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31st Annual Turkey Trot - Pinehurst NC - Run10k

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Pinehurst, North Carolina
United States
FirstHealth of the Carolinas
33F / 1C
Total Time = 35m 50s
Overall Rank = 1/259
Age Group = 30-39
Age Group Rank = 0/
Pre-race routine:

Drove to Cannon Park, in Pinehurst. Very nice, very pretty area. The park is fabulous.
Event warmup:

Race temp was COLD. It was in the low 30s and I was in shorts and two thin, wicking shirts. One was long sleeve, the other was no sleeve. I was COLD, even with some throw-away gloves...

Anyways, did a quick warmup, then ran back to the start and got in line. I felt like I was being crowded and pushed back by all the ppl getting to the front of the race start.
  • 35m 50s
  • 6.21 miles
  • 05m 46s  min/mile

Goal coming into this race was to set a new 10K PR. I had not recon'd the course, so going in blind.

Fun race! The RD sounded the horn and we took off! I kept an eye on a bunch of kids to my right that were sprinting the start. It made me smile to see their enthusiasm. The last thing I wanted to do was accidentally bump into one and then have them get run over by the multitudes.

Immediately, a HS cross country team took off, and a few other guys that I will characterize as military types. A few girls were up in the front, too.

After the first half mile, the sprinters started to fall back and I got a good look at all the runners. One in particular stood out. He looked like he was almost floating. I decided I'd have to keep up with him no matter what.

He applied pressure and I kept up. Dang! This guy was flying! He was about 10 seconds ahead of me at the 1 mile, which I hit at 5:28, I think. A little later, on a flat to downhill section, he disappeared around a curve. WTF? When I saw him again, he was even further ahead. He must have surged a bit to break the few of us that were on his tail.

One guy that I came up on did not appreciate me making the pass and I heard him do a kind of disgusted grunt. Young kid with brown hair...alot of it. Anyways, he caught back up to me and ran behind me for a little. I decided that I'd implement surges of 5 seconds followed by 5 seconds rest for the next minute, just to see if he'd hang. He didn't.

Back to the leader. I could see him up ahead, still floating right along. What he did next caught me by surprise...he took the 5K route. Crap! I forgot this was a 5k/10k!

Well, I veered off down the 10k route and kept up the pressure. I had no idea who was behind me, or how far. I don't look back during a running race...ever. That can be construed as a sign of weakness by other racers.

I kept up the pace and effort. I was REALLY hurting on the hills. Man, were there hills. Lots of rolling hills. When I'd go down, I'd up the pace, almost sprinting. Going up, I'd just try to keep it going.

At the turn-around point for the 10k, which was the 4 mile mark, I believe, I started my return and didn't see anyone for a long time. After almost a minute, I saw the strong female and some guys trying to hang on to her. I cheered them on, then got back into it. I was focused. I wanted to break my 37:30 PR.

All the racers going the other way were cheering me on, and I'd do the same for a few that looked like they were struggling. I limited my acks, though, since I think that cost me in the half mary a few weeks ago.

Merged with the 5K runners and tried to stay strong. I heard a lot of them laughing that the 10Kers were coming up on them.

Finished the race strong, then went and got a water, my phone, and some food. Finished it off with a short run, since my calves felt cramped.
Post race
Warm down:

Short, easy run.

What limited your ability to perform faster:

This was a good race. The hills were somewhat tough, but I felt strong and wanted a new 10K PR. Mission accomplished! New 10K PR by almost 1:30!! :)

Event comments:

Fun race, and very family friendly. Lots to do before, during, and after. I wish my family would have been here for this race.

I got a nice 1OA trophy and a 20LB turkey! LOL! I am staying at a hotel right now...where am I going to put a turkey? I gave it to a nice family that was there cheering on the racers. There were very appreciative.

Last updated: 2011-11-19 12:00 AM
00:35:50 | 06.21 miles | 05m 46s  min/mile
Age Group: 1/
Overall: 1/259
Performance: Good
Time: 35:51 | Moving Time: 35:45 | Elapsed Time: 35:51 Avg Pace: 5:47 min/mi | Avg Moving Pace: 5:46 min/mi | Best Pace: 4:26 min/mi ============================================== Split Time Distance Avg Pace Summary 1 - 5:30.9 | 2 - 5:43.8 | 3 - 5:49.0 | 4 - 5:48.8 | 5 - 5:57.4 | 6 - 5:56.7 | 7 - 1:03.8 Total 35:50.7 6.20 5:47.0
Keeping cool Good Drinking Just right
Post race
Weight change: %
Mental exertion [1-5] 5
Physical exertion [1-5] 5
Good race? Yes
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities: Good
Race evaluation [1-5] 4

2011-11-19 1:08 PM

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Whispering Pines, North Carolina
Subject: 31st Annual Turkey Trot - Pinehurst NC

2011-11-19 4:41 PM
in reply to: #3908280

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Atlanta, Georgia
Subject: RE: 31st Annual Turkey Trot - Pinehurst NC
Pinehurst, there's a new sheriff in town.
2011-11-21 8:12 AM
in reply to: #3908280

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Alpharetta, GA
Subject: RE: 31st Annual Turkey Trot - Pinehurst NC
Congrats on a blistering fast new PR! While reading your RR I was wondering if you were falling victim of chasing the 5K leader, and laughed a bit when he turned off.

Still, way to throw down and show them there is new super speed in town!
2011-11-21 8:22 AM
in reply to: #3908280

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N Carolina
Subject: RE: 31st Annual Turkey Trot - Pinehurst NC

Congrats!!!  If I had realized that was you at the awards ceremony, I would have come over and said "Hi".  Great Job on your PR!!!


2011-11-21 4:53 PM
in reply to: #3908280

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Southern Pines, NC
Subject: RE: 31st Annual Turkey Trot - Pinehurst NC
Congratulations and welcome to town!
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