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2005-11-04 11:58 AM

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2005-11-04 12:14 PM
in reply to: #278183

Subject: RE: Puppy thoughts

Pointer/Beagle mutt mix....of course I'm biased.    Rescue dog of course.



If you get an active/running breed, then you have a running partner/coach also. 

2005-11-04 12:21 PM
in reply to: #278183

Subject: RE: Puppy thoughts
Rescued racing greyhound!

2005-11-04 12:40 PM
in reply to: #278183

Findlay OH
Subject: RE: Puppy thoughts

Mutts make the best pets. 

2005-11-04 12:41 PM
in reply to: #278183

Beautiful Sonoma County
Subject: RE: Puppy thoughts

I want a Maltese.  They're so cute, and they don't shed.  But they yip.

2005-11-04 12:44 PM
in reply to: #278183

Livingston, MT
Subject: RE: Puppy thoughts
I wouldn't do rescued just because you don't know what your getting. When you bring a puppy into the house, they truly become part of the family.

We went with an Mini Australian shephard, but for the size of your yard, you might consider a full. They are the smartest dogs I've come across. Easy to train, lovable as all dogs are, and beautiful.

Have fun

2005-11-04 12:45 PM
in reply to: #278183

Mt. Morris, IL
Subject: RE: Puppy thoughts
I have two Golden Retrievers (both rescue dogs) and I have never meet a nicer more loyal dog. They are high energy and need some attention (as most dogs do), but nothing is better than the unconditional love of a dog. Not to mention they make great running partners. Good luck but my biggest recommendation is to get a rescue dog of some kind and remember all you pay for when you buy a dog from a breeder is an inbreed dog!
2005-11-04 12:46 PM
in reply to: #278183

SF soon!
Subject: RE: Puppy thoughts
I'm of no help but I can make a suggestion for what *not* to get. One of my bestfriends has a Mexican Hairless and it's seriously the ugliest dog I've ever seen. Ever. Dog has no hair or teeth. My other friends call it "Skindog."
2005-11-04 12:49 PM
in reply to: #278183

Subject: RE: Puppy thoughts
just say NO to the bassett hound... great w/kids... to much hair
2005-11-04 12:57 PM
in reply to: #278183

Pittsburgh, my heart is in Glasgow
Subject: RE: Puppy thoughts
Beware: some dogs just don't dig kids because kids play rough as do dogs (ear pulling, screaming, yelling, throwing can be stressful on a dog, as can a dog's roughhousing/tugging/barking for a kid). Example: Scottish terriers tend to be "adult" dogs, prefering the calmer environment of an all-adult household.

On rescue dogs: I've owned nothing but rescue dogs, only one was adopted as a pup. Fuzzy (a wire haired terrier grab bag) was the best, sweetest, kindest, smartest dog you could ever ask for. She was 3 when we adopted her. Allready house trained. Copper was 3 when we got her too, allready house trained, she was surrendured for "Destructive chewing"...she has never chewed anything in our house (chewing was probably a result of lack of exercise/attention). It's important to meet/greet potential pups at the shelter, play with them, see if they connect, see their temperment, ask volunteers what their experience has been with this dog on leash/off leash.

The point I'm making is that, for a first dog, perhaps an older dog might be a better choice. If you decide to get a pedigreed dog, perhaps look into breed rescue organizations which often have older dogs who are at the end of a show career/ didn't work out in the competitve ring.

Edited by phoenixazul 2005-11-04 1:00 PM
2005-11-04 1:04 PM
in reply to: #278183

Vancouver, BC
Subject: RE: Puppy thoughts
Terriers are my very favourite breed.
They're cute and cuddly and easy dogs to feed.

Seriously though, I like German Shepards. I don’t know if my advice means much as I’ve never owned a dog. Up until 2 weeks ago, I had been volunteering at the SPCA for the past 3 years, so I have some experience with rescue dogs. I think the shelter should let you spend some time with the dog before adopting it and even let you bring it home to see how well he/she fits with your family. I don’t think that you should hesitate to get a rescue dog.


2005-11-04 1:05 PM
in reply to: #278183

Austin, TX
Subject: RE: Puppy thoughts
Generic answer....lab...they are great with kids, but they do shed...

My answer...I rescued an Irish Terrier mix and she is amazing...very little shedding, loves anything that moves including kids, loves to run, loves to chill, and the most eager to please dog I've ever had..
2005-11-04 1:07 PM
in reply to: #278183

Centennial, CO
Subject: RE: Puppy thoughts
Spend some time at shelters. Don't just go and buy. Look for a pet you really want. We have two purebred bloodhounds, both rescued dogs. Pound dogs are great, but don't always have to be mutts. You can get just what you want if you look a little. Just my .02


PICT0125s.jpg (31KB - 9 downloads)
2005-11-04 1:30 PM
in reply to: #278289

Vancouver, BC
Subject: RE: Puppy thoughts
rcjeffers - 2005-11-04 11:05 AM

My answer...I rescued an Irish Terrier mix and she is amazing...very little shedding, loves anything that moves including kids, loves to run, loves to chill, and the most eager to please dog I've ever had..

They'll bring you up whenever you are down.
Terriers average 20 pounds.
2005-11-04 2:19 PM
in reply to: #278183

Austin, TX
Subject: RE: Puppy thoughts
Maudie was supposed to be roughly 25 to 30 pounds...she's 43.5 and not fat at all!!!!

(Reagan and Maudie.jpg)

Reagan and Maudie.jpg (88KB - 11 downloads)
2005-11-04 2:21 PM
in reply to: #278406

Vancouver, BC
Subject: RE: Puppy thoughts
Wow Maudie is really pretty. Great pic.

Terriers are my very favourite breed,
Cute and cuddly, easy dogs to feed.

2005-11-04 2:27 PM
in reply to: #278409

Austin, TX
Subject: RE: Puppy thoughts
Yeah...I love terriers...their personalities are great...yeah, that has to be my favorite pic..between Maudie (I had only had her for about 5 days then) and I am marked up for my first Tri ever....
2005-11-04 2:40 PM
in reply to: #278183

Hurst, Texas
Subject: RE: Puppy thoughts

I like any dog that will like me back, as evidenced by the fact that we had seven dogs at one point, and are now down to 4...we lost a few in the last two years

Our favorite breed is the Boston Terrier.  Fantastic with kids, very loyal, playful, and not too much hair.  We have also had Goldens, which are a close second on my "favorite" list, only because they are  a little more rambunctious/destructive as puppies. 

We've had purebreds, mutts, and rescue dogs, and have loved them all equally.  The best bet is to research breeds that you think you might be interested in, talk to a local veterinarian, and then go visit some shelters, rescue organizations and/or breeders and see what you like. 

2005-11-04 3:30 PM
in reply to: #278258

Subject: RE: Puppy thoughts
ChuckyFinster - 2005-11-04 11:44 AM

I wouldn't do rescued just because you don't know what your getting. When you bring a puppy into the house, they truly become part of the family.

Have fun

yeah, and you don't really ever know what you are getting ever- dogs, like babies, are both biologically and environmentally rasied. My dogs wer e puppies when we got them from a rescue, and are truly a part of our family, and while there have been "issues," who's to say a diff dog would not have had issues (chewing, barking, accidents when they were puppies-- all dogs are a pain in the butt at some point!)

we have a beagle/pointer/foxhound and a husky shepherd.

at the dog park
Image hosted by Photobucket.com

Edited by possum 2005-11-04 3:35 PM
2005-11-04 3:33 PM
in reply to: #278417

Vancouver, BC
Subject: RE: Puppy thoughts
2005-11-04 3:33 PM
in reply to: #278183

Extreme Veteran
Plymouth MA
Subject: RE: Puppy thoughts
I second the Boston terrier!! We have a ten month old and he's great with the kids and sheds very little.
We also have a pug- great with the kids, but sheds...A LOT.
If I can ever figure out how to post pics I will. Good Luck

Definitely check out rescue. There are a lot of good dogs available.
Getting a puppy is like having a new baby....its a lot of work.

2005-11-04 3:35 PM
in reply to: #278183

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2005-11-04 3:36 PM
in reply to: #278510

Austin, TX
Subject: RE: Puppy thoughts
jeng - 2005-11-04 3:33 PM

rcjeffers this is for you.

2005-11-04 4:16 PM
in reply to: #278183

Livingston, MT
Subject: RE: Puppy thoughts
heh, didn't expect such a backlash. I'm of the belief that the dog that was beaten/starved/deprived of love/left to the environment by his owner and ends up playing with your five year old MAY one day let loose some bottled up agression that you had no idea was there. I certainly don't want the potential for those influences in my living room. If you want a project, then by all means, do the PC thing. There are certainly advantages to both, I just think that the puppy you raise will be closer to center than the dog that just got out of the joint.
2005-11-04 4:18 PM
in reply to: #278544

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