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Gay Marriage Ban: For or Against?
Support a Gay Marriage Ban Constitutional Ammendment
Oppose a Gay Marriage Ban Constitutional Ammendment

2006-06-07 9:16 AM

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Subject: Gay Marriage Ban: For or Against?
No rationalizing necessary, just curious as to how BT stands on the issue. If you want to voice an opinion, go see "Enough Already!". Or tell us what you think here. Whatever. It's a free (for now) country.

2006-06-07 9:23 AM
in reply to: #445893

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Extreme Veteran
New Haven, CT
Subject: RE: Gay Marriage Ban: For or Against?
Against the amendment. I happen to be a fan of federalism - it's sad that our president isn't.
2006-06-07 9:43 AM
in reply to: #445893

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: Gay Marriage Ban: For or Against?
Against the amendment.
2006-06-07 9:47 AM
in reply to: #445893

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Subject: RE: Gay Marriage Ban: For or Against?
I think it's a ridiculous waste of time to even being talking about it.  Luckily Congress has already solved every other problem in the US, so they have lots of time on their hands for stuff like this.
2006-06-07 10:04 AM
in reply to: #445893

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Atlanta, Ga
Subject: RE: Gay Marriage Ban: For or Against?

Posting it here as well as the other thread.

Ok...here's my 2 cents.

Unfortuately, marriage in the US isn't ONLY about Love and happiness, having Kids and being one with God.  It's less taxes, tax breaks, property rights, Social Security Benefits, etc.

If marriage was only about Love and happiness, etc as the conservatives want it to be then and ONLY then can they perserve the "Sanctity of Marriage".  The bible didn't include a different Tax Bracket for marriage last time I checked. 

When they take out the "non-godly" benifits of marrige, I will support a Ban on Gay Marriage.  Until then, stop Discriminating.

In short, "I married for Love, not Sex!"

2006-06-07 10:07 AM
in reply to: #445893

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Gay Marriage Ban: For or Against?
I'm against the ban on gay marriage.  I think it's so stupid that people think it's an "attack on marriage".  How?  Aren't people getting divorce more of an attack on marriage?  Shouldn't we want people who love each other to get married if that's what they want?

2006-06-07 10:13 AM
in reply to: #445893

Charleston, SC
Subject: RE: Gay Marriage Ban: For or Against?
Watched a Chris Rock comedy show last night and I like the way he put it. Gay people have the right to be just as miserable as everyone else...hahaha, just kidding, I am sure its not miserable and I am looking forward to it. In a country where television shows are dedicated to watching two complete strangers marry such as Joe Millionare and the Bachlor/Bachlorette and whatever other crazy show FOX is thinking up right now, the sancity of marriage arguement does not work for supporting the amendment.

...If you can't tell, I vehemently oppose banning gay marriage (a problem when you live in the buckle of the bible belt)
2006-06-07 1:01 PM
in reply to: #445988

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Subject: RE: Gay Marriage Ban: For or Against?
35 to 3 so far...
2006-06-07 1:14 PM
in reply to: #445893

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Subject: RE: Gay Marriage Ban: For or Against?
Personally, I could really care less. 
2006-06-07 1:29 PM
in reply to: #446316

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Vancouver, BC
Subject: RE: Gay Marriage Ban: For or Against?
pseudoyams - 2006-06-07 11:14 AM

Personally, I could really care less. 

So you do care?
2006-06-07 1:36 PM
in reply to: #446348

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Subject: RE: Gay Marriage Ban: For or Against?

jeng - 2006-06-07 2:29 PM
pseudoyams - 2006-06-07 11:14 AM Personally, I could really care less. 
So you do care?

I think he means right now he cares too much, but wishes he didn't.

2006-06-07 1:48 PM
in reply to: #445943

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: Gay Marriage Ban: For or Against?

DerekL - 2006-06-07 10:47 AM I think it's a ridiculous waste of time to even being talking about it.  Luckily Congress has already solved every other problem in the US, so they have lots of time on their hands for stuff like this.

Heaven forbid they would waste any time on other trivia issues like the Iraq, Iran, Afganistan, gulf coast reconstruction, hurricane preparedness, AIDS, energy, economic development, unemployment, or the corruption within their own ranks...

2006-06-07 1:54 PM
in reply to: #445893

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Subject: RE: Gay Marriage Ban: For or Against?
What Marv said.  Plus, I know way too many stable, productive, good-for-society gay couples to feel justified in telling them anything about how to live.  I've got enough to take care of in my own house.

Edited by tech_geezer 2006-06-07 1:55 PM
2006-06-07 2:02 PM
in reply to: #446360

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Subject: RE: Gay Marriage Ban: For or Against?
run4yrlif - 2006-06-07 1:36 PM

jeng - 2006-06-07 2:29 PM
pseudoyams - 2006-06-07 11:14 AM Personally, I could really care less.
So you do care?

I think he means right now he cares too much, but wishes he didn't.

 What I mean is, if two people of the same sex want to get married, let 'em.  I just dont see why people are getting so worked up about this.  I know the whole Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve argument, but really, how will this affect anybody else if two people of the same sex get married?


2006-06-07 2:22 PM
in reply to: #445893

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Got Wahoo?
San Antonio
Subject: RE: Gay Marriage Ban: For or Against?

such a stupid waste of time (for congress, not for gay's who rightfully demand the same rights).


I despize Pussian Bushian politics.

2006-06-07 3:06 PM
in reply to: #445893

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Helena, MT
Subject: RE: Gay Marriage Ban: For or Against?

I can't for the life of me figure out how anyone else's marriage has any affect whatsoever on the validity or sanctity of mine.

If you really want to protect the sanctity of marriage, wouldn't your time be better spent picketing outside of Las Vegas 'chapels' or Britney Spears' house?

2006-06-07 3:27 PM
in reply to: #445893

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Subject: RE: Gay Marriage Ban: For or Against?
I really want to hear from the 6 (so far) people who believe that the government should, for the first time ever, amend the consititution in order to exclude certain citizens from the rights hlds by others.  I really do. Especially if you can do so w/out brining any kind of religion into it.
2006-06-07 3:30 PM
in reply to: #446511

Subject: RE: Gay Marriage Ban: For or Against?
possum - 2006-06-07 4:27 PM

I really want to hear from the 6 (so far) people who believe that the government should, for the first time ever, amend the consititution in order to exclude certain citizens from the rights hlds by others.  I really do. Especially if you can do so w/out brining any kind of religion into it.

Like I said before, the people who are for the amendment generally know that their opinion won't be very well received, so they'll only voice their opinion anonymously.

Having said that, nobody's ever gotten shouted down here, so I'm not sure what they are afraid of...
2006-06-07 3:34 PM
in reply to: #446517

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Subject: RE: Gay Marriage Ban: For or Against?

well if they can't support their beliefs in a rational, respectful way, I sure as hell can't "learn" from them or hope to reach some kind of understanding... I'm just sayin'...

I think it's a tad cowardly to not express your beliefs publicly but still vote on the poll.



2006-06-07 3:42 PM
in reply to: #446517

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St Charles, IL
Subject: RE: Gay Marriage Ban: For or Against?

Opus - 2006-06-07 2:30 PM
possum - 2006-06-07 4:27 PM I really want to hear from the 6 (so far) people who believe that the government should, for the first time ever, amend the consititution in order to exclude certain citizens from the rights hlds by others. I really do. Especially if you can do so w/out brining any kind of religion into it.
Like I said before, the people who are for the amendment generally know that their opinion won't be very well received, so they'll only voice their opinion anonymously. Having said that, nobody's ever gotten shouted down here, so I'm not sure what they are afraid of...

Cowards.  If you have the gumption to state that you'd like to see certain rights denied to fellow citizens, have the same gumption to stand up and defend your postion.

Unless by doing so, you are okay with admitting that your position is non-defensible and that you are a coward.  That's fine with me too, just so the six of you are clear on that.

What's next, if disallowing marriage isn't enough?  Does their being a citizen of the US make your citizenship feel threatened?  Will the next amendment you support deny homosexuals the right of citizenship?  The right to vote?

Grrr.... I'm 800 ways of pissed off over this whole issue.  So I'll just refrain from saying anything more for now and go count to 10 quietly in my office... 

2006-06-07 3:46 PM
in reply to: #445893

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Crystal Lake, IL
Subject: RE: Gay Marriage Ban: For or Against?

Ok, let's see if I can throw this thing into a complete tailspin. 

If you voted to support this there are really two things you are voting for, right?  You voted yes that you think gays should not be married, and you believe that it is ok to make a constitutional amendment to legislate that.  If you voted no, you could feel either way on the gay marriage issue but just be against amending the constitution or vice versa.

So do the people who believe that a constitutional amendment which, in effect, takes away the states' individual rights to make a decision on a personal issue such as this somehow believe they should limit that reduction of states' rights to JUST this personal issue?  Are there any other personal issues that are hot issues where these same people tend to PROMOTE states' rights and are in favor of states being able to make their own decision on whether a certain, um, "act" is legal or not?  Hmmmm? 

Keep in mind I'm not asking anyone to justify how they can believe in one side or another on these two issues.  You can believe what you want, it's a free (semi) country.  I'm asking how a person justifies what amounts to federal government control on one issue and not on the other issue.  That seem hard to justify but if you can do it, I'm listening.


2006-06-07 3:48 PM
in reply to: #446539

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Subject: RE: Gay Marriage Ban: For or Against?
coredump - 2006-06-07 4:42 PM


I really didn't start this poll to out the "cowards," or to expose them so they could be ridiculed (hypothetically). I really was just interested on how the folks in this forum stand on the issue. You hear so much that the "overwhelming" majority of Americans support this action, but in real life, I just don't know a lot of peoplewho do.

BUt for those of you who*do* support an ammendmant, like Possum I would like to know why. This forum has proven time and again that we can discuss issues on a pretty high level (as lon, apparently, as we're not talking about IM lottery winners). So c'mon...tell us why you think what you think, over in that other thread. 

2006-06-07 4:31 PM
in reply to: #445893

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Venture Industries,
Subject: RE: Gay Marriage Ban: For or Against?
I am oppossed to messing with the Constitution. I also think that marriage is an issue reserved for the States and not the federal government.
2006-06-07 6:59 PM
in reply to: #445893

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Rochester, MN
Subject: RE: Gay Marriage Ban: For or Against?

I personally loved Bush's recent comment that "it's a free country" and thus that justifies banning gay marriage...idiot.

The argument I really can't stand is that marriage is for families and to protect the children, they need loving caring two parent families that provide stability...they completely fail to see how the inability for gay people to marry disrupts the ability of the parents to provide this.  Gay people have children, whether other people like it or not, and these children need their families to have the same rights and benefits as everyone else. 

If marriage is a religious thing, then it has no place in the government and should have no effect.  If it's a legal issue, then the government should not be allowed to discriminate on just this one aspect of law. 

2006-06-07 7:16 PM
in reply to: #446770

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South Bend, IN
Subject: RE: Gay Marriage Ban: For or Against?

Opposed. I agree with the "what the hell are they doing?" sentiment.   God forbid they concentrate on immigration as a domestic issue that really needs to be voted on. Shoot all 535 of them.


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