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2008-02-22 8:48 PM

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Extreme Veteran
Vancouver BC
Subject: new bike....scared by clipless pedals...advice?
so I got my new bike yesterday (new to road bikes)....and within 5 minutes of having my bike at home I got my first injury trying to get out of my pedals (this happened in my entry way....I wasn't even outside!)

I also got a trainer and have been practicing getting in/out with the bike in the trainer...but I just don't feel is not 'intuitive' for me...and it seems like it takes more effort than I would have thought (I have even tried adjusting the tension thing on the pedal...but maybe I am not doing something right because I only seem to make it harder not any easier...)

anyway - I am quite scared to go out on the roads....but I so badly want to start riding (especially after the beautiful day we had here today in Vancouver!).

Would love some tips....anything....

tia - Jill

2008-02-22 8:51 PM
in reply to: #1230133

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san francisco
Subject: RE: new bike....scared by clipless pedals...advice?
Jill-what kind of pedals do you have?
2008-02-22 8:54 PM
in reply to: #1230133

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Extreme Veteran
Vancouver BC
Subject: RE: new bike....scared by clipless pedals...advice?
I had to go look LOL!

Shimano Gerolsteiner (in baby blue to match my bike :D )

2008-02-22 8:55 PM
in reply to: #1230133

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Subject: RE: new bike....scared by clipless pedals...advice?
After 40 years of using toe clips, I just got my first clipless pedals 2 weeks ago. I fell twice on my first ride.

One thing that helped me, the second time I got on the bike, was to do a bike trail, and just work on getting comfortable getting in and out of the pedals, especially a while before intersections. By the end, I actually managed to get out of the pedals when a car did in fact try to cut me off.

Good luck.
2008-02-22 9:00 PM
in reply to: #1230148

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san francisco
Subject: RE: new bike....scared by clipless pedals...advice?
bhoover10001 - 2008-02-22 6:55 PM

One thing that helped me, the second time I got on the bike, was to do a bike trail, and just work on getting comfortable getting in and out of the pedals, especially a while before intersections. By the end, I actually managed to get out of the pedals when a car did in fact try to cut me off.

Good luck.

X2 ... what helped me was to go to an empty parking lot...some say a bike path with grass on the sides....but just knowing no cars or people are around will give you a sense of security and you don't have to stop if you can't get out. I just got some new pedals (look) and found that after trying to clip out by twisting my toe in and my heel out (very difficult without yanking my foot out painfully), I tried twisting my heel in and out my foot came! It was sort of by accident but now it works perfectly everytime. I'm not sure about your shimano clips, though.

Good luck,

2008-02-22 9:03 PM
in reply to: #1230133

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Subject: RE: new bike....scared by clipless pedals...advice?
When getting out, take your heel and turn it outward. should come out fairly easy when doing that.

Definitely practice on trainer with both feet. I know I got used doing my right foot only and still do most of the time. However, after stopping and for some reason looking/leaning left, my bike automatically followed and I wasn't really used to coming out of my left pedal. Needless to say panic set in and I just fell over. It was actually pretty funny b/c I was still clipped in after I fell with my bike in the air and me on my back b/c I didn't want to scratch my bike.


Good luck and I hope that helps, they're definitely worth getting used to, just don't let the initial getting used to phase get you down. After a week or two you'll be in and out of them w/o even thinking about it anymore.

2008-02-22 9:17 PM
in reply to: #1230133

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Newton, MA
Subject: RE: new bike....scared by clipless pedals...advice?
I'd go for a ride, come to a stop and just fall over, just to get it out of the way. Everyone does it eventually.
2008-02-22 9:28 PM
in reply to: #1230133

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Extreme Veteran
Vancouver BC
Subject: RE: new bike....scared by clipless pedals...advice?
thanks guys....

do you find your feet come out 'pretty easily'....or does it take some 'effort' to get them out?

I understand the motion to get my feet out (heel down and out, and toe in)...but it just surprises me that it takes a pretty forceful 'twist' to release my foot. (thanks for the suggestion of trying 'heel in'...I will do that tomorrow and see if it makes any difference)

and are certain pedals/clips easier?

2008-02-22 9:28 PM
in reply to: #1230133

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Extreme Veteran
Vancouver BC
Subject: RE: new bike....scared by clipless pedals...advice?
oh - and this is what I did on my one effort on the bike without the trainer.... ;-p


IMG_8667web.jpg (36KB - 18 downloads)
2008-02-22 9:34 PM
in reply to: #1230133

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Subject: RE: new bike....scared by clipless pedals...advice?
It will come with time and practice. Everyone falls and has the scars to prove it. Just get out there and ride. Eventually it will become second nature. One day it will feel weird to ride with clips.
Give it time. You are gong to love your clipless pedals.
2008-02-22 9:59 PM
in reply to: #1230268

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Subject: RE: new bike....scared by clipless pedals...advice?
couch potato no more - 2008-02-22 10:28 PM

thanks guys....

do you find your feet come out 'pretty easily'....or does it take some 'effort' to get them out?

At first you feel like your forcing your foot out until you get used to the feeling of the pedal and the motion of turning out your heel. But eventually you get to used to it and it just becomes a thought "I want my foot out...." and your foots out.

It's kinda like opening a door thats a little harder to open then all the rest of the doors in your home/office. At first you feel like you're forcing it, but eventually you just open it like any other door because you know what to expect before doing it.

2008-02-22 10:28 PM
in reply to: #1230133

Subject: RE: new bike....scared by clipless pedals...advice?
The times I've fallen I was completely stopped - I clipped out with one leg but lost my balance and tipped over the other way. And I'm still a "left foot" unclipper - I don't usually take my right foot out first (my left leg is my stronger side, even though I'm right handed). The best thing about clipless pedals though, is that if you clip in one, you can get yourself going (kind of like turning a crank) and once you have momentum, you can get your other foot in. As others said, practice on a trail where you can predict the intersections and practicing unclipping way before you stop. Then once you're comfortable with that, shorten the distance between stopping and unclipping - and practicing coming to a quick stop.
2008-02-22 10:36 PM
in reply to: #1230133

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New York, NY
Subject: RE: new bike....scared by clipless pedals...advice?

ok so I am still pretty new and I am sure I have more falls ahead of me, but what I did to get my confidence up was practice on my trainer - a lot - actually even before I got my bike and trainer I got shoes with mtb cleats for the spin bikes at the gym - that got me used to the motion.

I still have to think about it outside  - and I clip out probably more than I need to due to fear of falling over....

now I have all sorts of other things to be afraid of...... 

2008-02-22 10:51 PM
in reply to: #1230133

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Cycling Guru
Fulton, MD
Subject: RE: new bike....scared by clipless pedals...advice?

The clip tension is adjustible, so if it is really hard to clip out you can have the shop tweak the tension a bit to make it easier.  Also it will loosen up a bit as you use them ......

Always "anticipate" your stops and the need to clip out so that as you start to slow down you've already clipped out your comfortable side.  I stay clipped in on one side at all times unless it is a really long light and I want to stretch out.

Even after riding clipless for 15+ years I've still fallen over by trying to cheat a light and doing a track stand.  Nothing like falling over at a busy intersection trying to be a cycling stud and mis-timing the light .........

Welcome to the club!

Edited by Daremo 2008-02-22 10:52 PM
2008-02-22 11:27 PM
in reply to: #1230133

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Extreme Veteran
Vancouver BC
Subject: RE: new bike....scared by clipless pedals...advice?
thanks again for the input...I will try and get brave and try it outside (on grass) soon....I am looking forward to feeling comfortable with the whole thing (the sooner the better!)
2008-02-22 11:36 PM
in reply to: #1230433

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Salisbury, North Carolina
Subject: RE: new bike....scared by clipless pedals...advice?
Couple of things... it will not take long before you have the hang of this and you will basically be able to unconsciously unclip.

I was a basket case after falling over and over the first day. So I did the smart thing and went on a 30 mile bike... guiess what ? no falls.

You'll have it down in no time... practice on trainer REPEATEDLY, gain confidence, and ride, ride, ride. Sounds obvious and is.

Post back when you have it and you'll help all the new people who will be going thru what you will have overcome.

2008-02-22 11:39 PM
in reply to: #1230133

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2008-02-23 2:33 AM
in reply to: #1230133

Melon Presser
Subject: RE: new bike....scared by clipless pedals...advice?

Clip in and out a couple hundred times before you get out on the road (although not all at once, of course!!!). I'm not kidding. On the trainer, practice braking, feel the bike slow down, and clip both feet out at the same time, plant them down (and slide off the saddle, if that's how your bike is fit. I doubt that the seat's high enough that you can't touch your toes to the floor, but if it is, then make sliding off the saddle part of your clipping-out practice). Do the second one-hundred (again, not all at once!) with your eyes shut.

Worked great for me. I lasted a whole two weeks with clipless before I ate it at a stop. Haven't since, though (it's been eight months). So it'll probably happen again tomorrow. 

2008-02-23 7:01 AM
in reply to: #1230133

Harrisburg, PA
Subject: RE: new bike....scared by clipless pedals...advice?
When I first got my road bike w/clipless pedals I was eager to take her out on her maiden voyage, but I couldn't get INTO the damned pedals. I spent a chunk of time w/the bike in the cellar, poised between a refrigerator and a length of rope hanging from a hook on a rafter. Their I sat practicing getting in and out of the pedals. I was getting frustrated that I'll be the only person in the world unable to use clipless pedals because I can't get in them. One BTer suggested that if the house has a narrow hallway, that would also be a good place to practice. I also got a metric allen wrench set and loosened the clips a couple clicks, just to save a drive to the local LBS. Knock on veneer, I haven't had an incident on the bike where I couldn't unclip. I came SOOOOOO close especially on the first couple rides, but luck has been with me.
2008-02-23 7:20 AM
in reply to: #1230599

Armpit of Ontario
Subject: RE: new bike....scared by clipless pedals...advice?

nxm165 - 2008-02-23 8:01 AM When I first got my road bike w/clipless pedals I was eager to take her out on her maiden voyage, but I couldn't get INTO the damned pedals. I spent a chunk of time w/the bike in the cellar, poised between a refrigerator and a length of rope hanging from a hook on a rafter. Their I sat practicing getting in and out of the pedals. I was getting frustrated that I'll be the only person in the world unable to use clipless pedals because I can't get in them. One BTer suggested that if the house has a narrow hallway, that would also be a good place to practice. I also got a metric allen wrench set and loosened the clips a couple clicks, just to save a drive to the local LBS. Knock on veneer, I haven't had an incident on the bike where I couldn't unclip. I came SOOOOOO close especially on the first couple rides, but luck has been with me.

There, you've done it - you've jinxed yourself!  Better wear some knee pads on your next ride

2008-02-23 7:29 AM
in reply to: #1230605

Harrisburg, PA
Subject: RE: new bike....scared by clipless pedals...advice?
sty - 2008-02-23 7:20 AM

There, you've done it - you've jinxed yourself!  Better wear some knee pads on your next ride

That's OK. Actually, I was hoping to spill on the first ride just to get it out of the way and predisasterize myself. It's the suspense now that's going to get to me.

2008-02-23 7:36 AM
in reply to: #1230612

Armpit of Ontario
Subject: RE: new bike....scared by clipless pedals...advice?
nxm165 - 2008-02-23 8:29 AM
sty - 2008-02-23 7:20 AM

There, you've done it - you've jinxed yourself!  Better wear some knee pads on your next ride

That's OK. Actually, I was hoping to spill on the first ride just to get it out of the way and predisasterize myself. It's the suspense now that's going to get to me.

It's like losing your virginity - the anticipation with a big build-up, only for it to be over without any fanfare or what you were expecting, with you looking back thinking, "is that it?" or "well, that's not what I expected!"

or maybe I'm just a freak.

2008-02-23 7:36 AM
in reply to: #1230133

Subject: RE: new bike....scared by clipless pedals...advice?
i am so glad for this thread!  i just got clipless pedals for my bike last weekend and have been having pains with getting in/out.  good advice here. 
2008-02-23 7:39 AM
in reply to: #1230433

Armpit of Ontario
Subject: RE: new bike....scared by clipless pedals...advice?

couch potato no more - 2008-02-23 12:27 AM thanks again for the input...I will try and get brave and try it outside (on grass) soon....I am looking forward to feeling comfortable with the whole thing (the sooner the better!)

This is the best advice - it's one thing to practice on the trainer, or in the house holding onto something but it won't let you practice falling down. Riding in circles on the grass in the comfort of your own backyard it a great place to fall down a few times to get a feel for falling without leaving skin on the asphalt. It will take some of the fear out of it, and allow you to see what happens to your feet when you go down, the tension/torque that lets your feet unclip and more importantly, how to get up off the ground in a hurry! 


2008-02-23 8:10 AM
in reply to: #1230605

New York, NY
Subject: RE: new bike....scared by clipless pedals...advice?
sty - 2008-02-23 8:20 AM


Better wear some knee pads on your next ride


after my first ride - when I fell straight on my knee, ripping my BRAND NEW tights and well hurting myself (thankfully not serious) I did where knee pads for the next oh month....

if I ride tomorrow, where I might hit ice, I will be wearing my knee pads! Tongue out


I might look like a dork, but at least I won't get hurt 3 weeks before first tri! 

Edited by drchaya 2008-02-23 8:11 AM
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