General Discussion Introduce Yourself!!! » Just Starting Out Rss Feed  
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2004-03-09 3:01 AM

New user

Subject: Just Starting Out
Hi, my name is Jo and I am hoping to try a triathlon this summer. I have recently tried fitness competitions because I love working out and staying in shape and like the motivation I get from doing things like this, but they are way too expensive for me. I thought a triathlon could be my next goal. I am a terrible runner, an ok swimmer, and an ok biker. I did a Danskin triathlon about 4 years ago and I had to walk part of the run, so my new goal is to try another one and get through it without having to walk any of it! I am not great at keeping up with these online forums because I am not on my computer a lot, but I will try to check in when I can. Thank you for letting me join and hopefully you all can give me some encouragement and motivation!!! Excited to meet everyone!
Jo :-)

2004-03-09 5:40 AM
in reply to: #11300

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Extreme Veteran
Boise Idaho
Subject: RE: Just Starting Out

Well Joe, let me be the first to welcome you to the team! This place is just absolutely awesome! There is so much motivation and support here that it is addicting! Pretty soon you will find yourself at your computer all the time so you can read all the posts! Sounds like you have a leg up on me in the swim department! And the run will definitely come with time. Look forward to reading your training logs. Use them, they are a great motivational tool. Jack.

2004-03-09 6:21 AM
in reply to: #11300

budapest, hungary.
Subject: RE: Just Starting Out
good luck. i hope it will work out for you. :)
2004-03-09 10:22 AM
in reply to: #11300

New user

Subject: RE: Just Starting Out
Thanks for the replies - Look I'm already addicted!
Jo :-)
2004-03-09 12:06 PM
in reply to: #11300

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Gold member
Subject: RE: Just Starting Out
welcome and good luck in the your next danskin.  the running will come...just keep at it.
2004-03-09 12:46 PM
in reply to: #11300

Subject: RE: Just Starting Out
Welcome to the group Jo! Remember, your toughest competitor is yourself. Do it for the fun and the satisfaction that you can accomplish things others only dream about. I love the "high" I get from training and racing. It's the good kind of addiction!


Edited by max 2004-03-09 12:46 PM

2004-03-10 7:50 AM
in reply to: #11300

Subject: ...
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2004-03-10 7:58 AM
in reply to: #11300

NW Suburbs of Chicago
Subject: RE: Just Starting Out
Hi Jo,
Welcome! The team is right - just keep at the running and it will come.
Slow down your runs during training, walk small portions if you need to, and soon you will be running the whole workout.

Although, hopefully you aren't into tris to save money - the goodies and gadgetry (not to mention entry fees) can get quite pricey.

Good luck with your training.

2004-03-10 9:59 AM
in reply to: #11300

Dayton, Minnesota
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Just Starting Out
Welcome Jo, and good luck with your training!

2004-03-10 11:05 PM
in reply to: #11300

New user

Subject: RE: Just Starting Out
Hey, thanks for all of the support!! I just talked a friend into doing the triathlon with me in Aug. so now I am committed!!!! I was committed before, but now it will be even better! My only problem now is finding a place to swim. I live in a super small town and there aren't any pools. In the closest town they are limited, but I will figure something out. Oh, and no I'm not really trying to save money by switching to triathlons, just using it more wisely! Thanks again everyone!
2004-03-10 11:17 PM
in reply to: #11300

Subject: RE: Just Starting Out


Welcome aboard! So glad you decided to join the other wonderful people who are tri'ing!!! This site is great and the people are awesome. The motivation just can't be beat. Oh and I'm with you on the running! But I started running five weeks ago and I couldn't run 30 sec w/o stopping. Now I'm doing 10 min and it's all thanks to the people on this site who have steeled my determination. I'm doing a Danskin as well in Denver! Cool beans. Have fun and happy training!

2004-03-10 11:27 PM
in reply to: #11300

New user

Subject: RE: Just Starting Out
Hey thanks! I live in Colorado also, my plan was to do the Danskin tri, but they are already filled up. Soooo, instead I am going to do the race for the cure in Denver in August! It is an all women tri also, so it shouldn't be as intimidating! Can't wait! Good luck on your runs!
2004-03-10 11:49 PM
in reply to: #11300

Central Louisiana
Subject: RE: Just Starting Out
Welcome to the T-Spot!
2004-03-11 10:27 AM
in reply to: #11300

Pittsburgh, PA
Subject: RE: Just Starting Out

Welcome to the team, Jo!!!

2004-03-11 10:41 AM
in reply to: #11300

Subject: RE: Just Starting Out
Hi Jo -- welcome to the team -- good luck in your races.
2004-03-12 2:26 AM
in reply to: #11300

Subject: RE: Just Starting Out
Hi Jo,
welcome and goodluck with your training!


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General Discussion Introduce Yourself!!! » Just Starting Out Rss Feed