Subject: Rattlenake Point 20k advice Good morning, eh? I'm visiting your great country this weekend for some camping and Rock Climbing with friends. While I'm there, I'd like to get in my long run Saturday morning...I know that at Rattlesnake Point Conservation Area there is a trail that goes...forever, if I understand it? The trail is pretty flat within Rattlesnake point, but I've never left the park .I don't mind (and enjoy) some trail features, but prefer to keep my run flat/rolling hills maybe and avoid much of the technical trail/scrambling stuff. My question is, if you were to start at Rattlesnake point and wanted to run about 12 miles (19-20km), would you just take off down the trail (and which direction?)? Run on the roads outside the park? any tips appreciated...or come join me for a stroll Saturday Morning. Probably about 9 or 9:10 minute miles. |