General Discussion Triathlon Talk » 05-12.2020 - Torpid Tuesday Rss Feed  
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2020-05-12 8:38 AM

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Cypress, Texas
Subject: 05-12.2020 - Torpid Tuesday

5:45 AM - 6-mile run in the pouring rain.

I am out of the routine.  I used to check the weather forecast every night before I retired to bed, but haven't done that regularly for a week or so.  So when the alarm when off at 5:30 AM this morning and I could hear the rain, I wasn't expecting it.  Usually, I try to plan my windows throughout the week so that I am inside on the bike trainer on days that are likely to have rain and outdoors running on days that are not supposed to be raining.  Well, yesterday was beautiful but I was on the bike.  at 5:31 I was considering changing plans to ride the bike but my legs didn't want another bike day.  So run-day it was.  I put on two layers of long sleeve and long bottoms a buff over my neck and head and a cap on and headed out.  The two layers prevented the cold rain from soaking through to me.  By the time the rain got in I already had sweat moving out so I stayed warm.  As I soaked more and more water the weight I was carrying got heavier and heavier.  With two layers of long sleeves over my watch, I couldn't run by pace so I just ran slow and torpid today.  The pace was almost a minute slower than what I typically would have done but after a ton of virtual races the past 2-1/2 weeks I won't be doing any fast stuff for a few weeks so this worked just fine for what I needed.

Have a great day BT.

2020-05-12 10:58 AM
in reply to: BlueBoy26

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Overland Park, KS
Subject: RE: 05-12.2020 - Torpid Tuesday
Got up uncharacteristically early to ride in somewhat dry conditions. Oh Five Thirty and drove up to the downtown airport for some flat TT laps. There's a local Tri coach that hosts informal TT's there each year but this year's is a go on your own and report back via Facebook/Strava deal. I went out there hoping I'd have some mojo but after a few laps I knew it just wasn't there. I had an ablation for AFIB back in March so I'm far from 100%. I might go out again when it's warmer, it was 46 deg F this morning. I was 3+ mph slower than my best effort out there so hoping I can get back into some degree of race fitness again.
2020-05-12 12:29 PM
in reply to: reecealan

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, Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: 05-12.2020 - Torpid Tuesday
Took a lunch run up a hill and around.

8 miles with a nice temp and a moderate wind. Ran most of it with a good friend, which is always nice.

Happy Tuesday!
2020-05-12 2:36 PM
in reply to: BlueBoy26

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Atlanta, Georgia
Silver member
Subject: RE: 05-12.2020 - Torpid Tuesday
One hour Sufferfest ride with a variety of aspects to the profile. It's awfully nice weather to be riding indoors but that's how I'm going about things these days..
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