BT Development Fixed Bugs » Friends on Training Blog... gone? Rss Feed  
Moderators: alicefoeller Reply
2013-05-20 9:05 AM

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Dallas, TX
Subject: Friends on Training Blog... gone?
I can't find my Friends list on my Training Blog. Am I missing something obvious?

2013-05-20 9:19 AM
in reply to: KSH

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2013-05-20 12:05 PM
in reply to: Teejaay

Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: Friends on Training Blog... gone?
Originally posted by Teejaay

It's under the "community" tab.



2013-05-20 12:13 PM
in reply to: 0

Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: Friends on Training Blog... gone?
So basically we can't VIEW the person's training log anymore? I keep clicking on the name of my Friend and it doesn't go to their page. HUH? I want to see their comments on their workouts that day, etc.

I'm so sad. I loved that feature. How am I going to view Yanti's postings about her funny farm and view the pictures she use to put in her training log? Looks like I can't.

Edited by KSH 2013-05-20 12:14 PM
2013-05-20 12:18 PM
in reply to: KSH

Subject: RE: Friends on Training Blog... gone?
If you community, friends, your list shows up. If you click on someone, you need to navigate to top right side and they will be there with various options to click on.....sort of clunky and lots of going up and down on the page.

On a friends page you can't get to their friends list as best as I can figure out.
2013-05-20 12:34 PM
in reply to: KSH

Alpharetta, Georgia
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Friends on Training Blog... gone?
Yep it's a pain in the butt now and I haven't given or received a single inspire since the change. IT'S TOO HARD, which is sad because that was the #1 awesomene feature of BT-- the community and encourgagement. Now you have to click 3x to get to someone's log to inspire them, and if they are at the bottom of your friends list you have to click, scroll, click and click. Then inspire. UGH.

Hoping they make a change with all of this feedback.

2013-05-20 1:04 PM
in reply to: KathyG

Queen BTich
Subject: RE: Friends on Training Blog... gone?
Originally posted by KathyG

If you community, friends, your list shows up. If you click on someone, you need to navigate to top right side and they will be there with various options to click on.....sort of clunky and lots of going up and down on the page.

On a friends page you can't get to their friends list as best as I can figure out.

I don't think we can get to friends-of-friends. Another problem with the redesign. Having a hard time seeing someone's training log that isn't my friend. Very odd and a major mistake, IMO. It shouldn't be this hard. There should at least be a button that says "training log" on the Profile page.

2013-05-20 1:09 PM
in reply to: 0

Gold member
Subject: RE: Friends on Training Blog... gone?

We're going to work on this soon and get it working like it needs to work.  It will stay it's separate page, but there is a lot we can do based on your feedback, and how you use your friends exactly to view logs or inspire, to get it working a lot better.  Give me a few more days as we get rid of some of the more serious issues.

You've given a lot of good feedback so far, and I thank you for this.  One gains a lot better understanding of how a feature was used when it's changed - which means we have a chance to make it better.

2013-05-20 1:23 PM
in reply to: Ron

Southwest Chicago 'burbs
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Friends on Training Blog... gone?
Just chiming in... x2 on being able to go to Friends-of-Friends...
2013-05-20 9:46 PM
in reply to: StartingToTri

Bronze member
Subject: RE: Friends on Training Blog... gone?

Here is what I have found, you can very easily get to someones training log from a forum post. Just hover over their picture and a whole list of options appear one of them being go to the training log (or something like that). But this is only helpful if you happen upon their forum post. I think before we clicked on their avatar and it took you to their profile and then an extra click to the log? So this is maybe a little simpler than it was. Also, if you know the friend of a friends BT screen name you can search for them from your friends page. It does not only search your current friends list (which is what I originally thought), you can search for anyone.

But yes, another vote that the changes to the friends feature are more cumbersome than it used to be. It was very simple prior to the change to hop around starting with one friend, then check on other people from their page, and see someone else on the next persons friends list and not take the time to add every single person to your own friends list. And I like having my friends list in my training log much better than the separate page. Speaking for myself, reading about the perseverance, trials and tribulations, successes and failures of the personalities on this site is what has kept me around these last few years.

If it is going to stay a separate page it would at least make things easier if when I clicked a friends picture from my friends page it just took me to their training log. The scroll to the top and extra click gets me every time! I think something is wrong with my computer.
2013-05-20 9:54 PM
in reply to: 0

Gold member
Subject: RE: Friends on Training Blog... gone?
I figured out a way to easily bring back the efficiency and even make it more efficient then ever before - even being on it's own page.  I'm working on mockups to get to the programmers - soon.

2013-05-20 10:05 PM
in reply to: Ron

Chesapeake, VA
Subject: RE: Friends on Training Blog... gone?

Originally posted by Ron I figured out a way to easily bring back the efficiency and even make it more efficient then ever before - even being on it's own page.  I'm working on mockups to get to the programmers - soon.


Thanks Ron.  I am an infrequent poster, but someone who has been part of the BT community since 2005.  I don't post much, but I visit often.  I love this site and I love the social community is this site!  The social aspect of this site is very important (in fact I met my wife on BT in 2007) and somehow that is lost in this redesign.  The 'friends list' in BT is what this site is all about. A single click to the my friends list is ok, but doesn't convey the nature of this community.  I am a person that embraces change, but BT has always been about community for me and not just a training log.   From a training aspect, this format is great.

Thanks again Ron!  

2013-05-21 2:23 PM
in reply to: captantony

Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Friends on Training Blog... gone?

I don't mind having Friends on a different page but the I'd really like a quick link from their name to their training log.  As it is now, I click the name and it brings up some info (which takes a while), the scroll up and find the Go to Training Log link. 

Please consider adding a quick link to the training log.

2013-05-21 2:43 PM
in reply to: Ron

South Jersey
Subject: RE: Friends on Training Blog... gone?

Originally posted by Ron I figured out a way to easily bring back the efficiency and even make it more efficient then ever before - even being on it's own page.  I'm working on mockups to get to the programmers - soon.

Awesome! Can't wait to see it! Thanks for listening to your members and being so open to feedback.

2013-05-21 4:23 PM
in reply to: Ron

Extreme Veteran
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Friends on Training Blog... gone?
Originally posted by Ron

We're going to work on this soon and get it working like it needs to work.  It will stay it's separate page, but there is a lot we can do based on your feedback, and how you use your friends exactly to view logs or inspire, to get it working a lot better.  Give me a few more days as we get rid of some of the more serious issues.

You've given a lot of good feedback so far, and I thank you for this.  One gains a lot better understanding of how a feature was used when it's changed - which means we have a chance to make it better.

Thanks, Ron. I think the new site looks awesome, but this was the once piece of functionality that was cumbersome. I found myself visiting the site less and less because it took so much effort to "surf" my friends and other blogs. I realize this is a pretty petty, first-world problem to have :-)

And THANKS for listening to feedback! A whole site overhaul is daunting and a crap ton of work - you've done an awesome job!!!
2013-05-21 5:31 PM
in reply to: StartingToTri

, California
Subject: RE: Friends on Training Blog... gone?

Originally posted by StartingToTri Just chiming in... x2 on being able to go to Friends-of-Friends...

x3: seeing other friends lists makes it easier to get to know the community when you're new.  Maybe allow people to configure whether they want their friends list visible or not?

2013-05-21 5:51 PM
in reply to: Ron

Subject: RE: Friends on Training Blog... gone?
Originally posted by Ron

I figured out a way to easily bring back the efficiency and even make it more efficient then ever before - even being on it's own page.  I'm working on mockups to get to the programmers - soon.

Thanks so much Ron....I miss my BT friends. It is a very unique feature of this site.
2013-05-21 10:34 PM
in reply to: mav

Gold member
Subject: RE: Friends on Training Blog... gone?
Give us a day or two...finished mockups, handed over to programmer.
2013-05-22 6:09 AM
in reply to: Ron

Bronze member
Subject: RE: Friends on Training Blog... gone?

Originally posted by Ron Give us a day or two...finished mockups, handed over to programmer.

Can't wait! Thanks Ron!

2013-05-24 12:21 AM
in reply to: trigal38

Gold member
Subject: RE: Friends on Training Blog... gone?
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