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2009-09-25 1:12 PM

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St. Paul, MN
Subject: Twin Cities Marathon / TC 10 Mile: Roll Call!
My wife is doing her 10th straight TC Marathon next weekend! I'm doing the 10 Mile for the first time. Should be a fun weekend!

And, this will be the 3rd year of FARM ANIMALS cheering at the TC Marathon. I'm the chicken, and my wife's brothers are the pig and cow (see attached photo). The last 2 years, we were cheering at the start, mile 15, and mile 26. This year, because the cow and the chicken (Matt and I) are running the 10 mile, we'll just be near the Cathedral (around mile 25.6) for the marathon runners.


Good luck runners!! See you out there!! (Hopefully it's nice and cool!! NOT a repeat of 2007!)


TC_marathon_08.jpg (73KB - 21 downloads)

2009-09-25 1:24 PM
in reply to: #2426439

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, Minnesota
Subject: RE: Twin Cities Marathon / TC 10 Mile: Roll Call!
Congrats to your wifey for doing 10 in a row! Good luck to you running the 10.

I may be volunteering at the Delta water stop at mile 25. Wifey will for sure, but I'm still a maybe.
2009-09-25 1:47 PM
in reply to: #2426472

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, Minnesota
Subject: RE: Twin Cities Marathon / TC 10 Mile: Roll Call!

Jeff: does your wife know you call her "wifey"?  I'm smack my husband if he called me that  

I prefer "Your Highness" of course

I hope to be spectating.  We found a nice spot at 17.5 last year that worked, although since I know lots of folks in the 10 mile race I might try to stop along that route first.

Edit:  I plan to be at mile 5ish for the 10 miler, watching.  I'll be on the hill if I can make it there in time.  Probabably not in time for anyone running 6 m/m, but for the regular mortals maybe.

2009-09-25 1:49 PM
in reply to: #2426439

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Arden Hills, MN
Subject: RE: Twin Cities Marathon / TC 10 Mile: Roll Call!
Sweet costumes! You should do the 10 miler in the chicken outfit.

My wife and I are doing it so maybe we'll see you at the dome before hand.

I've come down with a cold so my training is tanking this weekend. Oh well.

Edited by DB 2009-09-25 1:50 PM
2009-09-25 1:56 PM
in reply to: #2426510

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, Minnesota
Subject: RE: Twin Cities Marathon / TC 10 Mile: Roll Call!
Of course not! I'll be bracing for impact when I see you next. I'm sure you'll smack me for her!

BikerGrrrl - 2009-09-25 1:47 PM

Jeff: does your wife know you call her "wifey"?  I'm smack my husband if he called me that  

I prefer "Your Highness" of course

I hope to be spectating.  We found a nice spot at 17.5 last year that worked, although since I know lots of folks in the 10 mile race I might try to stop along that route first.

2009-09-25 4:03 PM
in reply to: #2426439

Subject: RE: Twin Cities Marathon / TC 10 Mile: Roll Call!

I recently (about a week ago) found out that Mayo Clinic was organizing a team for Twin Cities Marathon.  I found out even more recently (yesterday morning) that I was on that team.  I received even more recently (last night) a team jersey that I'm supposed to wear that day.  I hope this thing doesn't rub me raw in a bunch of places.  Does body glide come in a 55 gallon vat that I could just be dipped in?


So I will be in a green Mayo Clinic sleeveless jersey with white on the sides and wearing a white visor with a nike swoosh on the front.  Will that be enough to stand out from the crowd so that everyone will be able to see me? 


Good luck everyone!

2009-09-25 4:07 PM
in reply to: #2426439

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Subject: RE: Twin Cities Marathon / TC 10 Mile: Roll Call!

Barring any unfortunate injuries in the next 9 days I will be running the full.

2009-09-25 4:19 PM
in reply to: #2426439

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Eden Prairie
Subject: RE: Twin Cities Marathon / TC 10 Mile: Roll Call!
I husbandey will also be at 10-miler with wifey. We will be dressed in our "relatively fit-looking suburban couple" costumes.

BTW, I did hot 2007 for my first marathon and rainy 2008 for my second.
2009-09-25 4:20 PM
in reply to: #2426816

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, Minnesota
Subject: RE: Twin Cities Marathon / TC 10 Mile: Roll Call!
Stay out of the movie theatre and you'll be fine.

mndiver - 2009-09-25 4:07 PM

Barring any unfortunate injuries in the next 9 days I will be running the full.

2009-09-25 4:23 PM
in reply to: #2426439

TwinCities, MN
Subject: RE: Twin Cities Marathon / TC 10 Mile: Roll Call!
I'm in. It will be my fifth year in a row since moving to the TwinCities in 05. It is nice having a well run marathon so close to home.
2009-09-25 4:29 PM
in reply to: #2426439

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Twin Cities Marathon / TC 10 Mile: Roll Call!
I'm there for the 26.2!  I finally got my confirmation booklet today - I figured it was lost "in the system" with my temporary move, but I'm happy it arrived...

2 weeks ago, I wasn't sure I'd run it anymore - my house was next door to the one that blew in the big gas explosion in south Minneapolis on 9/12.  It's been a rather crazy last couple of weeks getting settled into a temporary apartment and dealing with all of the insurance & house reconstruction stuff.  

But, I decided I wasn't going to let stop me from running the TCM - I doubt I'll hit my target goal anymore now, but that's OK - there's always next year!!   Just finishing this year would be a moral victory for me, given the recent circumstances...

Steve - I'll be looking for you out there - thanks for all of your help & support, bro!!!

Cheers, Chris 

2009-09-25 4:30 PM
in reply to: #2426832

Subject: RE: Twin Cities Marathon / TC 10 Mile: Roll Call!

F4rword - 2009-09-25 4:19 PM I husbandey will also be at 10-miler with wifey. We will be dressed in our "relatively fit-looking suburban couple" costumes.

BTW, I did hot 2007 for my first marathon and rainy 2008 for my second.


Which was worse?

2009-09-25 4:34 PM
in reply to: #2426439

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Twin Cities Marathon / TC 10 Mile: Roll Call!
I will gladly take a repeat of the 2008 weather ANY DAY over sun & heat...  Hoping it's as overcast & chilly as '08 this year, but less wind and rain.  Heck, I'd even welcome a light drizzle.

Cheers, Chris 
2009-09-25 5:07 PM
in reply to: #2426848

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St. Paul, MN
Subject: RE: Twin Cities Marathon / TC 10 Mile: Roll Call!
JoeR - 2009-09-25 4:30 PM

F4rword - 2009-09-25 4:19 PM I husbandey will also be at 10-miler with wifey. We will be dressed in our "relatively fit-looking suburban couple" costumes.

BTW, I did hot 2007 for my first marathon and rainy 2008 for my second.


Which was worse?

Yeah, I was in those farm animal costumes, and they SUCKED in the heat (2007). All the runners last year (2008 - the rainy year) were just happy it wasn't hot like the year before.

Good luck runners!! Don't forget to high-five the giant cock!
2009-09-25 5:17 PM
in reply to: #2426848

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Eden Prairie
Subject: RE: Twin Cities Marathon / TC 10 Mile: Roll Call!
The heat in 2007 was rough.

So, TCM in 2008 in rain was fine. I actually love racing in storms. 

Speaking of which, anybody here do Turtleman in the rain/wind this year?....THAT was fun.
2009-09-25 6:31 PM
in reply to: #2426439

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Shoreview, MN
Subject: RE: Twin Cities Marathon / TC 10 Mile: Roll Call!

I'm in for the Marathon. It'll be my first full.

I guess I'm the only one on this thread that would prefer heat over rain and storms. When I was living in eastern NC I preferred doing run training between noon-2 so I guess my preference for the heat has stuck from that.

My ultimate goal is to break 3 hrs so if anyone is trying for 3 or faster and passes a guy with a Celtic cross tattooed on the back of one calf and a large Venus fly trap and hornet on the other then give me a kick in the rear to keep it moving

Good luck to everyone and have fun!


2009-09-25 6:40 PM
in reply to: #2426439

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Subject: RE: Twin Cities Marathon / TC 10 Mile: Roll Call!

Joe --- Can I hang out with you and Sarah in the corporate tent?  I'm on the HealthPartners team (no required uniforms for us, we're not rich like Mayo).  Bryan will be safely on the outside peeking in since he's not legit.  Of course, you'll have to wait an hour or two for my arrival.....

2009-09-25 8:18 PM
in reply to: #2426988

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Subject: RE: Twin Cities Marathon / TC 10 Mile: Roll Call!

lumpy - 2009-09-25 6:40 PM

Joe --- Can I hang out with you and Sarah in the corporate tent?  I'm on the HealthPartners team (no required uniforms for us, we're not rich like Mayo).  Bryan will be safely on the outside peeking in since he's not legit.  Of course, you'll have to wait an hour or two for my arrival.....

What? What!

2009-09-25 8:46 PM
in reply to: #2426439

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Subject: RE: Twin Cities Marathon / TC 10 Mile: Roll Call!
I am in for the full deal.  Broke down and got a cortizone shot  when I went to have it checked out early this week, but even on my brief run tonight in Z1 i could feel it so I am sure over the distance it will be sore.

I prefer cooler for the race, although I normally like heat.  Last year the rain and wind killed me since 90% of my training was in hot and humid and then it was so miserable on race day.  I cramped up every single mile.  I am thinking 60-70 would be a stellar day, overcast please. 
2009-09-25 9:48 PM
in reply to: #2426988

Subject: RE: Twin Cities Marathon / TC 10 Mile: Roll Call!

lumpy - 2009-09-25 6:40 PM

Joe --- Can I hang out with you and Sarah in the corporate tent?  I'm on the HealthPartners team (no required uniforms for us, we're not rich like Mayo).  Bryan will be safely on the outside peeking in since he's not legit.  Of course, you'll have to wait an hour or two for my arrival.....


That sounds great!  I heard they are getting a keg of Newcastle in there.  Maybe we can have a few beers and celebrate a successful day while Bryan pulls the car up closer to the finish area.  I hate walking so far after a race.

Edited by JoeR 2009-09-25 9:49 PM
2009-09-27 11:12 AM
in reply to: #2427135

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, Minnesota
Subject: RE: Twin Cities Marathon / TC 10 Mile: Roll Call!

jvanis - 2009-09-25 8:46 PM ...I am thinking 60-70 would be a stellar day, overcast please. 

As a spectator, I will be hoping for the same thing!

Good luck, folks.


2009-09-27 5:05 PM
in reply to: #2426439

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Twin Cities Marathon / TC 10 Mile: Roll Call!
I am in for the full.  2nd ever mary and first TC.  Can't wait!
2009-09-27 8:07 PM
in reply to: #2426439

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Subject: RE: Twin Cities Marathon / TC 10 Mile: Roll Call!
Did a 9 miler for a conficence builder with my wife this morning, it was a bit cooler than I would like for race day, took me a while to get mostly warmed up.  

I think today felt very fall like.  Sweats and a hoodie feels good tonight! 
2009-09-28 8:42 AM
in reply to: #2426439

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, Minnesota
Subject: RE: Twin Cities Marathon / TC 10 Mile: Roll Call!
Temps are looking pretty much ideal for Sunday.
2009-09-28 6:03 PM
in reply to: #2426439

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Subject: RE: Twin Cities Marathon / TC 10 Mile: Roll Call!
I'm in for the full 26.2.  This will be my 4th Marathon and 3rd TCM in a row.  I'd like to come in under 4 hours, but I've been a bad trainer, so we'll see.

2007 (super hot) was my first ever marathon so I had no point of comparison.  I didn't realize how bad it was.  Knowing more now, I'd take the majority position of storms over heat.
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