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2009-09-02 8:24 PM

Subject: Long run and Long bike same weekend?
Do you guys consistently do both a long run and long bike on the same weekend?  I wasn't sure if this was considered overdoing it and risking injury.  The weekends are the best time I have for "long" training (particularly the bike), but I'm not sure my legs can handle it ... in fact, they haven't been handling it very well and I've had to back off some.  Twice this year I've built up to managing both on the same weekend only to have my IT band go bad on me after a few weeks.  My next step is to try to build even slower, I just need to know if this is even a reasonable goal.  If not I'm going to have to rearrange my schedule.  Maybe alternate long workouts ... one weekend with long run, then next weekend long bike.  Thoughts?

2009-09-02 8:38 PM
in reply to: #2386143

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Cedar Park
Subject: RE: Long run and Long bike same weekend?

I only do that twice a month at most when I get to the big workouts.  The rest of the month I will do a long run early in the morning on Thursday, rest Friday, Long Bike with a short brick and a swim on Saturday, and then a short run and bike on Sunday. 

2009-09-02 8:39 PM
in reply to: #2386143

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Twin Cities
Subject: RE: Long run and Long bike same weekend?
I can' knee and hip won't let me. I usually do a long run on Friday, and then a long ride on Tuesday or so.
2009-09-02 9:00 PM
in reply to: #2386143

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Subject: RE: Long run and Long bike same weekend?
Last year I did long runs 3-4 days before long rides. This year I did my long rides one day followed by my long runs the next day for last 9 months. No injuries and my running improved.
2009-09-02 9:28 PM
in reply to: #2386143

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Long run and Long bike same weekend?
I've done it both ways.  I did feel that doing a long run mid-week and a long bike on the weekends worked better for me, but not dramatically better.  I did plenty of long run/long bike weekends and it seemed to work out basically fine.  I typically did the run first.  The long bike affects my run more than the long run affects my bike.
2009-09-02 9:49 PM
in reply to: #2386143

Subject: RE: Long run and Long bike same weekend?
I try to do a long run on a thursday then a shorter run on a saturday followed by a long ride sunday. With work schedules, I would think that most people do long on the same weekend. I did for a long time. In a way, the long workouts are supposed to be "easier", so I guess it depends too on how much your pushing yourself.

2009-09-02 9:51 PM
in reply to: #2386143

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Whispering Pines, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Long run and Long bike same weekend?
I recently did a long run (11mi) and followed it up with a 50 mile bike the next day. It sucked.

in my opinion, separate the two by a few days. you don't want your legs to be fried at the start of a long bike.

it's probably more beneficial to be rested when you do your long workouts, but I am not sure on that last statement...
2009-09-02 10:05 PM
in reply to: #2386310

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Long run and Long bike same weekend?
tri_d00d - 2009-09-02 10:51 PM I recently did a long run (11mi) and followed it up with a 50 mile bike the next day. It sucked.

in my opinion, separate the two by a few days. you don't want your legs to be fried at the start of a long bike.

it's probably more beneficial to be rested when you do your long workouts, but I am not sure on that last statement...

Separating them worked better for me too, but I found that it is MORE important to be rested prior to hard interval workouts or tempo runs.  So, for example, I can forget about doing a decent interval run workout the day after a long bike, but when I did the long run/long bike weekends, I'd find that although I needed an hour or so on the bike before I had gotten my form, after that it felt basically fine for the rest (3-5 hours).
2009-09-02 10:21 PM
in reply to: #2386143

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Alpharetta, Georgia
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Long run and Long bike same weekend?
I typically do my long ride on Saturdays (50-60 miles) and my long run on Sundays (10-13 miles) - depending on what my plan tells me to do. Sometimes I switch the days if I want to ride or run with a group. Never had any issues.

2009-09-02 10:59 PM
in reply to: #2386143

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Austin, TX
Gold member
Subject: RE: Long run and Long bike same weekend?
Long ride on Saturday, long run on Sunday. Has worked for me for multiple 1/2's and 2 IM's.
2009-09-03 1:09 AM
in reply to: #2386404

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McKinney, TX
Subject: RE: Long run and Long bike same weekend?
dgunthert - 2009-09-02 10:59 PM

Long ride on Saturday, long run on Sunday. Has worked for me for multiple 1/2's and 2 IM's.

what do you know

I secretly agree. It's worked for me for multiple sprints and 1 OLY (and soon to be one HIM).

2009-09-03 1:12 AM
in reply to: #2386143

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, New Hampshire
Subject: RE: Long run and Long bike same weekend?
If you're not sure you can handle it, then you're probably not ready for it. After sufficient amount of training, you can do a combination long/long weekend.
2009-09-03 5:13 AM
in reply to: #2386143

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Subject: RE: Long run and Long bike same weekend?
I do Long ride Sat & Long run Sun, as well. Mostly because I like long runs/rides with a group. My bike group goes Sat & running group Sun. No real problems thus far.

Edited by GoGoGo 2009-09-03 5:14 AM
2009-09-03 5:18 AM
in reply to: #2386143

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Long run and Long bike same weekend?

Training for my HIM I also did a long bike on Saturday afternoon, a long swim Sunday morning and a long run Sunday afternoon.

Never had any problems and I always enjoyed my rest day on Monday (Monday became my favorite day during that time lol)

The plan purposely put those long workouts together to simulate race conditions.

Before my Sunday long runs I often felt tired and wondered how I would get through but it was never a problem once I started running.


2009-09-03 5:23 AM
in reply to: #2386143

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Subject: RE: Long run and Long bike same weekend?

In training for my first IM in 2008 I did long ride on Saturday and long run on Sunday. Never sore, never injured and peak was 6 hour ride and 4 hour ride.

2009-09-03 6:13 AM
in reply to: #2386143

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Long run and Long bike same weekend?
On weekends I was not racing this year I would do my long bike on Saturday and long run on Sunday.  I had no real soreness issues and honestly never really thought much about it.  I guess it really depends on how well you recover.

2009-09-03 6:22 AM
in reply to: #2386404

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Binghamton, NY
Subject: RE: Long run and Long bike same weekend?

dgunthert - 2009-09-02 11:59 PM Long ride on Saturday, long run on Sunday. Has worked for me for multiple 1/2's and 2 IM's.

X2 - One thing about IM training vs. marathon training is my long runs are only 2 hrs at most. Typically my coach will write a long ride (5 hrs) followed by a 30 min easy brick for Saturday and a 75-100 min run on Sunday. If he has me do a longer run then we have a rest day before.

I came off a stress fractured femur and some bad ITB issues in 2006 from over training and hired a coach in 2007. I have had no injuries since and have done 3 marathons and 4 Ironman races (5 after next weekend) since the stress fracture. My avg weekly running load is usually 20-25 miles and my legs feel great. Most of my run training is on the bike then running on "tired legs". Even before Boston this year my weekly miles running were in the 20's. I can see why people have ITB issues when they're running 40-60 miles a week.

Just my $.02

2009-09-03 12:15 PM
in reply to: #2386143

Subject: RE: Long run and Long bike same weekend?
Thanks to everyone!

Sounds like it's a reasonable goal to do both in the same weekend. 

I'm going to simply back off for awhile and just take it easy.  I'll probably work VERY slowly toward doing them both in the same weekend again (maybe next year).

One other thing I think affects me is that I really don't take an entire day off.  On mondays I just swim (and I used to think I was resting my lower body during this time), but we do some pretty heavy kicking and swimming in my Masters swim class and I think I may be fooling myself into thinking my legs are getting adequate rest.

Thanks again for all the responses.  I love this forum!
2009-09-03 1:30 PM
in reply to: #2386143

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Long run and Long bike same weekend?
This year I did my long bike on Saturday (up to 116 miles) and my long run on Sunday (up to 17 miles).  I knew what it was like to run on tired legs when it came time for my first IM.  If you have reasons that your body can not hold up to that, then listen and break it up.  I have done it both ways S W instead of S S.   
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