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2014-05-14 1:39 PM

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Subject: Public service announcement...

How to talk to your kids about Michael Sams. 

Caution:  should be fine for work, but uses the word penis in case you need to throttle the volume back


2014-05-14 2:46 PM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Subject: RE: Public service announcement...
I've been tired of hearing about it since about the second article on it.

Hell, I was looking at the Washington Post to just see who the hell was drafted and by whom.

28 articles on ESPN showing whats-his-name kissing his boyfriend and I couldn't find one on just the draft who/where.

Move on, people. Who gives a damn who does what with whom as long as it's consensual.

The less of this horsehockey people make a fuss over, the less it'll matter sooner.

2014-05-14 2:52 PM
in reply to: DanielG

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Subject: RE: Public service announcement...

It's a HUGE deal in the St. Louis media (with non-stop national coverage from here as well) .......enough to make me turn off ESPN radio when I drive.  I just think the video is funny considering what passes for acceptable to a lot of NFL fans.

2014-05-14 3:00 PM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Subject: RE: Public service announcement...
Originally posted by Left Brain

It's a HUGE deal in the St. Louis media (with non-stop national coverage from here as well) .......enough to make me turn off ESPN radio when I drive.  I just think the video is funny considering what passes for acceptable to a lot of NFL fans.

Yeah I get that and am actually feeling about | | that far away from feeling guilty about dumping in your thread.

I sure am glad everyone makes a point of being accepting about another's lifestyle... Like Tim Tebow.

Oh, wait a minute...

2014-05-14 3:15 PM
in reply to: DanielG

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Subject: RE: Public service announcement...

Originally posted by DanielG
Originally posted by Left Brain

It's a HUGE deal in the St. Louis media (with non-stop national coverage from here as well) .......enough to make me turn off ESPN radio when I drive.  I just think the video is funny considering what passes for acceptable to a lot of NFL fans.

Yeah I get that and am actually feeling about | | that far away from feeling guilty about dumping in your thread. I sure am glad everyone makes a point of being accepting about another's lifestyle... Like Tim Tebow. Oh, wait a minute...

Hell, I don't worry about dumping on the thread.  I think you have a point with Tebow, etc.....but let's face it, acceptance kind of runs along with what is fashionable and what isn't.  Wearing your religion on your sleeve isn't in fashion......but gay people are trending upward.  That's a good thing for gay people and I'm ok with it.....it's about time.  A lot of the problems with religion and it's public acceptance by all have been brought about by religious organizations themselves....and even religion itself. Not too many wars being fought over sexual preference these days. 

2014-05-14 4:21 PM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Subject: RE: Public service announcement...
Originally posted by Left Brain

Originally posted by DanielG
Originally posted by Left Brain

It's a HUGE deal in the St. Louis media (with non-stop national coverage from here as well) .......enough to make me turn off ESPN radio when I drive.  I just think the video is funny considering what passes for acceptable to a lot of NFL fans.

Yeah I get that and am actually feeling about | | that far away from feeling guilty about dumping in your thread. I sure am glad everyone makes a point of being accepting about another's lifestyle... Like Tim Tebow. Oh, wait a minute...

Hell, I don't worry about dumping on the thread.  I think you have a point with Tebow, etc.....but let's face it, acceptance kind of runs along with what is fashionable and what isn't.  Wearing your religion on your sleeve isn't in fashion......but gay people are trending upward.  That's a good thing for gay people and I'm ok with it.....it's about time.  A lot of the problems with religion and it's public acceptance by all have been brought about by religious organizations themselves....and even religion itself. Not too many wars being fought over sexual preference these days. 

But I thought we weren't supposed to denounce religion due to the actions of a few extremists. Or are we only supposed to believe that with certain religions? I need a score card to know which is which this week.

In all honesty it seems this Sam character has more class than all the yahoos bellowing about him using news agencies.

2014-05-14 4:59 PM
in reply to: Left Brain

New user
Key West
Subject: RE: Public service announcement...
Originally posted by Left Brain

How to talk to your kids about Michael Sams. 

Caution:  should be fine for work, but uses the word penis in case you need to throttle the volume back


Now, that was funny in a sad sort of way. Sad statement about what society values and is desensitized to. Anyway, I am over the press coverage as well. I honestly don't care, or even want to know, what someone's sexual orientation is.
2014-05-14 5:38 PM
in reply to: topolina

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Subject: RE: Public service announcement...

Originally posted by topolina
Originally posted by Left Brain

How to talk to your kids about Michael Sams. 

Caution:  should be fine for work, but uses the word penis in case you need to throttle the volume back


Now, that was funny in a sad sort of way. Sad statement about what society values and is desensitized to. Anyway, I am over the press coverage as well. I honestly don't care, or even want to know, what someone's sexual orientation is.

I've actually come full circle and I think  the press coverage is a good thing.  I figured I was already passed the point where I cared about someone's sexual orientation.....and then I saw the video of Sam's kiss with his partner.  I'm a Midwest kid, and I realized as I was watching the video that I'd never seen two men show that kind of affection toward each other.  Admittedly,  I was kind of taken aback by it.  I had to stop and think about what it was that bothered me (bothered may not even be the right word) about it.  I was just kind of, "wow, I've never seen that before".  After a bit of self-reflection I came to the conclusion that there was nothing about it that should bother me.  So, if someone like me who hasn't been exposed to it, but already figured that someone's sexual orientation was their own business, can come some further steps toward complete acceptance, why wouldn't it be the right thing to show to everyone?

I have followed Michael Sams' career closely since he played for my favorite college team, and already knew he was an outstanding young man, long before he came out that he way gay.  Like DanielG said, he's a class act, full of life and on his way to a great future, in anything he does.  I think the press is a good thing, and we all stand to benefit from Michael Sams' show of character.

2014-05-14 9:35 PM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Stevens Point, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Public service announcement...

Originally posted by Left Brain

Originally posted by topolina
Originally posted by Left Brain

How to talk to your kids about Michael Sams. 

Caution:  should be fine for work, but uses the word penis in case you need to throttle the volume back


Now, that was funny in a sad sort of way. Sad statement about what society values and is desensitized to. Anyway, I am over the press coverage as well. I honestly don't care, or even want to know, what someone's sexual orientation is.

I've actually come full circle and I think  the press coverage is a good thing.  I figured I was already passed the point where I cared about someone's sexual orientation.....and then I saw the video of Sam's kiss with his partner.  I'm a Midwest kid, and I realized as I was watching the video that I'd never seen two men show that kind of affection toward each other.  Admittedly,  I was kind of taken aback by it.  I had to stop and think about what it was that bothered me (bothered may not even be the right word) about it.  I was just kind of, "wow, I've never seen that before".  After a bit of self-reflection I came to the conclusion that there was nothing about it that should bother me.  So, if someone like me who hasn't been exposed to it, but already figured that someone's sexual orientation was their own business, can come some further steps toward complete acceptance, why wouldn't it be the right thing to show to everyone?

I have followed Michael Sams' career closely since he played for my favorite college team, and already knew he was an outstanding young man, long before he came out that he way gay.  Like DanielG said, he's a class act, full of life and on his way to a great future, in anything he does.  I think the press is a good thing, and we all stand to benefit from Michael Sams' show of character.

And I agree, I think the press is a good thing.  Yes people may be sick of hearing about it and the issues surrounding it, but they are the current issues of the times.  Like I've said in other threads I think it is important for people who have the potential to become role models to be who they are and be open about it.  You have no idea what it could mean to some kid out there questioning his/her sexuality.  It gives them an anchor saying that it's okay to be gay.

It's a first - firsts are always big.  There will be a time when stuff like this not be news but I don't think that will be for a while. 

2014-05-14 9:53 PM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Public service announcement...

Originally posted by Justin86

Originally posted by Left Brain

Originally posted by topolina
Originally posted by Left Brain

How to talk to your kids about Michael Sams. 

Caution:  should be fine for work, but uses the word penis in case you need to throttle the volume back


Now, that was funny in a sad sort of way. Sad statement about what society values and is desensitized to. Anyway, I am over the press coverage as well. I honestly don't care, or even want to know, what someone's sexual orientation is.

I've actually come full circle and I think  the press coverage is a good thing.  I figured I was already passed the point where I cared about someone's sexual orientation.....and then I saw the video of Sam's kiss with his partner.  I'm a Midwest kid, and I realized as I was watching the video that I'd never seen two men show that kind of affection toward each other.  Admittedly,  I was kind of taken aback by it.  I had to stop and think about what it was that bothered me (bothered may not even be the right word) about it.  I was just kind of, "wow, I've never seen that before".  After a bit of self-reflection I came to the conclusion that there was nothing about it that should bother me.  So, if someone like me who hasn't been exposed to it, but already figured that someone's sexual orientation was their own business, can come some further steps toward complete acceptance, why wouldn't it be the right thing to show to everyone?

I have followed Michael Sams' career closely since he played for my favorite college team, and already knew he was an outstanding young man, long before he came out that he way gay.  Like DanielG said, he's a class act, full of life and on his way to a great future, in anything he does.  I think the press is a good thing, and we all stand to benefit from Michael Sams' show of character.

And I agree, I think the press is a good thing.  Yes people may be sick of hearing about it and the issues surrounding it, but they are the current issues of the times.  Like I've said in other threads I think it is important for people who have the potential to become role models to be who they are and be open about it.  You have no idea what it could mean to some kid out there questioning his/her sexuality.  It gives them an anchor saying that it's okay to be gay.

It's a first - firsts are always big.  There will be a time when stuff like this not be news but I don't think that will be for a while. 

Justin - for whatever it's worth, I always remember your posts about the subject of being out in the media, and they helped change my opinion. Thanks, because I think you've got it right.  I wouldn't want a child of mine to ever feel like they had to hide who they were. 

Edited by Left Brain 2014-05-14 9:53 PM
2014-05-15 8:58 AM
in reply to: Left Brain

New user
Key West
Subject: RE: Public service announcement...
I'm not against the media bringing attention to issues that are important and that many might not understand fully. I just think that at some point it is overkill and with that comes backlash, which is not what I would want to see. Believe me as a woman who was one of the first two female department heads of a Navy Aircraft Carrier after the combat exclusion laws were lifted I do understand, and appreciate, the power of the press. I would never have had the opportunity I did had it not been for that. So, press is not necessarily bad. I guess I just get frustrated that we are still having to fight for what I consider basic civil rights in this day and age.

By the way Left Brain, I grew up just south of MO, in OK, so I understand the mindset you are talking about and I won't hold it against you that you are a Mizzou fan.

2014-05-15 9:38 AM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Extreme Veteran
Highlands Ranch, Colorado
Subject: RE: Public service announcement...
I just saw that O.W.N. is going to do a reality series and follow him on his quest to make the team. Isn't it hard enough to make a team as a rookie without additional distractions? With the constant following by the press and now a camera crew this kid's job just got a lot more stressful.
2014-05-15 10:42 AM
in reply to: rick4657

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Subject: RE: Public service announcement...

I don't recall the press banging down Michael Sam's door before the draft and asking him to disclose his sexual preference.

I can't get past the irony of an athlete who chases down the media to pronounce that he is gay yet wants to be judges as an athlete on the field. I mean who was asking? Perhaps I am a bit jaded but I just can't get past that this is more about being celebrated than being accepted. I just question the motivations.

Honestly, I really don't care about Michael Sam's sexual orientation. I do wish him the best of luck but odds are that this late round draft pick with mediocre skills will end up like every other late round draft pick with mediocre skills and hopefully he took advantage of his Mizzou education.
2014-05-15 11:49 AM
in reply to: Jackemy1

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Southern Chicago Suburbs, IL
Subject: RE: Public service announcement...

Originally posted by Jackemy1 I don't recall the press banging down Michael Sam's door before the draft and asking him to disclose his sexual preference. I can't get past the irony of an athlete who chases down the media to pronounce that he is gay yet wants to be judges as an athlete on the field. I mean who was asking? Perhaps I am a bit jaded but I just can't get past that this is more about being celebrated than being accepted. I just question the motivations. Honestly, I really don't care about Michael Sam's sexual orientation. I do wish him the best of luck but odds are that this late round draft pick with mediocre skills will end up like every other late round draft pick with mediocre skills and hopefully he took advantage of his Mizzou education.

The NFL would have asked.  It is one of the questions that are asked on the psych test I believe.  So he wanted to get ahead of it before it got ahead of him.  

More than anything, I look forward to a day when we don't have to worry about it.  But judging by the reactions of some current and former NFL players, and the twitterverse, we aren't past it yet.

2014-05-15 11:55 AM
in reply to: Jackemy1

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Subject: RE: Public service announcement...

Originally posted by Jackemy1 I don't recall the press banging down Michael Sam's door before the draft and asking him to disclose his sexual preference. I can't get past the irony of an athlete who chases down the media to pronounce that he is gay yet wants to be judges as an athlete on the field. I mean who was asking? Perhaps I am a bit jaded but I just can't get past that this is more about being celebrated than being accepted. I just question the motivations. Honestly, I really don't care about Michael Sam's sexual orientation. I do wish him the best of luck but odds are that this late round draft pick with mediocre skills will end up like every other late round draft pick with mediocre skills and hopefully he took advantage of his Mizzou education.

It's looked at as a very positive thing by a lot of people, and I can't possibly figure out what any negative side would be, so it's all good as far as I'm concerned.

2014-05-15 12:43 PM
in reply to: crowny2

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Subject: RE: Public service announcement...
Originally posted by crowny2

Originally posted by Jackemy1 I don't recall the press banging down Michael Sam's door before the draft and asking him to disclose his sexual preference. I can't get past the irony of an athlete who chases down the media to pronounce that he is gay yet wants to be judges as an athlete on the field. I mean who was asking? Perhaps I am a bit jaded but I just can't get past that this is more about being celebrated than being accepted. I just question the motivations. Honestly, I really don't care about Michael Sam's sexual orientation. I do wish him the best of luck but odds are that this late round draft pick with mediocre skills will end up like every other late round draft pick with mediocre skills and hopefully he took advantage of his Mizzou education.

The NFL would have asked.  It is one of the questions that are asked on the psych test I believe.  So he wanted to get ahead of it before it got ahead of him.  

More than anything, I look forward to a day when we don't have to worry about it.  But judging by the reactions of some current and former NFL players, and the twitterverse, we aren't past it yet.

Hey, I didn't even know they gave psych test and the results are publicized. So shame on the NFL if they make these personal details public. But then again, what exactly was he trying to get a head of here? The NFL announcing the 249th pick in the draft was gay?

But it does kind of seems we are culturally past it....how many positive twitter comments and celebrity reactions did the media have to scour through before finding a negative one. And when they found one, it was a full public flogging. Wasn't there a Dolphin who tweeted some short quip about it and lost his livelihood until he is re-educated? I get the sense that if you aren't on the Michael Sam party bus them you are automatically labels a homophobic bigot.

So if full public flogging and the threat of being a labeled a bigot for not celebrating how historic an event this is, how much more do you think we need to do before we are past it?

2014-05-15 12:49 PM
in reply to: topolina

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Subject: RE: Public service announcement...
Originally posted by topolina
Anyway, I am over the press coverage as well. I honestly don't care, or even want to know, what someone's sexual orientation is.

There is a reason the press is all over this story. It's the same reason the press gave 24/7 coverage of Tebow or that missing plane or Paris Hilton.

2014-05-15 12:50 PM
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Subject: RE: Public service announcement...

Originally posted by Goosedog
Originally posted by topolina Anyway, I am over the press coverage as well. I honestly don't care, or even want to know, what someone's sexual orientation is.
There is a reason the press is all over this story. It's the same reason the press gave 24/7 coverage of Tebow or that missing plane or Paris Hilton.

The black box?

Edited by Left Brain 2014-05-15 12:51 PM
2014-05-15 1:05 PM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Extreme Veteran
Highlands Ranch, Colorado
Subject: RE: Public service announcement...
Now that Sam's has been drafted there is only one question that matters. Can he play football at the NFL level? Whether he is Gay or Straight will not (at least it shouldn't) matter when he gets on the field. He is a late round draft pick which puts his odds of making the team slim..

1) If he makes the team will the conservatives say that he made the team because of the publicity and not his ability?

2) If he gets cut will the liberals say that he was cut because he was Gay and not based upon his abilities?

Either way it seems like a no win situation.

2014-05-15 1:19 PM
in reply to: rick4657

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Centennial, CO
Subject: RE: Public service announcement...

He was a late round draft pick, but I do think his coming out had something to do with that.  Regardless of what people say.  Yes he is a tweener (LB/DL) and he had a bad combine, but...

1.  He did lead his team in Tackles, and had several good years.  Enough to make him a team captain.

2.  He also was co-defense player of the year in the SEC (arguably the toughest conference in college football).

This was the lowest a SEC player of the year has ever been drafted.  Hard to argue that teams just didn't want the distraction.  That is why I find it hard to believe that his draft position equates to his ability to play and that he will be hanging on to make the team.  My guess is that St. Louis, if they can get by the sideshow, got a steal on this player.

2014-05-15 3:22 PM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Subject: RE: Public service announcement...
Originally posted by Left Brain

Originally posted by Goosedog
Originally posted by topolina Anyway, I am over the press coverage as well. I honestly don't care, or even want to know, what someone's sexual orientation is.
There is a reason the press is all over this story. It's the same reason the press gave 24/7 coverage of Tebow or that missing plane or Paris Hilton.

The black box?

No longer, now it's The Box of Colour.

2014-05-15 3:31 PM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Brooklyn, NY
Subject: RE: Public service announcement...
Originally posted by Left Brain

Originally posted by Goosedog
Originally posted by topolina Anyway, I am over the press coverage as well. I honestly don't care, or even want to know, what someone's sexual orientation is.
There is a reason the press is all over this story. It's the same reason the press gave 24/7 coverage of Tebow or that missing plane or Paris Hilton.

The black box?

Is that what Paris is calling it now?
2014-05-15 4:19 PM
in reply to: Left Brain

Subject: RE: Public service announcement...
Originally posted by Left Brain

It's a HUGE deal in the St. Louis media (with non-stop national coverage from here as well) .......enough to make me turn off ESPN radio when I drive.  I just think the video is funny considering what passes for acceptable to a lot of NFL fans.

ditto - I too turn the radio off when this comes up. there are always idiots out there, there are a lot more people that don't care. Now anyone talented enough to be drafted having to suffer playing in the Raiders organization, that upsets me
2014-05-16 12:11 AM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Great White North
Subject: RE: Public service announcement...
Local CFL player was fined for homophobic comments on twitter. The Stampeders are owned by the Flames and Brian Burke is very outspoken on the issue as his gay son committed suicide.
2014-05-16 12:36 PM
in reply to: Justin86

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Subject: RE: Public service announcement...
Originally posted by Justin86

Like I've said in other threads I think it is important for people who have the potential to become role models to be who they are and be open about it.  You have no idea what it could mean to some kid out there questioning his/her sexuality.  It gives them an anchor saying that it's okay to be gay.

It's a first - firsts are always big.  There will be a time when stuff like this not be news but I don't think that will be for a while. 

A first? Not even close to a first in US Football.

David Kopay
Martina Navratilova
Billy Jean King
Brittney Griner
Jim Barnett
Brian Boitano
Liz Carmouche
Abby Wambach
Dan Veatch
Ray McDonald
Lindsy McLean

That's not even all the ones I can think of offhand. Now can we get on with actual life instead of following 1984 where we can't only accept Big Brother, we must love him.

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