Subject: Running is Fun? Or even FUN! Team Annoucement Here we go… RUNNING CHALLENGE TIME!! Teams are assigned below… in keeping with the October theme they are set around Halloween type creatures, ideas and general scary things. If I have accidentally missed anyone’s name OR want to join in the challenge, please post in this thread and I will assign you a team (I’m trying to keep the teams reasonably balanced). Oh… and to be friendly its all in alphabetical order!!! I will start threads for each team as well…
Let the trash talking, banter and FUN begin!!!!! BAD OMENS Atl runner El Flaco Enders Shadow Gaiaserver Kaqphin Oweiss Sparco TexOma Tntexpres BLACK MAGIC Annabananamc City Sky D.Z DeannaS Donto Foolproof Giantsrbest KenD Offthecouchandtri TexasMPGirl CREEPY CRAWLIES Irongirl39 Max McFuzz PT Cruzer Riorio Rowdypaint Tkbslc Tupuppy GOBLINS & GARGOYLES Aliclimb Brynn Davhamm Joebowler Lisazapato RaytownPete Regimom Tomp Wsm9363 Zilla THE LIVING DEAD 1sttimetri Comet the Dog Hazmaster Marymosc13 Misscullen Sailing4 Sassafras StartingtoTri Tritwinmom Yogin61 THE MONSTER MASH BAMBAM66 Cmrey528 Comet Davealt M1sh4p Mixie Naners Runnerx Smilford PACK OF WEREWOLVES Artemis FishCutB8 LowCountryTRI Lvthgame Mike 45 Mr2tony Rynamite Scout7 Spokes The Schwamm WaterDog66 POISON APPLES AmbulanceDriver Baowolf D001 Dimplespoo Fielding Husker Tri Girl JasonBohn9 Jessicacrouchrt Klgray lyssa-gator TRIFOR40 PURPLE PEOPLE EATERS Atlantia BbMoozer Chrisrunsz26 Kazho Medusa Ann Mmakbenton Nytrigal Phoenixazul Scfsara ScotinSeattle THINGS THAT GO BUMP IN THE NIGHT Antti asu BunnyB Cleavitt Gailg (team cheerleader) Lastcall2003 Morgenrr MrsUSMC sk2a2005 TriAya wurkit gurl zipp1 VAMPIRES Bajapat CathyD Christris CoachH DoloresM2 HCS5QA Jchrsitoff Melhndi Miche033 Shawn Barr Welcome to the October Running is Fun Challenge – please introduce yourself in the team threads (im just about to start them) confirm your goal (each team has a spreadsheet posted in their threads) and nominate a team captain, I look forward to lots of fun, plenty of banter and lots of success by everyone!! Happy Running!!!! |