General Discussion Triathlon Talk » What are some of the COOLEST things you have seen while training? Rss Feed  
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2013-02-05 2:47 AM

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Las Vegas, NV
Subject: What are some of the COOLEST things you have seen while training?

We've had weird, but how about cool?  I have two.

I was running the other day in the bike lane and this guy on a moped extended his arm for a high five, and I gave it to him.


I was biking out on Red Rock, a long bike-friendly highway, and there's this cart kind of cars that go on the bike lane because they're too slow for the highway and take tourists around.  A row of them was coming towards me and as I ran past each and every one of them I highfived them all.

2013-02-05 4:27 AM
in reply to: #4608865

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Subject: RE: What are some of the COOLEST things you have seen while training?
Cycling into a Texas sunrise is probably the top of my list. Absolutely beautiful.
2013-02-05 5:08 AM
in reply to: #4608865

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Subject: RE: What are some of the COOLEST things you have seen while training?
A reggae band practicing, amazing sunsets, people of all levels of fitness getting their running on, snakes, wild boar, waterfalls, streams, awesome drivers of vehicles who have waited longer than they needed to for me to pass them at a turn...

Edited by Blanda 2013-02-05 5:08 AM
2013-02-05 5:39 AM
in reply to: #4608865

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Subject: RE: What are some of the COOLEST things you have seen while training?

On my long bike rides every weekend I see large groups of African Apostolic worshipers, dressed in all white, men and women separated, singing, dancing and praying in the corn fields. It's a pretty surreal thing to cycle by, but the music is beautiful and enhances the already amazing scenery.

Also, tons of incredible birds, the occasional monkey, and once, a zebra.

2013-02-05 6:36 AM
in reply to: #4608865

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Subject: RE: What are some of the COOLEST things you have seen while training?

riding through a cloud of butterflies while training for my first Ironman.

I visited my sister in Africa (Rural Tanzania) when I was training for my first Marathon.  I did two long runs there - 25 km and 28 km.  on the 25 km run, I ran by a rural school where people would rarely if ever see white people.  before I knew it, I had a crowd of about 50 kids running after me, laughing and yelling "Mzungu!" (the swahili word for white person).

2013-02-05 6:36 AM
in reply to: #4608865

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Subject: RE: What are some of the COOLEST things you have seen while training?

double post???

Edited by Daffodil 2013-02-05 6:36 AM

2013-02-05 7:12 AM
in reply to: #4608865

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Subject: RE: What are some of the COOLEST things you have seen while training?
A family of turkeys blocking traffic in the middle of the road.  They were so confused they just kept running in circles on the yellow line.  Lasted a good 2-3 minutes.
2013-02-05 7:55 AM
in reply to: #4608865

Calhoun, GA
Subject: RE: What are some of the COOLEST things you have seen while training?

While running this past weekend saw 2 camels, 3 zebras, some donkeys, and a flock of geese.  I just love wildlife!!!

2013-02-05 7:55 AM
in reply to: #4608985

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asheville, nc
Subject: RE: What are some of the COOLEST things you have seen while training?
During a ride there was a herd of billy goats, about 20 or so of them, I slowed down as I approached and when they saw me coming towards them they got a bit spooked and ran away. But I was faster and I wound up riding along with the running herd for about a half mile. It was really cool
2013-02-05 8:00 AM
in reply to: #4608865

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Subject: RE: What are some of the COOLEST things you have seen while training?

Since I live in a really rural area, most of what I see is wildlife:  skunks, porcupine, squirrels, chipmunks, deer, woodcock, grouse, turkey, and a coyote. 

I mostly run early morning so on clear days the stars are awesome. 

I used to run without a headlamp, just a flashlight for the occasional car to notice me.  It made for good star gazing but just missing a porcupine by 2 ft and a skunk by 15 ft convinced me to put the headlamp on and leave it on. 

2013-02-05 8:17 AM
in reply to: #4608865

Subject: RE: What are some of the COOLEST things you have seen while training?
IMLP bike loop! If you haven't ridden it in the summer, add it to your list.

2013-02-05 8:51 AM
in reply to: #4608865

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Panama City, FL
Subject: RE: What are some of the COOLEST things you have seen while training?

At the pool I swim at, there are many elderly swimmers in class that time of day (their class finishes before open swim). Some are really good swimmers/former college swimmers and have a lot of wisdom to offer if you strike up a friendly conversation with them. I have enjoyed that part of training.

Also, in OWS swims here in NWFL, the water is so clear most of the year, you can see everything you're swimming with. The good news is, when the water is so clear, they can "see" you too and rarely mistake you for food!


2013-02-05 8:57 AM
in reply to: #4608865

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Subject: RE: What are some of the COOLEST things you have seen while training?

I saw this recently on a bike ride. I don't live in an area where I see much wildlife so it was cool to come upon this guy when I rode through a state park. 

2013-02-05 9:20 AM
in reply to: #4608865

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Alpharetta, Georgia
Bronze member
Subject: RE: What are some of the COOLEST things you have seen while training?

The Special Olympics torch passed me going the other way on a run.

The Patriot Guard.



2013-02-05 9:28 AM
in reply to: #4608865

Memphis, TN
Subject: RE: What are some of the COOLEST things you have seen while training?

I don't know how many deer I've been almost killed by since they decide to play chicken with me and my group early in the AM.  But still it's beautiful to see them scamper off into the woods on the other side of the street and lots of sunrises. 


One time I saw a pack of horses at a horse farm/ranch running as a pack in circles.  Very cool to see.  Two hawks seemed to be fighting over a cow pasture.  Cows were just as cool as could be and seemed to care less.

2013-02-05 9:49 AM
in reply to: #4608865

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Oviedo, Florida
Subject: RE: What are some of the COOLEST things you have seen while training?

During an early AM run last month a bald eagle swooped down in front of me to pick off a poor little bunny that was having breakfast on the side of the trail.  

Another cool thing that happened....

Must have had some flies or mosquitoes buzzing around my hat light one morning. Had 3 or 4 bats kept zipping in and out in front of me. Kinda freaky at first, but very cool once I figured out they were a hell of a lot more agile than me and wouldn't smash into me.

2013-02-05 10:04 AM
in reply to: #4608865

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Subject: RE: What are some of the COOLEST things you have seen while training?

It is really tough to beat nature.

Every time I see a deer or coyote while running or riding I think that is pretty cool.  Especially on the rare occasion when the deer will run beside me or in front of me while i ride.

The porcupine I always stumble upon on my midnight runs is a favorite.

The rising and setting full moon.  People talk about the sunset, but if you are lucky enough to get out after the last bit of twilight or before the first bit of dawn (which where I am at must be more than an hour before or after sunrise or sunset), man it is cool.

But the coolest thing I saw was I was running with this guy in barefeet once, just for a bit, he was doing hills, and there is this steep bit, like STEEP, about 30 meter climb, mostly smooth dirt path, this is something that I can maybe run for 5 or 6 breaths up and then just power hike the rest.  Anyways, buddy says "up here" I turn to follow him and he runs up that hill in barefeet like it isn't even there.

2013-02-05 10:15 AM
in reply to: #4608865

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New user
Subject: RE: What are some of the COOLEST things you have seen while training?

One cool thing I remember from the Seattle to Vancouver bicycle ride (20 years ago?).  It takes a scenic ride through chuckanut drive near Bellingham Washington.  If you have ridden it you know it is very hilly.  Well at the apex of the biggest and last hill sat an 8-10 year old boy with a small table and a cooler full of various beverages.  I thought, that kid is going to make a killing. 

Oh, and there were the bald eagles too...

2013-02-05 10:17 AM
in reply to: #4609150

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Subject: RE: What are some of the COOLEST things you have seen while training?
taylorz13 - 2013-02-05 9:51 AM

At the pool I swim at, there are many elderly swimmers in class that time of day (their class finishes before open swim). Some are really good swimmers/former college swimmers and have a lot of wisdom to offer if you strike up a friendly conversation with them. I have enjoyed that part of training.

Also, in OWS swims here in NWFL, the water is so clear most of the year, you can see everything you're swimming with. The good news is, when the water is so clear, they can "see" you too and rarely mistake you for food!


When I did IMFL, a manta ray or sting ray (don't know the difference) swam under me!


(not so cool when you can see the cloud of jelly fish you can't get around).


Edited by Daffodil 2013-02-05 10:21 AM
2013-02-05 10:39 AM
in reply to: #4608865

Subject: RE: What are some of the COOLEST things you have seen while training?

In 2011 a couple days before IMPCB, a few of us were swimming in the gulf when I spotted dorsel fins about 10 yards from us.  I kind of freaked and made an abrubt dive toward the shoreline.  The darn fisherman from the day before had me thinking shark because they dump their bait at the end of the day and they come in to feed.  Anyway, they were dolphins.  They hung around for a bit and then took off.  One of the guys had a GoPro the day before in the water but no luck on that day.  Swimming out there at sunset is pretty cool, but the rays all come into shore to feed so you see these dark shadows below you...kind of freaky.

Edited by cpzone 2013-02-05 10:40 AM
2013-02-05 10:51 AM
in reply to: #4608865

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Subject: RE: What are some of the COOLEST things you have seen while training?
I did a tri on an island where there was a nudie beach.  Kind of funny looking over and seeing bare bums standing around on the beach!

2013-02-05 11:11 AM
in reply to: #4608865

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Extreme Veteran
Highlands Ranch, Colorado
Subject: RE: What are some of the COOLEST things you have seen while training?
  1. While running in Waterton Canyon just Southwest of the Denver Metro Area I occasionally see a large herd of Big Horn Sheep standing in the middle of the path. A few weeks ago I saw two large Rams lock horns trying to dominate the other, I felt like I was in the middle of a National Geographic show. 
  2. Last summer I had a coyote run next to me for about a half mile carrying a dead prairie dog.  I must have looked hungry. 
2013-02-05 11:23 AM
in reply to: #4608865

New user
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: What are some of the COOLEST things you have seen while training?

I live in a rural area, and so get to see lots of wildlife, especially when I'm biking.  Highlights have included: a mother deer with her fawn (young enough to still have spots!); three red fox kits playing outside their den; a porcupine that popped out of the bush and waddled along for a little while before heading back into the woods; and a deer hightailing it across a field (I didn't see what it was running from, but it was amazing to get to see the speed that they can reach!). 


2013-02-05 12:01 PM
in reply to: #4609208

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Subject: RE: What are some of the COOLEST things you have seen while training?
lisac957 - 2013-02-05 10:20 AM

The Special Olympics torch passed me going the other way on a run.

The Patriot Guard.



So did you yell "Hey Camel!!!"

2013-02-05 12:17 PM
in reply to: #4609550

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Alpharetta, Georgia
Bronze member
Subject: RE: What are some of the COOLEST things you have seen while training?
KateTri1 - 2013-02-05 12:01 PM 

So did you yell "Hey Camel!!!"

Hahaha I do! I say hello as I ride by and often get off the bike to talk to them. It's a nice break on my long ride days.

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