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2008-08-21 9:36 PM

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Subject: Stupidest question ever
So, I learned how to ride a bike about 3 weeks ago now, and I got my Specialized allez comp (bought here-thanks Mimi). Here is what I can't figure out - how to dismount.  I have speedplay pedals, and I know you have to unclip the down foot, but how do you get it on the ground?  I'm sure most of you don't even think about this.  When using regular pedals, it's my high foot that goes to the ground.  Do I unclip when the pedal is down, then keep rotating until it is up,then put it down?  I watched a video on youtube.  The guy unclips when down, then puts the foot right on the ground.  I'm having a hard time with that coordination.  Maybe I just need to practice it more. I train in my sneakers for now, but practice getting on and off with the speedplays in my building hallway.  It's a real sight to be seen.  I should have my kids video it and post it.  Pretty funny.

2008-08-21 9:40 PM
in reply to: #1620307

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2008-08-21 10:29 PM
in reply to: #1620307

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Stupidest question ever

drcherrybomb21 - 2008-08-21 9:36 PM I know you have to unclip the down foot

I think that might be your problem.

I almost always unclip my up foot (and by habit it is almost always my left foot, but that's just my preference) with my weight shifted slightly to the down foot. If I'm coming to a stop, I'm usually shifted forward of the seat as well. Once your top foot is unclipped and your speed is close to zero, shift the weight over to the unclipped side and set your foot on the ground.  

2008-08-21 10:30 PM
in reply to: #1620307

Brooklyn, NY
Subject: RE: Stupidest question ever
This is one of those questions like, "When you cross your arms, which one goes on top?" that you never think about until someone asks you.

I'm not sure where, exactly I unclip--I kinda think I unclip wherever I am in the pedal stroke when I feel the need to unclip. I put my left foot on the ground, and then I rotate my right foot, which is still clipped in, up to the 1 O'clock position so that I'm in a good position to push off when it's time go again.
2008-08-21 11:45 PM
in reply to: #1620307

SF Bay Area
Subject: RE: Stupidest question ever
That's a good one! I never really thought about it until now but I always unclip the first foot when it is near the top of the stroke. This will usually be my left foot. I would think if you unclip your first foot at the bottom, you might fall since a lot of your weight will be on that foot.
2008-08-22 12:40 AM
in reply to: #1620307

Portland, Oregon
Subject: RE: Stupidest question ever

I unclip when my foot is up. last year it was always my right foot. This year it switched and now I can't go right - only left. No idea why.

You may want to consider loosening up the clips so that it is very easy to unclip. Almost to the point of accidentally unclipping sometimes. That way you KNOW that you can get out of them really easily.

Once you practice a lot of "stop and put foot downs", and are comfortable, then start tightening them a little until you like the balance between unclipping ease and knowing they'll stay IN the pedals if you pedal really hard.

2008-08-22 12:41 AM
in reply to: #1620307

Denver, Colorado
Subject: RE: Stupidest question ever
I think it's great that you learned to ride as an adult, and I think it's even more impressive that you've gone clipless after only 3 weeks (it took me a while to get the courage to make the switch and I've been riding since I was a kid). But I have to ask - why did you not learn as a kid?
2008-08-22 7:37 AM
in reply to: #1620307

Subject: RE: Stupidest question ever

Some do it left, others right.  But the best cyclists seem to be saying that you should practice bilateral unclipping.  This gives you the option of unclipping to either side as necessary, for example, in a heavy wind.

On a related point:  you'll see some people in this forum say that they unclip every 4 or even 6 rotations of the crank, but again the best cyclists suggest that every rotation or at most every other rotation is best.  This has something to do with oxygen uptake.

Oh wait.... I think I have the wrong discipline.   Man this tri stuff is confusing.

2008-08-22 8:56 AM
in reply to: #1620307

Subject: RE: Stupidest question ever

I will work in my hallway trying to unclip the up foot.  I think that maybe the easiest.  I was asked why I didn't learn as a kid.  I was born in New York City to parents who grew up in New York City (my Mom grew up partly in Israel).  I did a lot of my growing up in suburbia, but the mentality of my parents was still very city, and they were afraid I would get hit by a car.  My neigbors did teach me (sort of), so I did learn how to get up on a bike, but I never really rode, or had a bike.

I yelled at my parents a few weeks ago for depriving me.  They are the best parents in the world.  So I was just kidding.  Sort of.  I do feel a bit deprived.  My daughters learned to ride last week. 

2008-08-22 9:06 AM
in reply to: #1620307

Brooklyn, NY
Subject: RE: Stupidest question ever

I'm actually not sure if I unclip up or down, but I always unclip on the right and I keep that one a tiny bit looser. It made it easier to get comfortable with the pedals. When i was first learning, I would also unclip early sometimes and then keep my foot on the pedal just forward of the clip so I could get a couple more pedal strokes before the stop. You can try that, but I think Speedplays might be a bit small for it.

I wonder what your neighbors think! And great choice to go clipless right away. They really aren't that difficult to get the hang of and will make cycling so much easier for you in the long run. Good luck! 

2008-08-22 9:16 AM
in reply to: #1620307

Norwalk, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Stupidest question ever

I am a top right unclipper as well, that was great, i actually had to think about that for a minute, it just becomes natural after a while.



2008-08-22 9:24 AM
in reply to: #1620307

Subject: RE: Stupidest question ever
Everyone is mentioning loosening the pedals.  How do you do that?
2008-08-22 9:37 AM
in reply to: #1620307

Norwalk, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Stupidest question ever
Should be an allen bolt on the bottom of the pedal, one way tightens spring tension the other way loosens it, at least on my pedals.
2008-08-22 9:40 AM
in reply to: #1620978

Subject: ...
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2008-08-22 9:48 AM
in reply to: #1621048

South Jersey
Subject: RE: Stupidest question ever
You really just have to practice and get a feel for what's good for you. I actually unclip with my foot up and the foot that's still attached to the pedal is down when I put my unclipped foot on the ground.
2008-08-22 9:50 AM
in reply to: #1620307

Subject: RE: Stupidest question ever
Mine are lightspeed speedplays.  I will go look at the pedals when I finish with these patients.  They are getting in the way of my training Surprised jk.

2008-08-22 10:33 AM
in reply to: #1620307

SF Bay Area, CA
Subject: RE: Stupidest question ever

You don't need to wait until you are almost stopped to remove your foot. 

1 Slow down to about 5mph

2 Unclip your foot (top of stroke or bottom of stroke)

3 Rotate your other foot to the bottom (or top if you prefer)

4 Put your foot out to catch yourself

5 Slow down to a stop

6 Slip off your seat and stand on your foot.

I think you are waiting too long to unclip your foot.  That makes you panic at the last second.  As you practice you wont need to think about each step so much.

Edited by Winston63 2008-08-22 10:35 AM
2008-08-22 10:40 AM
in reply to: #1620402

Extreme Veteran
Upstate, SC
Subject: RE: Stupidest question ever
jmk-brooklyn - 2008-08-21 11:30 PM

This is one of those questions like, "When you cross your arms, which one goes on top?" that you never think about until someone asks you.

I'm not sure where, exactly I unclip--I kinda think I unclip wherever I am in the pedal stroke when I feel the need to unclip. I put my left foot on the ground, and then I rotate my right foot, which is still clipped in, up to the 1 O'clock position so that I'm in a good position to push off when it's time go again.

Thanks. You have just caused me to cross and uncross my arms for the last 5 minutes!
2008-08-22 10:57 AM
in reply to: #1620307

Riverside, IL
Subject: RE: Stupidest question ever
Hmmm...been wondering about all this talk of whether a person unclips at the top vs the bottom of the pedal stroke. I was always told to unclip at the bottom, as you have more leverage down there, so that's what I do. But I'm reading that lots of you unclip at the top...interesting. I guess it all depends on what you're comfortable with.
2008-08-22 11:09 AM
in reply to: #1620307

Extreme Veteran
Olathe, KS
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Stupidest question ever
I always unclip a little early, when I am coasting to a stop. I always stop pedaling with my left foot down, unclip the left, then rotate my right foot down to the bottom of the pedal stroke, still clipped in. Then as I slow down to a stop, I lean to the left and put my foot on the ground, getting off the saddle at the same time (I used to not be able to do that part, though).

I think you just need to do it a bunch to see what works for you. Obviously, a lot of us do it differently. My advice when starting out would be to clip out early, maybe even with both feet, just in case you lean the wrong way. Also, if you are about to fall over clipped in, you can rotate your handlebars and help swing the bike back the other way. (e.g. if you unclipped left, but the bike starts to fall to the right, turn your handlebars to the right, and that will help it swing back to the left). This move has saved me a few times!
2008-08-22 11:15 AM
in reply to: #1621327

Subject: RE: Stupidest question ever
With speedplays, I find it much easier to unclip at the bottom because you can get more leg rotation.

2008-08-22 11:28 AM
in reply to: #1620307

Subject: RE: Stupidest question ever

If I'm thinking correctly, I unclip at 3 o'clock and immediately peddal backwards so the unclipped pedal is at 12 o'clock. Then put my foot down.

Heh, sounds kind of complicated but it seems natural to me.

2008-08-22 4:04 PM
in reply to: #1620307

Subject: RE: Stupidest question ever

Ok, so the bottom line is that there is no right or wrong way to do it.  I'm amazed at all the different anwers to this "stupid" question.  I'm sure many of you are too.  I guess I'm just going to have to figure out what works for me and practice itin the halway until the muscle memory develops before i hit the streets.  I'm off for a run, then a swim, then the hallway.  Wish me luck! 

Thanks to all the people that responded to this thread.  You are inspiring and awesome!

2008-08-22 6:36 PM
in reply to: #1620307

Harrisburg, PA
Subject: RE: Stupidest question ever
Decide which foot you prefer to end up with on the ground first. Unclip with that foot UP, then put the unclipped foot down on the ground as the bike comes to a stop. Make sure you are uncilipped BEFORE you come to a complete stop. Initially I didn't have issues unclipping; I had a problem clipping IN to the pedals. Had to practice for hours just so I could start riding the bike in the first place. Oh, and you will fall. We know not the hour or the day. Will probably happen when you come to a complete stop, realize you're still clipped in, then you'll think, "Oh, sh*t," then you'll be like the rest of us.
2008-08-22 6:53 PM
in reply to: #1620307

Extreme Veteran
Kansas City, MO
Subject: RE: Stupidest question ever
I too find it easier to unclip at the bottom with the Speedplays, just easier to get the 15 degrees of rotation I need to get past the float.  I used to be a left foot out only guy, but I'm past that and can unclip whichever foot I need to - typically that's the foot on the side with the curb if there is one, or left if I'm getting off my bike.
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