General Discussion Triathlon Talk » New trail from Wayzata to St. Boni Rss Feed  
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2009-08-13 1:40 PM

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, Minnesota
Bronze member
Subject: New trail from Wayzata to St. Boni

This trail probably has a name, but I don't know it - sorry.  But I am referring to the new paved path that starts in downtown Wayzata and ends currently in St. Bonifacious.

I rode this lovely trail a few weeks ago.  It has a lot going for it.  However, at one point on the trip I was stung by a bee in my underarm.  Yes, it's true.  Little Ba$tard.

So, the reason I am posting about this now is that I heard from a friend who also was stung.  And it seems to be around the same place, about 3 miles from the St. Boni end.

If you afraid of bees like me, or worse yet allergic to them, be warned.    I might need to contact someone (who?) to let them know.  Might be something they can treat.


2009-08-13 2:20 PM
in reply to: #2346752

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A farming town in MN
Subject: RE: New trail from Wayzata to St. Boni
It's called the Dakota Rail Regional Trail:

Part of the Three Rivers Park District.  Contact info:
2009-08-13 3:29 PM
in reply to: #2346752

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Minnetonka, MN
Subject: RE: New trail from Wayzata to St. Boni
is the whole trail paved? 
I just might ride it this weekend, I look like a big bee with my yellow and black colors so I will probably bee fine.
2009-08-13 3:30 PM
in reply to: #2347062

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, Minnesota
Bronze member
Subject: RE: New trail from Wayzata to St. Boni

Yes, paved the whole way.  Good luck!

jaredfore - 2009-08-13 3:29 PM is the whole trail paved? 
I just might ride it this weekend, I look like a big bee with my yellow and black colors so I will probably bee fine.

2009-08-14 1:34 PM
in reply to: #2346752

Minneapolis, MN
Subject: RE: New trail from Wayzata to St. Boni
I am just getting into this sport and did not do any biking before so I know very little about good routes in the metro for long rides.  One route I have been looking for is between Minneapolis and Hutchinson (have family there making it a great lunch stop).  I was hopeful that the Luce line would work but it appears that it is not all paved.  I am not very comfortable riding hwy 7 all the way from Mpls either (very busy) but I am pretty sure I can find a way to Wayzata and then this trail would get me out to St. Boni quite easily.  Has anyone ridden on Hwy 7 west of St. Boni?  Is it a good ride?  Any other suggestions for long, 50+, mile rides?
2009-08-15 2:43 PM
in reply to: #2349102

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, Minnesota
Bronze member
Subject: RE: New trail from Wayzata to St. Boni

You can ride all of the way to Lake Mtka on Mtka Blvd pretty safely from Minneapolis.   You're right that Luce Line is not paved, and neither is the LRT trail which heads in that direction.  Once you get to the lake, you can wind your way up into Wayzata and find the path.  West of there, most roads are pretty good for riding.  I don't know Hwy 7 in that direction myself, but that area is generally a  good bet.  

BJC - 2009-08-14 1:34 PM I am just getting into this sport and did not do any biking before so I know very little about good routes in the metro for long rides.  One route I have been looking for is between Minneapolis and Hutchinson (have family there making it a great lunch stop).  I was hopeful that the Luce line would work but it appears that it is not all paved.  I am not very comfortable riding hwy 7 all the way from Mpls either (very busy) but I am pretty sure I can find a way to Wayzata and then this trail would get me out to St. Boni quite easily.  Has anyone ridden on Hwy 7 west of St. Boni?  Is it a good ride?  Any other suggestions for long, 50+, mile rides?

2009-08-16 2:59 PM
in reply to: #2346752

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Minnetonka, MN
Subject: RE: New trail from Wayzata to St. Boni
Rode it this morning, more roads to cross than I expected  but it was a nice ride.  No bee issues but as stated my bike looks like one so I wasn't to worried
I would ride it again, but in the morning (as with most rides).  fewer people and cars to deal with.
2009-08-16 9:45 PM
in reply to: #2346752

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Extreme Veteran
Minnetonka Beach, MN
Subject: RE: New trail from Wayzata to St. Boni
This is a great trail.   I live one block off of it, about a mile west of the Arcola Bridge.  GREAT for training and I can be found on it at some point almost every day.  

For the bees..  there is one Large nest just east of the arcola bridge on the south side of the trail... hanging about head height (if you are 6'4").  Other than that, I haven't seen many issues.

Now... my soap box.  Please communicate when you are passing people!!!   I am out there quite a bit and I see more bikers passing families within a foot or two going 18 mph without saying a word... just slow down a bit and a friendly on your left.  I doubt that any of us here are the offenders, but if you do see this, kindly let them know.  When I am running, I usually shout out a friendly "On your right!"    

What has alarmed me on this trail is that I would say, easily 50%+ of riders are helmet-less.  Already have seen two situations where a helmet would have likely saved a trip to the emergency room!

Great trail for everyone!  99% of people are awesome, friendly and respectful.   The other 1%????   well, lets just say it amazes me that a pack of 5+ riding along at 20 mph plus in matching local shop uniforms aren't out on the 15!   
2009-08-17 11:41 PM
in reply to: #2346752

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Chaska, MN
Subject: RE: New trail from Wayzata to St. Boni

I too enjoy this trail....very nice...could have less traffic crossing...HOWEVER it beats riding on the road any day (which I just don't do....) so I like it....

If anyone is ever heading out there let me know...I really like riding with people vs. alone....


2009-08-27 2:33 PM
in reply to: #2346752

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Minnetonka, Minnesota
Bronze member
Subject: RE: New trail from Wayzata to St. Boni
Heading out on the trail tonight.  I will be carfeul of the bees!
2009-08-27 3:28 PM
in reply to: #2346752

Minneapolis, MN
Subject: RE: New trail from Wayzata to St. Boni
FYI.  Not that any BTers would be anything less than law abiding cyclists but there was a story on kstp this morning that there are bicycle cops patroling this trail handing out tickets.  It sounds like they are primarily looking for people not stopping at stop signs.

Not to side track the thread but is there a standard speed limit on the twin cities bike paths?  I don't often see them posted but when I do it is generally 10 or 15 mph (Wirth Parkway). 

2009-08-27 3:34 PM
in reply to: #2346752

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Minnetonka, Minnesota
Bronze member
Subject: RE: New trail from Wayzata to St. Boni
Did not know that!  Thanks for the info...
2009-08-27 4:19 PM
in reply to: #2374860

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A farming town in MN
Subject: RE: New trail from Wayzata to St. Boni
BJC - 2009-08-27 3:28 PM FYI.  Not that any BTers would be anything less than law abiding cyclists but there was a story on kstp this morning that there are bicycle cops patroling this trail handing out tickets.  It sounds like they are primarily looking for people not stopping at stop signs.

Not to side track the thread but is there a standard speed limit on the twin cities bike paths?  I don't often see them posted but when I do it is generally 10 or 15 mph (Wirth Parkway). 

<hijack continued>

(Warning: a personal pet peeve)

I can't count the number of times I've been driving through the Cities and have had to slow down, swerve or brake for a cyclist that blew through a stop sign.  Is this exclusive only to the city and not to the suburbs/rural areas?

Granted, I usually only slow down at a county road after I've checked for traffic in both directions and it's safe to proceed, so I'm guilty of not coming to a COMPLETE stop.  But blowing through stop signs in the city, feeling like you have the right of way, and that motorists are 'obligated' to stop for you is an accident waiting to happen.

Bike safety education would seem to be the solution, but I don't think many cyclists realize that they should be following VEHICLE traffic laws.  Is passing a written cycling test something that needs to be included as part of a driver's test?

I don't have the answers.  I guess the city's answer to educating is a ticket.  

Minnesota Rules for Bicycles

<hijack over>
2009-08-27 5:07 PM
in reply to: #2375004

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, Minnesota
Bronze member
Subject: RE: New trail from Wayzata to St. Boni

Ignorance of bicycle rules is possibly my number one pet peeve.   And to add insult to injury, I get to pizz off drivers who don't know that I am the one supposed to stop and would they PLEASE just continue down the road so we can move on?  I have to get off my bike, turn my back, wave them through, for some of them to go.   I appreciate them stopping, but come ON.  Of course, just as you convince them to drive through some jerk blows across the street without even slowing down.

I don't think there's a speed limit on the bike trails unless posted.  Around areas like Calhoun it's 10 mph (posted) but I go whatever I can manage elsewhere.   I wish the official trail map would have some information about this, but it does not.

There are a very small handful of crossing where the cars must actually stop, but it's rare.  And that actually makes it more confusing because everyone wants to be on the safe side. 

I think eventually our bike culture will grow enough that bicycles are better seen and people know what to do.  But until then, it's continually frustrating.  Riding on the street is just as bad and dangerous.  Have you ever tried biking through downtown Mpls at rush hour.  Talk about a rush!  Super scary.

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