Subject: May 15 Marathon Weekend So there are two major marathons planned in the GTA on the same day this weekend. Crazy. I wouldn't plan on going anywhere far in the GTA on sunday (unless you're doing it in a pair of running shoes). Anyways - just wanted to wish everyone in the GTA a great race on Sunday! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Below is a rant - don't read it unless you like ranting... I've done both races and just wanted to comment on how the Goodlife Toronto race organizers scared the crap out of me today. Background: Last year the race was a logistical disaster, and the shuttle buses we paid extra, ended up lost and did not get us to the start until 27 minutes after the gun went off. Naturally, this year I decided to go back to the Mississauga race. Today I received an email from the Toronto Marathon organizer confirming my registeration and packet pick-up for this weekend... WTH? Was I drunk when I registering and accidentally signed up for the wrong race. I confirmed with Mississauge that I'm registered for their Half-M and I suspect that this is another organizational F-up by the people running the Toronto Marathon. Its starting to come across as a amateurishly organized event. |