General Discussion Introduce Yourself!!! » Fat and exhausted!!! Rss Feed  
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2004-10-26 6:35 AM

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: Fat and exhausted!!!
Well....the time has come....the time that is to face the music...or should that be fat??.....The other month I was driving around town for work when I went over a speed bump and ........felt my belly move.

Well needless to sat this once VERY fit bloke is now a very fat bloke!

I was lamenting to a freind of mine how unfit I have become and was amazed at her tranformation to a fit athlet in less than twelve months.....needless to say she has inspierd me to take up a regime to get fit.

I believe it is a realistic plan that involves 13 weeks to get fit enough to train with the tri club and do mini tris for training and then another 13 weeks of tri training to get ready to compete in my first tri.

My goal is to finish the race in 6 months time. No sooner and no later...give or take a week or three.....

I will be keeping a track of my training and also my lack of training.....for example today was supposed to be the first walk but the heat where I live today was unreal!!!! even my fit mate said " no " for the training she had on for today!!!!

I will be doing it excuse for not at least starting!

Wish me luck and strength of character to keep my goals in sight.


2004-10-26 7:09 AM
in reply to: #76091

Subject: RE: Fat and exhausted!!!
Indeed, best of luck, Spanner! And, do keep us posted on your progress. The "Training Logs" Ron has on this site are a fantastic resource ad I find them a good way to keep me motivated - I really don't like seeing "extra" blank/rest days.

2004-10-26 12:01 PM
in reply to: #76091

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Gold member
Subject: RE: Fat and exhausted!!!
good luck on the new transformation...hope to see your training log fill up.
2004-10-26 12:59 PM
in reply to: #76091

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Broomfield, Colorado
Subject: RE: Fat and exhausted!!!
Welcome!  Good luck training!
2004-10-26 1:32 PM
in reply to: #76091

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Extreme Veteran
Peoria, Arizona
Subject: RE: Fat and exhausted!!!

Welcome Spanner:

Lots of great information, motivation and people here at  I started with much the same realization you did about 10 weeks ago, and I have lost about 20 lbs. and have more energy than I have in years.  It's GREAT!!!

Hope to see alot of entries in that trianing log.

2004-10-26 1:35 PM
in reply to: #76091

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Subject: RE: Fat and exhausted!!!
Welcome Spanner! I know what that feels like, this site has some great resources. Looking forward to hearing about the training.

Townsville as in QLD Aus? Was there in 2000 for a couple days before and after diving with Mike Ball. Nice little town


2004-10-26 2:22 PM
in reply to: #76091

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Cary, NC
Subject: RE: Fat and exhausted!!!
Welcome aboard! I too came to the "Damn I'm Fat" realization not too long ago. This site is great and the people here really help keep you motivated.

Good Luck!
2004-10-26 2:56 PM
in reply to: #76091

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Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: Still Fat but Full of Energy
Welcome aboard! Lots of good info here! While I'm still overweight (not that I haven't lost any yet...), I've found enough support and cheering from the people here to do my first tri last month and to continue doing 5k running races over the winter. Enjoy your stay here.

2004-10-27 1:13 AM
in reply to: #76091

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Fat and exhausted!!! was really suprised by the response you people have given me!!!!

I was only really filling this out to test the site but the positive response has really overwhelmed me with such a reinforcement of 'I can do this'.

Thaks very much.

2004-10-27 9:48 AM
in reply to: #76091

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molto veloce mama
Subject: RE: Fat and exhausted!!!
this site is VERY motivating. hope you stick around. welcome!
2004-10-27 9:51 AM
in reply to: #76091

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Extreme Veteran
Miami, FL
Subject: RE: Fat and exhausted!!!
Welcome! As you can see, this is a great site. I, too, was overwhelmed by the positive response I have received from this wonderful community. Just keep checking in, and keep letting us know how you progress.

2004-10-30 8:48 PM
in reply to: #76091

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Subject: RE: Fat and exhausted!!!
Spanner...welcome and hope you learn and get encouragement from everyone!

You are fortunate to have someone with experience to train with and answer many questions locally.

I gave myself just short of 6 months and was amazed at how much fitness I gained in that amount of time. Still have a long way to go, but feel great!

Welcome and good luck training!
2004-10-30 10:12 PM
in reply to: #76091

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Subject: RE: Fat and exhausted!!!
Congratulations on your commitment. Just keep it dialed in here to BT for loads of support, inspiration and training tips, if you need them.
2004-11-04 12:43 AM
in reply to: #76091


Austin, Tx
Subject: RE: Fat and exhausted!!!
Loved skimming this thread - shows a good support group! Good luck to you - Spanner!!
2004-11-05 6:50 AM
in reply to: #76091

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Subject: RE: Fat and exhausted!!!

My goal is to finish the race in 6 months time

I'm sure if you really train hard you can knock that time down into the hours, instead of months.  Sorry, sometimes I can be a smartarse.  Welcome aboard, this is the best tri site around and I know you will learn more here than you ever expected to .  Good Luck.


(thin and exhausted, too)

2004-11-05 12:36 PM
in reply to: #76091

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Subject: RE: Fat and exhausted!!!
Hey Spanner... Congratulations on starting to train! I had the same feeling a few weeks ago and that is why I am here. This site rocks! I seriously look forward to putting my training data in the log every day... And I REALLY love the motivaiting comments some of my BT friends leave me in there most every day. My friends have not been very motivaiting so far. I dont think they thing I will stick it out but with the help of my BT friends I know I can do this! Good luck and I hope to see more of your postings around the site!

2004-11-05 9:34 PM
in reply to: #76091

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Fat and exhausted!!!
Hi SPanner!
Welcome from a fellow - AUssie. I lived in Townsville briefly - too hot!!!
Just stick to your goals and you will achieve everything you want to - as they say "it doesn't matter how slow you go as long as you don't stop!"
Keep us posted of your progress.
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General Discussion Introduce Yourself!!! » Fat and exhausted!!! Rss Feed