General Discussion Triathlon Talk » Meniscus Tear Rss Feed  
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2020-01-09 7:13 AM

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, Pennsylvania
Subject: Meniscus Tear
Yes I have been to an Orthopedic Surgeon...

I tore my meniscus a couple of years ago and was told at the time that I can continue to train and do my daily activities until the pain doesn't work for me anymore. Interestingly, I can run and bike and swim without pain. I do think that my gait has changed as I won't extend my left leg (sheltering the meniscus from pinching). My left shoes wear out sooner than the right.

Specifically sore after hard bike efforts, but never during.

Who has dealt with this, who has had it cleaned up? I am not one for surgery; however, I don't want to wear the brace all the time either.

2020-01-09 9:17 AM
in reply to: PigeonTri

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Atlanta, Georgia
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Subject: RE: Meniscus Tear
Pretty much the same thing a few years back - advice was to hold off on surgery until the discomfort was interfering with lifestyle. Had the knee scoped, went through some PT and was back at it in time to do a 140.6 maybe six months later, IIRC. More or less that simple. Scope revealed a good bit of arthritis which led to my decision to have stem cell/PRP injections but that's another story.

Good luck with your decision. I would say it was pretty obvious when it was time to proceed with surgery.
2020-01-09 11:25 AM
in reply to: PigeonTri

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over a barrier
Subject: RE: Meniscus Tear
A good friend had his Meniscus repaired and moved the next day (drove across the country) and then signed up for IM and finished 12hrs. He said he was upset he didn't do it sooner. At least 1 positive experience for you.
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General Discussion Triathlon Talk » Meniscus Tear Rss Feed  

Who out there is missing some of their meniscus and can still run w/o pain? Pages: 1 2

Started by willow
Views: 8650 Posts: 27

2019-01-30 2:13 PM BlueBoy26