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2010-12-21 11:37 AM

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Subject: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!


First, thanks for taking a look, and i'd love to have you join my group. Athletes of ALL skill and age levels are welcome to join, and we'll probably have a group of 12-14 athletes to start with until we figure out who is going to stick around. I'd ask that you only join one group. If you decide you want into another, just let me know so i can make space for one more in here.

I'd like to try and keep a somewhat even balance of guys and girls, and again all ages and skill levels are welcome.


NAME: Newbz/David Savoie (the screen name came about as a nickname back in high school rowing, and newbz/newbie stuck around from that time on)

STORY: I'm heading into my 6th season of multisport racing. In that time i've met a lot of great people, had the chance to travel a lot, and have learned a lot about myself as an athlete. 2011 for me is already shaping up to be a fun season and I cannot wait to get going.

Before I moved into triathlon i spent 6 years as a rower, involved with a number of different crew teams around the midwest.

Outside of my training and racing, I work as a freelance photographer and triathlon/endurance sports coach in Philadelphia PA.

FAMILY STATUS: currently living with my next younger brother.

CURRENT TRAINING: With a big focus on duathlon for 2011 i'm spending a large part of my winter just running, and am currently in a block of just run training trying to bring my overall times down. At the moment i'm running 60-70 miles a week. In season my training will pick up in total hours again.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: 2010 was a fun year, and I mixed it up a bit from previous years. Normally for me I would race almost every weekend during the summer, and focus on shorter events, but this past season i only raced a total of 5 times (low for me), and did a few more longer events. I was very happy with improvements from previous seasons and the longer (half ironman distance) events are coming along nicely, but shorter events are still my main love.

2011 RACES: As of right now, specific races for 2011 are still up in the air, but the goal is to race a number of short and mid-distance duathlons, along with some running and cycling races.

WEIGHTLOSS: Since starting triathlon i'm down about 15 pounds from my start in the sport. I'd like to be about 5 pounds lighter by the start of the season but overall right where i'd like to be for this time of the year.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTOR: As far as being a good mentor for the group, i've been involved with endurance sports since i was 14, and i've met a lot of good, and bad coaches along the way, and had a LOT of people help me along in my journey. This is one of the ways i like to try and give back something to all those that have helped me along, and it offers a situation where i'm able to help others grow in an environment where they can ask questions and have some support along the way. I've worked as a coach for a number of years and have had some great success with my athletes, both in their racing, and helping them either come back from injury or stay injury free, and i think this last part is often a great help to newer athletes as they get going in a sport, and learn how to safely train without injury setbacks.

I spend a lot of time online (between this site, and editing as a photographer i'm around my computer for a lot of my non-training and racing part of the day), so i'm here and able to answer questions at least 1-2 times day if not more.
If you need help with running this would also be a great group for you, as i've had a lot of experience helping others along in their running journey.

Edited by newbz 2010-12-29 9:41 AM

2010-12-22 12:03 AM
in reply to: #3256274

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Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is OPEN!

NAME: Dagwoodz / Josh

HISTORY OF ME: Was a multi-sport athlete in HS, (soccer, swimming (500), baseball, and a thrower in track), and continued to stay with swimming for a year following.  Dropped out of college, worked around the area (SE CT) for a year or three and ended up joining the Army in 1999.  When I joined I had ballooned up from my race weight of 165 during swim season to 235.  Until joining the military, I was the consumate anti-runner.  Did not like it at all.  Of course, don't have much choice in the military.  The Army sent me to language school in Monterey, CA, and that's where I learned that I could love to run.  By May of 2000, my weight was back to around 200, I had done 3 10k fun runs (mud runs), took part in a 200 mile relay (Calistoga to Santa Cruz) and signed up for the Big Sur International Marathon...sans training.  (I can laugh about it now...wasn't so funny at mile 21 however.  Still finished in 4:47)  Of course, the military is an itinerant life, so I left Monterey and have been all over the country.  While I was in Monterey however, I debated getting into triathlons, but didn't have the resources to really begin.  (no $$ and no vehicle made it difficult)

ME NOW: Through the years, I started to put the weight on, and once again, began to despise running.  I would fluctuate from 205 up to 230.  Deployed to Afghanistan in 2006, came back, and moved to Augusta, GA, where I'm currently stationed.  While there, my physical state really fell apart due to life and work.  Deployed in February of this year, and when I weighed myself just after arriving here, I was at a whopping 260.  Since then, through a light exercise regime, and vigorous, (but healthy), dieting I've just recently dropped to 195 once again. 

I'm lucky to be at one of the larger bases here in Afghanistan where I can ride a mountain bike around the perimeter (8-10 miles each loop depending on the route), and running is always available.  My exercising has consisted of primarily biking, with some 3-4 mile runs mixed in.  I've worked up and completed 5 quarter centuries and one half century on the mountain bike around the base.  I've also started to enjoy running again.  All this led to me looking back at Triathlons...I miss the physical competition.  And I've always wanted to recapture that feeling of finishing the marathon.  I'm ambitious in my dreams, but realistic in my goals.

FAMILY STATUS: Single...not even a pet.  Yet.  I'm from CT, and spent the majority of my military career so far, (12 years) in GA, LA and TX.'s an identity crisis thing.

CURRENT TRAINING: I've not gotten into the rhythm of logging my workouts, but currently I run about 8-10 miles weekly and bike about 50-60 miles.  1-2 days a week I work on core and upper body strength.

First year doing Tri's...and I can't WAIT!  As I said above, I'm ambitious in my dreams, but realistic in my goals.  This year, I just want to build an extremely solid foundation for fitness.  I'm jumping pretty much right into Oly's, but I'm not expecting anything great.  MOP to BOP finishes wouldn't disappoint me at all.  Just looking to enjoy the first year and build a solid foundation for 2012.  By the end of 2012 I would like to see my Oly time drop dramatically, and compete in a HIM.

2011 RACES: I'm jumping right in to the deep end and working up to the Oly distance pretty quickly.  My swimming, even though I won't be able to work on it until mid/late Feb, will not take me long to get to Sprint level fitness.  I could jump in right now and swim a 250m at an 4:00 pace, so getting back down to around being able to repeat 1:20/1:30's over longer distances will just take a 3-4 pool session a week regime for about a month or 2.

 I've got 2 sprint Tri's lined up in the Spring, (Columbia City triathlon on March 27th, and the Pine Mountain Sprint on April 17th), then I'm jumping right up to the Oly distance.  Going to participate in the Knoxville Rev3 Oly, just to test the waters at that distance.  My first "peak", (even though this entire season is going to be primarily to build my fitness base), will be the Rev3 Quassy event in my home state of CT.  The military will be moving me to TX, most likely, in the summer, and have another 2 Oly's tentatively scheduled there, with the last one being the Austin Triathlon. 

WEIGHTLOSS:  Right now I'm at 195, giver or take 2-3 lbs for water.  My goal before I leave Afghanistan , (mid Feb), is to be at or below 190.  By the end of the season, I would like to see myself at or below 180 and with my body composition starting to change.

MENTEE: I know to listen to my body when I'm training, and more importantly, know when to ask for advice and guidance from those who are more knowledgeable.  Even though I haven't been around the pool for a while, my swimming background, both competing, coaching and instructing, (used to be an adult swim instructor as well as lifeguard instructor-instructor), will hopefully allow me to provide some useful feedback for other members of the group.  I'm really looking forward to the upcoming year, getting in better shape, and seeing my progression from someone who hasn't, to someone who has, has fun doing it, and will do more while helping others at the same time.   
2010-12-22 8:12 AM
in reply to: #3257089

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Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is OPEN!
Josh, welcome aboard.

It'll be great to have another around with some know how in the swim, it seems to be on the largest areas most newer athletes struggle with, as so few adults from non-swimming backgrounds swim much.

As it gets a bit closer to rev3 knoxville let me know, one of my other athletes (leegoocrap on here) is also racing there, and i'll put you guys in touch if you'd like.


In addition to helping you guys along with your first triathlons, or for those that have been racing the first races of the year, I just wanted to say a few more things. This group can be whatever you guys want/need out of it. We can talk about training, life, races, family, equipment, who has the worst music, you can rant if you need to (keep it respectful enough as to not offend anyone), etc.

Part of what makes a group like this such a good learning resources is that we'll all come into this with different backgrounds, strength and weaknesses, and we'll all be put together to bounce those ideas back and forth in a focused area. If someone asks a question, and you know the answer/have experience with that, by all means chime in.

This is sort of like a workshop class, i'm here to help facilitate and answer questions, but you guys can take it anywhere.

Likewise, if there are topics anyone would like discussed, please let me know.

Edited by newbz 2010-12-22 8:20 AM
2010-12-22 10:09 AM
in reply to: #3256274

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Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is OPEN!
Hey David...I'm ready for round 2.  Really looking forward to picking your brain about my upcoming HIM. 

NAME: tri808/Jason

STORY: I'm entering my second year of triathlons, with almost 2 years worth of endurance training under my belt.  I'm 29 years old, and have been active pretty much my whole life.  Prior to triathlons, I was into weight lifting and basketball.  Slowly though my eating habbits got worse and I got up to almost 200 pounds (I'm 5'6").  Some of that was muscle...but too much of it was fat.

I decided then that I needed a lifestyle change.  Weight lifting wasn't burning enough calories, and was counter the more weight I gained...the more weight I could lift.  I trained for my first marathon in 2008, but got injured due to improper training and did not race.  Trained properly in 2009 and finished well and decided this type of lifestyle was for me.  So I jumped head first into the sport of triathlon in 2010 and haven't looked back since.

FAMILY STATUS: Single...aka tons of time to train

CURRENT TRAINING: I train pretty much everyday.  My goal is to work up to the HIM distance by training 10-13 hours per week.  I've done all the distances individually in training (2000m swim, 100 mile long rides, and a marathon)...I just need to put it all together.

THIS YEAR'S RACES(2010): Two sprins, two Olys, a 40k TT, Half Marathon and Marathon

2011 RACES:  1 sprint, 2 Olys, and my first HIM from March to June.  Marathon again in December.  Not quite sure what I'll be doing from June - August.  Shooting for a 5:30-6 hour HIM, and a 3:40 marathon as my A races.

WEIGHTLOSS: Dropped from about 200 pounds at the beginning of 2009 and have held at 160 for over a year now.  Looking to lose another 5-10 pounds this year.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE:  I'm a sponge for knowledge.
2010-12-22 11:06 AM
in reply to: #3256274

Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is OPEN!
I'm in if there is still room.

B.J. Fahrer
Lancaster Ohio

Started lightly last year as a way to lose some weight and increase my fitness.  I did one sanctioned event at Deer Creek last September where I sucked it up pretty good but got my feet wet and saw what I am in for.

I'm 33 and about 13 years removed from any kind of consistent physical activity.  In high school I was a swimmer and ran track.  Sounds like a great start to triathlon, but I always struggled with shin splints and hated to run.

After high school, 5 years of college and a lot of pizza and beer helped me attain a weight of 285.  I've got a wife and two boys now and decided I needed to start setting a better example for them as child obesity seems to be a big enough issue today without their father reinforcing it.  I'm currently around 215 and plan to get to 190-200 by race season. 

As bad as it sounds, I struggle to work out for the health of it.  I have always been competitive and need something to work for to make myself do it.  That's what led me to triathlon.  It sounded like something I would enjoy and would give me some races to work for.

This year I have a few races in mind with the end goal being the Rev 3 half in September at Cedar Point.
2010-12-22 11:14 AM
in reply to: #3257545

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Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is OPEN!
BJ welcome, and if you have any questions on training/racing in ohio feel free to ask, and i'll see what i can do.

2010-12-22 11:17 AM
in reply to: #3257452

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Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is OPEN!
Newbz, I'd like to join your group. 

NAME: GoFaster / Neil

STORY: This will be my fourth year of Triathlon, and I've gone from BOP to MOP, looking to figure out how to find myself FOP.  I started out with no background in any of the 3 sports, and quickly discovered that swimming and I don't see eye to eye, the bike I'm okay, but the run usually saves my bacon.

I did the Muskoka 1/2 in 2009, and injured my ITB during the race, which sort of shelved a lot of 2010 for me as I never got myself recovered.  I'd like to go back to Muskoka this year with a goal of racing faster in every discipline.

Married, great wife, two crazy kids. 

Apart from the current Xmas period, I've been training 6-7 days a week for the past few months.  Working on the swim A LOT, with swimming 4 days a week - but my distances are limited since I need to fit these in over lunch hours.  I'm also following Jorge's cycling program, with the goal of getting my watts/kg up around the 3.8 mark by September.  Come January I plan to start following the FIRST 18 week 1/2 marathon plan.

Three Sprints, that was it.  Just couldn't get any run volume in cause of the ITB.

2011 RACES:  1/2 Marathon in May, 3-4 Sprints (maybe an Olympic) June - August, and then 1/2 HIM in September.  Went 5:56 the first time out, and am currently silly enough to think I would like to aim to go 5:15 - 5:30. 

Non issue for me.  I'm 6' at 153lbs, if anything I wouldn't mind adding a couple of pounds and have been thinking about lifting a couple of times per week.  The one thing I'd like to do is firm up my midsection a bit, but I think that's caused by some poor food choices.

Going into my 4th year I'm no longer "new" at this.  I think I'm able to contribute to the group while also learning from the mentor and other members.
2010-12-22 11:22 AM
in reply to: #3257452

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Hugo, MN
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is OPEN!

NAME: silentcs42/Dan

STORY: Started doing tris 5 years ago as a way to get in shape and quit smoking.  I have been successful on both endeavors.  I play soccer year round (indoor and outdoor) and have finally developed a love/love relationship with exercise.  I was a decent relief pitcher in HS and college, but I have never been a good athlete, although after training my view of myself is changing.  Completed IM CDA this year and would like to take a serious run at it a couple of years from now.

I want to step it up a bit next season and see what I'm capable of.

FAMILY STATUS: Married, 2 children (3 yrs and 9 months)

CURRENT TRAINING: Doing some weight lifting right now because I missed doing it and it's something different.  Running a lot more than usual because that's what I want to focus on improving this year.  I average about 5 days/wk training, but can do 7 if I plan carefully.

THIS YEAR'S RACES(2010): 2 ?s?p?r?i?n?t??s, 1 Oly?,? ??1? ??I?M?,? ?1? ?m?a?r?a?t?h?o?n

2011 RACES:
  Two sprints, two HIMs, a couple of 10milers.  I haven't settled on all my events yet.  Hopefully a TT or 2 in there.

MENTEE POTENTIAL:  I want to focus on improving my runnning ability.  I would like to be able to run a 1/2 marathon in 1:30.  Currently I have run that distance in 1:42.

Thanks for considering me!
2010-12-22 11:52 AM
in reply to: #3256274

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Fall River, WI
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is OPEN!
NAME:  inmyelement/Brent

STORY:  31 y/o male who full embraced a sedentary life style for way too many years combined with smoking 1 1/2 packs a day and drinking way too much.  All this left me at 6'3" 265lb and extremely out of shape.  Over the last 5-6 years I have lost weight a few times only to gain it back just as fast if not faster.  I have also quit smoking a few times gaining more pounds that never went a way with each attempt.  I got sick of geting winded from going up a flight of stairs and decided it was time to change.  Whch is how I ended up here in a round about way.  With a lot of pressure from my fiance we quit smoking in late Aug 2010.  With a wedding coming up in April 2011 the last thing we want to do is gain any weight from quitting cigarettes.  We decided to start eating better and decided to do a couch to 5k program together.  Then out of the blue I bought us a pair of road bikes.  Since we were already doing 2 of the events and I always liked swimming as a kid I thought I would look into the world of triathlon.  When I started browsing I never really had any serious intentions, but after finding this sight and doing some reading it all seemed doable.  So here I am.

FAMILY STATUS:  Engaged with a wedding date of April 2nd.  1 dog.

CURRENT TRAINING:  Almost completed with the Couch to 5k program.  Had a calf injury that slowed me down a little but now all seems good.  Bike and run 3 days a week.  Just started adding swimming.  2 days a week I do light weight lifting and core work 2-3 days a week.  Right now I am just focusing on a base and paying more attention to minutes than miles.  Currently running 30 minutes each run and adding 2 minutes each week.  For biking I do 1 day of sprinting work, one day of climbing/strength work and one long ride.  50-65 minutes a session and adding 5-10 minutes a week.  Swimming I m doing one of the beginner programs from BT.  I have slacked on logging but will get on the ball with that.

2010 RACES:  n/a

2011 RACES:  Looking to do a sprint in early June with an Olympic in late June.

WEIGHT LOSS:  Started at 265 currently 227 and looking to get to 190ish.

GOOD MENTEE:  I come to this sport with little to no knowledge in any of the aspects.  With that I do not pretend to know anything and am just looking for guidance and encouragement while offering the same to others.
2010-12-22 12:11 PM
in reply to: #3257633

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Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is OPEN!
Neil, brent, and dan, welcome!

So far it looks like we have a pretty good range of abilities/experience, which is always good to help get people thinking about and looking at things from a new angle.

neil, if that if you in your avatar thats probably one of the best race photos i've ever seen!

As always, if people have topics they'd like to see discussed or question go ahead and start them!
2010-12-22 12:12 PM
in reply to: #3256274

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Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is OPEN!
I come from a cycling background, having logged over 15,000 miles in the last two years.  I was once a fairly strong runner, even at 190 lbs.  Ran a 10:42 two mile at the police academy.  I coach wrestling, softball, soccer, lacrosse, and at one time coached men's swimming at The Ohio State University for two years.

I am getting into triathlons with my daughter, a college soccer player who has just finished her senior year and looking for some outlet to her competitive nature.  We decided to do triathlons together.  I have been reading and learning and I am getting into it.

Why I am a good mentee candidate:  I work my arse off and I refuse to stink at anything! 

2010-12-22 12:23 PM
in reply to: #3256274

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Fall River, WI
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is OPEN!
I have been reading a lot about the importance of sleep.  While I am a huge fan of sleeping, my job does not always allow for it.  I am a Paramedic and work 24 hour shifts.  Up side is I only work 10 days a month, down side is that I rarely, if ever, get a full night sleep while I'm at work.  Most of the time it is not a big deal, but there are times where I may get 1-2 hours of sleep at the most, sometimes no sleep at all.  This leaves me with 0 to 2 hours of sleep in a 26 hour period.  Obviously I do not feel like working out these mornings. 

Is it best to suck it up and head to the gym on my way home or just taking the day off.  Will working out on so little sleep make me more prone to injury?
2010-12-22 12:33 PM
in reply to: #3256274

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Woodbridge , Virginia
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is OPEN!
Hey Newbz have room for one more

NAME: momo/Maurice

STORY: This is my 5th years partipating in tri's and running events. I really love the community and the physical benefits of training. I am also a fitness coach, I use many of my struggles to better assist people of there journey to become more fit.


CURRENT TRAINING: I train pretty regularly. Normally in off season I tend to migrate towards running events. So there's minor biking and swimming going on.. I also lift weights here and there.. mainly body weight stuff.

THIS YEAR'S RACES(2010): 1 spint, 2 DNFs (OLY, HIM), 2 10 miles (PR'd both) 10K PR'd

2011 RACES: 3 sprints, 1 marathon, 1 OLY, 1 HIM, and FULL.. and typical year end running events..

WEIGHTLOSS: I want to get down 225. Ive run all my events at 240 or heavier. so this year im more motivated to get there.. i've run some fast races at 240 so i curious to see what i can do lighter..

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE: Im always will to learn something new.. or approach things differently than normal.
2010-12-22 12:37 PM
in reply to: #3257678

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Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is OPEN!

Are you still in ohio? I grew up not far off campus from OSU and then have lived for a long time just north of columbus, and went to school at denison, have only lived outside of ohio for hte past two years.


Take this for what its worth, but i've always been ok on little sleep in small doses (ie a night like that i'm ok the next day, but multiple nights is hard). Is your schedule in blocks of days, or a 24 hour cycle, day or two off, repeat?

My normal rule of thumb tends to be on days like that, i'll start the workout, if i feel awful after a bit/warm up, then i'll cut it and head home. Do that a few times and you start to learn what you can/can't work through.

i know for me, i can run on no sleep and be fine (i used to run at school at 3-4am after being up all night working, and i was ok), but swimming KILLS me if i'm tired.
2010-12-22 12:39 PM
in reply to: #3257696

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Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is OPEN!
Maurice, welcome.

To anyone looking to join, this is open until the subject line says closed. If you squeak in while i'm closing, you are fine and are in.
2010-12-22 12:46 PM
in reply to: #3257656

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Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is OPEN!
newbz - 2010-12-22 1:11 PM  neil, if that if you in your avatar thats probably one of the best race photos i've ever seen!

Yep, love that photo, father in law caught it from a small dock anchored off the beach from a Sprint Tri. 

2010-12-22 12:47 PM
in reply to: #3256274

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Syracuse, NY
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is OPEN!
Hey Dave,

If you have room for another guy Id like to join.  I will provide a better bio when I am not logged in from work. 

This is going to be my 2nd season of Tri.  I did 2 sprints last summer and a bunch of 5ks.  I have a HIM on my radar for next July.


Edited by chmoore2 2010-12-22 12:52 PM
2010-12-22 12:53 PM
in reply to: #3257713

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Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is OPEN!
Newbz!  Go Bucks, Go Kroger'ing!

No my wife and I moved there just after we got married in 86 to get away from family.  She was an all-america swimmer at OSU.  Daughter was born in a room with a view of the stadium!  Then we came back to MA to be near family????  We lived about 2 miles from campus off of Kenny Rd.  Loved Ohio, wish we hadn't left sometimes!

2010-12-22 1:01 PM
in reply to: #3256274

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Oklahoma City, OK
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is OPEN!
I would like to join...

NAME: Holly

STORY: 2011 will be my 4th year in triathlon and still loving it!!  We have a great triathlon/racing community here in Oklahoma and it gets bigger and better every year.  For the most part, the weather is usually mild enough to run & bike year round outside....which is great because I really hate the treadmill!!  I am lucky enough to live within walking distance from a lake with fantastic run & bike trails and is also the Redman race site, which is Oklahoma's (only, i think) HIM/IM distance race.

FAMILY STATUS:  Married, going on 16 years.  We have an 11 year old son and 2 dogs (1 great dane, 1 german shephard

CURRENT TRAINING:  Training has been pretty sporadic here lately but I am trying to be more consistant!!

THIS YEAR'S RACES(2010): Slow race-year this year.  Only did 2 sprint distances.

2011 RACES:  Just signed up for the Kansas 70.3 and plan on doing the full distance at Redman this year.

WEIGHT LOSS:  I would be super happy if I lost about 10-15 pounds!!!

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE:  I do not have a coach and between work & family I don't get to go out and train with others very often.  So it's really nice to be able to come on here & ask questions and bounce around training ideas. 

2010-12-22 1:09 PM
in reply to: #3257758

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Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is OPEN!
holly, welcome!

Mike, I lived in clintonville just up high street from OSU, but i was born the year you guys got married...

Where in mass are you guys? I'm actually out on the east coast living in philly now.
2010-12-22 1:40 PM
in reply to: #3256274

Albany, NY
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is OPEN!
Hi newbz,
My name is msrevi/ matt and I would like to join.  2011 will be my second season of triathloin

Family status:
married with 3 kids (ages 15 to 4)

I currently train 5 or 6 days a week for 7 to 10 hours on average. 

2010 Races:
2 sprints,  1 Oly

2011 Races:
1 century ride (june), 2 HIM (first in June, second in sept), 1 sprint (July), 1 Oly (Aug), 1 marathon (October)

Strengths and Weaknesses: 
I came into triathlon from a running background.  Relative to everything else I am a decent runner.  Did a 15K this past season in 1:10.  My bike is not too great as I just started training this past season.  I  am doing 3 to 5 spin classes a week at the local Y over the winter (I live in upstate NY so riding outside is not an option right now..) to build a better base.  My swim is awful (took me 42 min to do .9 miles in Oly race last year..) and will be doing a tri specific swim clinic next week to try and work out my form / efficiency issues.

I'd like to finish my HIM's this season comfortably and be faster in the second one vs the first.  I want to get much better at swimming.  I will be volunteering at IMLP this July and signing up for IMLP 2012 after.

What I'd like to get out of this:
Advice on progress of training.  Am I doing enough / too much to do well at HIM distance?  Tips and advise on ways to improve both swimming and bike times. Advice on gear needed in HIM vs Oly races...

2010-12-22 1:40 PM
in reply to: #3257773

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is OPEN!
NAME: Janyne

STORY:  I ran in middle school, high school and part of college.  I was always put in the longest event available.  I quit running in college after an injury and ended up not doing anything for years.  About seven years ago, I started cycling.  About two years ago I started running too.  I took adult swim lessons after that did my first tri last April.

FAMILY STATUS:  Married.  

CURRENT TRAINING:  Training consistently

THIS YEAR'S RACES(2010): First year in triathlon after several years as an avid cyclist.  I did my first and second half marathons in January and February and my first tri in April.  I completed 2 Olys, 1 sprint and ended the season with the Beach2Battleship half ironman in November.

2011 RACES:  First marathon in February, Gator half in March and Beach2Battleship full in October

WEIGHT LOSS:  Maintain or a loss of 5 pounds.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE:  I'd like to learn as much about the sport as I can and I would also like to improve my race nutrition.  I'd love to contribute to the group as I can.
2010-12-22 1:42 PM
in reply to: #3256274

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Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is OPEN!
I'd like to join.    I'm just about to take my kids out to the park, but I'll be back to do the full questionnaire in a bit.
2010-12-22 1:53 PM
in reply to: #3256274

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Syracuse, NY
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is OPEN!

NAME: Charlie Moore /chmoore2

2011 will be my 2nd year in Triathlon.  I started last year as a way to maintain the weightloss I acheived over the previous year. 

  Married, going on 13 years.  Have two crazy boys 6 and 8, and a big German Shepard.

  Been following the longer maintenance plan with the exception of the swimming.   I have been using the lower volume maintenance plan for swim trainning as I didn't see me getting to the pool enough.  I have been pretty consistent until I got sick recently, about a week off and likely a couple more days before I can pick it up strong.

First Year only did 2 Sprints and a handfull of 5Ks

2011 RACES:
  3 Sprints, at least 1 HIM possibly two if I like the first.

  I would like to get down to 190 by the time I do my HIM, that would be about 20 more pounds to go.  Still not small but way better than where I started.   280 lbs and 5'7"

  I am willing to learn and contribute as much as possible.  I am very excited about my long distance tri, and will have lots of questions on nutrition and training.

2010-12-22 1:55 PM
in reply to: #3256274

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Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is OPEN!
Hey Holly...we were in the same mentor group last winter-spring with Mike.  Cool to hear that your taking the full distance plunge.
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