Canadian Triathlon Forum Ontario » Anyoine doing Toronto Island this Sunday? Rss Feed  
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2009-08-13 8:16 AM

Subject: Anyoine doing Toronto Island this Sunday?

I did it last year and its a great venue.....going to be hot though.  Good thing it starts early am.

2009-08-13 8:39 AM
in reply to: #2345732

Subject: RE: Anyoine doing Toronto Island this Sunday?
Yeah I'm doing it for the first time this year. I'm racing on Sunday.... it is going to be early to get there with the ferries and all. Did you find that getting the ferry 90 mins before your wave start was enough time to set up and get ready before the race start? This is what they suggested but I'm not really sure about this as I don't know how long the ferry will take to get us to the island.
2009-08-13 8:57 AM
in reply to: #2345732

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Subject: RE: Anyoine doing Toronto Island this Sunday?
I'll be there! My wave leaves at 9:10 but I'm hoping to catch a ferry by 7am.
2009-08-13 3:11 PM
in reply to: #2345732

Subject: RE: Anyoine doing Toronto Island this Sunday?

I remember last year the time they suggested to be there beforehand worked well.  There was a long line up waiting for the ferry to come. An hour and 1/2 should be fine.  Good luck all the racers! 


2009-08-13 3:20 PM
in reply to: #2345732

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Anyoine doing Toronto Island this Sunday?
I'll be there - I am nervous as heck about the swim!! But it should be good - the Island is lovely.

The ferries don't take long once you're on board ... the wait is a different story.
2009-08-13 6:21 PM
in reply to: #2345732

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Subject: RE: Anyoine doing Toronto Island this Sunday?
I'll be there too!  I did the try-a-tri last year and getting there on the ferries was fine - coming back was another story!  My only concern about this race is the pedestrian traffic - I remember last year watching the race after mine and "tourists" were walking across the paths etc while racers were still cycling and running.  My wave leaves at 9:30 - they leave the old ones til the end!!

2009-08-13 7:18 PM
in reply to: #2345732

Subject: RE: Anyoine doing Toronto Island this Sunday?

Yes I agree about the was alittle frustrating and I was surprized as well.  I encountered walkers, skaterboarders and leisure bikers on the route while racing.  Odd. 

2009-08-15 9:47 AM
in reply to: #2345732

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Chatham, Ontario
Subject: RE: Anyoine doing Toronto Island this Sunday?
I was looking at the island from the CN Tower on Wednesday and noticed that there is alot of tree cover......I hope that will help with the heat! 

Good luck to ALL (I should have planned by trip better and stayed until the race)!

Edited by tabbs 2009-08-15 9:48 AM
2009-08-16 7:34 PM
in reply to: #2345732

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Subject: RE: Anyoine doing Toronto Island this Sunday?
Great Job Jenna!!!!

Great job to everyone who did the Toronto Island Race!!!!

Way to go!!!

David Parkhouse
2009-08-17 8:14 AM
in reply to: #2345732

Subject: RE: Anyoine doing Toronto Island this Sunday?

Hope everyone had a good race.  WOW!  It sure was hot!  The run was the most difficult in the heat and waiting for the ferry back.  All and all another good race experience. Congrats to everyone who raced in those temps! 


2009-08-17 9:09 AM
in reply to: #2345732

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Anyoine doing Toronto Island this Sunday?
So personally it was not the best day out there ... I stupidly took the Centre Island Ferry thinking I had over an hour until my wave went which with a 10 min walk to transition (guys at the ferry docks said it was about 1km walk) i would have plenty of time to set up and get into the water to warm up. Not so much. Bunch of liars at the docks. It was more like 3.5k to the transition zone and I was pretty upset because I needed time to warm up in the water. by the time I had my wetsuit on I had all of 5 minutes. Not cool. Not that it's the reason but i panicked in the first leg of the swim and had the boat take me in. Everyone was really nice and I was able to do the rest unofficially. Had a blast on the bike. The run was hot but I did well.  Too bad for me. but I'll race another day! I didn't love how spread out the waves were but it worked well to control the number of folks on the bike course.

Trisprintolympic - i think I saw you! If you're in the 29& under category your placing will improve once they move my results to the bottom! That is if you were wearing the trisuit in your picture!

Anyway, i really liked the race and would definitely do again - i just need to get the swim under control (really should have done the try a tri!).

Hope everyone else had a great time!

2009-08-17 3:07 PM
in reply to: #2345732

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Subject: RE: Anyoine doing Toronto Island this Sunday?
I had a good time despite bad foot cramping and a brutal run.  I was one of the last waves so felt bad for people behind me.  By the last bike loop the traffic on the trails was horrible.  People renting those touristy bikes that seat 4!!  On the run I remember looking to my right and saw a bunch of naked people getting into the water ha ha.  How many people can say they ran a tri while looking at naked bums?!  Otherwise a really hot yet good day on the island

(edited to add)
I find these events so humbling!  When I participated in Belwood I passed a man 75 years of age doing the tri and he was in great shape.  This time - BIB 240 - 75years+ and he was plugging along in that 30+ degree heat.  I looked at his results and he would have been neck and neck with me on the swim and bike.  He took his time in transitions and was slower on the run but if I'm doing triathlons at 80 years old I will be a happy healthy woman! He placed first in his age group

Edited by kimmax 2009-08-17 3:13 PM
2009-08-17 9:35 PM
in reply to: #2352737

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Subject: RE: Anyoine doing Toronto Island this Sunday?
juniperjen - 2009-08-17 10:09 AM So personally it was not the best day out there ... I stupidly took the Centre Island Ferry thinking I had over an hour until my wave went which with a 10 min walk to transition (guys at the ferry docks said it was about 1km walk) i would have plenty of time to set up and get into the water to warm up. Not so much. Bunch of liars at the docks. It was more like 3.5k to the transition zone and I was pretty upset because I needed time to warm up in the water. by the time I had my wetsuit on I had all of 5 minutes. Not cool. Not that it's the reason but i panicked in the first leg of the swim and had the boat take me in. Everyone was really nice and I was able to do the rest unofficially. Had a blast on the bike. The run was hot but I did well.  Too bad for me. but I'll race another day! I didn't love how spread out the waves were but it worked well to control the number of folks on the bike course.

Trisprintolympic - i think I saw you! If you're in the 29& under category your placing will improve once they move my results to the bottom! That is if you were wearing the trisuit in your picture!

Anyway, i really liked the race and would definitely do again - i just need to get the swim under control (really should have done the try a tri!).

Hope everyone else had a great time!

I was there wearing the same trisuit from my avatar! I also SUCKED on the swim. Terrible. I'm sorry you had to take the boat - I almost did the same. I backstroked 50% of the course, which of course meant I couldn't see where I was going and I went WAY off course.

My official time was 2:04, 12/31 in my AG. My goal had been <2:00, so not the best result. I was concerned about the heat and definitely paced myself a bit too much on the run. I ran hard the last 500-600m or so and the announcer even mentioned "Wow, here comes 295 finishing strong! Way to go, Jenna!" but all I could think was that it meant I hadn't been running hard enough in the other 7K.

I had a lot of fun though. The people were (for the most part) really great. And I loved the venue - except for the crazy bike course. At one point, I got passed by a guy who was getting passed as we were all crossing someone coming the other direction who was getting passed. So that meant cycling 5-abreast and no one said anything to anyone.

Then there was a near miss involving five cyclists and three geese who wandered into the path and got stuck in between us. Yikes!

A beautiful day though... Sorry I didn't meet any BT'ers!
2009-08-18 4:33 PM
in reply to: #2345732

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Anyoine doing Toronto Island this Sunday?

So sorry juniperjen and trysprintolympic about your swims.  I'd probably be in the same boat (excuse the pun) if I were doing the tri, but I did the du instead.  Don't get discouraged, lots of people have problems with OWS, very normal.  If it makes you feel any better, I'd done the Worlds in Lausanne (oly) and Vancouver (sprint), and I still freak out when I don't get enough OWS practice before a race.  That's why I'm doing mostly du's this season!  You just need a lot more OWS practice, that's all.  Since I was in the Du, the first wave, the roads were not as congested.  There was a lot more congestion as the day progressed.  I've done this race before, and I think they've improved logistically, by having more waves and kit pickups beforehand and in Toronto.  In prior yrs, there were problems with long line ups and people not getting on the ferry in time for their waves.  The worst thing this yr was the mosquitoes, I still have a swollen calf and neck, they're eating me alive!  BTW, I stuck around for the Awards ceremony and they posted the pic in the post race newsletter - I'm 4th fastest women overall in the du (not a lot of women), in red shorts.

2009-08-18 4:40 PM
in reply to: #2353939

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Anyoine doing Toronto Island this Sunday?

kimmax - 2009-08-17 4:07 PM I find these events so humbling!  When I participated in Belwood I passed a man 75 years of age doing the tri and he was in great shape.  This time - BIB 240 - 75years+ and he was plugging along in that 30+ degree heat.  I looked at his results and he would have been neck and neck with me on the swim and bike.  He took his time in transitions and was slower on the run but if I'm doing triathlons at 80 years old I will be a happy healthy woman! He placed first in his age group

BTW, Bib 240 is Julien Hutchinson, a legend in our sport.

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