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2011-07-15 7:29 AM

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Greer, SC
Subject: Sign up knowing you're not going to finish
The subject may be a little misleading, but still has some truth.  In the next three weeks, there is an international distance race being held locally.  It is fairly new and supposed to be very difficult so much so that last year, they recommended beginners not participate.  The terrain is very hilly for both the bike and run.  This is where I am a little indecisive.  For the past several years, I have fought achilles tendonitis and one of the main agitators is running hills.  Therefore, I am thinking about doing the swim and bike but skipping the run portion.  This would give me some good OWS practice, T1 practice, a good hilly bike workout and even T2 practice.  I have two problems with this - the cost (I can find all of the mentioned above in a non-race environment without paying the entry fee) and the biggest reason - seeing a big DNF next to my name.  I've never had that before and as far as I'm concerned never will and no, I don't care what anyone else thinks.  Anyone ever done this before?  If so, convince me why it's ok. 

2011-07-15 7:31 AM
in reply to: #3597738

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Subject: RE: Sign up knowing you're not going to finish

Check with the race director. If they are cool with it, you'll just turn in your chip after returning from the bike.

Otherwise, swim and ride the course when it's not race day

2011-07-15 7:33 AM
in reply to: #3597738

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Resident Curmudgeon
The Road Back
Gold member
Subject: RE: Sign up knowing you're not going to finish

Find a relay partner to do the run. Won't do anything for the cost (might increase it) but you won't have the DNF.

Oh, and never say never. Two flats with one spare tube is all it takes to cause a DNF.

2011-07-15 7:36 AM
in reply to: #3597738

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Subject: RE: Sign up knowing you're not going to finish
I've never signed up for one without having the time to train for it or having already been training and am able to do it.

About the never DNF, sometimes life happens. Get hit by a car after a couple weeks of family funeral travel and sometimes the lack of ability to train makes you stop long before the finish line.

2011-07-15 7:42 AM
in reply to: #3597738

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Subject: RE: Sign up knowing you're not going to finish

If you want to do the race, cost is affordable for you, go for it. DNF when it is planned is quite different than one that occurs unexpectedly. Only you know how it will be mentally for you to have that DNF next to your name.

I'm in similar position considering if I will do IMFL and DNF after bike or try and walk the run as I can't run. Difference is I've paid for the race and refund is minimal. But costs of doing the race, travel, hotel ect are significant.

Make list of pros and cons and see which stands out to you.


2011-07-15 7:56 AM
in reply to: #3597738

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2011-07-15 8:08 AM
in reply to: #3597738

Subject: RE: Sign up knowing you're not going to finish

Check to see if they offer the "aqua-bike" option. 

Or, as mentioned above, recruit a runner to do a relay.  That would be fun.

2011-07-15 8:12 AM
in reply to: #3597738

Subject: RE: Sign up knowing you're not going to finish

I have a friend who slayed the swim, did well on the bike, and then walked 26.2 miles of the marathon at IMAZ this year due to injury.   He knew he was going to have to do this prior to the race.  I can't imagine how emotionally difficult that must have been to be walking for 7 hours as people jog past you.  This guy impresses me in many ways- but he must have had a buddah like disposition to do what he did.



2011-07-15 8:42 AM
in reply to: #3597738

Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Sign up knowing you're not going to finish

Can you walk and still finish within the time the RD expects to have the course open?  If so, sign up. 

Otherwise, if it were me, I'd save the race fees and train instead. 

2011-07-15 9:07 AM
in reply to: #3597738

Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: Sign up knowing you're not going to finish
Bear's suggestion of finding a relay partner for the run sounds like a great idea. 

To answer your question, no, I've never entered a race with the intention of not finishing, but I do know people who have for similar reasons to yours.  I personally don't see anything wrong with it.  Although you could do the same things in a private workout, there's nothing like the atmosphere at a race.

I would suggest you talk it over with the race director ahead of time so they know what you're doing and find out how they want to you handle your timing chip.  (You don't want the race staff out searching the course for a missing runner if you drop out at T2 and they don't know it)

As far as the DNF, never say never.  If you DNF because you didn't prepare adequately that's one thing, but flats, mechanicals or injuries can also end your day early.  The more races you do the odds are something unexpected will eventually happen to ruin your day.    

2011-07-15 9:09 AM
in reply to: #3597738

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Sign up knowing you're not going to finish

I don't know how competitive you are by nature, but I wouldn't do the race. You might go in intending not to run, but if you're anything like me you'd let the race atmosphere get the best of you and you'd try to run anyway and wind up exacerbating your injury.

Could you get someone to do it as a relay?

2011-07-15 9:16 AM
in reply to: #3597738

ann arbor, michigan
Subject: RE: Sign up knowing you're not going to finish
I am signed up for a 140.6 race that I only plan on completing about 117.5 of this fall. The original plan was to do the whole thing but racing plans have changed and that is the smartest way for me to realize my real goal.

Would the race director let you do an aquabike? That way you get to finish your race and don't get a dnf. It just won't include a run (and won't be a triathlon per se).

Since you don't care what others think, if you are ok with the dnf, then go for it.
2011-07-15 9:25 AM
in reply to: #3597738

Subject: RE: Sign up knowing you're not going to finish
I would say go for it, if only for the reason that races are fun; all the energy and excitement will help to motivate you for future training.

You can also just think of it as an expensive t-shirt (or water bottle or what ever swag you get). Now the real question: if you only do 2/3rds of the race is it ok to wear the race t-shirt? Last year I was unable to do the HIM is was signed up for due to injury but I still picked up my race packet. I only wear the race t-shirt in the winter as a base layer, so nobody will see it!

2011-07-15 12:04 PM
in reply to: #3597738

New user
San Francisco, CA
Subject: RE: Sign up knowing you're not going to finish

Not to hijack, but I am in a similar boat. I'm signed up for my first tri on August 20, but have a femoral neck stress fracture that's just not healing on quite the kind of trajectory to get me there. As a pure-running-background person, I am considering just doing the swim and the bike to get comfortable with those elements (I currently don't really even know how to ride a bike) and just not do the run.  Mine is a "tri for fun," so I'm not even sure if it's timed... not sure if I need to check with the RD on my plan or not, either.

I definitely agree with the others, though, that you'll need to fight the adrenaline and competitive drive that will kick in. Decide before you even get your toes wet whether you will or will not be making a go at the run and stick to it tooth and nail!

2011-07-15 12:07 PM
in reply to: #3597738

Subject: RE: Sign up knowing you're not going to finish

It's your money, you can do what you want.  I haven't signed up knowing I wouldn't run, but I've started a race knowing I wouldn't run.  Really no big deal, just turn the timing chip in after the bike.

I like the relay idea

As for the DNF, I guess it's personal, but it's just a race.  IMHO, there are two types of racers.  Those that have DNF'd, and those that will DNF. 

2011-07-15 12:15 PM
in reply to: #3597804

N Carolina
Subject: RE: Sign up knowing you're not going to finish
D.K. - 2011-07-15 9:08 AM

Check to see if they offer the "aqua-bike" option. 

Or, as mentioned above, recruit a runner to do a relay.  That would be fun.


2011-07-15 12:40 PM
in reply to: #3597738

Camp Hill, Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Sign up knowing you're not going to finish
Listen to Bear. Never say "never" about a DNF. I had my first this year in May when I was faced with a choice between continuing or taking my back wheel off to put on my son's bike so he wouldn't DNF. Things happen.
2011-07-15 2:01 PM
in reply to: #3597935

Subject: RE: Sign up knowing you're not going to finish
Shop Cat - 2011-07-15 10:09 AM

I don't know how competitive you are by nature, but I wouldn't do the race. You might go in intending not to run, but if you're anything like me you'd let the race atmosphere get the best of you and you'd try to run anyway and wind up exacerbating your injury.


This.  I registered for the aquabike division in an early-season tri this year, but finishing the bike was so anticlimactic and I was so caught up in the race that I went ahead and turned in my chip and did the run anyway.  I now know that I can't be trusted to just do the aquabike!


2011-07-15 2:16 PM
in reply to: #3597738

Summerfield, NC
Subject: RE: Sign up knowing you're not going to finish

Never signed up for a race with the intention of dropping out but have signed up, got injured(couldn't run) and raced knowing I would DNF.  

I don't think it's a big a deal to sign up knowing you'll DNF.   You get a supported, training day with lifeguards and after race refreshment, plus a couple of hundred people to share your pain with.    

I'm actually considering doing it right now.  Getting over an achilles tendon rupture and my run is non-existent but I've been getting some swim and bike work in and thought it might be a good way to end/begin the season.  

2011-07-15 4:53 PM
in reply to: #3598603

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2011-07-15 5:00 PM
in reply to: #3597738

Subject: RE: Sign up knowing you're not going to finish
Perfect timing..I signed up for an Oly (training for REV3 IM in Sept) a couple weeks ago. It's a traditional race that I do and we have family in the area, so it's fun for all. Well, a week after I signed up my hamstring flared up intensely. Tendinitis/-osis. Today, I was told no running. So, I'm thinking, as about really truly racing the swim course and racing the bike then DNF-ing the run. Now, if I'm OK by then to maybe run the spring or jog the 6 miles, I'll do that, but I'm pretty far into my injury...however, I am trying to stay positive!

2011-07-15 9:26 PM
in reply to: #3597738

Greer, SC
Subject: RE: Sign up knowing you're not going to finish
Thanks for all the great responses.  It definitely gives me some ideas to consider.  For the record, the distance of the race isn't the problem (swim, bike or run).  I have already finished two olympics the year and am not concerned at all about the hills.  My AT is in check right now, but I don't want it to become a problem - that is my biggest concern.  I am eight weeks into IMFL training and I don't want a "C" race to sideline me for my "A"race.  I'm definitely considering a relay.
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