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2008-08-12 4:05 PM

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Subject: Convince me this is a bad idea
I went to my LBS today "just to look." They showed me the Cervelo P2C, 2008. All carbon frame, Shimano Ultegra components, in my size, $2500 (pardon me while I clean the drool from my keyboard). They will give me 15% off accessories and 50% off a fit. They were really giving me the hard sell. One attractive sales lady showed me the bike and after riding it another came up and told me how if she had to pick a bike in that $ range that'd be the one she'd get, bla, bla, bla. I asked her what she rode and said her sponsor was Kouta, Ha.


Anyway they're putting the bike on a 48 hour hold for me. I think I'll ask for a free fit and if they give it to me I'll get  the bike. So, here's what I need you all to convince me not to do: I have my first HIM in 12 days. Someone tell me not to ride this thing in my HIM!!! Tell me what a horrible idea it is. Don't race with equipment you haven't trained on, etc. On the other hand, how can I not ride it? What do you want me to do, ride my road bike when I own a tri bike? No one at the race will believe that I actually have a sweet ride at home. Do I get a bumper sticker "My other bike is a Cervelo P2C" and attach it to my race shirt? What would you do?



2008-08-12 4:07 PM
in reply to: #1598381

Subject: RE: Convince me this is a bad idea
Ride the new bike!!!! ... that was easy.

Oh wait, was I supposed to convince you otherwise?
2008-08-12 4:09 PM
in reply to: #1598381

Subject: RE: Convince me this is a bad idea
Do as I say not as I do...don't ride the new bike...

Now back to reality...who are you kidding, you're riding the new one...
2008-08-12 4:09 PM
in reply to: #1598381

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Norwalk, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Convince me this is a bad idea

Now i am a newbie, but i say ride it, kill it, and then talk about it!!!  To sweet of a date to not take to the prom. When i get a Tri bike and put the roadie away, i will be looking for that exact bike but in the 2006/7 black and blue!! 

good luck with the new ride, great choice!!

2008-08-12 4:18 PM
in reply to: #1598381

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Subject: RE: Convince me this is a bad idea
No, No, No. None of you are following directions! If I wanted that I'd tell my kids to clean their room.  Did you not read my post?

Edited by David tri's 2008-08-12 4:19 PM
2008-08-12 4:18 PM
in reply to: #1598381

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Convince me this is a bad idea

No, it's not a great idea. I went from an upright, beach cruiser configuration (not kidding) to an aggressive tri-bike configuration RIGHT before an Oly. It wasn't pretty.

However, in your case, it's not necessarily the world's worst idea. Plenty of ppl I know have rented a tri bike for a triathlon--even a HIM. You have ten days to get used to and tweak the bike.

My random thoughts: You should bring in your road bike for the fitting, be honest about doing the race, and have them fit you to the tri bike very closely approximating your road fit. After the race, you should probably have another fitting done, one that really tunes you in to this particular bike.

2008-08-12 4:19 PM
in reply to: #1598381

SF Bay Area, CA
Subject: RE: Convince me this is a bad idea

Do you have aerobars on your road bike?  It takes different muscles to ride in the aero position.

2008-08-12 4:20 PM
in reply to: #1598421

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Convince me this is a bad idea
Winston63 - 2008-08-12 3:19 PM

Do you have aerobars on your road bike?  It takes different muscles to ride in the aero position.

Very important Q. I didn't even think of that. I just assumed you had a road bike with drops and clip-ons.

2008-08-12 4:21 PM
in reply to: #1598421

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Subject: RE: Convince me this is a bad idea
Winston63 - 2008-08-12 5:19 PM

Do you have aerobars on your road bike?  It takes different muscles to ride in the aero position.

Yes, the roadie is set up as aggressively as it can be.

2008-08-12 4:30 PM
in reply to: #1598431

SF Bay Area, CA
Subject: RE: Convince me this is a bad idea
David tri's - 2008-08-12 2:21 PM
Winston63 - 2008-08-12 5:19 PM

Do you have aerobars on your road bike?  It takes different muscles to ride in the aero position.

Yes, the roadie is set up as aggressively as it can be.

Then get the Cervelo, put the roadie for sale on Craigslist, and don't look back.

2008-08-12 4:32 PM
in reply to: #1598381

Subject: RE: Convince me this is a bad idea
I know we are supposed to convince you not to ride it in the race, but there are bike shops that offer people the chance to rent a bike, much better then they could afford, to ride in a race. Anyone doing this would not have much time to get comfortable with the bike, but they still do it. I would ride the bike a couple times before the race on training rides and a couple of "test rides" to make sure there are no annoying noises and that everything shifts nicely and fits good. You are most likely getting this bike from a credible bike store with experience in putting bikes together so there should be no major issues with the bike, if you had ordered it online and put it together yourself that would be a different story. Also the free fit you hope to get should make you more comfortable with the bike, just be sure to test the bike out a lot before the race. Another thing to think about though would be how comfortable you are with tri specific geometry and using aero bars. If you are fairly comfortable with this or can adapt very quickly I say yes, ride it! That is a sweet bike and a sweet deal, congratulations! Think about the big smile you will have on your face when you pass by people at your race riding an inferior bike and you can look down and think "I'm riding a P2C!"

2008-08-12 4:38 PM
in reply to: #1598381

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Resident Curmudgeon
The Road Back
Gold member
Subject: RE: Convince me this is a bad idea

You're getting the bike anyway, make it a condition that they have it ready for you by this weekend. Over the weekend, get in a couple 30-40 mile rides to see if you have any unresolvable issues.

Then, decide which bike you're going to ride in the HIM.

2008-08-12 4:49 PM
in reply to: #1598381

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Frugal Gear Geek
having fun with the kids
Subject: RE: Convince me this is a bad idea

I think my first gut instinct is ride the new bike. Then comes a little reality.

First, is this the last race of the season for you? If it is, you can stomach the possibility of getting an injury from a less than perfect set up. ( Think sholders from the aero set up, trust me it sucks). Second what do you do for work. If you sit for a living, any additionaly sore mussles could be ignored more than if you have to do physical labor with new sore spots. The third issue is how well trained are you? If this race is going to be a struggle/just finish type of race, stick to what you know, otherwise, ride the new bike. Last point, how much do you trust your LBS to get a perfect fit/ assembly the first time. Nothing is worse than a derailer that is just a little out of adjustment, or a brake pads rubbing for 56 miles.

I do agree if you can get it set up and ride this weekend, it would help. Personaly, I would wait and buy the same bike in Feb. when they realy need to get rid of it for about $400 less than the awsome deal they are offering now.

2008-08-12 4:52 PM
in reply to: #1598381

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Carlsbad, California
Subject: RE: Convince me this is a bad idea

I personally would not make any decisions regarding which bike to ride until you have put down some miles on it. Now as a fellow triathlete going through the process of purchasing a Cervelo P2C myself, I would bet that after a short ride, you will "Know".

One of the strongest points during the sales process for a Cervelo is the test ride. Once your on it, there is no reason not to eat the cake

Me: I am going to race a Sprint a week after I get mine just to get a feel for the bike before I head into the remains of my tri season with it.

Edited by WaterDog66 2008-08-12 4:53 PM
2008-08-12 4:53 PM
in reply to: #1598381

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Charlottesville, VA
Subject: RE: Convince me this is a bad idea

i think you have enough time to do a recovery ride to get the feel of the bike; and a free fitting; and you only live once so you should live hard; if you have the cash, I would get the bike.

2008-08-12 4:55 PM
in reply to: #1598381

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Convince me this is a bad idea

You've already done the stupid thing (go try it at the LBS) so we can't do much more damage...

If you pick it up today, you can ride it tonight, Thursday night, a nice long ride Saturday (which you'd have to get really familiar with this new bike... ) a short recovery ride Sunday, and short rides Tuesday and Thursday.  By my tally, that'd be about 125 miles.  (Would the LBS be able to re-adjust shifters after the cables stretch and before the race?

On the other hand, is that enough time to scrub the mold release gunk off the tires.  Would you feel comfortable riding a new bike in a (possibly large) crowd?  Your HIM might be hilly enough that you won't gain much from the P2C over your existing bike.  Will your wife still get up with you at 3AM on race day after you've spent the next 10 days fawning/lusting over your carbon mistress?  (Don't forget, it'll take time to get pedals, computer, cages, etc. installed. ) 

Finally, come August 25, will you still cherish that P2C?  Is there some reason they're trying to move it and you'll find yourself with the equivalent of a spent Kleenex when you realize what else is out there for 2009? 

2008-08-12 6:39 PM
in reply to: #1598381

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Brooklyn, NY
Subject: RE: Convince me this is a bad idea

Not to hijack this thread, but a couple responses mention waiting for the '09 models. It's still early enough in the year to get a lot of time in on an '08 if you're buying now, so is it really worth waiting?

And if it were me, I'd ride the bike in the race. But I have a crappy road bike so it would pain me to know I had a P2C sitting at home. 

2008-08-12 6:46 PM
in reply to: #1598381

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Cycling Guru
Fulton, MD
Subject: RE: Convince me this is a bad idea

Last year I got my B2 frame in April, built it up, rode about 2 weeks on it, got a pair of Zipp 999's that arrived 3 days before my first race of the season.  I just barely had enough time to stretch the tires on the rims for a day, glue them for a day and test ride them to make sure they didn't roll off the rim.

Then on Sunday I raced the bike .........

Yeah, if you are fit correctly to it, and get a few rides in, you could probably use it.  But here's the caveat: you are going to push the pace because of "new bike syndrome" and are going to put in a great bike split compared to what you would usually do.  And then??  You are going to have one of your worst runs ever ........ a sprint or an oly??  Sure.  I'd say go for it.  A HIM??  I would probably do it, but I wouldn't recommend it to anyone.

Your legs, your race, your call.

2008-08-12 6:56 PM
in reply to: #1598381

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Chaska, MN
Subject: RE: Convince me this is a bad idea

I would ride the bike if I bought it....

I would however make them sweeten the deal.  I would ask for:

FREE Fit (It's included by a top national tri shop here)

50% off accessories

I would work down the price say $2300.00 or less. 

$2500.00 is the asking price here.  You're late in the '08 season so they'll probably lower the price anyway pretty soon.  '09's are coming.

What's the worst they can say...No then you're right where you started.  Chances are they are just as excited to sell it as you are to buy it!!!

Don't talk to the hot chick again...they use jedi mind tricks on weak minded men like ourselves...personally I always find a ugly dude salesman that way I'm not persudaded by..."you look good on that bike...."

Good luck.

2008-08-12 7:20 PM
in reply to: #1598381

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Extreme Veteran
Westlake, OH
Subject: RE: Convince me this is a bad idea

2,500 is msrp on the p2c with ult groupo.

free fit is std with bike purchased around here along with 10 to 15 % off assc. 

Add to the fact that its getting late in the season, that "Deal" isn't very good imho. 

If you do get the p2c(at whatever the cost) a few training rides should be fine.  No one says you HAVE to ride aero position for all 56 miles.

2008-08-12 8:11 PM
in reply to: #1598381

Subject: RE: Convince me this is a bad idea
You're wasting precious time, get the bike and start riding. (You're asking a bunch of people, who spend most of their free time training for triathlons, if you should buy a really nice bike, that's the equivalent of my 15 year old daughter asking her friends if she should get a cell phone)

2008-08-12 8:23 PM
in reply to: #1598381

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Athens, Georgia
Subject: RE: Convince me this is a bad idea
With all the hype of the possible new P4 it might actually be out there and available soon. With a new model on the market the p2 is likely to fall in price. Just something to think about.

That is what I am waiting/hoping for.
2008-08-12 8:23 PM
in reply to: #1598381

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Chapel Hill, NC
Subject: RE: Convince me this is a bad idea

Don't ride it. Please don't!!!

I spent all spring and early summer fiddling with my aero position on my road bike with clip on aero bars. I had been fitted by a FIST fitter two years ago, but got greedy for free speed this year, and wanted to try and get more aggressive, aero wise. In the end, I think my efforts paid off. HOWEVER, it was two months of making tiny little tweaks, then major pain after each tweak, AND very crappy running off the bike. Stiff sore running.

Example of the tiny tweaks I did:

I moving my cleats in toward midfoot (something Friel recommends now), which I could only do by less than 1/8 inch. Major knee pain for a month after this.

Removed two spacers from my stem, which amounted to 1/2 inch lower in the handlebars. Major pain all over during the entire ride after this: quads, hams, hips, lower back, balls of feet.
Limped off the bike afterwards. Took a couple rides to adapt painwise, but at least a month to adapt running off the bike.

Moved my elbow pads inward by about 3/4 inch. Hip, lower back and elbow pain. Elbow pain never went away, so I moved them back out.

Got a new type of saddle that is more suited to aero position, as opposed to upright riding. Major pain in hips and lower back during this ride, and several rides after.

Each of these changes amounted to major major pain after my 50 mile long bike, because I was using muscles in just a slightly different way, for a long period of time. And major major stiffness trying to run off the bike.

Bottom line...Please be patient and don't race with your new bike until after you have allowed your body to adapt to it.

Lesson learned: don't fiddle with your bike during race season - wait until the off season!

Edited by keyone 2008-08-12 8:42 PM
2008-08-12 8:55 PM
in reply to: #1598381

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the Alabama part of Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Convince me this is a bad idea
I'd be happy to help you.  Buy the bike.  But so you aren't tempted to ride it before your race, send it to me.  I'll hang on to it until you are really ready to have it.  Don't worry, I'll let you know when that time comes....
2008-08-12 9:05 PM
in reply to: #1598381

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