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2006-03-01 9:38 AM

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Subject: Cult of Kicking A$s

A few months ago I started base training using heartrate zones, and I joked to Mike Ricci that I felt like adopting this training method was akin to joining a cult, the culk of Kicking A$s. Well, after seeing Coredump run a 1/2 mary at his LT in 1:45 flat after doing nothing but zone 2 base training for months, I am even more of a believer. Anyone else have base training success stories, comments, testimonials, etc?

For those aren't in on the fun ... C'mon, step right up.  Drink the juice (erm...gatorade). Zone 2 is where it's at.

2006-03-01 9:52 AM
in reply to: #357572

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Subject: RE: Cult of Kicking A$s
I was able to drop from 15 minute miles to 10 min miles doing nothing but Z2 work.
2006-03-01 10:00 AM
in reply to: #357572

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2006-03-01 10:02 AM
in reply to: #357572

Subject: RE: Cult of Kicking A$s
Following Mike's 20 week Beginner HIM plan, I ran a 1:26 HIM half-marathon in November, running no faster than 8:30 pace in training.

Edited by run4yrlif 2006-03-01 10:03 AM
2006-03-01 10:23 AM
in reply to: #357572

Pensacola, Fl
Subject: RE: Cult of Kicking A$s
Even though Mike and I have parted ways, I still believe in his teachings and have made great improvements in my training by being a member of this cult!  I will keep doing it, as I have no doubts that I will continue to improve by doing so!  Thanks Mike!
2006-03-01 10:23 AM
in reply to: #357572

Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea
Subject: RE: Cult of Kicking A$s

Even though I'm new to Z1/Z2 base training, I'm already seeing some definite benefits:

  • Aerobic endurance is much better because I'm training in the right zone.  I can go for a very long time averaging mid-Z2 on my runs when I used to gas out at about 40 minutes.
  • After a relatively short time, I can see my mins/mile coming down gradually.  I'm guessing that I'll see the benefits start to accumulate after another month or so based on what others have said about their base training.
  • I can push a harder gear at the same RPM for longer on the bike. 
  • I feel like I can run forever and enjoy it.  I honestly felt like that would never be a reality for me.  I'm only up to about an hour's run (per the plan, of course) but I know I could go longer (see 40 minute blow-up point above).

I'm a firm believer and, while I'm nervous/anxious for my first OLY in July, I know that if I follow the plan I'll be just fine and may even hit my long range goal of sub-3:00:00 sooner than expected. 

Can we get t-shirts and membership cards for The Cult of Kicking A$s?

2006-03-01 10:26 AM
in reply to: #357621

Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea
Subject: RE: Cult of Kicking A$s

run4yrlif - 2006-03-01 10:02 AM Following Mike's 20 week Beginner HIM plan, I ran a 1:26 HIM half-marathon in November, running no faster than 8:30 pace in training.

Wow, Jim!  That's wicked fast.  Is it your PR for a 1/2 Mary?  If not, what is?  Congrats on some major a$s kicking!

2006-03-01 11:00 AM
in reply to: #357572

Herndon VA
Subject: RE: Cult of Kicking A$s

I'm about 6 weeks into base/zone training.  I haven't noticed a big a difference in running but I've noticed a big difference in riding.  I have to actually push myself to stay in zone 2.  Of course, this has been on the trainer so far.  Hopefully this weekend, I'll be able to test this outside. 

For me the biggest difference is in recovery time.  Even after runs of up to ten miles, I don't feel fatigued the next day.  Also, I've noticed a decrease in nagging injuries.  This has made it worth while.

I'm hoping for the speed gains everyone else is talking about.


2006-03-01 11:02 AM
in reply to: #357572

Subject: RE: Cult of Kicking A$s
I've been waiting for this day....
2006-03-01 11:28 AM
in reply to: #357572

Pulaski TN
Subject: RE: Cult of Kicking A$s
My coach has me zone training as well and things are definetly getting easier as far as speed. Cant wait to see what I do as I continue to drop weight!!
2006-03-01 12:09 PM
in reply to: #357572

Northern VA
Subject: RE: Cult of Kicking A$s
I also started training this way a few months ago. My long runs feel great now and my times are improving. I am anxiously awaiting my first race this spring (Cherry Blossom 10-miler) to see how it all pays off!

2006-03-01 12:35 PM
in reply to: #357572

Springdale AR
Subject: RE: Cult of Kicking A$s
how can I find out what you all are talking about. I am tired of finishing last in my age group so I need to find a way to get faster.
2006-03-01 12:45 PM
in reply to: #357572

DC Metro, slowly working my way to NC
Subject: RE: Cult of Kicking A$s
Just started it, so we'll see how it goes at the half in three weeks - I figure if I don't yak at the end, it's working.
2006-03-01 12:49 PM
in reply to: #357572

North Carolina
Subject: RE: Cult of Kicking A$s
I am in zone 2 so much I don't think I need my hrm on slow days anymore..............
2006-03-01 12:54 PM
in reply to: #357572

Subject: RE: Cult of Kicking A$s
What must I do to get in on this???
2006-03-01 12:59 PM
in reply to: #357867

Evergreen, Colorado
Subject: RE: Cult of Kicking A$s

There was a LOOOOOOOOOOONG post on the HR training zones...the post that wouldn't die.  So, for starters, you could go find it...can't be hidden too deeply.

BUT...REALLY, the best way to join the cult is to pony up the $$$$ for the gold membership, go to the Training Support Forums, and say, "Mike, I need help!"   He'll assist you in learning the ways....

2006-03-01 1:12 PM
in reply to: #357869

Subject: ...
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2006-03-01 1:13 PM
in reply to: #357572

Boston, MA
Subject: RE: Cult of Kicking A$s

Previous 1/2 Marathon PR Feb 2005 -> 1:35 hrs HR avg 174, 7:11 pace
I began my 2006 season training on Nov 2005 after 2 weeks off as recovery from 2005 season. Ever since I’ve been battling with leg injuries, hence I haven’t been able to run much or at high intensities. (Although I’ve done a lot of swimming and biking including hard LT sessions)

Run hours per month prior 1/2 Marathon (Training zones based on my LTHR which is 184):
Nov 05 -> 3:56 total hrs (most zone 1)
Dec 05 -> 8:56 total hrs (all zone 1-2)
Jab 06 (prior race) -> 8:40 hrs (all zone 1-2)
New PR - Miami 1/2 marathon Jan 29, 2006 -> 1:24:45 hrs HR avg 168, pace 6:28

I still believe that to race fast you have to train fast, but after developing a SOLID base it.

2006-03-01 1:20 PM
in reply to: #357572

Subject: ...
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2006-03-01 1:26 PM
in reply to: #357846

North Carolina
Subject: RE: Cult of Kicking A$s

You want a hit, you want the pill??? Here you go.........


Rhino42 - 2006-03-01 1:35 PM how can I find out what you all are talking about. I am tired of finishing last in my age group so I need to find a way to get faster.

2006-03-01 2:29 PM
in reply to: #357901

Subject: RE: Cult of Kicking A$s

Touchdown for Jesus! We have another recruit....


BeCivil - 2006-03-01 2:26 PM

You want a hit, you want the pill??? Here you go.........


Rhino42 - 2006-03-01 1:35 PM how can I find out what you all are talking about. I am tired of finishing last in my age group so I need to find a way to get faster.

2006-03-01 2:41 PM
in reply to: #357572

Boulder, Colorado
Subject: RE: Cult of Kicking A$s

OMG Chippy - what have you started? Here is my question for everyone in the cult - have you been able to do the speed work associated with the Z2 runs - and I mean the 4-6 x 15-30" - I know a few of you were injured - (Chippy, Jen).

T- shirts - I like it! If you are all serious let me know, we could do something.

2006-03-01 2:43 PM
in reply to: #357572

New user

Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Cult of Kicking A$s
I've been on board the HRM zone-training bandwagon for a couple of months now...haven't raced much to test out the progress, but I really do like the idea of having concrete, instant information about HOW I am training. Like many athletes that start using a HRM, I quickly discovered that my perceived Z2 efforts were really Z3, that dreaded zone where no progress is ever made. No wonder I wasn't getting any faster!

I won't have a solid personal answer on the merits of zone training until June, but so far I'm digging it. The principal of building aerobic base is very well-established, and I'm sure it's going to pay off for me, if for no other reason than because I'm burning fat and putting in more miles. But I suspect (and hope) that there will be even more benefits, similar to what others have reported here.

I could never go back now, certainly...running or biking without a HRM now would feel like wearing a blindfold.


2006-03-01 2:44 PM
in reply to: #357572

Seattle, California
Subject: RE: Cult of Kicking A$s

I'm been doing nothing but zone 2 training for the past 4.5 weeks and my zone 2 pace has dropped from around 10:30 - 10:45 min/mi to 9:40 min/mi on a run yesterday. I'll take a min per mi drop in a month. If only that would continue at that rate for the next 3 months :).

A funny side note. My wife runs with a club here in Victoria that is co-coached by Laurie Bowden, and when my wife asked her about heart rate training she told her it was a bunch of crap. Now you can't tell a 14 time ironman winner (including 2 kona's) that she doesn't know her stuff. I'm guessing she HR trains but can just tell where her body is at by feel. At that level you are probably very in tune with what your body is doing.

Edited by Global 2006-03-01 2:49 PM
2006-03-01 2:54 PM
in reply to: #357656

Subject: RE: Cult of Kicking A$s

Yes...that's totally a HM PR. In fairness though, I've never "raced" a half before... 


Matchman - 2006-03-01 11:26 AM

run4yrlif - 2006-03-01 10:02 AM Following Mike's 20 week Beginner HIM plan, I ran a 1:26 HIM half-marathon in November, running no faster than 8:30 pace in training.

Wow, Jim! That's wicked fast. Is it your PR for a 1/2 Mary? If not, what is? Congrats on some major a$s kicking!

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