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2016-02-19 9:14 AM

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Subject: whats going on in the arctic

2016-02-19 9:39 AM
in reply to: dmiller5

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Subject: RE: whats going on in the arctic
Donald Trump is 'blowharding' the ice into water?
2016-02-19 9:40 AM
in reply to: mdg2003

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Subject: RE: whats going on in the arctic

Tuwood made God angry by calling the Pope an idiot.

2016-02-19 1:51 PM
in reply to: Left Brain

New user
Subject: RE: whats going on in the arctic
Nothing that hasn't happened before.
2016-02-19 1:59 PM
in reply to: NXS

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Subject: RE: whats going on in the arctic
Originally posted by NXS

Nothing that hasn't happened before.

2016-02-19 2:00 PM
in reply to: dmiller5

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: whats going on in the arctic

It's called weather.  More specifically it's called "El Niño".
These kinds of things make great headlines, but in the argument towards or against AGW they're really no better than arguing that it was cold in Omaha this year so therefore the earth is cooling.

If you look at the extended NOAA forecast as the "El Niño" shifts over to a "La Niña", they're predicting a big cooling event next year.


2016-02-19 3:00 PM
in reply to: tuwood

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Subject: RE: whats going on in the arctic
Correct Tony. Short-term fluctuation...but...you do understand the science is pointing in one direction, and it's happening at a pace that's much more rapid than what we've seen pre-Industrial Revolution, right?
As long as ya'll aren't on the ocean's coastline, no worries.
If you are, don't worry about debating the Estate Tax in Political COJ, because there won't be anything left in the 2100s for you to hand down.
2016-02-19 3:05 PM
in reply to: ChineseDemocracy

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Subject: RE: whats going on in the arctic

Originally posted by ChineseDemocracy Correct Tony. Short-term fluctuation...but...you do understand the science is pointing in one direction, and it's happening at a pace that's much more rapid than what we've seen pre-Industrial Revolution, right? As long as ya'll aren't on the ocean's coastline, no worries. If you are, don't worry about debating the Estate Tax in Political COJ, because there won't be anything left in the 2100s for you to hand down.

Did you say 2100's?? 

I'm good.

2016-02-19 3:22 PM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Subject: RE: whats going on in the arctic
Originally posted by Left Brain

Originally posted by ChineseDemocracy Correct Tony. Short-term fluctuation...but...you do understand the science is pointing in one direction, and it's happening at a pace that's much more rapid than what we've seen pre-Industrial Revolution, right? As long as ya'll aren't on the ocean's coastline, no worries. If you are, don't worry about debating the Estate Tax in Political COJ, because there won't be anything left in the 2100s for you to hand down.

Did you say 2100's?? 

I'm good.

twas a joke re: the estate tax.
2016-02-19 3:53 PM
in reply to: dmiller5

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Sunny Southern Cal
Subject: RE: whats going on in the arctic

This sounds like a case for Sculder and Mully.

2016-02-19 4:03 PM
in reply to: ChineseDemocracy

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: whats going on in the arctic

Originally posted by ChineseDemocracy Correct Tony. Short-term fluctuation...but...you do understand the science is pointing in one direction, and it's happening at a pace that's much more rapid than what we've seen pre-Industrial Revolution, right? As long as ya'll aren't on the ocean's coastline, no worries. If you are, don't worry about debating the Estate Tax in Political COJ, because there won't be anything left in the 2100s for you to hand down.

What's your source?

The science has been showing the global temperature increasing substantially slower than predicted the last 15 years by every model the IPCC produced.  In fact, if we were to be at the mean temperature predicted by the IPCC by the year 2100 then we would have to have global temperature increases greater per year than ever in the history of the world.  In other words, it is NOT going to happen, and that's based on the real science.

As for the fictitious coastline scare tactic, I would challenge you to explain how many people moved away from the coastline from 1900 to 2000 when the earth increased in temperature 1 degree centigrade?  You're buying into the cult of doom and gloom and believing the propaganda (er religion).
What I find most ironic is that you have very strong views against religion because it's faith based and not based in real science.  However, when it comes to the dogma of faith based science (aka AGW) you don't hesitate to believe everything that the "science" tells you.  I would expect at least a little bit of skepticism from you.  

2016-02-19 5:24 PM
in reply to: tuwood

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Boise, Idaho
Subject: RE: whats going on in the arctic

I don't know what this thing...'science'... is that you all speak of.  But I know this; I'll swim in a pool knowing full well that folks are peeing in it.  'Cuz there's filters and dilution etc etc.   But as more and more people get IN the pool and nobody seems to be getting out to pee.  At some point you have to wonder...even without invoking science...."Do I still want to swim in that pool?  Cuz, that's just nasty." 

We are harming our big, blue marble in space. 

2016-02-19 5:34 PM
in reply to: jeffnboise

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Sunny Southern Cal
Subject: RE: whats going on in the arctic

Originally posted by jeffnboise

I don't know what this thing...'science'... is that you all speak of.  But I know this; I'll swim in a pool knowing full well that folks are peeing in it.  'Cuz there's filters and dilution etc etc.   But as more and more people get IN the pool and nobody seems to be getting out to pee.  At some point you have to wonder...even without invoking science...."Do I still want to swim in that pool?  Cuz, that's just nasty." 

We are harming our big, blue marble in space. 

We need global population control.  I'd like to tell the pope that it's un-Christian to promote the overpopulation of our habitat.

2016-02-19 5:35 PM
in reply to: jeffnboise

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: whats going on in the arctic

Originally posted by jeffnboise

I don't know what this thing...'science'... is that you all speak of.  But I know this; I'll swim in a pool knowing full well that folks are peeing in it.  'Cuz there's filters and dilution etc etc.   But as more and more people get IN the pool and nobody seems to be getting out to pee.  At some point you have to wonder...even without invoking science...."Do I still want to swim in that pool?  Cuz, that's just nasty." 

We are harming our big, blue marble in space. 

The big blue marble in space is warming, and we are absolutely contributing to that warming.  However, to what extent and to what impact is where the science is trying to figure it out.  Our planet has been warming and cooling for billions of years and has been significantly colder (ice age) where much of the planet was frozen and significantly warmer (Paleocene-Eocene era) where much of the planet was tropical (including the poles).

Everyone knows that there's this big bright ball of gas in our solar system that contributes to the heating and cooling of our planet, but the scientists hypothesized that the increased CO2 emissions starting in the 1950's would cause a greenhouse effect that would spiral out of control and cause runaway warming.  hence doom and gloom predictions.  Fortunately the earth is far more resilient than anyone ever realized and it has easily weathered the increased CO2 and even thrived with it.  Increased CO2 causes more plants which draw out more CO2 and produce more plants, just as an example. 

The earth is getting warmer and it will continue to get warmer, even if we 100% stop all CO2 emissions.

Politicians have unfortunately hijacked the real and legitimate scientific debate and used it as a mechanism to scare the fearful and gullible public.  They then use that fear to raise taxes and spend money on pet projects that reward the special interests who put them in power.  Politicians have to have boogiemen in order to use emotion to separate us from our money.  It's what they do.

2016-02-19 6:15 PM
in reply to: tuwood

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Boise, Idaho
Subject: RE: whats going on in the arctic

zzzzzzzz....Oh, sorry.  I dozed off when you invoked 'science'.    

Enough with the debunking of what is  'warming'.   FACT! We are polluting our lands, water and air with man-made chemicals.  Even the temperature remained EXACTLY the same-global industry is still poisoning our earth.  I hear the Right dismiss AGW because of snowballs in DC.   And they use their arguments about questionable 'science' as an excuse to do NOTHING!   Our air is filthy, our water unsafe and lands uninhabitable....THAT"S FACT!  Who cares about Global Warming.  We gotta try and fix this. 

2016-02-19 6:18 PM
in reply to: tuwood

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Boise, Idaho
Subject: RE: whats going on in the arctic

Originally posted by tuwood

Originally posted by jeffnboise

I don't know what this thing...'science'... is that you all speak of.  But I know this; I'll swim in a pool knowing full well that folks are peeing in it.  'Cuz there's filters and dilution etc etc.   But as more and more people get IN the pool and nobody seems to be getting out to pee.  At some point you have to wonder...even without invoking science...."Do I still want to swim in that pool?  Cuz, that's just nasty." 

We are harming our big, blue marble in space. 

The big blue marble in space is warming, and we are absolutely contributing to that warming.  However, to what extent and to what impact is where the science is trying to figure it out.  Our planet has been warming and cooling for billions of years and has been significantly colder (ice age) where much of the planet was frozen and significantly warmer (Paleocene-Eocene era) where much of the planet was tropical (including the poles).

Everyone knows that there's this big bright ball of gas in our solar system that contributes to the heating and cooling of our planet, but the scientists hypothesized that the increased CO2 emissions starting in the 1950's would cause a greenhouse effect that would spiral out of control and cause runaway warming.  hence doom and gloom predictions.  Fortunately the earth is far more resilient than anyone ever realized and it has easily weathered the increased CO2 and even thrived with it.  Increased CO2 causes more plants which draw out more CO2 and produce more plants, just as an example. 

The earth is getting warmer and it will continue to get warmer, even if we 100% stop all CO2 emissions.

Politicians have unfortunately hijacked the real and legitimate scientific debate and used it as a mechanism to scare the fearful and gullible public.  They then use that fear to raise taxes and spend money on pet projects that reward the special interests who put them in power.  Politicians have to have boogiemen in order to use emotion to separate us from our money.  It's what they do.

The most PERFECT description of (the) Donald Trump I could have imagined.  Thanks for the enlightenment.  It's fitting YOU said it first. 

2016-02-19 6:34 PM
in reply to: jeffnboise

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Subject: RE: whats going on in the arctic

Originally posted by jeffnboise

zzzzzzzz....Oh, sorry.  I dozed off when you invoked 'science'.    

Enough with the debunking of what is  'warming'.   FACT! We are polluting our lands, water and air with man-made chemicals.  Even the temperature remained EXACTLY the same-global industry is still poisoning our earth.  I hear the Right dismiss AGW because of snowballs in DC.   And they use their arguments about questionable 'science' as an excuse to do NOTHING!   Our air is filthy, our water unsafe and lands uninhabitable....THAT"S FACT!  Who cares about Global Warming.  We gotta try and fix this. 

Not really, the Earth will fix itself.......like it has for the billions of years before we got here.  It might have to get rid of us to do it, but I don't worry about the Earth.  Yes, it's good to live in as clean an environment as we can......but the Earth will decide when enough is enough without our science.  It seems reasonable to me to worry about mankind.....but Earth will survive just fine.

2016-02-19 6:36 PM
in reply to: jeffnboise

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: whats going on in the arctic

Originally posted by jeffnboise

zzzzzzzz....Oh, sorry.  I dozed off when you invoked 'science'.    

Enough with the debunking of what is  'warming'.   FACT! We are polluting our lands, water and air with man-made chemicals.  Even the temperature remained EXACTLY the same-global industry is still poisoning our earth.  I hear the Right dismiss AGW because of snowballs in DC.   And they use their arguments about questionable 'science' as an excuse to do NOTHING!   Our air is filthy, our water unsafe and lands uninhabitable....THAT"S FACT!  Who cares about Global Warming.  We gotta try and fix this. 

I couldn't agree more that we need to take care of our lands and that's why I'm a huge fan of alternative energy.

I will caution your "FACTS" though because our air, water, and land is cleaner today than it was 50 years ago and it continues to get better.  Through education (don't pollute), cleaner fuels, and more environmentally friendly products in the marketplace we've made huge strides.

We still have work to do, so don't interpret this as we don't have to do anything.  We're heading in the right direction making our air, water, and land cleaner and it's very worthwhile.

Just a side note, I remember walking the streets as a kid (1980's) and you couldn't even breath due to the gas fumes from cars and they were littered with garbage and pop cans.  We've made HUGE improvements since then.

2016-02-19 8:18 PM
in reply to: tuwood

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: whats going on in the arctic

Originally posted by tuwood

I will caution your "FACTS" though because our air, water, and land is cleaner today than it was 50 years ago and it continues to get better.  Through education (don't pollute), cleaner fuels, and more environmentally friendly products in the marketplace we've made huge strides.

Here are a couple pictures of the waters in Rio where many of the Olympic events will be held, including Triathlon, Sailing, Rowing, Kayaking, Open Water Swimming, and Canoeing.

Do you want to do your next Triathlon swim there?

Yeah, I can see where the environment is getting cleaner.




Guanabara-Bay-pollution-in-Rio-594x385.jpg (72KB - 2 downloads)
dm_150730_olympics_rio_waters_dangers.jpg (32KB - 2 downloads)
enhanced-30887-1429035036-17.jpg (61KB - 2 downloads)
2016-02-20 8:09 AM
in reply to: k9car363

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Subject: RE: whats going on in the arctic
It seems every decade we go through the same song and dance.
Industry argues it's done nothing wrong. "The Earth is strong! It is SOOO massive, we couldn't possibly destroy it."

Tell that to the lake near where I grew up that was filled with so many PCBs, you couldn't eat a fish from it let alone swim in it. Good ol' steel mill nearby apparently didn't like any of those liberal-lovin EPA nanny-state rules!

Okay. leaded gasoline. Has anyone here looked back at the fight put up by big oil and gas companies when "fringe science" started to shed light on the damaging effects of leaded gasoline? They fought it with everything they had. Eventually, "libs" were listened to, and that hated nanny state government decreased their polluting of our water, land, and air.

How about miles per gallon? Did it take an act of God to get motor companies to improve efficiency? Nope. No God there...just nanny state EPA laws at work again. Did it ruin their industry? Nope. It's just common sense that you don't continue to pump as many greenhouse gases as you can into the atmosphere.

The list goes on and on...CFCs and the ozone layer comes to mind.

Forget bipartisan support though. There could be a 10 foot rise in sea level, and the deniers would continue to assert the change was "natural." (despite the fact changes at this rapid a pace don't happen without cataclysmic cause) Is it just a coincidence that most global climate change deniers are to the Right on the ol' political spectrum? Is it a coincidence the same breakdown is seen with people who believe the Earth is only a few thousand years old? The same breakdown with those who do not understand nor accept human evolution as the fact it is?
Science denial is a serious problem.

2016-02-20 11:24 AM
in reply to: ChineseDemocracy

New user
Subject: RE: whats going on in the arctic
Originally posted by ChineseDemocracy

It seems every decade we go through the same song and dance.
Industry argues it's done nothing wrong. "The Earth is strong! It is SOOO massive, we couldn't possibly destroy it."

Tell that to the lake near where I grew up that was filled with so many PCBs, you couldn't eat a fish from it let alone swim in it. Good ol' steel mill nearby apparently didn't like any of those liberal-lovin EPA nanny-state rules!

Okay. leaded gasoline. Has anyone here looked back at the fight put up by big oil and gas companies when "fringe science" started to shed light on the damaging effects of leaded gasoline? They fought it with everything they had. Eventually, "libs" were listened to, and that hated nanny state government decreased their polluting of our water, land, and air.

How about miles per gallon? Did it take an act of God to get motor companies to improve efficiency? Nope. No God there...just nanny state EPA laws at work again. Did it ruin their industry? Nope. It's just common sense that you don't continue to pump as many greenhouse gases as you can into the atmosphere.

The list goes on and on...CFCs and the ozone layer comes to mind.

Forget bipartisan support though. There could be a 10 foot rise in sea level, and the deniers would continue to assert the change was "natural." (despite the fact changes at this rapid a pace don't happen without cataclysmic cause) Is it just a coincidence that most global climate change deniers are to the Right on the ol' political spectrum? Is it a coincidence the same breakdown is seen with people who believe the Earth is only a few thousand years old? The same breakdown with those who do not understand nor accept human evolution as the fact it is?
Science denial is a serious problem.

Ah yes, the industry. I remember back in the Carter days when all of the "scientists", media, and the administration, told us that at our current rate of consumption, we would run out of oil by the mid 1990's. The industry said they were wrong and of were course poo-pooed by the environmentalists and the left. Guess what? Its 2016, we didn't cut consumption and I filled my car up this morning. I question climate "science" that continues to change models when outcomes don't fit those models and conspire and rig data for a desired outcome (East Anglia University, Mann's hockey stick data). I am skeptical of "science" that says the answer is to raise taxes (revenue) and distribute it to poor nations. I am skeptical of "scientists" who demonize those who don't agree with them. I am skeptical of those telling me to reduce my "carbon footprint" while flying all over the world and taking my tax dollars to give to their buddies for "green industry" scams (solyndra). Yes, I am a skeptic, and that is what my science education has taught me to be.

2016-02-20 12:09 PM
in reply to: NXS

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Subject: RE: whats going on in the arctic
The Reverend George sums it up nicely in this NSFW tirade; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7W33HRc1A6c
2016-02-20 5:08 PM
in reply to: NXS

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Subject: RE: whats going on in the arctic
Originally posted by NXS

Originally posted by ChineseDemocracy

It seems every decade we go through the same song and dance.
Industry argues it's done nothing wrong. "The Earth is strong! It is SOOO massive, we couldn't possibly destroy it."

Tell that to the lake near where I grew up that was filled with so many PCBs, you couldn't eat a fish from it let alone swim in it. Good ol' steel mill nearby apparently didn't like any of those liberal-lovin EPA nanny-state rules!

Okay. leaded gasoline. Has anyone here looked back at the fight put up by big oil and gas companies when "fringe science" started to shed light on the damaging effects of leaded gasoline? They fought it with everything they had. Eventually, "libs" were listened to, and that hated nanny state government decreased their polluting of our water, land, and air.

How about miles per gallon? Did it take an act of God to get motor companies to improve efficiency? Nope. No God there...just nanny state EPA laws at work again. Did it ruin their industry? Nope. It's just common sense that you don't continue to pump as many greenhouse gases as you can into the atmosphere.

The list goes on and on...CFCs and the ozone layer comes to mind.

Forget bipartisan support though. There could be a 10 foot rise in sea level, and the deniers would continue to assert the change was "natural." (despite the fact changes at this rapid a pace don't happen without cataclysmic cause) Is it just a coincidence that most global climate change deniers are to the Right on the ol' political spectrum? Is it a coincidence the same breakdown is seen with people who believe the Earth is only a few thousand years old? The same breakdown with those who do not understand nor accept human evolution as the fact it is?
Science denial is a serious problem.

Ah yes, the industry. I remember back in the Carter days when all of the "scientists", media, and the administration, told us that at our current rate of consumption, we would run out of oil by the mid 1990's. The industry said they were wrong and of were course poo-pooed by the environmentalists and the left. Guess what? Its 2016, we didn't cut consumption and I filled my car up this morning. I question climate "science" that continues to change models when outcomes don't fit those models and conspire and rig data for a desired outcome (East Anglia University, Mann's hockey stick data). I am skeptical of "science" that says the answer is to raise taxes (revenue) and distribute it to poor nations. I am skeptical of "scientists" who demonize those who don't agree with them. I am skeptical of those telling me to reduce my "carbon footprint" while flying all over the world and taking my tax dollars to give to their buddies for "green industry" scams (solyndra). Yes, I am a skeptic, and that is what my science education has taught me to be.

You mean to tell me that scientists in the 1970s were not privy to the information available in the 21st century?
As for the very small minority of folks who fudged data (and when I say small, I'm talking even smaller than the % of climatologists who deny anthropogenic influence) they are but that, anomalies.

Guess what, there have been (in the history of the world) rogue archaeologists who have made bogus claims. Guess what? They are rooted out. That's what science does. Studies are subjected to intense peer review. If you feel comfortable justifying your skepticism just focusing on the small minority of bad scientists, while all the while ignoring the overwhelming majority of legitimate scientists, go right ahead. It's your right as an Amurrican!

The fact is, anthropogenic global warming is real. Actual temperature readings bear this out...but then again, how can we trust those scientists and their "technology." Pfft, what's technology ever done for us anyway?
If folks care to debate the extent of the effects of anthropogenic global warming, that's cool. But that's the thing, there are ranges regularly reported, some light, some intensely heavy...but to deny man's impact on the environment, I know for a fact if the overwhelming majority of experts in the field can't convince you, I sure as heck can't.

2016-02-20 7:52 PM
in reply to: k9car363

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: whats going on in the arctic

Originally posted by k9car363

Originally posted by tuwood

I will caution your "FACTS" though because our air, water, and land is cleaner today than it was 50 years ago and it continues to get better.  Through education (don't pollute), cleaner fuels, and more environmentally friendly products in the marketplace we've made huge strides.

Here are a couple pictures of the waters in Rio where many of the Olympic events will be held, including Triathlon, Sailing, Rowing, Kayaking, Open Water Swimming, and Canoeing.

Do you want to do your next Triathlon swim there?

Yeah, I can see where the environment is getting cleaner.

And what do you propose we do about other sovereign nations?  Should we overthrow their government and then clean their environment for them?

Also, pointing out isolated places that are dirty is the equivalent of somebody pointing out a cold city on the map to debunk global warming.  

2016-02-20 7:55 PM
in reply to: ChineseDemocracy

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: whats going on in the arctic

Originally posted by ChineseDemocracy It seems every decade we go through the same song and dance. Industry argues it's done nothing wrong. "The Earth is strong! It is SOOO massive, we couldn't possibly destroy it." Tell that to the lake near where I grew up that was filled with so many PCBs, you couldn't eat a fish from it let alone swim in it. Good ol' steel mill nearby apparently didn't like any of those liberal-lovin EPA nanny-state rules! Okay. leaded gasoline. Has anyone here looked back at the fight put up by big oil and gas companies when "fringe science" started to shed light on the damaging effects of leaded gasoline? They fought it with everything they had. Eventually, "libs" were listened to, and that hated nanny state government decreased their polluting of our water, land, and air. How about miles per gallon? Did it take an act of God to get motor companies to improve efficiency? Nope. No God there...just nanny state EPA laws at work again. Did it ruin their industry? Nope. It's just common sense that you don't continue to pump as many greenhouse gases as you can into the atmosphere. The list goes on and on...CFCs and the ozone layer comes to mind. Forget bipartisan support though. There could be a 10 foot rise in sea level, and the deniers would continue to assert the change was "natural." (despite the fact changes at this rapid a pace don't happen without cataclysmic cause) Is it just a coincidence that most global climate change deniers are to the Right on the ol' political spectrum? Is it a coincidence the same breakdown is seen with people who believe the Earth is only a few thousand years old? The same breakdown with those who do not understand nor accept human evolution as the fact it is? Science denial is a serious problem.

I agree with you that it's a serious problem, but unfortunately you won't listen to reason.  You only care about emotion.

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