General Discussion Triathlon Talk » Run to swim ok for heart? Rss Feed  
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2019-12-05 3:43 PM


Subject: Run to swim ok for heart?
Should I pause between hard run and easy swim? Someone said my heart needs to slow down between vertical run and horizontal swim session.

2019-12-05 4:14 PM
in reply to: Jane1964

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, Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Run to swim ok for heart?
Watch for cramps in your legs. My experience has been OK on the breathing side.
2019-12-05 5:35 PM
in reply to: Jane1964

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Subject: RE: Run to swim ok for heart?
I know that some folks have trouble with the transition from being prone in the swim to standing up and running. I have personally always been so excited to be finished swimming that I don't notice that.

Do you have a heart condition (or medication) that might require additional attention? If so ... speaking to a doctor might be helpful.
2019-12-06 8:49 AM
in reply to: Jane1964

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Run to swim ok for heart?
I assume you mean in training, not a race (which would be swim to run for aquathlon). I would think unless you have some kind of heart problem or perhaps jump suddenly into very cold water without a wetsuit when your body temperature is still high from running (which could cause heart or breathing issues in some cases), the only real concern would be cramping. But if you do some sort of cool down from the hard part of your run, do a little walking between the two (I'd guess in most cases you'd have go change or get your swim stuff or go to a pool anyway), you should be okay. Make sure you're hydrating and fueling adequately during and after the run and do a few stretches afterwards; if you don't, it can contribute to cramping. Swimming is great for running recovery but I would give it a few minutes in between.
2019-12-06 1:00 PM
in reply to: #5264524

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Subject: RE: Run to swim ok for heart?
Some folks can experience exercise induced hypotension which can make you lightheaded and dizzy and what not. Going from vertical (running) to horizontal (swimming) can exacerbate the symptoms.

I agree with others that you are likely fine to proceed with a swim after a run. Just play it safe and listen to your body.
2019-12-06 2:42 PM
in reply to: Parkland

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Run to swim ok for heart?

I love swimming for a few minutes as a cool down after running or biking and don't have any problems.  It does depend on the water temp but my gym pools are usually in the 78 degree range so it's usually not an issue.  I'm more worried about it being too hot.

Now if you're saying you're finishing a 5K and then diving into cold water, that's another story, and I would talk to a medical professional about it (or just stop and stretch and cool down a couple of minutes first).

2019-12-06 2:42 PM
in reply to: #5264547


Subject: RE: Run to swim ok for heart?
Thank you everyone ??. We are heading into a nasty hot summer Down under. Will enjoy a nice swim to cool down after my early training run.
2019-12-12 3:41 PM
in reply to: Jane1964

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Subject: RE: Run to swim ok for heart?

Way back in the day when I was lifeguarding, we'd go for a run (often around 12:30 in the midwestern heat/humidity) and then "cool off" in the pool before getting back in the guard chair.  

Of course we also didn't believe in warm-up or cool-down.  When you're 20, you can mostly ignore that stuff (queue Superman theme song).  We'd go from the chair to running shoes on to running.  The first half of the run was pushed for advantage and the race began when we hit the turn-around.  We could be back in the chair <5 minutes after the run and that included a fresh application of tanning lotion.  

2019-12-14 5:53 PM
in reply to: Jane1964

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Stairway to Seven
Subject: RE: Run to swim ok for heart?
Originally posted by Jane1964

Should I pause between hard run and easy swim? Someone said my heart needs to slow down between the vertical run and horizontal swim session.

I think this is unsubstantiated. You're going from an exercise that's somewhat higher intensity to typically lower intensity and you're HR will naturally drop between the two.

The time it takes to change clothes between run & swim is plenty of time to recover, even if recovery was warranted.

If you are not a good swimmer then I would rest a long time between a hard run and your swim.
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