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2009-08-20 4:46 PM

New user
Long Beach--So Cal!!!
Subject: Using trainer for bike miles through IM training
I am back on my bike now after being in a nasty accident and am working hard at not feeling discouraged while trying to make up for lost time. I have modified my training schedule again to ride early and away from people or cars and the early start time is killing me as I am losing daylight and have to be presentable for work. My weekends are jam packed in the mornings between marathon training, swim practice, and church.

Is it insane to think that I could do the majority of my bike training on a trainer (in front of a TV) up to an including an IM distance training program? I am looking to do IM Tempe 2010 which is supposedly pretty flat...

Also, I use a cateye wireless stratus computer for monitoring my cadence and average speed throughout my road miles and also use the Garmin 305 just to collect data to upload into training programs. Any ideas how I could collect data if I was on a t trainer and not using the GPS to go anywhere?

2009-08-20 5:20 PM
in reply to: #2361122

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Subject: RE: Using trainer for bike miles through IM training

I'm a little confused.  Are you training now for IMAZ 2010?   Or for a marathon this year? 

I would say trainer or not, you shouldn't be in the midst of training now for a race (IM included) that's 15 months away...... 

Now, if you're training for something before then, trainer is fine.  You don't need anything more than a couple hours on the trainer for an Oly distance, but that's gonna be hard.  Outside for long rides is preferable, but if trainer is all you can do, just make it work.

2009-08-20 5:22 PM
in reply to: #2361122

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Calgary, AB
Silver member
Subject: RE: Using trainer for bike miles through IM training
There are those who have done all their IM bike training on the trainer but they are not the normal set. 7 hrs on a trainer, oh my... I did 4ish and it wasn't pleasant.

You also better have good bike handling as well since you don't get that trainer riding.
2009-08-20 5:32 PM
in reply to: #2361122

New user
Long Beach--So Cal!!!
Subject: RE: Using trainer for bike miles through IM training
I am marathon training now. About 6 weeks out from Long Beach. I will be doing at least a couple marathons per year. Hopefully in a few years BQing, if not sooner...

I am still pretty new to swimming and biking, so I want to give myself plenty of time to go from a zero knowledge base to an IM finish. I will be completing Oly and HIM races before attempting the IM. I know that as I improve, I am able to get and keep more intense training partners...

I am hoping to be in aero and do workouts suggested in the different plans and in different posts--but definitely know I wil need to be doing supplemental bike handling workouts. Hopefully these will be shorter, that I can squeeze in the afternoon dead times during the weekend, in my work parking lot.

Thanks so much for the guidance and quick responses!
2009-08-20 6:56 PM
in reply to: #2361122

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Subject: RE: Using trainer for bike miles through IM training

For two years I lived in an area where it was very dangerous to ride: narrow country roads + no shoulder + lots of high-speed traffic.  Cyclists were often seriously injured or killed in hit/skip accidents.  So I did 100% of my IM cycling on the computrainer.  The only road riding I did was in races.

Yes, it can be done, although it will sometimes suck.

2009-08-21 9:06 AM
in reply to: #2361282

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Alpharetta, GA
Subject: RE: Using trainer for bike miles through IM training
marq - 2009-08-20 7:56 PM

For two years I lived in an area where it was very dangerous to ride: narrow country roads + no shoulder + lots of high-speed traffic.  Cyclists were often seriously injured or killed in hit/skip accidents.  So I did 100% of my IM cycling on the computrainer.  The only road riding I did was in races.

Yes, it can be done, although it will sometimes suck.

First off, congrats!

Second thought, being on the trainer for that long will definitely train your mental tough skills.

Also, I use a cateye wireless stratus computer for monitoring my cadence and average speed throughout my road miles and also use the Garmin 305 just to collect data to upload into training programs. Any ideas how I could collect data if I was on a t trainer and not using the GPS to go anywhere?

Get another computer and hook it up to your trainer. That way, you can track speed(even though it does not really translate to outside speed), distance, etc. You can always get a cadense sensor for your 305 and track that if the computer you buy for the trainer does not have one.

That is what I did. I have a road and tri bike. The road it always in the trainer with a second computer hooked up to the rear wheel/trainer. That way if it is raining, dark, etc. I can just jump on the trainer and knock out some miles.

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