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2006-04-12 10:20 AM

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Raleigh, North Carolina
Subject: USAT reply regarding Bare Torso rule

I sent an email off to USAT, which I've included below.  I got a reply from Skip Gilbert this morning in my email...also included.

My email to Mr. Gilbert:
Hi Skip,
I'm Jeff Bostic USAT 247298. I've just been made aware of the impending Bare Torso Rules that are proposed for future races. I'd like to state my opinion that I am not in favor of this rule change. My preference is to go topless on the bike and run portions mainly from a heat standpoint. The areas that I race are in the South. Because of the high humidity and excessive sweating during races, I don't feel that I get good enough cooling/heat disspation when wearing clothing on my top half - more so on the run than the bike. I ask you to please reconsider USAT's stance on this rule and allow athletes to choose what allows them the most comfort and heat safety.

I received this information from the folks running St. Anthony's Olympic Tri.....

No Bare Torso Rule: (From USAT Website) Among the competitive rules targeted for special emphasis during 2006, USA Triathlon reminds athletes that torso (upper body) clothing is required during the cycling and running disciplines, and that chin straps must be fastened while wearing helmets. This clothing change will not affect female competitors. Male competitors will be required to wear a race top for the bike and run portions covering the area from the top of the sternum to the bottom of the sternum (xiphoid process). Use of torso-covering clothing is an important rule that ensures male and females compete by the same standards. While cycling, light-colored, tight clothing is more aerodynamic than skin pores and helps minimize abrasions in the event of a crash. It also reflects ultraviolet rays from the sun, enabling better regulation of body temperature. The same is true for running, although loose fitting; light-colored clothing is more appropriate for that discipline (tight fitting clothing is an aerodynamic consideration related to cycling, but not the slower speeds of running).

I appreciate the thought that goes along with clothing aerodynamics, and UV skin protection, but I feel that this decision is best left to the athlete. You are my elected official and I'm happy to share my thoughts and opinions with you. Please do not consider implementing this rule change. I've included my contact information below to indicate my sincerity as well as provide a means for anyone at USAT who is reading this the opportunity to contact me in person.

Jeff Bostic
USAT 247298   (I've omitted address and phone # from this post)


Skip Gilbert replied to me with the following:

Hi Jeff,


At the last Board meeting, the Board did decide to table the rule discussion so no action will be taken to implement this proposed change. We received a good number of e-mails both pro and con on this proposed rule and it was decided that the rule would be best left off the books for now.



Not only did I get a reply, but it was the next day after I sent the email, and it has all the indications that it actually came from Skip Gilbert.  In short, I'm pretty impressed.  I'm happy about the tabling of the rule from a personal standpoint, but I also walk away feeling good about the responsiveness that I received.

2006-04-12 10:25 AM
in reply to: #394512

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Resident Curmudgeon
The Road Back
Gold member
Subject: RE: USAT reply regarding Bare Torso rule

Yippee! Thanks for sharing.

Now you need go back to your RD at St. As and inform him that there is no such rule.

One thing I can say about USAT, is that they are responsive. From my initial inquiry, I got several responses from Skip, our regional president, the Director of Rules, and other ranking officials. And evidently they are heeding the negative feedback to the proposed rule.


2006-04-12 10:35 AM
in reply to: #394519

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Raleigh, North Carolina
Subject: RE: USAT reply regarding Bare Torso rule

I'll definitely pass this one on to them.  There's a forum post on the St. A's website stating that they are not going to "enforce" this rule this year.  Yet, they emailed everyone to make them aware of the new no Bare Torso rule. 

Its going to be interesting to see how this race goes in the post-McFessel (sp?) era in Tampa Bay. topic....I just realized that swim wave start times and cap colors are posted on the St.A's website.  I'll be wearing pink this year.  *chuckle*   yellow!  Yay!  (looks for that cup of coffee)

Edited by jkbostic 2006-04-12 10:45 AM
2006-04-12 11:06 AM
in reply to: #394512

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Extreme Veteran
Abilene, Texas
Subject: RE: USAT reply regarding Bare Torso rule
Glad you got a reply from Skip. I guess Mr Gilbert has lots of time on his hands since he's not out training for triathlons like most of the dues paying members are. That frees up a lot of time I would imagine.
2006-04-12 11:12 AM
in reply to: #394512

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Crystal Lake, IL
Subject: RE: USAT reply regarding Bare Torso rule

That's a much nicer response than when he was telling us he had nothing to do with the decision so there was nothing he could do about it but that he was ok with the rule because it gave the sport a bad image to have fat triathletes running around without their shirts on.

that's paraphrasing, but not by much.

2006-04-14 9:43 AM
in reply to: #394512

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Wife, Mother, Friend.
Subject: RE: USAT reply regarding Bare Torso rule

the St A's RD posted on the forums there that they ain't following the rule, so go ahead and leave the shirt at home.

I think I copied his reply in another thread...

2006-04-14 10:24 AM
in reply to: #394512

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Stairway to Seven
Subject: RE: USAT reply regarding Bare Torso rule
OK, I'm late to the boat on this one since, as a matter of practicality, the girls and I always wear a top at the race. The expert you posted from the USAT website looks like it was proposed so that "men and women are competing by the same standards", and all the other stuff is just crap to support the idea.

that's absurd. It would be one thing if men and women competed AGAINST each other, but even that's absurd.
2006-04-14 10:41 AM
in reply to: #394512

Subject: RE: USAT reply regarding Bare Torso rule

Just make sure what you DO wear is in good taste!


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2012-06-05 7:49 AM
in reply to: #394512

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: USAT reply regarding Bare Torso rule

Thread brought back from the dead by SPAM!

When did this rule change then?  Its a USAT rule now right?

2012-06-05 10:15 AM
in reply to: #4245181

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Subject: RE: USAT reply regarding Bare Torso rule
I hope not...I have never worn a top in a tri.  Never heard a thing about it either.
2012-06-05 10:42 AM
in reply to: #4245181

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Resident Curmudgeon
The Road Back
Gold member
Subject: RE: USAT reply regarding Bare Torso rule
TriSte - 2012-06-05 7:49 AM

Thread brought back from the dead by SPAM!

When did this rule change then?  Its a USAT rule now right?

There is no such USAT rule. This thread is one that was active when the USAT was considering the rule. They did not go through with it due to public outcry.

The WTC does have a "no naked torso" rule that applies to all (I think) of their Ironman-branded races.

2012-06-05 11:17 AM
in reply to: #4245629

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Montague Gold Mines, Nova Scotia
Subject: RE: USAT reply regarding Bare Torso rule
the bear - 2012-06-05 12:42 PM

TriSte - 2012-06-05 7:49 AM

Thread brought back from the dead by SPAM!

When did this rule change then?  Its a USAT rule now right?

There is no such USAT rule. This thread is one that was active when the USAT was considering the rule. They did not go through with it due to public outcry.

The WTC does have a "no naked torso" rule that applies to all (I think) of their Ironman-branded races.

It is also an ITU rule and since most National Governing Bodies simply adopt the ITU rules, for those who are racing non-US tris, it is probably worth double checking that nations rule book before assuming they are the same as USAT.

2012-06-05 11:59 AM
in reply to: #394512

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Subject: RE: USAT reply regarding Bare Torso rule
Can someone tell me why im branded races do a no bare torso rule if it isn't usat?
2012-06-05 12:26 PM
in reply to: #4245820

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Resident Curmudgeon
The Road Back
Gold member
Subject: RE: USAT reply regarding Bare Torso rule
ironultrared - 2012-06-05 11:59 AMCan someone tell me why im branded races do a no bare torso rule if it isn't usat?
Because they can. WTC has several rules that are different from USAT.
2012-06-05 12:38 PM
in reply to: #394512

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Laguna Beach
Subject: RE: USAT reply regarding Bare Torso rule

I'm encouraged to read your post for a few reasons:

1. Firstly, its good of you to be so involved in the rules and legislation of our sport. Well done Sir. People who take the time to be actively involved help make our sport bettr for everyone, and I appreciate that.

2. This mirrors my consistent experiences with USAT and now USA Triathlon: Top notch. My first communicatin with them as an athlete was back in 1985 when it was called "Tri-Fed" and they were good then. They've only gotten better. Since then I've had the pleasure to work with their marketing and event production crew and they are outstanding. We're lucky to have a good national governing body for our sport. No organization is perfect and I hear criticisms of USA Triathlon but in general I give the organization and the people in it very high marks.

Edited by Tom Demerly. 2012-06-05 12:38 PM
2012-06-05 12:41 PM
in reply to: #4245820

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Montague Gold Mines, Nova Scotia
Subject: RE: USAT reply regarding Bare Torso rule
ironultrared - 2012-06-05 1:59 PM

Can someone tell me why im branded races do a no bare torso rule if it isn't usat?

I would suspect that it is primarily to ensure standardization of rules across all their events as opposed to having a set of US rules and then rules for the rest of the world. Since most National Governing Bodies simply adopt the ITU rules (which includes torsos covered for all) then it is probably easiest to just modify the USAT rules to fit most others in this area.


2012-06-05 4:39 PM
in reply to: #394512

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Subject: RE: USAT reply regarding Bare Torso rule
Thanks guys. I always wondered.
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