip strap to races in case the one provided looks sketchy.

So what do your race results look like if you forget your chip in transition or lose it on course, yet you tell race directors/volunteers during transitions?

Do they take down your number and record a split or do you just get a start/finish time upon notifying them at the finish?

I had a race this past weekend and upon looking up the times for some people who also did the race, I noticed some people didn't have a swim split but did have a bike and run.  Another guy had a swim split, no bike but a run and finish time.  Maybe it's something totally different than a lost chip but I was still curious as to what happened..



Edited by TriMike 2013-08-05 11:21 AM
2013-08-05 11:27 AM
in reply to: BuckHamilton

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Morton IL
Subject: RE: My T1 was 25 minutes
I have been practicing during lake swims. I think I have body shield, something a guy at an expo sold me. It is water proof but soap will take it off. I put it on my wetsuit and ankles, suit pops right off. It comes off so easy I am debating... If my upcoming 70.3 has wetsuit strippers I may not use them. Thats how easy it comes off with this stuff.

I like the idea of putting the chip under the suit. Loosing the chip and/or leaving it in transition is something I would do.

2013-08-05 11:30 AM
in reply to: Paulford8

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Extreme Veteran
West Michigan
Subject: RE: My T1 was 25 minutes

Originally posted by Paulford8 I have been practicing during lake swims. I think I have body shield, something a guy at an expo sold me. It is water proof but soap will take it off. I put it on my wetsuit and ankles, suit pops right off. It comes off so easy I am debating... If my upcoming 70.3 has wetsuit strippers I may not use them. Thats how easy it comes off with this stuff. I like the idea of putting the chip under the suit. Loosing the chip and/or leaving it in transition is something I would do.

I'm not sure if this is true but several races I've done explicitly warned us to make sure the chip isn't under the wetsuit so as to avoid an issue where the timing mat doesn't pick up your chip...

2013-08-05 11:43 AM
in reply to: TriMike

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: My T1 was 25 minutes
before this weekend it never happened to me before
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