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Triathlon has...
Lowered my blood pressure118 Votes - [3.45%]
Improved my cholesterol numbers93 Votes - [2.72%]
Got me off of some medications15 Votes - [0.44%]
Got me off of all medications13 Votes - [0.38%]
Helped me lose ~10 lbs90 Votes - [2.63%]
Helped me lose ~25 lbs104 Votes - [3.04%]
Helped me lose ~50 lbs69 Votes - [2.02%]
Helped me lose ~100 lbs10 Votes - [0.29%]
Helped me lose OVER 100 lbs12 Votes - [0.35%]
Helped me to continue being healthy and more sport balanced298 Votes - [8.72%]
Lowered my resting heart rate226 Votes - [6.61%]
made me happy! :-)362 Votes - [10.59%]
Made me lots of new friends198 Votes - [5.79%]
Changed my life for the better288 Votes - [8.43%]
Is my mental health thing, stress buster250 Votes - [7.31%]
Kept my diabetes in check5 Votes - [0.15%]
Given me a reason not to smoke cigarettes.27 Votes - [0.79%]
gotten me to quit using chewing tobacco4 Votes - [0.12%]
Kept my mind off of alcohol34 Votes - [0.99%]
Helped me become broke 139 Votes - [4.07%]
Killed my lawn32 Votes - [0.94%]
Saved my life.28 Votes - [0.82%]
introduced me to my spouse/SO10 Votes - [0.29%]
Made me cool with pooping in the woods24 Votes - [0.7%]
all of the above3 Votes - [0.09%]
confirmed that it really is ok to pee in the pool57 Votes - [1.67%]
Given me an outlet for my high A personality67 Votes - [1.96%]
Kicked my butt91 Votes - [2.66%]
Cured mid-life crsis/empty nest syndrome36 Votes - [1.05%]
Given me an identity other than spouse/employee/parent that I value 70 Votes - [2.05%]
Improved my mental outlook88 Votes - [2.57%]
Gave me a better all around training program than running alone83 Votes - [2.43%]
Made me a coach and student of endurance sport41 Votes - [1.2%]
6 Votes - [0.18%]
Given a 235# guy with a gut something to brag about14 Votes - [0.41%]
Helped with my adult ADHA21 Votes - [0.61%]
B33TZ!3 Votes - [0.09%]
Helps keep my bipolar disorder in control4 Votes - [0.12%]
Made me look and feel sexy37 Votes - [1.08%]
either gave me or exacerbated an underlying asthma, but I'll take it anyway11 Votes - [0.32%]
Made me awesome, but humble. More awesome than humble though....31 Votes - [0.91%]
Made my spouse happy that i am not goingg to drop dead from obesity.8 Votes - [0.23%]
Gave my OCD focus14 Votes - [0.41%]
Made me a better person overall27 Votes - [0.79%]
Forced me to create a whole "triathlon clothes" drawer in my clothes chest.64 Votes - [1.87%]
Caused me to have a whole cabinet of water bottles40 Votes - [1.17%]
Caused me to keep a 2nd rack of shoes (cycling, running, practice fins)13 Votes - [0.38%]
Had an extra $3000 laying around doing nothing anyway1 Votes - [0.03%]
made my idea of a weekend trip equal other people's idea of hell29 Votes - [0.85%]
Has provided me with the incentive to continue to workout/stay competitive44 Votes - [1.29%]
Helped me find my limits and then pass them30 Votes - [0.88%]
Totally consumed my life11 Votes - [0.32%]
Helped me inspire other people to join the sport15 Votes - [0.44%]
Made me shave my legs5 Votes - [0.15%]
Introduced me to the sport of ______ which I now do instead1 Votes - [0.03%]
Helped me take my mind off being unemployed1 Votes - [0.03%]
Makes me feel more alive3 Votes - [0.09%]
This is a multiple choice poll.

2012-10-10 8:47 AM

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Gold member
Subject: Triathlon has...

I got to thinking today that it will be soon be BT's official 10 year anniversary next year 2013.  10 years of improving peoples health - my primary mission in starting the site and one that we hope to continue with BT's big present next year.

I want to throw up this poll to see how triathlon has positively affected your health.  

Feel free to add options and to give us your story.  It is multivoting, click all that applies.  Who knows, it could become a good article for the New Year's beginners and give them just the inspiration and reasons needed for someone to turn their health around.

2012-10-10 8:52 AM
in reply to: #4447771

Subject: RE: Triathlon has...
I wanted to add ".....made me look good in spandex" but I decided against it!!
2012-10-10 9:19 AM
in reply to: #4447771

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Subject: RE: Triathlon has...

...taken care of whatever excess income I might have had.

I added "Made me lots of new friends, because I'm having a Kona party this weekend and nearly everyone who will be there I even didn't know before two years ago, when I started triathlon.

2012-10-10 9:33 AM
in reply to: #4447771

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Tacoma, Washington
Subject: RE: Triathlon has...

I actually just had my blood profile done last month...

Total cholesterol: 147.
HDL: 57, LDL: 77, Triglycerides: 62
Non-fasting blood glucose: 84
Body fat: 11%
Resting pulse: 40

Not bad for a 49-year-old...

But best of all, thanks to tri (and specifically BT!) I met the woman who became my wife (Lisa, lkct01234) on New Year's Eve almost 2 years ago.

2012-10-10 10:49 AM
in reply to: #4447771

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Gold Canyon
Subject: RE: Triathlon has...

Mental health wise I have never been better.  Happier, less stressed, just all around feeling good.

Today is my day 9 off of chewing tobacco.  Oct. 2 was my quit date.  Even though I have only done one tri, this sport has given me a lot of motivation to final flush what tobacco I had left and vow never to touch the stuff again.  This sport has really grabbed me and I want to see what I can do with it.  I know that the tobacco was holding me back, so it had to go.  So I guess you could say that Triathlon has helped me take me life back from nicotine.

2012-10-10 12:48 PM
in reply to: #4448087

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, Minnesota
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Triathlon has...
While a lot of these might apply to me, I just picked the one that's been a constant:  Made me a lot of new friends.  That really stands out. I have SO many more friends both locally and a nationwide network.    I think that's amazing.   Although, I really attribute that to BT specifically (and not triathlon in general).

2012-10-10 2:11 PM
in reply to: #4447771

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Extreme Veteran
Puyallup, WA
Subject: RE: Triathlon has...
Just about "All of the above"
2012-10-10 2:43 PM
in reply to: #4447771

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Subject: RE: Triathlon has...

Count me as one of the 50+ lb LOSERS.  I had quite a few coworkers that were runners (not fast runners, but they did it) and they kind of inspired me to start.  Once I told them I was a swimmer in HS they immediately started talking about how I could complete a Sprint - "Not a freaking chance!" I told them.  That was just my defense mechanism for not doing it, though.  In my mind I already knew that I could do it, I just had to have the desire to.  Didn't do much with the thought until blurting the idea of a sprint to my sister in October 2011 - she was immediately excited and it was going to happen!

Three tris this year of varying success levels - but all of them FINISHED.  Very excited to see what I can get my engine to do next.

2012-10-10 3:52 PM
in reply to: #4448087

Subject: RE: Triathlon has...
hopefully you can share your tips on quitting. I have been chewing for 20 yrs and would love to quit. I dislike how my body feels with it, but am afraid of the nicotine withdrawl. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
2012-10-10 7:36 PM
in reply to: #4448849

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Gold Canyon
Subject: RE: Triathlon has...

amerimanyo - 2012-10-10 1:52 PM hopefully you can share your tips on quitting. I have been chewing for 20 yrs and would love to quit. I dislike how my body feels with it, but am afraid of the nicotine withdrawl. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Absolutely, I found two thing's that are really helping.  I will PM you with some info, either tonight, or after my morning workout.



2012-10-11 8:36 AM
in reply to: #4447771


Subject: RE: Triathlon has...
This is a great poll and its very interesting to see the health benefits so many of us have realized by becoming triathletes. I just started tri training a few months ago in order to get in better cardiovascular shape and have seen great results so far. Next season is when I plan on competing in my first race and hope that as I start training more seriously ill continue to see great results.

2012-10-11 9:26 AM
in reply to: #4447771

New user
Norwalk, Ohio
Subject: RE: Triathlon has...
Triathlon has done a great deal for me.  Some of you may remember my post about losing 100 pounds and completing a half ironman.  I was going to post a link but was too lazy to look for it.  On January 2nd I weighed 300 pounds, my blood pressure was 174/120 and my resting heart rate was 96.  I lost about 15 pounds in 12 weeks basically running and riding an excercise bike, and eating right.  I then signed up for the Racine Half Ironman woefully unprepared.  This was the end of March.  Over the next 3 and a half months I joined a forum group (Thanks, Steve), learned all I could and trained my off.  I finished in 7 and a half hours, and it changed me!  It's been nine and a half months, and I currently weigh 191 pounds (15 % or so body fat), my resting heart rate is 42, and my BP is usually around 120/70.  Oh yeah, I don't have asthma anymore either.  Triathlon has given me something to occupy my obssessive personality in a positive way.  I don't sit around and think how good pizza and beer sound (I was also a problem drinker and haven't had any alcohol in 9 and a half months).  I've gained confidence, energy, and a new passion for life.  The only negatives are that my but hurts sitting on bleachers because I don't have a big butt anymore, and I'm cold all the time without the extra insulation.  Go Triathlon!!!
2012-10-11 10:03 AM
in reply to: #4448418

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Straight outta Compton
Subject: RE: Triathlon has...

BikerGrrrl - 2012-10-10 11:48 AM While a lot of these might apply to me, I just picked the one that's been a constant:  Made me a lot of new friends.  That really stands out. I have SO many more friends both locally and a nationwide network.    I think that's amazing.   Although, I really attribute that to BT specifically (and not triathlon in general).

x2, largely because of BT.  It's the reason I continue to be a mentor, too.

2012-10-12 12:45 PM
in reply to: #4447771

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Triathlon has...

I'd lost weight and got active before I started triathlons, but ithas helped me stay active and keep the weight off for 7+ years. 

I've made a lot of new friends, and met some wonderful people in real life that I first met on BT. 

Provided a lot of positive mental training.  I'm quite grateful to have been a BT mentor on several occasions and that has been as beneficial to me as it has been to my proteges. 

2012-10-12 1:04 PM
in reply to: #4447771

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Subject: RE: Triathlon has...

I was getting lots of little overuse injuries from running back 12 years ago.  I started riding an exercise bike to reduce the strain from running, then I started swimming some too.  Then, I rode my old road bike outside again after many years which rekindled a favorite hobby of 30 years ago.  Things fell into a regular routine.  What I do looks like triathon training, but I never actually felt the need to enter a race. But, I have stayed injury free mostly for maybe 12 years. 

I am currently on a training break because family life has intervened but I will be back.  The running bag is packed and in the car for any opportunity.   

2012-10-12 4:53 PM
in reply to: #4447771

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Extreme Veteran
Shawboro, NC
Subject: RE: Triathlon has...
Triathlon has given me a way to say "YES, I have a gut.  NO, I'm not a small guy.  I HAVE finished triathlons!"
To me, triathlon is a means of showing to the society that we live within, that one does not have to be rail thin to be happy, active, or "in shape."

Where some wish to be more than just a "finisher," I take great pride in it.  It all leads me back to a recent thread that pointed out DLF > DNF > DNS, when DNF was due to quitting and DNS was due to cowardice.

2012-10-13 8:47 AM
in reply to: #4447771

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Subject: RE: Triathlon has...

Please send that info my way as well. Tri s have made me healthier overall, but can't seem to kick this habit. Want to be able to do so before my child is old enough to take notice. TIA
2012-10-13 8:58 AM
in reply to: #4447771

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Extreme Veteran
Shawboro, NC
Subject: RE: Triathlon has...

For the guys trying to give up chewing tobacco, might I be so bold as to suggest what I did.


Finish the can/pouch you have now.  Then, don't replace it. 

Seriously... just give it up.


I did it.  I'm nothing special. 


Besides... if you've ever finished a triathlon, you've already proven you have the gumption.

2012-10-13 2:01 PM
in reply to: #4447771

Iron Donkey
, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Triathlon has...

made me find this sight.

It made me find some cool people to chat with on the Interwebz and share thoughts, ideas, and other odd things that I never would have found in my real life and at work.

2012-10-14 2:12 PM
in reply to: #4449693

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Subject: RE: Triathlon has...
wheres the "like" button!!!
2012-10-15 8:37 PM
in reply to: #4449693

Subject: RE: Triathlon has...
WOW, this is awesome! My story is similar but not nearly as much weight, 70lbs for me.

2012-10-17 6:36 AM
in reply to: #4447771

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Triathlon has...

For me, it's mainly given me better physical balance and mental stress relief. I've run at one level or another since age 10, sometimes fast, sometimes not very fast; sometimes daily and in serious competitive training, sometimes just casual fun-running. I love running, but owing to some chronic back and hamstring issues, it hasn't always loved me back since about age 30. When I moved to Vietnam, I started doing a lot more swimming as running is a miserably hot proposition here and we had a pool and master's program at my workplace. Others in the program talked me into my first tri. So it's given me an excuse to swim more, which I love, and biking, while it's a love/hate thing, has made me a more balanced and less injury-prone runner.

In terms of mental health, a great stress reliever. I'm an extremely high-energy person and, unless truly ill or exhausted, go nuts without a daily workout. I start to climb the walls, can't focus on anything, get insomnia, and lose my temper. My body won't take daily running so tri training lets me mix it up and get in a good workout almost daily.

2012-10-24 7:58 AM
in reply to: #4457078

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Gold member
Subject: RE: Triathlon has...
Anybody else have anything to add regarding your story?  We want to turn this into a New Years article for the influx of resolutionists to give them a little more motivation to stick with a plan.  There are some great stories so far, thank you.
2012-10-26 1:11 PM
in reply to: #4447771

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Extreme Veteran
West Michigan
Subject: RE: Triathlon has...

It's hard to separate triathlon from BT since so much of what I get out of triathlon starts with learning things on BT.

Triathlon has allowed me to cross train, get in fantastic shape and not burn out from the same old same old.

I've met a ton of people simply from networking on places to swim bike run, whether it's in my area or where I'm traveling.

BT has helped me buy a ton of gear, I found a bikeshop for a great deal on a bike, I've bought shirts, stickers, GU, NUUN, a wetsuit and probably other things I've forgotten...

BT is the place where people can ask questions and get tons of feedback on things that is invaluable, and the speed in which you get feedback allows you to start testing and applying things you learn right away.



2012-10-31 2:48 PM
in reply to: #4447788

New user

Subject: RE: Triathlon has...

danrayner - 2012-10-10 6:52 AM I wanted to add ".....made me look good in spandex" but I decided against it!!

You should have


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