Subject: RE: Pseudo Tan questionIt's the server's way of crying uncle. Hence the 100 page limit on TANs. You're the second person who's encountered this with those threads. Basically the web server is saying "it's taking me too long to assemble this thread and send it to the person who asked for it." We could probably start playing with software configuration changes, but I don't know that I want to go that route for these threads.
For those of you who don't venture into our off-topic forum called My Cup of Joe, TAN stands for Thread About Nothing. They're an odd type of thread that's evolved in that forum. They're used like a chat session. By odd people. Mostly harmless people but definitely odd. If you ever go to a tri and meet someone who makes you think "how they did they get here all by themselves?", there's a good chance that they post regularly in the TANs.
We only allow one of these threads at a time and they're closed after a certain number of posts to keep them from killing the server. It looks like the "certain number of posts" needs to be decreased. Or maybe a ban on images in them...