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2009-04-07 9:57 PM

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Subject: Newbz' Spring mentor group- FULL!!!!
NAME: Newbz- David Savoie

STORY: After a 6 year stint rowing for first a highschool team and then on my own, i took up triathlons at the prodding of my girlfriend, and was instantly hooked. i am now heading into my 4th season of racing and cannot wait for the real part of the season to roll around!

FAMILY STATUS: I have a wonderful girlfriend of 4 years:-)

CURRENT TRAINING: This year will have me training for a mix of races from sprint through half ironman. i am currently training between 15 and 20 hours a week.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: so far this year i have only done two multisport races, the lifetime indoor triathlon and the OSU triaining biathlon, placed 1st overall in both.

2009 RACES:
miami univeristy sprint
Akron univeristy sprint
Tri for joe sprint
Rest of season TBA

WEIGHTLOSS: Started triathlon around 165, currently sitting on 152ish.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTOR: In addition to my own training and racing i work with athletes of all skill levels in triathlon. i coach, mentor, or otherwise help out a lot of people from the area and nationaly, and enjoy giving back to the sport. I would love to have people of any skill level in here, guys, girls, all ages, anyone that thinks this might be a good fit is welcome to jump on in!

Edited by newbz 2009-04-09 10:07 PM

2009-04-07 11:56 PM
in reply to: #2069915

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Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring mentor group- OPEN!!!!
As you guys join, please copy and past the questions and write up a bit about yourself!
2009-04-08 11:13 AM
in reply to: #2069915

New user

Kansas City
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring mentor group- OPEN!!!!

I’d really like to be part of your group if you’ll have me.


NAME: Noah_E / Noah

STORY: Currently a college student trying to balance school, work, and training. Started as a rugby player who ran and swam for fitness. Slowly but surely what was supposed to be just training turned into the main event. I dropped rugby this spring to give triathlons my full attention and am looking forward to a great first season.

FAMILY STATUS:  Happily dating (will be 4yrs with girlfriend the 24th).

CURRENT TRAINING: Training mainly for shorter distances but have a tendency over-distance in training. I train mainly by HR and hardly run or bike without my garmin in tow. Put in 15-20 hrs a week.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: Nothing yet. Marathon got snowed out a week ago so I’m itching for a race.

2009 RACES:  This year will be a trial by fire for me. I’m looking to do as many races as I can (10-15). Will try to keep to Olympic distance and below. First race will be a duathlon this Saturday (4/11).

WEIGHTLOSS: Currently around 168. Looking to trim only a few pounds down to 160 or 155.

2009-04-08 11:29 AM
in reply to: #2069915

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Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring mentor group- OPEN!!!!
Name: Matt (burritosdaily)

Story: I have loved endurance activities for as long as I can remember... but college, marriage, and family added some pounds and laziness (still my fault but that is just when it happened).  I have always wanted to be involved in triathlons and the swim has always been the obstacle.

Family:  I have been married for 11 years and I have three wonderful kiddos.

Current Training: I began about a week ago training for my first tri which I hope to be the Cap of Tex on Memorial Day.  Currently I am trying to be in the pool 3-4 times per week with two runs and bikes per week.  Most of the swim days have ended in frustration.

This Year's Races:  My hope is to complete three races this very first season.  I am unable to race on Sundays but have found three that are on alternate days.

Weight Loss:  I began an excersise and weigh loss routine on February 2 @ 205lbs and and am currently at 183lbs.

What will make me a good mentee?  I am utterly and completely ignorant and have a huge desire to learn.
2009-04-08 11:42 AM
in reply to: #2069915

Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring mentor group- OPEN!!!!
Errrr....what happened to the old group?
2009-04-08 12:09 PM
in reply to: #2069915

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Findlay, OH
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring mentor group- OPEN!!!!

If you still have a spot I would like to join.  I am more of a lurker in groups as I have a hard time thinking anyone cares what I am doing. lol  But I do enjoy bouncing ideas of other races or people that have been through similar experiences.  I notice you have a Dennison email address, my wife graduated from there around 1995 (not sure).

NAME: David

STORY: Got involved in Tri's a couple years ago with some friends so he could loose weight for his wedding, now we have a group of approx 9 people that go to the races.  Prior to that I was more of a gym rat with virtually no cardio.  This year I have to decided if I want to continue the long races (if I can improve) or step back down to the shorter races for fun. 

FAMILY STATUS:  Married 6 years with 2 yorkies and 1 boxer (Kona)

CURRENT TRAINING: Right now I am working out approx 15 hr but once the weather breaks it will increase very quickly.  Getting ready to start a 17 week IM program

THIS YEAR'S RACES: Nothing yet.

2009 RACES:  70.3 FL, columbus tri, Findlay tri, 70.3 steelhead, IMKY, IMFL

WEIGHTLOSS: Not an issue have trouble keeping weight on once summer comes. Right now I'm about 15 lbs above my IM race weight from last year

2009-04-08 1:09 PM
in reply to: #2069915

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Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring mentor group- OPEN!!!!

I'd love to join in on this program. I've been on this site for a short while now and looking to get motivated and answers to questions.

Name:Shastaman32-Jeff Towers

Story:Played high school soccer and then went military for 4 years where I did 2 tours overseas and was search & rescue. Happily married going on 4 yrs and my wife being a marathon runner inspired me to do something and triathlons look right up my alley.

Current Training:I work out roughly 6 days a week consisting of free weights Mon/Wed/Fri
Swim/Run/Bike on Tue/Wed/Sat

Races: My first if Napa on May 3rd (Sprint Tri) but looking to get a few more in soon including a possible try at an Xterra Tri. Also the Eppies Great Race in Sacramento.

Weightloss: No issues here. I'm just looking to keep my weight or add a few lbs on.

2009-04-08 1:26 PM
in reply to: #2069915

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Des Moines, IA
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring mentor group- OPEN!!!!
NAME: jtaddei - Joel

STORY: Nothing really inspirational about my triathlon story.  My Fiance bought me a bike for my birthday and after riding it non stop for a few months I decided i'd work a bit on my running (was already a good swimmer) and compete in my first sprint tri.  I did REALLY well and decided I was addicted.  Things like this website make me even more addicted

FAMILY STATUS: Engaged - getting married this year June 20th!

CURRENT TRAINING: I'm doing my first half ironman this year so i'm trying to get in 8+ hours a week.  It's pretty easy to do since being laid off but i'm easing into it because this is a new realm of training for me so I don't want to hurt myself any more than i'm already going to.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: Steelhead on August 1st, and the Chicago Triathlon on august 30th.  It's not a very race heavy year for me because i'm getting married and putting a lot of time into that, and my race budget has been completely cut to 0 for the rest of the year as a result of being laid off (architecture in chicago is like a wasteland).

WEIGHTLOSS: Currently walking around at 182 but i'd like to be 170-175 on race day.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTOR: I've read a lot of your posts and you seem like you know what you're doing   Look forward to getting the online cheering section I so desperately need.
2009-04-08 4:35 PM
in reply to: #2069915

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring mentor group- OPEN!!!!
Hi.  I'm interested in joining.  A bit about me:

NAME: Michael (Experior)

STORY: Almost exactly a year ago I quit an unhelthy lifestyle and starting running, soon to be followed by biking and swimming.  I did a marathon (my first) last December.  I did my first and second tris (both sprints) in March andhad a blast.  I'm doing an Oly this month and a HIM in May.  After that, both eyes are on IMKY in August.  (Yes, I know this is crazy.  But that's my story and I'm sticking to it...)

FAMILY STATUS:  Married 15 years.  Three children and untold numbers of pets. 

CURRENT TRAINING: 12-14 hours/week right now.  This is increasing at the moment until I taper a bit for the HIM.  Then build again for IMKY (after a week rest).

THIS YEAR'S RACES:  4 sprints, 1 Oly, 1 HIM, and 1 IM.

WEIGHTLOSS: Lost 30lbs last summer when I started running and biking.  I'm at a decent weight now (5'8", 142lb) but could 5 lbs lighter without a problem.

2009-04-08 4:58 PM
in reply to: #2069915

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Columbus, OH
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring mentor group- OPEN!!!!

If your group is still accepting I would like to join. 

NAME: Cliff

STORY: Never done a tri.  My wife wanted to do a triathlon in 2009 so we bought bikes in the fall of 2008 and started training.  She got pregnant a month later and left me to do the tri by myself, but is very supportive.  I am not a runner, swimmer or biker so progress has been slow but steady.


CURRENT TRAINING: 10-12 hrs a week.  master's swim class M/W/F, biking Tue/Sat, running M/Thu/Sat

2009 RACES:
Wendy's Sprint Tri
Greater Ohioan Sprint Tri

WEIGHTLOSS:  Started at 190 last summer.  lost 6 pounds while running in July/Aug.  Started tri training in Sept and did not lose anything Sept-Dec.  Changed my diet in Jan and I am now down to 171. 

2009-04-08 8:16 PM
in reply to: #2069915

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Extreme Veteran
San Luis Obispo County, CA
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring mentor group- OPEN!!!!

I would like to join too



I'm 49 years old, and my ambition is to complete a triathlon before I turn 50 (in January 2010).  I signed up for the Nation's Triathlon as a local event that would be challenging, tremendously motivating, and a memorable experience due to its location.  My oldest son did a few triathlons about 7 years ago, and thought "this is a pretty cool sport and the people seem pretty nice. I'd like to do it someday."  Well, being significantly overweight for most of my adult life, even classified as obese by BMI, I found my weight and laziness to be the biggest obstacle to achieving my dream. I hit a low point last year when doctors found an irregularity on my heartbeat, a basil cell carcinoma, and after falling asleep during a meeting, being diagnosed with severe sleep apnea. Getting a clean bill of health from my cardiologist, and removal of the cancer, I was still thinking of my dream of doing a triathlon, but decided to once again give myself an excuse saying that anytime during my 50's was good enough to complete one. 
After gorging myself once again at Thanksgiving, and being placed on a CPAP machine at night to mitigate stopping breathing at night, I decided enough is enough. The only way to get off this machine and stop the apneas is through losing weight.  I began to watch my food intake, lose a little weight, started doing some walking.  After 3 months of regular exercise, I discovered I could walk well over an hour several times per week, and lost 35 pounds.  I decided to wait to begin running in the summer, but by the end of February, I felt pretty good about the progress I'd made, and decided that I really could do a triathlon by 50.  I found some good plans here on BT that will guide me to be able to run 5K by the end of April, and then the Nation's Triathlon in September.  I know it's a pretty ambitious plan, but I've always be a decent swimmer, and can already swim a mile in less than 45 minutes, and feel very confident in the next 5 months I can bike and run the distance as well.  Just finishing is my goal, but a significant one at that.  I told my triathlete son, who is currently overseas on an aircraft carrier in the Pacific of my plans.  He's coming home this summer, and wants to check my progress and suggested we do a sprint triathlon together.  So, that then will be my first triathlon - with my son who first planted the seed as a result of his interest in the sport. And, because we are so motivated to compete together, my middle son is going to join us as well.  The Nation’s Triathlon will now be my first Olympic Triathlon.  I come from a family with heart disease and diabete, but I'm determined that's not my story.  It's my way of beating the disease for them.
So, far so good.  I'm on track to compete in the Nation's Triathlon.  The location of the event is providing a significant motivation for me to stick to my diet and exercise plans.  I am planning to come back next year to compare my times, and to prove this is not a one shot deal.  This year, my goal is just to finish.  Next year, I will to try to be even faster, and to compete in several triathlons.

I like gadgets, and tracking my progress on my iphone and a forerunner 50 helps.  Any help I could get is appreciated.  I'm determined to do this.

FAMILY STATUS:  Married 25 years, 3 boys 

CURRENT TRAINING: I'm finishing up the aggressive couch to 5k program, and will transition to the 20 week beginner Olympic program at the end of the month. 


2009 RACES:  New Jersey State Tri (sprint)- Princeton - July 26
                     The Nation's Tri (olympic) - Washington, DC - September 13

WEIGHTLOSS: Started the year at 258.  Currently 223 - plan to be under 200 by the sprint tri in July

2009-04-08 9:48 PM
in reply to: #2072490

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Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring mentor group- OPEN!!!!
first off, welcome everybody!!

we'll keep this open and get a few more in here before we close things off, as without fail a few drop off it seems.

For those of you that have not been in one of these groups before or not watched the older groups, this is here for anything you may need/want. feel free to ask myself or the group at large questions, throw out comments/ideas, group challenges (be it weight, training, or anything really).
we can get topics started on any subject you might want a bit more info about, or just general training questions and motivation.

for those newer to the site, i would recomend a few things

first, if you have not, please log your workouts as you can, this will A) make it much easier for me to help you with training issues/questions if i know whats going on, and B) will make it much easier for you down the road to look at past training, see what works and what doesnt, etc.

i am on here daily as i use this site for my training logs as well. if you have the time go into your logs and add the other group members so you can check on and see what the others are up too!


A bit more about myself.
I am currently living in central ohio (for the ohio folks about 20 miles north of marysville/45 miles north of columbus), and will be here until the 2nd weekend in june, when i will be moving out to boulder CO to be back with my g/f and begin training at altitude:-) I am working towards becoming a pro triathlete, and would prefer to never race over the sprint distance if i had my way. sadly i am going to need to do some longer races if i want this to go anywhere:-(

I am currently biking 10-14 hours a week, running 20-35 miles, and swimming around 14-16k a week, and trying not to fall apart.

I got out of school last may with a degree in photography, and am thinking of going back this fall for an exersice science degree.

I coach three athletes right now in triathlon, one guy just starting out, one in his 2nd year, and my g/f who is also trying to go pro, but am always looking fora few more;-)

well that should be enough to bore most people to death!!

2009-04-08 10:47 PM
in reply to: #2069915

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Miami Fl
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring mentor group- OPEN!!!!
Hi David there is a place for me yet !!!!


STORY: I like sports all in general but I'm full in love with triathlons.It was my dream for long,long time and it came true last year. I started training on August 2008 after trade my mountain bike for a road bike and I did my first tri on January (sprint distance) I finished 3rd on my AG.
Is my second time in a mentor group here in BT and it was agreat and helpful experience.

FAMILY STATUS: Married with a wonderful an supportive woman we had been together for 10 years but got married on October last year.We have a 9 years old boy (future triathlete) we are planning to assist in a kids triathlon on September. Also my other baby an American bulldog 3 years old.

CURRENT TRAINING: I'm currently training 4 to 6 hours a week trying to do 2x each and also some strength.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: I did just one sprint triathlon on January 4

2009 RACES: My plans are at least 2 sprint and 1 olympic this year

Key Biscayne Trilogy #1 on June
Key Biscayne Trilogy #3 on August or Family Fitness weekend on September (south beach) Adult and Kids triathlon.
Miami man Olympic triathlon on November

WEIGHTLOSS: Started triathlon around 175 and I'm 5' 10" sitting on 165 pounds now.

Edited by ampryler 2009-04-09 8:28 AM
2009-04-09 4:55 AM
in reply to: #2069915

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Chicago, IL
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring mentor group- OPEN!!!!
Hey David...I would lke to join your group if it is still open.

NAME: gone/ David

STORY:  I am from Chicago.  Played soccer my whole life, trhough college and a little beyond.  I quit playing seriously about 4 years ago.  I tried training for marathons at that time and never made it due to injury and then decided marathons are crazy.  I have always enjoyed running during season and off.  When I was just running, I would average about 25-30 miles in a week.  During the summer in Chicago, I would tool around on my bike everywhere.  Never took biking seriously at all, but would ride 10, 20+ miles for fun.  At the end of last summer, I started thinking about swiming as an alternative no impact workout.  I started to swim during last fall just to do it.  I was always a little interested in triathlons and made the decision to start doing them this year right around Christmas time.


CURRENT TRAINING:  I have been following the beginner training programs that are found on this site.  Currently using the Intermediate Olympic HR based training program. 

RACES for 2009:  I am doing my first sprint on April 18th, in Petersburg, IL.  I am then going to do the Tempe International Tri on May 17th.  I have already registered for the Chicago Tri in Aug.  I will probably throw a few in between Tempe and Chicago during the summer regionally.

WEIGHTLOSS:  My soccer playing weight was about 172-175 I bulked up a bit to 180 and before deciding to do triathlons weighed about 188.  I never had much of an upper torso, so I had been lifiting to baloance myself out.  I am at 184 now and could probably lean out a bit more for a "race" weight. 6'0" BTW...

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE:  I am perhaps too competitive for my own good, I hate to do anything without a complete effort.  I have come a long way in a short time already with my training and just want to improve.
2009-04-09 7:40 AM
in reply to: #2069915

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New York, NY
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring mentor group- OPEN!!!!
Any chance you have room for one more mentee??  If so, I'd love to join in!

Name: Kelli

Family Status
: Single

Current Training: This is my second season of doing tri's....after my first one last year I was hooked instantly!  I'm in my third week of training for my first HIM (Timberman) and loving every second!  Currently training 10-12 hours a week.

This Year's Races:
Ran the DC Cherry Blossom 10-miler last weekend, and have a half-mary coming up in 2 weeks.  This season I'm doing 2 sprints, 1 Oly, 1 (maybe 2) HIM

Weightloss: I wouldn't mind dropping 2-3 lbs, but I'm happy to just maintain my current weight

What Will Make Me a Good Mentee:  I full out love this sport!!  I want to get better & faster, and I'm willing to put in the work and do whatever it takes.  I've also seen a number of your posts and you seem to be very knowledgable, so I'd love to be able to get some solid feedback on my training.


Edited by KelliD 2009-04-09 7:55 AM
2009-04-09 8:13 AM
in reply to: #2069915

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Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring mentor group- OPEN!!!!
room for one more from The cuse?!?

NAME: cusetri/Mike

STORY: lets see...Two years ago I saw a picture of myself at 258 lbs. (I'm 6'), slowly gaining 10-15 lbs a year you don't realize how big you are until you see a picture...that was enough.  2 years later, I'm at 182 and am addicited to endurance sport.  Ran my 1st marathon Nov 2 2008 at NYC, at had a blast.  Did some training series triathlons end of last summer and was hooked from the first time.  My first "official" race in June 7th at Keuka Lake, NY. 

FAMILY STATUS:  Happily Married with 3 boys, 5, 3, 1.  That keeps us busy, but me and my wife love triathlon and we find time for it all! 

CURRENT TRAINING: Designed my own training based on Friel and periodization.  Currently in R&R Base 3, moving to build 1 april 13.  Swim 3x/wk, bike 4-5x/wk and run 3x/wk.  currently do weights 1x per week, strengthn maintanance.

THIS YEAR'S RACES:  so far 1 5k race.  Wanted to break 20', came in at 20:39.  I'll hit it next time!

2009 RACES:

2009-12-06Marathon of the Palm Beaches (draft) RaceLink (2) - StartThreadEdit
2009-08-09Cazenovia Triathlon 2008 - 8th Annual (draft) RaceLink (3) - StartThreadEdit
2009-07-18Mini-mussel (draft) RaceLink (15) - StartThreadEdit
2009-07-12Boilermaker 15K Road Race (draft) RaceLink (6) - StartThreadEdit
2009-06-2030th Annual YMCA Triathlon (draft) RaceLink (4) - StartThreadEdit
2009-06-07Keuka Lake Triathlon (draft) RaceLink (10) - StartThreadEdit
2009-05-03Syracuse Mountain Goat 10 mile run (draft)

WEIGHTLOSS: Currently around 182 lbs.  my goal is to get to 175 by 1st race....Keep on me about that!!.  sometimes I feel like I can sneak in a treat here and there.  For me to get to 175, I need to cut out the crap!

What Will Make Me a Good Mentee:  I will take advice and try it with the best intent.  I always think what I am doing is right, however as soon as someone with proven results shows me a better way, I'll change without any resistance.  I want nothing more than to compete at the very best of my ability at every race.  I'm looking for someone who can assist me to taking my game to the abosolute peak level.

Edited by cusetri 2009-04-09 8:16 AM

2009-04-09 8:42 AM
in reply to: #2069915

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Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring mentor group- OPEN!!!!
Is there still room?

NAME: Derek H
STORY:  Enjoyed sports and mtn biking growing up.  Recently ran a few half marathons and 10ks with my wife and really enjoyed the atmosphere.  When looking for different races I saw that my area (Tempe, AZ) has several triathlons, thought it would be a fun challenge so I decided to give it try. 
FAMILY STATUS:  Married for just over 8 months
CURRENT TRAINING:  Currently training for my first sprint in May and hope to add two or three more by the end of October.
2009 RACES:  Tempe International Tri May 17th is my only planned so far.
WEIGHTLOSS:  Not really trying to lose any weight, currently hovering around 155 lbs
WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE:  I really am enjoying my training but beleive that my lack of knowlege in the sport is what is really holding me back.
2009-04-09 9:10 AM
in reply to: #2069915

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Extreme Veteran
San Luis Obispo County, CA
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring mentor group- OPEN!!!!

I think my training log is pretty much up-to-date for April.  Need to go back an put some stuff in for March.  That's when I decided to begin the couch to 5K aggressive plan.  I think it's open, but when I look at actual vs. planned, doesn't look right.  However, the actuals seem to be OK.

Here's some background:  By the last week of April, I will have gone from walking 4-6 hours/week in Jan and Feb, to beginning running at the beginning of March.  Started with 9mins during the walk, broken up into 2 minute segments.  By the last week of the program, I will be running 24 minutes continuously 3x week, plus an extra day of bike/swim, or something else, and then walking the remainder of an hour or more.  Today I made it 22 minutes and over 2 miles for the first time since I was in my 20's!  On April 27th, I transition to the 20 week beginner 2X balanced Olympic triathlon plan.  The first run is 24 minutes.  No problem.  The second run will be 40 minutes.  I doubt I can make that, but I'll break it up as necessary to complete the total time.  Swimming and biking I think will be fine for me.

Here's where I could use some advice. The 2x balanced olympic plan currently has me running 2x/week, with 2 days off.  I think coming from far down as I am, at least for the first month or 2, the 2 days off will be important for recovery.  However, I think running will be the most difficult part for me, and I am not sure running 2x/week will be good enough.  The running focused 20 week plan looks good, but only has 1 day off/week.  So, my plan is to use the 2x balanced plan for a month or 2, and then the running focused plan.

Any other ideas or thoughts?

2009-04-09 9:20 AM
in reply to: #2073448

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Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring mentor group- OPEN!!!!
alrighty guys i think i am going to close off the group now, if it looks like we need more we'll re-open it down theroad.
2009-04-09 9:33 AM
in reply to: #2069915

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South eastern Ohio
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring mentor group- OPEN!!!!

Good morning David and all,

If you have more space I need you again...

Name: Chris....chrisrunzs26

Story: Started running and did marathons about 7 yrs ago. Started doing Tri's 3seasons ago. Lost 100+ lbs in the process. Have recently lost my Mojo and there for  need help and a good butt kickin' to get it back on track.

Family status: Married, 3 grown children, 2 grand-girls and 1  4 month old Great Pyrenees puppy (Sam) new training partner.

Current training: Trying to get back at it but have been consistently run/walk at least 1 to 1.5 hr day with Sam. Other than that I am putting 1/2 Iron on the schedule, late Sept.

This years races:  Toyota Challenge 1/2 Iron in Sept and Columbus Marathon in Oct. Also some bike tours but not sure which ones yet.

Weight loss: need to drop 30lbs...picked up 10 extra in my slackerdom

David: I need you to kick me into gear. and my running is still not great. I will be a much improved athlete with your help.  Thanks again and looking forward to not being a big ole' slacker. Have been posting my workouts...what there are of them .



Edited by chrisrunzs26 2009-04-09 9:34 AM
2009-04-09 9:50 AM
in reply to: #2073448

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Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring mentor group- FULL!!!!
hip82 - 2009-04-09 10:10 AM

I think my training log is pretty much up-to-date for April.  Need to go back an put some stuff in for March.  That's when I decided to begin the couch to 5K aggressive plan.  I think it's open, but when I look at actual vs. planned, doesn't look right.  However, the actuals seem to be OK.

Here's some background:  By the last week of April, I will have gone from walking 4-6 hours/week in Jan and Feb, to beginning running at the beginning of March.  Started with 9mins during the walk, broken up into 2 minute segments.  By the last week of the program, I will be running 24 minutes continuously 3x week, plus an extra day of bike/swim, or something else, and then walking the remainder of an hour or more.  Today I made it 22 minutes and over 2 miles for the first time since I was in my 20's!  On April 27th, I transition to the 20 week beginner 2X balanced Olympic triathlon plan.  The first run is 24 minutes.  No problem.  The second run will be 40 minutes.  I doubt I can make that, but I'll break it up as necessary to complete the total time.  Swimming and biking I think will be fine for me.

Here's where I could use some advice. The 2x balanced olympic plan currently has me running 2x/week, with 2 days off.  I think coming from far down as I am, at least for the first month or 2, the 2 days off will be important for recovery.  However, I think running will be the most difficult part for me, and I am not sure running 2x/week will be good enough.  The running focused 20 week plan looks good, but only has 1 day off/week.  So, my plan is to use the 2x balanced plan for a month or 2, and then the running focused plan.

Any other ideas or thoughts?

my initial thoughts on this are going two ways.

one the plan you have of switching over looks good.

two, if you have the free time/pool available, something else to ocnsider would be to do ther unning you can handle right now, and take the rest into the pool for pool running (you littlerally get in the deep in and tread water by doign a running motion), this will imrove run fitness without any impact. runners do this when injured to come back from things like stress fractures so they can hold onto and imrove fitness without impact.

baring that, i would just slowly up the running. another thought would simply be to pick the plan you like best/fits best, stick with theswim/bike from it and do the running on your own, shorter 20ish min runs until you are ok going longer and then slowly work up to the plans distances.
there is nothing wrong with running 20 min at a time, i spent 3 months this fall/winter running no more than 25 min 3-4 days a week getting my body ready for what this season has in store.

good luck and keep the questions coming!

Edited by newbz 2009-04-09 9:50 AM

2009-04-09 9:52 AM
in reply to: #2073520

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Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring mentor group- OPEN!!!!
chrisrunzs26 - 2009-04-09 10:33 AM

Good morning David and all,

If you have more space I need you again...

Name: Chris....chrisrunzs26

Story: Started running and did marathons about 7 yrs ago. Started doing Tri's 3seasons ago. Lost 100+ lbs in the process. Have recently lost my Mojo and there for  need help and a good butt kickin' to get it back on track.

Family status: Married, 3 grown children, 2 grand-girls and 1  4 month old Great Pyrenees puppy (Sam) new training partner.

Current training: Trying to get back at it but have been consistently run/walk at least 1 to 1.5 hr day with Sam. Other than that I am putting 1/2 Iron on the schedule, late Sept.

This years races:  Toyota Challenge 1/2 Iron in Sept and Columbus Marathon in Oct. Also some bike tours but not sure which ones yet.

Weight loss: need to drop 30lbs...picked up 10 extra in my slackerdom

David: I need you to kick me into gear. and my running is still not great. I will be a much improved athlete with your help.  Thanks again and looking forward to not being a big ole' slacker. Have been posting my workouts...what there are of them .



christ, good to see you again! hopfully this warm weather helps kick us all into gear a bit
2009-04-09 10:13 AM
in reply to: #2069915

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South eastern Ohio
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring mentor group- OPEN!!!!


Thanks....I'm going to do the Toyota Challenge at Deer Creek. It is Sept 27th, that is 24 wks away. The training plan on BT is 20 wks.  So my ?? is, what do I do until then. Should I upload a shorter training plan, ex: Sprint/Oly and do it for a month and then switch to the 1/2 Iron ? My bike is my fav workout so getting them in is not a prob. but as you know the run is my nemesis. Swimming is not great but when I do it it is not too bad. Am I making it too complicated?? What do you say?

2009-04-09 10:22 AM
in reply to: #2069915

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Des Moines, IA
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring mentor group- OPEN!!!!
Hey David,

I've never been a flexible person ever in my life although this has never really inhibited me from playing sports, i'm trying to become more flexible.

Of course I read *everywhere* that stretching reduces the amount of pain after a workout etc etc and I started doing some calf/ham/quad stretches but i'm about as flexible and graceful with these stretches as an awkward teenager with a prom date.  Of course i'd love to one day be as flexible and graceful as a yoga instructor but for now i'd settle with just being able to hold my legs at a 90 degree angle (one up in the air, other flat on the floor).

So what is your reccomendation for stretching?  Both before and after?  How many minutes do you dedicate to it?  What stretches?  If I can't do it fully is it okay to do it halfway?  Any input you can provide on stretching would be fantastic.


Edited by jtaddei 2009-04-09 6:23 PM
2009-04-09 12:01 PM
in reply to: #2069915

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New York, NY
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring mentor group- OPEN!!!!

Hi David,
I hate to be deserter but I am going to move on over to another group.  The person leading the group & several members have done/are doing some races I have my eye on.

Sorry to be such a short lived member!

Good Luck & Happy Training!

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