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2008-07-17 10:04 PM

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A Husker stuck in VA
Subject: FIRMMAN 1/2 Iron Triathlon
Anyone in here done this race before? Have a few questions for you if so.


2008-07-18 9:35 AM
in reply to: #1538791

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Nutmeg State
Subject: RE: FIRMMAN 1/2 Iron Triathlon
Done it twice.  Let me know what you need to know.
2008-07-18 5:06 PM
in reply to: #1538791

Subject: RE: FIRMMAN 1/2 Iron Triathlon
NavyTRIChief - 2008-07-17 11:04 PM

Anyone in here done this race before? Have a few questions for you if so.


please post questions here....i'd like to hear/learn more about this race too!
2008-07-19 8:21 AM
in reply to: #1538791

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Subject: RE: FIRMMAN 1/2 Iron Triathlon
Yes in 2006.

Great race... I would do it again this year if I could get the ok from the wife.

2008-07-19 8:45 AM
in reply to: #1538791

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Subject: RE: FIRMMAN 1/2 Iron Triathlon

Which FirmMan?

I'd like to know how the Firmman MASSACHUSETTS was.


I did the Narrgansett RI one in 2006.....original race I planned for Sept got cancelled, so I did this one instead.

Blatantly put, I thought the bike course sucked.



2008-07-19 3:11 PM
in reply to: #1538791

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Extreme Veteran
Warwick, Rhode Island
Subject: RE: FIRMMAN 1/2 Iron Triathlon

After giving it some thought, I am going to sign up for this race. Mostly on the prodding of my coach/co-worker why had done this race a few times. His opinion of the course is that it is much more user friendly than the RI 70.3...especially the run course and a little less so the bike course. The weather is a little less humid in RI in September also, although you can get the odd late summer heater.

Having done a lot of swimming at Narragansett Town Beach there is a possibility of getting waves on race day. Keep in mind that this is Rhode Island and not SoCal.


2008-07-19 6:41 PM
in reply to: #1538791

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A Husker stuck in VA
Subject: RE: FIRMMAN 1/2 Iron Triathlon
Alright, I have had a couple questions answered via PM already but I will post them here for public use if someone wants to respond.

1. The swim parallels the beach, do you start in a different spot than you finish?

2. How hilly is the bike course?

3. The bike runs on Hwy 1, a main road, is it coned off for the race?

4. Is the only hill on the run the one after you cross the little bridge in the first 3 miles?

5. How many aid stations on the bike leg?

6. Run leg?

7. How is the volunteer support?

I am seriously thinking of doing this race to make up for my lack of performance at the 70.3.
2008-07-20 4:07 PM
in reply to: #1538791

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Nutmeg State
Subject: RE: FIRMMAN 1/2 Iron Triathlon

Thanks for answering some questions.

1. How hilly is the bike?

Not particularly.  There are some decent rollers in the mile 20 range (at that point you get off the highway and ride around on some country/back roads for 10 miles) and there are a few climbs but nothing serious.   

2. Heard there is usually a head wind going out?

Depends on the year.  Two years ago there was a pretty decent head wind coming back in, last year it was pretty calm (although the ocean was rather choppy -- but provided a nice current to swim with once you got past the breakers). 

3. The bike leg looks kind of all over the place??

I don't mind the bike.  You go through some ocean side neighboorhoods for the first 5 miles them hop on the high way for another 15 or so.  Get off the highway at mile 20 to do some rolling stuff, back on at about mile 30, quickly to a turn around and then completely back on the opposite side of the highway.  There's a pretty decent sized lane coned off and lots of volunteers, although you do have to go across on/off ramps, which can be a little scary.  There are some pretty parts, but its not sccenic overall.  Of the 8 HIMs I've done, my fastest bike time has been on the FIRMman course.   

4. How many aid stations on the bike?

2 -- if I remeber correctly last year they were at miles 20 and 38 or so.  Had water, HEED and gels. 

5. Is the hill at the beginning of the run the only one?

There's also a hill at the out/back section turn around, approximately mile 9.  None of the hills are particularly hard (and this is coming from someone who hates hills).  Plus the run course is very well supported -- both official volunteers and lots of locals who set up their own aid stations.   

6. Do they cone off the bike lane on highway, umm, 1 (or 4, not sure)?

Yes, across the on/off ramps, otherwise for decently long streches, bikers get the breakdown lane with no cones.  There are plenty of signs & bikers to make it not so much of a problem. 


2008-07-20 9:18 PM
in reply to: #1538791

Subject: RE: FIRMMAN 1/2 Iron Triathlon

So I read the bike description on the FIRM website, and it says something that makes me think the course has changed:

"The Quadmultisport Bicycle Course is a 56 mile rolling course mainly on highways, with one hilly section of scenic Rhode Island. This is the same bicycle course that received high praise from participating triathletes in the 2003 event. Quadmultisport will provide mechanical support along the bicycle course."

But I looked at their course online HERE, and it seems to be unchanged.  What do you think?

2008-07-21 5:52 AM
in reply to: #1544193

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Nutmeg State
Subject: RE: FIRMMAN 1/2 Iron Triathlon
DMW - 2008-07-20 10:18 PM

So I read the bike description on the FIRM website, and it says something that makes me think the course has changed:

"The Quadmultisport Bicycle Course is a 56 mile rolling course mainly on highways, with one hilly section of scenic Rhode Island. This is the same bicycle course that received high praise from participating triathletes in the 2003 event. Quadmultisport will provide mechanical support along the bicycle course."

But I looked at their course online HERE, and it seems to be unchanged.  What do you think?

That line has been up for at least three years.  The map is of the same course in 2006 and 2007 (and since 2003). 


2008-07-21 11:02 AM
in reply to: #1542326

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Middletown, CT
Subject: RE: FIRMMAN 1/2 Iron Triathlon
I've done FIRMMAN in 2004 and 2006.

1. The swim parallels the beach, do you start in a different spot than you finish?
You walk a mile down the beach before the race starts. They give you plenty of warning that it is time to get moving so you shouldn't be left behind.

2. How hilly is the bike course?
It is mostly flat on Rt 1 and a few hills on the back roads.

3. The bike runs on Hwy 1, a main road, is it coned off for the race?
The bike course is not closed. You can expect some cars out there, but it is not too bad.

4. Is the only hill on the run the one after you cross the little bridge in the first 3 miles?
There is a decent sized hill at the turnaround. I don't remember other hills.

5. How many aid stations on the bike leg?
I think there were two, but I'm not sure. I can picture one of them clearly, but not the other.

6. Run leg?
They don't pamper you on the run course here like at bigger races and it was definitely not every mile. I'm guessing they were every other mile or so.

7. How is the volunteer support?
It is adequate. All the turns had some people directing you where to go and the aid stations had enough people to give out the stuff at the aid stations.

Other - In 2004 the surf was up. A storm was off shore and there was talk at the pre-race about maybe cancelling the swim. The crowd didn't take that well and the swim went off as planned even though the sea was still angry that day of the race. The waves get bigger every time I tell the story of that day, but if I reset my sea story to reality, the biggest were probably six or seven feet. The day before the race they were closer to 10 feet.

2008-07-21 2:18 PM
in reply to: #1538791

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Subject: RE: FIRMMAN 1/2 Iron Triathlon
I loved that race but the one thing I didn't like was the beach run at the end of the race. I'm not sure how far it was (felt like a mile) but you end the race by running a few hundred yards through beach sand. I read that some people run down by the water where the sand is harder but with the tide out it added a lot more to the run.
I remember I was in the best mood ever knowing that the race was over and then BOOM, I'm slogging through beach sand. It's funny now that it's over, but it wasn't that funny while running through it.

Just an FYI
2008-07-21 3:04 PM
in reply to: #1546337

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Middletown, CT
Subject: RE: FIRMMAN 1/2 Iron Triathlon
On second thought, it was 2003 the first time I did it when there were big waves.

The 200 yd finish on the sand is rough and everyone complains about it, but that is one of this race's trademarks and I think the race director gets a sadistic pleasure out of it.
2008-07-22 8:55 AM
in reply to: #1538791

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Subject: RE: FIRMMAN 1/2 Iron Triathlon
He does.... I over heard him laughing about it!
2008-07-22 6:49 PM
in reply to: #1538791

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Subject: RE: FIRMMAN 1/2 Iron Triathlon

I did it as a relay in 2006.

I wouldn't do it again unless it was the only one that fit in my schedule.

I don't think the bike course is safe. Riding on the shoulder of route 1 when cars are going by you at 50-60 thank you. I was almost hit by a car even though a volunteer was directing them to stop.

Firm does okay at races but other HIMs around in the area are much better organized and have better vibe, swag and safer courses.

2008-07-22 6:56 PM
in reply to: #1538791

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Subject: RE: FIRMMAN 1/2 Iron Triathlon

I'm interested in hearing about the one held in MA that's held in early June. Anyone? Anyone?


2008-07-22 11:26 PM
in reply to: #1538791

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2008-07-28 12:19 PM
in reply to: #1538791

Subject: RE: FIRMMAN 1/2 Iron Triathlon

Would not do it again.


Liked the parallel swim, rather than an out-and-back

Good terrain variety on the run and bike courses

Good support (included some unofficial stands with fruit, etc.) at aid stations.  No running out of any promised items.



They did not cap the number of entrants, and allowed entries right up to the race day.  In a race with that kind of logistic requirements, bad move.  It showed in the lack of parking at packet pick-up.

As noted before, VERY poorly conceived bike course.  Route 1 is limited access, like an interstate, and there are entrance/exit ramps every mile or so.  You know how there is really no "right" way to navigate on/off ramps? Imagine doing that about 30 times, with trucks pulling boat trailers whizzing past.  Just not safe at all - they do their best with marking and such, but it is fundamentally unsafe.

Late start.

2008-07-28 12:48 PM
in reply to: #1550528

Broad Brook
Subject: RE: FIRMMAN 1/2 Iron Triathlon
Iron MaYden - 2008-07-22 6:56 PM

I'm interested in hearing about the one held in MA that's held in early June. Anyone? Anyone?


I raced Firman held in June. swim was a triangular loop a bit short, but I wasnt complaining. The bike had some rollers nothing too steep you can stay seated on the hills. The run was out/back which I like so you can see your competion. The aid stations were every 10 on the bike and 1 mile on the run fully stocked. The only criticism I have was the run did'nt have any mile markers so you did'nt know how far you have run unless you counted the aid stations. Very nice race for a first year.
2008-07-28 4:32 PM
in reply to: #1550509

Subject: RE: FIRMMAN 1/2 Iron Triathlon
KathyG - 2008-07-22 7:49 PM

I did it as a relay in 2006.

I wouldn't do it again unless it was the only one that fit in my schedule.

I don't think the bike course is safe. Riding on the shoulder of route 1 when cars are going by you at 50-60 thank you. I was almost hit by a car even though a volunteer was directing them to stop.

Firm does okay at races but other HIMs around in the area are much better organized and have better vibe, swag and safer courses.

please recommend another late season race in the area..TY
2008-08-20 11:51 AM
in reply to: #1538791

Extreme Veteran
Warwick, Rhode Island
Subject: RE: FIRMMAN 1/2 Iron Triathlon

Email today from the RD states they added an aqua-bike option for the race.


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