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2010-12-04 5:47 PM

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Midlothian, VA
Subject: Are these tan lines going to be permanent?
I've noticed that I have pretty distinct tanlines on my arms and legs from my bike jersey and tri-shorts, even though it has been MONTHS since I've ventured out with exposed skin there.

At this rate, I expect I might be back out in the sun before the tan fades away.  Am I destined to be perpetually striped?


2010-12-04 6:01 PM
in reply to: #3236764

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Are these tan lines going to be permanent?

Would that be a bad thing? I'm confused

2010-12-04 6:11 PM
in reply to: #3236764

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Subject: RE: Are these tan lines going to be permanent?
If you have Specialized Tri-Vent shoes, check out the tops of your feet. There'll be a diamond tan spot on the top of your foot and a smaller one on your big toe and second toe. I'm regularly amused at the beginning of races trying to see how many people have tri-vents

If you really look, you'll have three or four tan lines from the various sleeve lengths and various shorts lengths.

2010-12-04 6:35 PM
in reply to: #3236764

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Washington, DC Metro
Subject: RE: Are these tan lines going to be permanent?
faded_memories - 2010-12-04 6:47 PM I've noticed that I have pretty distinct tanlines on my arms and legs from my bike jersey and tri-shorts, even though it has been MONTHS since I've ventured out with exposed skin there.

At this rate, I expect I might be back out in the sun before the tan fades away.  Am I destined to be perpetually striped?


Yea you'll be perpetually striped, but that is a badge of honor.  When I was cycling competitively, I'd put in hundreds of miles a week and I'd have a tan line mid thigh and mid bicep pretty much all year.

2010-12-04 6:37 PM
in reply to: #3236785

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Washington, DC Metro
Subject: RE: Are these tan lines going to be permanent?
DanielG - 2010-12-04 7:11 PM If you have Specialized Tri-Vent shoes, check out the tops of your feet. There'll be a diamond tan spot on the top of your foot and a smaller one on your big toe and second toe. I'm regularly amused at the beginning of races trying to see how many people have tri-vents If you really look, you'll have three or four tan lines from the various sleeve lengths and various shorts lengths.

Yea that's funny... as I was saying in my other post about doing a lot of cycling I'd always have dark finger tips and and light rest of my hands from my gloves.
2010-12-04 6:42 PM
in reply to: #3236764

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Salt Lake City
Subject: RE: Are these tan lines going to be permanent?
Consider yourself lucky.  In college I had a fair skinned roommate who was the "A" in "GO RAMS" for a football game who had a letter A shaped tan on his chest for like 8 months.

I occasionally run shirtless on short runs in the summer to keep my tan lines from getting overly prominent.

2010-12-04 7:09 PM
in reply to: #3236764

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Extreme Veteran
Harbor City/Torrance/Carson
Subject: RE: Are these tan lines going to be permanent?
I have 3 shades on my legs as well but upper body is one dark shade.  Like what the other guy suggested, try running shirtless once in a while to get at least the upper body evened out.  Only the gf or significant other will see the lower body anyways.
2010-12-04 7:33 PM
in reply to: #3236764

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The Land of Ice and Snow
Subject: RE: Are these tan lines going to be permanent?
I have a permanent tan line on my lower back, in the space between the top of my tri shorts and the bottom of my cycling jerseys. 
I somehow always forget to put sunscreen there......
2010-12-04 7:51 PM
in reply to: #3236764

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Evergreen, Colorado
Subject: RE: Are these tan lines going to be permanent?
Yep.  My bike short lines stay on year round.  I don't get jersey lines because I wear a lot of different jerseys.  But definitely have bike short lines all the time.  Just sometimes they are darker than other times.
2010-12-04 8:00 PM
in reply to: #3236764

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Baton Rouge area
Subject: RE: Are these tan lines going to be permanent?
+1.  Farmers tan except for that spot on the lower back.  But I did remember sunscreen on it today.  I would try the shirtless thing but I tend to run at night.
2010-12-04 8:13 PM
in reply to: #3236764

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Subject: RE: Are these tan lines going to be permanent?
faded_memories - 2010-12-04 6:47 PM
At this rate, I expect I might be back out in the sun before the tan fades away.  Am I destined to be perpetually striped?


Only if you are very lucky

2010-12-04 8:31 PM
in reply to: #3236764

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the Alabama part of Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Are these tan lines going to be permanent?
Haven't any of you people heard about sunscreen and skin cancer?  I always use SPF 30-50 and pretty much stay pale year round! I even keep a small travel size of sunscreen in my bento box to reapply on rides longer than a couple of hours. (plus mrs gearboy is a fanatic about this - she even made our daughter have a small birthmark/mole removed that was near the part in her hair so it would not become cancerous)
2010-12-04 8:38 PM
in reply to: #3236764

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White Plains NY
Subject: RE: Are these tan lines going to be permanent?
They may go away, but they sure come back quicker. I don't have any real tatoos, but these tan lines have become some faux tatoos for me.
2010-12-04 10:34 PM
in reply to: #3236805

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Subject: RE: Are these tan lines going to be permanent?
JZig - 2010-12-04 6:42 PM In college I had a fair skinned roommate who was the "A" in "GO RAMS" for a football game who had a letter A shaped tan on his chest for like 8 months.

2010-12-05 9:07 AM
in reply to: #3236764

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Subject: RE: Are these tan lines going to be permanent?
When I go to the pool folks always comment on how tan I am. Even in middle of winter folks will ask where I have been on vacation.

As I've gotten older my tan fades less than in past. Yes I have weird tan lines...lower back from gap between shorts and bike/tri tops, bike shorts, on my back.

I can do a 45' swim in outdoor pool and get tan lines from my swimsuit.

2010-12-05 9:50 AM
in reply to: #3236764

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Sedona, AZ
Subject: RE: Are these tan lines going to be permanent?
I swim outside, which takes care of all of the lines except where my suit is. Only one person sees those line though. I DO have a permanent sunglasses/goggles tan though. It's pretty tough to hide.

2010-12-05 10:07 AM
in reply to: #3236764

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Manhattan Beach, CA
Subject: RE: Are these tan lines going to be permanent?
You all suck!  I have to ride outside for 4 hours a day to even start getting any kind of tan...and by tan, I mean sunburn.  Which I try to avoid.  I did a bike ride across the country and it was the first time I've ever been "tan" in my life.  It was gone after a month. ha!

2010-12-05 1:39 PM
in reply to: #3236764

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Cumming, Georgia
Subject: RE: Are these tan lines going to be permanent?
Yes just accept the tan lines and wear them with pride. I'm proudly sporting an 873 tan line on both my arms from Ironman Cozumel
2010-12-05 3:21 PM
in reply to: #3236879

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Are these tan lines going to be permanent?
gearboy - 2010-12-04 8:31 PM Haven't any of you people heard about sunscreen and skin cancer?  I always use SPF 30-50 and pretty much stay pale year round! I even keep a small travel size of sunscreen in my bento box to reapply on rides longer than a couple of hours. (plus mrs gearboy is a fanatic about this - she even made our daughter have a small birthmark/mole removed that was near the part in her hair so it would not become cancerous)

I can, and do, put SPF 50 sport sunscreen on and I can still come in from a short run with lines.

I ran a HM last weekend and it was ~22°F at the start so I was covered neck to toe and didn't even think about sunscreen.  My face had finally faded to a normal skin tone but now I'm back to sporting raccoon eyes again.
2011-03-21 10:31 AM
in reply to: #3236764

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Midlothian, VA
Subject: RE: Are these tan lines going to be permanent?

Well, I still have a pronounced line on my right arm and I put some miles on yesterday with ONLY a jersey on. Haven't ridden without multiple layers for months.  Guess if I want to avoid those lines  I'll have to slim down enough to ride shirtless.  That's not going to happen for a while...


2011-03-21 10:43 AM
in reply to: #3236764

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St Louis, Missouri
Subject: RE: Are these tan lines going to be permanent?

Swim, Bike, Run, Transition,,, Tan – the seldom mentioned 5th discipline  of the sport.

2011-03-21 11:17 AM
in reply to: #3406714

Subject: RE: Are these tan lines going to be permanent?

I do have a permanent shape of a sports bra on my back. 

I haven't worn a sports bra (alone) in the sun since 2007.  And still it's clear as ever.

My derm was shocked & even took a picture for her journal.

2011-03-21 11:20 AM
in reply to: #3236764

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Are these tan lines going to be permanent?
Some of mine are permanent.  It's always funny in the middle of winter when I have tan lines on my arms.
2011-03-21 12:52 PM
in reply to: #3236764

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Subject: RE: Are these tan lines going to be permanent?

I was permanently lined even when I did wear 45+ sunscreen all the time.  I eventually took to always wearing a watch on one hand and a big bracelet on the other to sort of camoflauge the transition from brown arm to white hand in professional settings (I was predominantly a cyclist then).  And I would buy casual shorts and skirts by length - they had to be long enough to cover the shorts line from biking!  Wearing sandals with brown legs and white feet make people question if I was a tennis player or a golfer.

Then I moved to the PNW - three years later, I have no more tan lines.   Only having sun 2 months out of the whole year makes dark tan lines a thing of the past.  Whatever lines I do get will fade before too long...

Edited by GLC1968 2011-03-21 12:53 PM
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