General Discussion Triathlon Talk » 3.2.14 Sunday Runday! Rss Feed  
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2014-03-02 9:07 AM

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Subject: 3.2.14 Sunday Runday!
Good morning BT Friends!Heading out for a 2 hour run in the beautiful desert mountains! I'll be looking for some good long climbs!After that heading out to Blue Lake for a 60 minute swim. Have an excellent Sunday!

2014-03-02 10:01 AM
in reply to: ingleshteechur

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Ontario Canada
Subject: RE: 3.2.14 Sunday Runday!
Good Morning

Slacking off today, Playing with the Pooches, Shoveling a fresh 6 inches of Snow, fixing the washing machine, and getting Tax Crap assembled so I can start on taxes YECH !!!

Personally I think I would much rather be working out
2014-03-02 4:43 PM
in reply to: ingleshteechur

Scottsdale, AZ
Subject: RE: 3.2.14 Sunday Runday!
Hello All!

Well, was supposed to have a Duathlon today - where the run was on trail and there was either a mountain bike or road bike option (I was doing road). But, it was raining ALL day yesterday and last night, into early morning. Being that AZ hasn't had rain in 3 months, things flood quite easily and the race site along with most of the city was a complete they cancelled the race. to head to the gym:

2.5 mile run to the gym
circuit consisting of 10 rounds of:

400 m run
10 reps chest exercise
10 reps back exercise
10 reps shoulder exercise
10 reps leg exercise

Then 1.5 mile run home.

It's a fun workout and nice for a change when I want to switch up the normal SBR thing. Back to normal training tomorrow!
2014-03-02 4:48 PM
in reply to: runspingirl

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Overland Park, KS
Subject: RE: 3.2.14 Sunday Runday!
One hour on the trainer. Did my 20' test to determine new FTP. FTP goes up 6.4%. Happy with the results but not sure I'm happy about tougher workouts....
2014-03-02 5:31 PM
in reply to: ingleshteechur

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Subject: RE: 3.2.14 Sunday Runday!
Cramming to finish my Week 6 of HIM TP

coming off work last night

AM 1 mi lake swim


Afternoon 1.5 hr. Run

Work again tonight

im so off tomorrow
2014-03-02 5:45 PM
in reply to: strykergt

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: 3.2.14 Sunday Runday!
AM 3 hour ride around the industrial park (not terribly inspiring!); 42 minute brick run
PM 30 minutes upper body and core stuff at gym, 10 minutes of loafing in the pool to get kinks out of legs

Nice brunch in between.

2014-03-02 7:40 PM
in reply to: ingleshteechur

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Subject: RE: 3.2.14 Sunday Runday!
Finally back in the pools after cancer treatment recovery. Only did 500m in drills but it was good to be back in the water. Probably gonna feel it tomorrow. I've been on the trainer and doing strength training over the last month an a half. Hoping this week to start pushing it a little more.
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