Subject: RE: The Social Network chenny - 2010-10-14 11:50 PM Since this sort on this subject about the movie...please someone tell me what is the wow factor with facebook? I've never used face book or tweet or other one. My wife does it all the time, hammer away at the key board. I saw in a newsweek article about facebook and how the company does something with the software to get you the Wow factor earlier, so you get hooked sooner. I've heard of facebook withdraw issues and how a college that turned off facebook for a week to see what would happen. I do emails and maybe a post in a group like this. How does this compare to facebook..or is it like it on steroids. I'm one of the last IT guys left who doesn't facebook or tweet, so I'm curious , not interested, but curious about why people like it, what does it replace from before, what is the Wow. I'm still on the light side of the force, lol. I don't know about wow factor, but my wife and I are transplants. My wife is from India, and went to Syracuse U. for undergrad and grad school. She has family all over the world. I am from New England, and I went to school at MIT, UMass, Northeastern U, and UCLA. We now live in the Mojave Desert In the NE corner of Los Angeles county. Facebook allows us the ability to keep connected and share with family and friends... seeing that we have none where we live. |