Bike trial Bass Turds.!!
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Moderators: k9car363, the bear, DerekL, alicefoeller | Reply |
2008-06-03 10:41 AM |
Elite 2443 Athens, Georgia | Subject: Bike trial Bass Turds.!! I am new to both the world of Triathlon and Cycling. I got into cycling as part of and injury re-hab and from there to Triathlon. Did my first race this past weekend and I am hooked. I have been cycling and training for about two or three months up to now so not a huge time frame to draw from. I have been to some triathlon based training rides and everyone was amazingly friendly. During my first race everyone was out of their way nice and encouraging it was great. I lift my hand or say hi to every single person I pass on the bike trail in the spirit of friendliness and outside of one girl a few weeks ago every single jerk on the trail just stares right through me. I train on the Ft Frasier Trail that runs from Bartow to Lakeland in Polk County Fl and pass a good number of cyclists so the ration is like 1 out of 50 that I have passed were even remotely friendly. Is this the case in the cycling? Is it that different from triathlon where almost everyone is super friendly? Am I stupid to wave, I don't want to seem like a jerk. A few weeks ago while refilling my water bottles another guy riding a much nicer bike than me that I happened to fly pass going out and coming back stood about a foot from me without saying a word. I finally said Hi after testing to see if everyone is really a jerk. He looked up at me and said "You know you are wearing a girl's helmet right." I said I did not know. He said "Yeah, everything light blue is for girls." I am usually a very nice caring guy but this really infuriated me. So I told him "I would much rather look like a girl on the trial than ride like one." He finished filling his bottle before me so I asked him how much of a head start he wanted so I didn't have to pass him again. He told me to F-off. Nice guy hope I get to see him out there again. So do I give up and just ride staring straight ahead or what? Oh and my helmet is on the lighter side of blue but not the sky blue girly looking color, I think. |
2008-06-03 10:49 AM in reply to: #1441369 |
Champion 5575 Butler | Subject: RE: Bike trial Bass Turds.!! IMO roadies are generally more snobbish than Triathletes but have see alot of nice roadies also. I think they might look down on triathletes somewhat. |
2008-06-03 10:49 AM in reply to: #1441369 |
Champion 4942 Richmond, VA | Subject: RE: Bike trial Bass Turds.!! You should run sometime in Central Park. Smiling is frowned upon, waving prohibited and saying hi can get you arrested. |
2008-06-03 10:51 AM in reply to: #1441369 |
Pro 6838 Tejas | Subject: RE: Bike trial Bass Turds.!! Are you announcing your intent to pass these people with a loud, "On your left?" Or are you just blasting past them and scaring the bejeebers out of them ? If so they are most likely pissed at your lack of cycling etiquette don't really care to wave back. Try it next ride, you will still startle 8 out of 10 riders you pass, but they will be much more receptive after being given a verbal warning that you are there. Maybe you could get some skull and crossbone decals for that helmet Edited by mdg2003 2008-06-03 10:53 AM |
2008-06-03 10:53 AM in reply to: #1441369 |
Expert 1277 St. Paul, MN | Subject: RE: Bike trial Bass Turds.!! I do a lot of my rides with a local bike club and everyone is really friendly. Cyclists around here (Minneapolis/St. Paul) wave at each other when passing. I'm sorry to hear that you've run into such rudeness. |
2008-06-03 11:01 AM in reply to: #1441369 |
Master 2051 Portland, OR | Subject: RE: Bike trial Bass Turds.!! Cyclists are pretty friendly here in the Pac. NW. We don't always wave but we give a head nod to acknowledge each other. There are jerks in every sport. Keep riding and remain courteous, you never know when you'll make someone day by saying hi or giving a wave. |
2008-06-03 11:01 AM in reply to: #1441369 |
Expert 3974 MA | Subject: RE: Bike trial Bass Turds.!! I've found in my training so far, when I'm out alone, runners are cool and respect the other people out there hoofing it. Cyclists seem to size you up in a quick glance and then seek out some way to judge you inferior within a few seconds. Swimmers are either really nice or will treat you like a new cellmate without much in between. Now, in a tri training group, it's all thumbs up and supportive vibes. I like tri groups. One thing I've never sure of... I'm only now getting to the point where I can pass some people. I always want to toss them a word of encouragement as I go by but I don't know if I would come across positive or condescending. I end up not saying much other than "on your left" as a result. |
2008-06-03 11:27 AM in reply to: #1441369 |
Champion 6285 Beautiful Sonoma County | Subject: RE: Bike trial Bass Turds.!! Holy cow! Everyone I encounter on a bike around here is pretty friendly. I've never had a bad interaction with someone on a bike. Rarely someone won't return a wave, but I assume it's because they're focused on their training (sometimes I miss a wave too). I've heard stories that say "roadies" aren't friendly, but that hasn't been my experience. |
2008-06-03 11:27 AM in reply to: #1441466 |
Champion 15211 Southern Chicago Suburbs, IL | Subject: RE: Bike trial Bass Turds.!! chadtower - 2008-06-03 11:01 AM I've found in my training so far, when I'm out alone, runners are cool and respect the other people out there hoofing it. Cyclists seem to size you up in a quick glance and then seek out some way to judge you inferior within a few seconds. Swimmers are either really nice or will treat you like a new cellmate without much in between. Now, in a tri training group, it's all thumbs up and supportive vibes. I like tri groups. One thing I've never sure of... I'm only now getting to the point where I can pass some people. I always want to toss them a word of encouragement as I go by but I don't know if I would come across positive or condescending. I end up not saying much other than "on your left" as a result. When training and others are training, "on your left" is it, because you never now if they are doing a recovery spin or trying to bust it. Either way, it may not be received well since you don't know. However, when racing, give aaaaallll the words of encouragement you can spare. They are like gold on the course and are totally appreciated. I know I did when I do my races. |
2008-06-03 11:30 AM in reply to: #1441369 |
Pro 4339 Husker Nation | Subject: RE: Bike trial Bass Turds.!! triguynewbie - 2008-06-03 10:41 AM Am I stupid to wave, I don't want to seem like a jerk. A few weeks ago while refilling my water bottles another guy riding a much nicer bike than me that I happened to fly pass going out and coming back stood about a foot from me without saying a word. I finally said Hi after testing to see if everyone is really a jerk. He looked up at me and said "You know you are wearing a girl's helmet right." I said I did not know. He said "Yeah, everything light blue is for girls." I am usually a very nice caring guy but this really infuriated me. So I told him "I would much rather look like a girl on the trial than ride like one." He finished filling his bottle before me so I asked him how much of a head start he wanted so I didn't have to pass him again. He told me to F-off. Nice guy hope I get to see him out there again. This conversation makes me chuckle. I think it's like everything else; there are nice cashiers and there are huge grumps. There are nice bank tellers and there are witches [no offense to the BT wiccans out there]. There are nice people pushing their kids in strollers....... well okay, you can't have your cake and eat it too! What I do is if I see someone who's alone and looks like they need a pick-me-up I'll smile, nod and say high as we pass one another. I never say anything to anyone as I'm passing them, only with oncoming traffic. If they look way serious I just go stone-faced and if they want to acknowledge me then I'll return the gesture, otherwise I'm not out there looking for affirmation and most of them aren't either. |
2008-06-03 11:35 AM in reply to: #1441463 |
Subject: ... This user's post has been ignored. |
2008-06-03 11:40 AM in reply to: #1441466 |
Iron Donkey 38643 , Wisconsin | Subject: RE: Bike trial Bass Turds.!! chadtower - 2008-06-03 11:01 AM I've found in my training so far, when I'm out alone, runners are cool and respect the other people out there hoofing it. Cyclists seem to size you up in a quick glance and then seek out some way to judge you inferior within a few seconds. Swimmers are either really nice or will treat you like a new cellmate without much in between. Now, in a tri training group, it's all thumbs up and supportive vibes. I like tri groups. One thing I've never sure of... I'm only now getting to the point where I can pass some people. I always want to toss them a word of encouragement as I go by but I don't know if I would come across positive or condescending. I end up not saying much other than "on your left" as a result. *HIJACK ON* I was about a mile from my house finishing my short bike ride last year and this guy came out of nowhere from behind me. He was riding a prototype Trek bike and was seriously trying to catch up to me (I wasn't moving more than 17-18 mph. and am not that fast). As soon as he caught me and rode along by me, I smiled and said "HI" and did some small talk. Turned out he worked at work at Trek as a designer and the bike he was riding was one of the last designs he was working on. I invited him to my house and he gave me his card and said if I wanted to stop in sometime to give him a call. Cool! Just a week or so ago, I was watching a show about The Science of Lance Armstrong. I noted that prototype bike guy was on the show and recognized him. He was on briefly, but it was weird to see him. *HIJACK OFF* Just continue to be nice. |
2008-06-03 11:47 AM in reply to: #1441369 |
Expert 640 Montreal | Subject: RE: Bike trial Bass Turds.!! During the summer when I do my shorter rides I typically ride in a cotton tee-shirt. When I do my longer rides I wear a cycling jersey ( pocket to hold nutrition). I have found that when in a tee-shirt I get snubbed by the guys in the full kits. When wearing a jersery I get the waves. For the record, I always try to give head-nod or short wave to everyone that I cross paths with. It's just fun. That just me. And I alway say " On your left " followed by " à votre gauche" when passing people. Don't get to ride much with other people or in a training group Solo..
2008-06-03 11:56 AM in reply to: #1441369 |
Champion 34263 Chicago | Subject: RE: Bike trial Bass Turds.!! triguynewbie - 2008-06-03 10:41 AM He said "Yeah, everything light blue is for girls." I am usually a very nice caring guy but this really infuriated me. So I told him "I would much rather look like a girl on the trial than ride like one." He finished filling his bottle before me so I asked him how much of a head start he wanted so I didn't have to pass him again. He told me to F-off. Nice guy hope I get to see him out there again. That's awesome! Still, beware for there are many many many many many girls out there who'll leave you in their wake, and that's on the bike! I've encountered both types here in Chicago. The lakefront trail isn't especially wide so when the roading come flying by six-deep all drafting it can be a bit daunting for everybody involved, especially when you factor in pedestrians, kids, six-place bikes, etc. One guy was drafting me the other day so I told him to get off my a$$. He said `I'm going to return the favor.' to which I said `Drafting is illegal in triathlons so I'd appreciate it if you didn't.' Then later I felt bad because I busted out with `Get off my a$$' instead of `please don't draft me' or soemthing more pleasant. As Bripod said, some people are just dbags. Don't let the douchebaggery get you down. |
2008-06-03 11:58 AM in reply to: #1441369 |
Veteran 300 Redlands, CA | Subject: RE: Bike trial Bass Turds.!! triguynewbie - 2008-06-03 8:41 AM I have been to some triathlon based training rides and everyone was amazingly friendly. During my first race everyone was out of their way nice and encouraging it was great. I lift my hand or say hi to every single person I pass on the bike trail in the spirit of friendliness and outside of one girl a few weeks ago every single jerk on the trail just stares right through me. I train on the Ft Frasier Trail that runs from Bartow to Lakeland in Polk County Fl and pass a good number of cyclists so the ration is like 1 out of 50 that I have passed were even remotely friendly. Is this the case in the cycling? Is it that different from triathlon where almost everyone is super friendly? Am I stupid to wave, I don't want to seem like a jerk. A few weeks ago while refilling my water bottles another guy riding a much nicer bike than me that I happened to fly pass going out and coming back stood about a foot from me without saying a word. I finally said Hi after testing to see if everyone is really a jerk. He looked up at me and said "You know you are wearing a girl's helmet right." I said I did not know. He said "Yeah, everything light blue is for girls." I am usually a very nice caring guy but this really infuriated me. So I told him "I would much rather look like a girl on the trial than ride like one." He finished filling his bottle before me so I asked him how much of a head start he wanted so I didn't have to pass him again. He told me to F-off. Nice guy hope I get to see him out there again. So do I give up and just ride staring straight ahead or what? Oh and my helmet is on the lighter side of blue but not the sky blue girly looking color, I think. Nice response to the guy at the water fountain You should try riding a mountain bike, that's a sure way to be ignored by roadies, at least in my area. I train on a mtn bike all the time and one time I was on the side of the road fixing a flat and three seperate roadies came past me and didn't even acknowledge me let alone ask if I needed help. It feels good when I pass some of them on the many hills around here though. Honestly I don't wave to other riders but I do give them a "good morning" or "how's it going" when I see someone. |
2008-06-03 12:09 PM in reply to: #1441369 |
Master 1903 Portland, Oregon | Subject: RE: Bike trial Bass Turds.!! Another from the PNW - I am usually in semi-road gear (chick with so-so bike, jersey or tri top, lycra shorts, MTB click shoes) so I am hard to pigeonhole. I actually find that the roadies are friendly and the MTB people are snubbers. I do the couple fingers off the bars "wave" and/or the head nod/grin. It nearly always gets me a smile or a wave back. But not from the MTB folks. They can't see me. Quick hijack: The other day I gave the "on your left" to a guy we'd been trying to catch, and he ended up joining us and rotating pulls. Fun! I always wonder if I should ask if they want to join us (hubby and I). We have been joined a few other times as well.
2008-06-03 12:19 PM in reply to: #1441369 |
Champion 6931 Bellingham, Washington | Subject: RE: Bike trial Bass Turds.!! I always try to give a head nod or a quick wave of the hand (not letting go of the bars) The other day going the other way was a rider with the same bike as me. yelled to him "NICE BIKE" he said, SAME TO YOU"
2008-06-03 12:54 PM in reply to: #1441649 |
Expert 3974 MA | Subject: RE: Bike trial Bass Turds.!! soloryder - 2008-06-03 12:47 PM During the summer when I do my shorter rides I typically ride in a cotton tee-shirt. When I do my longer rides I wear a cycling jersey ( pocket to hold nutrition). I have found that when in a tee-shirt I get snubbed by the guys in the full kits. When wearing a jersery I get the waves. I wonder if that's it. I ride in whatever I feel like wearing. Half the time it's painter's shorts (with 15 pockets) and a T shirt. I don't really care about the full kit - it may make me a little faster but it won't make me any stronger. My bike is decent, one of the Javelins from the closeout, so it's not like I'm out there riding a 20 year old Walmart bike. The other day I was standing at a major intersection waiting on the light to change to cross. A guy pulls up beside me, full kit, expensive looking bike of a brand I can't recall. Dude gives me the obvious once over. I say hi, he snorts and looks straight ahead the whole rest of the wait. Aparently I wasn't worth even a syllable of his time. The day before that I was at a local pond swimming back and forth at the beach struggling to find a breathing rhythm. It's a cloudy day and the water is cold so we're the only people there. A woman comes down to the beach in a full tri suit so I ask her a couple of questions. Not only was she as nice as could possibly be, but she gave me a bunch of free advice, then introduced herself. It was KathyG. So not only did I run into a super nice swimmer but I also ran into a BT regular. Quite cool. |
2008-06-03 1:07 PM in reply to: #1441874 |
Pro 4339 Husker Nation | Subject: RE: Bike trial Bass Turds.!! chadtower - 2008-06-03 12:54 PM It was KathyG. So not only did I run into a super nice swimmer but I also ran into a BT regular. Quite cool. Lucky! |
2008-06-03 1:12 PM in reply to: #1441369 |
Master 1967 | Subject: RE: Bike trial Bass Turds.!! When I'm out on the bike I wave to anyone else cycling, regardless of what kind of ride/clothes they have. Dude on the $5,000 road bike in the full US Postal kit gets the same greeting as the older lady on the Schwinn with a basket. I feel some kind of kinship with all of them. I've found that most people wave back or acknowledge me in some way. I did have a weird experience last weekend while doing a 75 mile charity ride though. I rarely ride in groups, so it was a treat for me to spend some time drafting and pulling a pace line. I found groups throughout the course that seemed to be moving at my pace and joined in. With each group I tried to make some small talk with people while passing or being passed. There was one guy who absolutely refused to say anything when I talked to him. Didn't, nod, talk, grunt in my general direction - nothing. I just moved on. |
2008-06-03 1:15 PM in reply to: #1441959 |
Pro 4339 Husker Nation | Subject: RE: Bike trial Bass Turds.!! MUL98 - 2008-06-03 1:12 PM There was one guy who absolutely refused to say anything when I talked to him. Didn't, nod, talk, grunt in my general direction - nothing. I just moved on. I wonder if he might have been deaf? Regardless, talk about uncomfortable! |
2008-06-03 1:27 PM in reply to: #1441369 |
Coach 10487 Boston, MA | Subject: RE: Bike trial Bass Turds.!! most of the time I wave but some others I don't just because I might be suffering pushing through a hard session or just I might not be paying attention. I dont take it personal as I am out there to do my trainning; but I think you need to post a pic of your helmet just to make sure it is not a girl's helmet There are jerks everywhere both rodies or tri-geeks, don't sweat it... |
2008-06-03 1:32 PM in reply to: #1441978 |
Expert 3974 MA | Subject: RE: Bike trial Bass Turds.!! Bripod - 2008-06-03 2:15 PM MUL98 - 2008-06-03 1:12 PM There was one guy who absolutely refused to say anything when I talked to him. Didn't, nod, talk, grunt in my general direction - nothing. I just moved on. I wonder if he might have been deaf? Regardless, talk about uncomfortable! Maybe he's posting right now somewhere else about the guy who pulled up beside him and wouldn't shut up! |
2008-06-03 1:33 PM in reply to: #1441649 |
Pro 4040 | Subject: RE: Bike trial Bass Turds.!! soloryder - 2008-06-03 12:47 PM During the summer when I do my shorter rides I typically ride in a cotton tee-shirt. When I do my longer rides I wear a cycling jersey ( pocket to hold nutrition). I have found that when in a tee-shirt I get snubbed by the guys in the full kits. When wearing a jersery I get the waves. For the record, I always try to give head-nod or short wave to everyone that I cross paths with. It's just fun. That just me. And I alway say " On your left " followed by " à votre gauche" when passing people. Don't get to ride much with other people or in a training group Solo.. See? Now I feel bad. Once I get the right cleats for my pedals (stupid me), I'll be good to go. Just give me a call. Btw, you'd get snubbed less in the cotton t-shirt if you wore shorts at the same time! |
2008-06-03 1:35 PM in reply to: #1442071 |
Expert 3974 MA | Subject: RE: Bike trial Bass Turds.!! Opus - 2008-06-03 2:33 PM Btw, you'd get snubbed less in the cotton t-shirt if you wore shorts at the same time! And forego the thong! That's crazy talk. |