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Goleta Beach Triathlon - Olympic Distance - TriathlonOlympic

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Goleta, California
United States
Goleta Beach Triathlon
70F / 21C
Total Time = 2h 05m 31s
Overall Rank = 2/205
Age Group = 35-39
Age Group Rank = 1/33
Pre-race routine:

This was the inaugural Goleta Beach Triathlon and when I saw it on the calendar back at the beginning of the year, I just felt like it was a race that I would like to do. Fairly close being up by Santa Barbara, course looked fun and I knew a couple people doing it, so I signed up. Well, as this race got closer, it got more and more difficult to make it. A few people I knew pulled out of doing it namely Ashley and Lizzie (Ashley was busy working while Lizzie has been battling some running injuries) and we also got invited to a wedding the night before....ugh. Getting out of weddings in a timely manner is next to impossible. Ashley and I managed to sneak out just after 10pm...with a 4am wake up, this was not ideal...but not too bad either.

Now I was heading to the race solo, at 4am...yuck. I woke up and had everything ready to go. I literally just got dressed, threw my transition bag and bike in the truck and I was off. I brought a small cooler with a couple Gatorades and a water plus some simple breakfast items which turned out to be just fine. I arrived at 5:30am, got a decent parking space and was actually able to take a half hour nap while the rain starting falling outside. It was really nice actually.

The rain stopped and I got up and headed to transition about 630am and picked up my packet and set up. Pretty uneventful. My number wasn't affixed to my bike per my usual standards, but it would have to do as I didn't have any scissors to cut it and shape it the way I like. I talked to a couple guys in transition and then we had to exit while the sprint waves started so the timing mats wouldn't get messed up. I went down to the beach to watch the start of the sprinters and then headed back to transition and put on my wetsuit.
Event warmup:

I was NOT into racing I walked down to the beach and had about 30 minutes till my start. I stood in waste deep water for like 20 minutes. I could not get myself to get going. Energy was fine just my mental attitude was not there. I was *too* relaxed really. I didn't really care one way or the other. I wanted to do well but if I didn't, I was fine with that. This led to me standing there not wanting to get cold and wet. With about 10 minutes till my start, I finally jumped in and swam a few strokes and felt really good. I was not surprised, just relieved.
  • 21m 35s
  • 1637 yards
  • 01m 19s / 100 yards

We were the very last wave of the day. Lined up in the very front middle and only stood there for maybe a minute before we were on our way. Three of us quickly emerged as the fastest swimmers. I really tried to up my swim to hang with these two guys. The first buoy was about 200 yards out and we reached it pretty quick. It was a really tight turn, probably like 120 degree turn as we came in at an angle and then headed back the other direction. I made it a point to round this buoy well as I saw one of the other swimmers heading wide. I came in at a very shallow angle and flipped over and took a couple strokes of backstroke to make rounding the buoy at such a tight angle easier. Well, I spotted one of the swimmers going wide and passed him easily. I also caught up with the lead swimmer instantly from the really good tactical move.

The next stretch was a long straightaway to the pier. This was the first time I actually made a hard surge to get on someone's feet. I could see the lead swimmer now starting to swim away a little bit and he was about 10 feet or so to my right. I thought if I could get on his feet maybe he would pull me along at his, slightly faster pace. So I made a beeline to get behind problem, I was on his feet in just a few seconds. But he was a tough guy to hold on to. He was swimming all over the place. I would take a few strokes and lose him...pick him back up and then lose him again. He wasn't really pulling away, just moving around a lot. By the time we reached the pier and turn around, I was still with him. On the way back to the last buoy, I lost him and decided it was not worth trying to close the gap at this point. I finished like 10-11 seconds behind him.

Had a great swim overall and felt really good coming out of the water. The swim time includes a fairly substantial run up the beach and to transition.
What would you do differently?:

Nothing. I felt really good and I feel I swam with my wits about me. I wasn't just plodding along, I was trying to race.
Transition 1
  • 00m 55s

Got to my bike and ripped my suit off and threw it over by my bag. Not my smoothest T1 but still very fast.
What would you do differently?:

Be more focused and deliberate with my moves. I was too scattered when I came in.
  • 1h 04m 22s
  • 25.2 miles
  • 23.49 mile/hr

Took off on the bike and got up to speed and into shoes without incident. There was a guy right in front of me that I figured was the guy that beat me out of the swim. I wasn't sure but it did turn out to be that guy. The course starts off on a fairly technical bike path. I like that because it gives the legs a second to warm up as you twist your way down the turns. There was also a section with really bad roots...reminded me of a whoop section in motocross. I pinned it through there BMX Got out onto the road and just put my head down and started riding. Power was a little higher than normal because of the rolling hills which was fine.

A little pack started to form that was pissing me off. Shades of Honu 70.3 came back in my mind. Because of the hills, and me riding by power, the same dynamic formed. A couple guys would go blasting by me on the uphills as I keep my power in check and then I go blasting by them on the downhills as they rest. Sometimes though, they wouldn't get out of it as I passed. They would sit in to the base of the hills and then go by again. So, I turned around at one point and yelled at a guy, "Come on man, 3 bike lengths!" He muttered something I couldn't understand.

About halfway through, the pack now swelled to 7 of us. Same dynamic, I would get passed and drop back, and they would all ride together up the hill. After this happened a couple times, I flipped. I couldn't contain myself anymore and I yelled"GUYS! COME ON! DRAFTING!" Obviously the one guy tucked in turned around and said "Me?" I yelled, "ALL OF YOU"

When I caught back up on the next section, I came up along side him and he said he wasn't drafting and had been dropping back. I said it's fine, just watch for it.

After that, the pack broke that. I was finally able to shake everyone and get out on my own. My power was still a little high but I felt just fine and knew I would be able to run. I also made some time by really riding the back path back to transition hard. I don't mean pedaling hard, but going really deep into turns and keeping my momentum up. Dismounted great and was done in just over an hour. Very happy.
What would you do differently?:

Ummm, not much here. Maybe not flip out on drafters? Mind my own
Transition 2
  • 00m 42s

My bike to run transitions are so simple now, they are almost a non event.
What would you do differently?:

  • 37m 59s
  • 5.3 miles
  • 07m 10s  min/mile

Took off out of transition and instantly felt pretty good. I didn't have that weird first mile where you don't feel right and you are trying to find a sustainable pace. I caught a guy, or was catching, from a previous wave on the bike right towards the end and he ran out at a good clip so I thought I might try and hang with him as best I could. He was very very slowly putting some time into me. The first half of the run is very nice on a bike path with a couple 180 degree turnarounds. The first mile clicked off at 6:28 and I was very happy. That is fast for me right now and I felt like I could hold that pace for the whole run.

Then the shit hit the fan. Not with me, I felt awesome...with the course. At about mile 1 3/4 or so, it turns onto the beach. Yup, down onto the sand for about ~1 1/4 miles. This was a bitch to say the least. After a few minutes of trying to hold my pace, I thought, this is stupid. I'm going to take what it gives me...not try and force anything. So what I did was concentrate on form instead of speed. Keeping a nice "proud" form and making sure I didn't lose my footing. I was able to run a pretty good clip. I wasn't losing time to anyone that was near me and I was making time on a few guys in front. I was also making sure to watch the waves and not get my feet wet.

Made it through the sand and, not having looked at the course map that closely, was thinking, what's next? Well, lap two...that's what's next. mean I have to do that stupid sand run again...yeesh. I stayed focused in the moment though. Nothing I can do about the course, so let's get this done. I picked up the pace on the bike path and still felt very good. I passed the guy I yelled at on the bike course at the turnarounds and we actually high fived...

Back down to the sand for round two. I knew what to expect this time and just kept the same game plan. Good form and sure footing. Because the course was now much more crowded, I did have to step in the water a couple times, but it wasn't a big deal as I was almost done.

I really picked up the effort with about a mile to go. I knew there was a good chance I was leading and didn't want someone to catch me in the final stages. I always think to myself, if they catch me, fine, but I sure as shit ain't gonna make it easy. Finally made it to the finishing chute and crossed the line. Took me a few minutes to collect myself.
What would you do differently?:

Nothing...I did well and I would have liked to have seen what I could have run on a normal course.
Post race
Warm down:

Sat on the grass and chilled for a few minutes. I talked with the guy I yelled at after the race and he was a nice guy. He explained his side of what was going on during the bike. Which was fine. I just told him that I was getting sick of watching them ride by as a pack and the pack not breaking up when they went by...he understood.

Waited around for quit some time to get my medals for AG win and overall 2nd.

What limited your ability to perform faster: is really taking effect and I feel faster than ever.

Event comments:

Great race and well organized for a first year event. I will probably be back next year if it fits.

Special thanks as always goes out to my coach Brian Stover (Accelerate 3) who has been hitting me with the perfect amount of training load. I feel like I'm really responding well to it. Also my sponsors, 101 Pipe & Casing, Kurt Orban Partners, K Swiss, Wins Wheels. My training teams, CVMM, Fortius Racing, LA Tri Club, and CV Tri Club. Plus Ashley...she's the best and deserves a lot of the credit. Love you!

Next up Santa Barbara Long Course.

Last updated: 2011-07-22 12:00 AM
00:21:35 | 1637 yards | 01m 19s / 100yards
Age Group: 1/33
Overall: 6/205
Performance: Good
Suit: Blueseventy Axis
Course: Ocean swim with absolutely zero surf.
Start type: Run Plus: Waves
Water temp: 60F / 16C Current: Low
200M Perf. Good Remainder: Good
Breathing: Good Drafting: Good
Waves: Navigation: Good
Rounding: Good
Time: 00:55
Performance: Good
Cap removal: Average Helmet on/
Suit off:
Wetsuit stuck? Yes Run with bike: Yes
Jump on bike: Yes
Getting up to speed: Good
01:04:22 | 25.2 miles | 23.49 mile/hr
Age Group: 1/33
Overall: 2/205
Performance: Good
Wind: None
Course: Rolling course with some bike paths. About ~500 ft of gain to it.
Road: Rough Wet Cadence:
Turns: Good Cornering: Good
Gear changes: Average Hills: Average
Race pace: Hard Drinks: Just right
Time: 00:42
Overall: Good
Riding w/ feet on shoes Good
Jumping off bike Good
Running with bike Good
Racking bike Good
Shoe and helmet removal Good
00:37:59 | 05.3 miles | 07m 10s  min/mile
Age Group: 4/33
Overall: 11/205
Performance: Good
Course: TOUGH run course. Two loops with a little less than half the loop on the sand.
Keeping cool Good Drinking Just right
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Good
Mental exertion [1-5] 5
Physical exertion [1-5] 5
Good race? Yes
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities: Average
Race evaluation [1-5] 4

2011-08-01 12:37 PM

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Westlake Village , Ca.
Subject: Goleta Beach Triathlon - Olympic Distance

2011-08-01 1:33 PM
in reply to: #3623928

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Reston, VA
Subject: RE: Goleta Beach Triathlon - Olympic Distance
Fastyellow - 2011-08-01 1:37 PM

Very nice overall race. Looking forward to seeing what you do when you don't have to run in the sand!
2011-08-01 7:46 PM
in reply to: #3623928

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Subject: RE: Goleta Beach Triathlon - Olympic Distance
Wow, I'm impressed. Very solid Dusty!
2011-08-02 11:51 AM
in reply to: #3624613

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Westlake Village , Ca.
Subject: RE: Goleta Beach Triathlon - Olympic Distance
Need to up my game if I'm going to stand a shot taking you on in Soma Elliot!
2011-08-02 1:55 PM
in reply to: #3623928

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Goodyear, AZ
Subject: RE: Goleta Beach Triathlon - Olympic Distance
For not being into it that day, you sure had a great race! Congrats on the podiums!
2011-08-02 7:22 PM
in reply to: #3623928

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Subject: RE: Goleta Beach Triathlon - Olympic Distance
you are on a roll.  gj...

2011-08-03 7:57 AM
in reply to: #3623928

Subject: ...
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2011-08-08 9:41 PM
in reply to: #3623928

Los Angeles, CA
Subject: RE: Goleta Beach Triathlon - Olympic Distance

I was there for the sprint (my first ever race).  Nice job!  Maybe I'll do the olympic next year.  =)


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