Other Resources Challenge Me! » substitutions Rss Feed  
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2005-07-05 10:26 AM

Subject: substitutions
I was just wondering if a spinning class can be substituted for miles on the bike.

2005-07-05 11:03 AM
in reply to: #190359

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Subject: RE: substitutions
I believe the answer to that is No. Same for trainer miles.
2005-07-05 11:10 AM
in reply to: #190359

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Denver, Colorado
Subject: RE: substitutions
Oh yeah? What about people who run on treadmills? I know you're out there!
2005-07-05 11:53 AM
in reply to: #190404

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St. Thomas, ON
Subject: RE: substitutions

Hmm... Didn't know that. I log my trainer miles/spin bike miles as regular cycling miles. Ditto with the treadmill. How do you separate them for purposes of the challenge?

Edited by Rennick 2005-07-05 11:56 AM
2005-07-05 11:57 AM
in reply to: #190466

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Subject: RE: substitutions
Treadmill is ok. Running is running.
2005-07-05 11:58 AM
in reply to: #190359

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Orlando, FL
Subject: RE: substitutions
I made my pledges in minutes. My training program is set up that way, too. I often will have to run on the treadmill, ride on a trainer, or swim with a bungee because I am in charge of a 3yr old whirlwind. I'd much rather be doing the 'real thing', but that is as real as I can get some days, and that is the training that will get me through my tri's.

Seems like if you're pledging in minutes, that would include any minutes you spend doing the sport - not venue specific. Heck, there was a women a few years ago who went to the Olympics in the marathon based primarily on treadmill training!

Annabanana - whatever works mom

2005-07-05 12:04 PM
in reply to: #190359

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2005-07-05 12:06 PM
in reply to: #190478

Subject: RE: substitutions
Lara, if you want to change the rules, chat with your Captain and ask your Captain to advocate for a change of rules. I don't make the rules.
2005-07-05 12:10 PM
in reply to: #190481

Subject: ...
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2005-07-05 12:18 PM
in reply to: #190359

Pensacola, Fl
Subject: RE: substitutions

I never saw any rules prohibiting trainer or treadmill miles.  I have calculated projected "indoor" miles into my goals and plan on achieving them with said "indoor" mileage.   I agree that the Ride lots challenge was different, but I have to agree with Lara on this one.  If minutes are allowed as goals, then so should trainer/treadmill mileage.  As for spin classes, I could see where goals in minutes would be better utilized than mileage, but then again, who cares...if someone is getting a workout in, then it should count. 

Edited to add.......

Now there is some integrity issues here.  For example, I am going to be on the road for the next 10 days.....and will have to use a stationary bike at the gym and know that the mileage on these things are waaayyyy off, so I will not be counting any of that mileage. 

Edited by Cavu9 2005-07-05 12:23 PM
2005-07-05 12:21 PM
in reply to: #190485

Subject: RE: substitutions

We're kinda' going on an amalgamation of the rules from the other challenges. Flying by the seat of our pants, one might say!

In the bike challenge (1st or 2nd?) Bear eloquently stated why trainer and spinner miles should not apply. Maybe those reasons might not apply in the case of Tri Challenge. I dunno. I take no issue with you questioning the rules but I'm not the person to whom you should make your case. That's a collective captains decision. 

I'm just chief cat herder! And sometimes proclaimer.


Edited by Renee 2005-07-05 12:23 PM

2005-07-05 12:29 PM
in reply to: #190502

Pensacola, Fl
Subject: RE: substitutions

Who said that we agree with Bear????

Trainers may not be completely accurate, but if you don't think I am getting a good workout pounding away on my trainer at 15 mph (when I would normally be getting 17+ outside), you would be mistaken.  So why would a slower pace and mileage workout not be allowed?  On a treadmill, if you aren't running at an incline %, then you aren't really running at the pace that it says....it is assisting you.....therefore you are running at an easier effort.  Why allow a treadmill but not a trainer?????

Again, just my views.....but if we are not going to allow trainer/treddy workout, let me know and I will adjust my goals!!!

Edited by Cavu9 2005-07-05 12:30 PM
2005-07-05 12:32 PM
in reply to: #190513

Subject: RE: substitutions

Question has been posed in the Captain's thread. Make your case there.

I don't make the rules - you do, CAVU! You and your fellow Captains. Certain assumptions have been made; as you take issue with them you should direct your concerns to the Captain's thread. Little has been set in stone at this point. As this is the first Tri Challenge, there's no history to fall back on.

2005-07-05 12:36 PM
in reply to: #190359

Westchester County NY
Subject: RE: substitutions

I think trainer and treadmill miles should count.  I don't think it's going to make or break someone's challenge goals by counting these miles.  Often people will have intervals or some of other bike workout planned that is better done on a trainer.  Since that's part of their training plan, it should be incorporated into this challenge. 

I do not use my trainer at this time of year so it doesn't matter to me, but I know a number of people do.  I think we need to take that into account.

2005-07-05 1:07 PM
in reply to: #190359

Subject: ...
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2005-07-05 1:13 PM
in reply to: #190573

Pensacola, Fl
Subject: RE: substitutions
Lara - 2005-07-05 12:07 PM

if memory serves... i was a trouble maker last month.. 

maybe it's good some things don't change

just last month???

2005-07-05 1:15 PM
in reply to: #190359

Broomfield, Colorado
Subject: RE: substitutions

I also would like to see the trainer count as miles.  As a parent, I cannot hire a babysitter every time I want to go out for a bike ride (3-4 x a week!), and the trainer is an integral part of my training! 

However, if trainer miles do not count, I can readjust my goals.  I HAVE to ride on the trainer (unfortunately!)

2005-07-05 1:19 PM
in reply to: #190580

Subject: ...
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2005-07-05 3:33 PM
in reply to: #190359

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2005-07-05 6:56 PM
in reply to: #190359

Denver, Colorado
Subject: RE: substitutions
Well, here's what I think. The number of miles that a treadmill or stationary bike reads is complete garbage (the same goes for the speed, because they are related), so if people are training in miles they shouldn't be using numbers from their machines. However, if they are training by time then any time spent doing the activity, regardless of whether they are inside or outside, is valuable and should count.

Maybe a simple conversion could turn these minutes into pseudo-miles. Take the average speed you perform at outdoors, and use that to convert minutes on a treadmill or trainer into the equivalent distance you would have gone if you went outdoors. Does that make sense to anyone else?

2005-07-05 7:03 PM
in reply to: #190359

Pensacola, Fl
Subject: RE: substitutions
Not really because that would give me MORE miles. When I am on the trainer, I ride at 15mph (due to the resistance, I guess), but outside I ride at 17+mph......so are you saying I get to claim MORE mileage for using the trainer and converting it to my outside mileage?????

2005-07-05 7:07 PM
in reply to: #190908

Subject: ...
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2005-07-05 7:09 PM
in reply to: #190359

Pensacola, Fl
Subject: RE: substitutions

guess I should have made it easier for you left coasters.....I mean, I did use mph....a term used over on this coast for miles per HOUR.  

1 hour on trainer = 15 mph
1 hour outside = 17+mph

do I need to go further for you???

2005-07-05 7:15 PM
in reply to: #190901

Pensacola, Fl
Subject: RE: substitutions

skavoovie - 2005-07-05 5:56 PM Well, here's what I think. The number of miles that a treadmill or stationary bike reads is complete garbage (the same goes for the speed, because they are related), so if people are training in miles they shouldn't be using numbers from their machines. However, if they are training by time then any time spent doing the activity, regardless of whether they are inside or outside, is valuable and should count. Maybe a simple conversion could turn these minutes into pseudo-miles. Take the average speed you perform at outdoors, and use that to convert minutes on a treadmill or trainer into the equivalent distance you would have gone if you went outdoors. Does that make sense to anyone else? -dave

This however is irrelevent in terms of this challenge.  We are not betting against each other to see who rides/runs/ swims the most.  We are seeing who completes or does not complete their individually assigned goals...which they are setting for themselves.  It is up to that person to decide if they are going to use trainer/treddy miles or not and if so, calculate that into their goals. 

2005-07-05 7:23 PM
in reply to: #190920

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