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2014-05-16 12:38 PM
in reply to: DanielG

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Subject: RE: Public service announcement...

Originally posted by DanielG
Originally posted by Justin86

Like I've said in other threads I think it is important for people who have the potential to become role models to be who they are and be open about it.  You have no idea what it could mean to some kid out there questioning his/her sexuality.  It gives them an anchor saying that it's okay to be gay.

It's a first - firsts are always big.  There will be a time when stuff like this not be news but I don't think that will be for a while. 

A first? Not even close to a first in US Football. David Kopay Martina Navratilova Billy Jean King Brittney Griner Jim Barnett Brian Boitano Liz Carmouche Abby Wambach Dan Veatch Ray McDonald Lindsy McLean That's not even all the ones I can think of offhand. Now can we get on with actual life instead of following 1984 where we can't only accept Big Brother, we must love him.

That's a helluva football team you compiled there. 

2014-05-16 12:49 PM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Subject: RE: Public service announcement...
Originally posted by Left Brain

Originally posted by DanielG
Originally posted by Justin86

Like I've said in other threads I think it is important for people who have the potential to become role models to be who they are and be open about it.  You have no idea what it could mean to some kid out there questioning his/her sexuality.  It gives them an anchor saying that it's okay to be gay.

It's a first - firsts are always big.  There will be a time when stuff like this not be news but I don't think that will be for a while. 

A first? Not even close to a first in US Football. David Kopay Martina Navratilova Billy Jean King Brittney Griner Jim Barnett Brian Boitano Liz Carmouche Abby Wambach Dan Veatch Ray McDonald Lindsy McLean That's not even all the ones I can think of offhand. Now can we get on with actual life instead of following 1984 where we can't only accept Big Brother, we must love him.

That's a helluva football team you compiled there. 

Look in it, there are NFL players in there. But had to add some speed and some brute strength as well.

2014-05-16 1:11 PM
in reply to: Jackemy1

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Southern Chicago Suburbs, IL
Subject: RE: Public service announcement...

Originally posted by Jackemy1
Originally posted by crowny2

Originally posted by Jackemy1 I don't recall the press banging down Michael Sam's door before the draft and asking him to disclose his sexual preference. I can't get past the irony of an athlete who chases down the media to pronounce that he is gay yet wants to be judges as an athlete on the field. I mean who was asking? Perhaps I am a bit jaded but I just can't get past that this is more about being celebrated than being accepted. I just question the motivations. Honestly, I really don't care about Michael Sam's sexual orientation. I do wish him the best of luck but odds are that this late round draft pick with mediocre skills will end up like every other late round draft pick with mediocre skills and hopefully he took advantage of his Mizzou education.

The NFL would have asked.  It is one of the questions that are asked on the psych test I believe.  So he wanted to get ahead of it before it got ahead of him.  

More than anything, I look forward to a day when we don't have to worry about it.  But judging by the reactions of some current and former NFL players, and the twitterverse, we aren't past it yet.

Hey, I didn't even know they gave psych test and the results are publicized. So shame on the NFL if they make these personal details public. But then again, what exactly was he trying to get a head of here? The NFL announcing the 249th pick in the draft was gay? But it does kind of seems we are culturally past it....how many positive twitter comments and celebrity reactions did the media have to scour through before finding a negative one. And when they found one, it was a full public flogging. Wasn't there a Dolphin who tweeted some short quip about it and lost his livelihood until he is re-educated? I get the sense that if you aren't on the Michael Sam party bus them you are automatically labels a homophobic bigot. So if full public flogging and the threat of being a labeled a bigot for not celebrating how historic an event this is, how much more do you think we need to do before we are past it?

Why should they even ask about a player's love life to begin with?  I agree it is stupid, but apparently sometimes they do ask.  Here is one from 2010 that came out and asked a player if he was gay or straight. (http://www.nfl.com/news/story/09000d5d817f452b/article/team-executives-ask-nfl-draft-prospects-the-darnedest-things)

All that being said, he is still a role model for those that are still being degraded, bullied, etc because of their preference.  I agree with you on the level that I can't wait for this to no longer be an issue.  Not because I am tired of hearing about it but because that will mean that we are truly past it.  Until then, I'm all for getting the word out.

2014-05-16 1:41 PM
in reply to: DanielG

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Brooklyn, NY
Subject: RE: Public service announcement...
Originally posted by DanielG

Originally posted by Justin86

Like I've said in other threads I think it is important for people who have the potential to become role models to be who they are and be open about it.  You have no idea what it could mean to some kid out there questioning his/her sexuality.  It gives them an anchor saying that it's okay to be gay.

It's a first - firsts are always big.  There will be a time when stuff like this not be news but I don't think that will be for a while. 

A first? Not even close to a first in US Football.

David Kopay
Martina Navratilova
Billy Jean King
Brittney Griner
Jim Barnett
Brian Boitano
Liz Carmouche
Abby Wambach
Dan Veatch
Ray McDonald
Lindsy McLean

That's not even all the ones I can think of offhand. Now can we get on with actual life instead of following 1984 where we can't only accept Big Brother, we must love him.

Wait....Brian Boitano's gay?

Sam is absolutely a first. Has there ever been a Division I football player to publicly come out while still active? If so, I can't think of one.
I certainly wouldn't compare Ray McDonald to Sam. On the contrary, McDonald is almost a cautonary tale of what can happen to a gay person who doesn't feel comfortable expressing who he is. He stayed in the closet the whole time he was playing (it was the late 60's), was eventually arrested for having sex with a man in a car, I think, and when he died of AIDS in his 40's, his family told the media that he had died of sickle-cell anemia because they didn't want the stigma of being gay attached to him even in death.

The stigma for women, while it still exists, is much, much different than it is for men and especially for football players. Brian Boitano? Really? I think most poeple would be surprised if you told them a male figure skater was straight. (Psst... I think Johnny Weir is gay too....)

If his coming out doesn't mean anything to you, that's fine. No one says it has to.
2014-05-16 2:47 PM
in reply to: jmk-brooklyn

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Subject: RE: Public service announcement...
Originally posted by jmk-brooklyn

If his coming out doesn't mean anything to you, that's fine. No one says it has to.

You're missing my point. I don't give a damn, in all honesty.

What is annoying the snot out of me is all the fawning over it to the exclusion of actual news. If people are supposed to take such things as daily issues (which they already are) then can we get on with the rest of the daily stuff and let people with every point of view say their piece and let it all go already.

You've missed the hundreds of hours of prime time news where people are actually saying everyone should be dancing in the streets about this. If you say anything about who the hell cares, then you're branded some leper type and shouted down.

Let's get on with life already. Let it all go.

2014-05-19 8:47 AM
in reply to: jmk-brooklyn

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Subject: RE: Public service announcement...

Originally posted by jmk-brooklyn  (Psst... I think Johnny Weir is gay too....)


No way!  

Quick.. Who's Larry Doby?


2014-05-19 8:53 AM
in reply to: DanielG

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Brooklyn, NY
Subject: RE: Public service announcement...
Originally posted by DanielG

Originally posted by jmk-brooklyn

If his coming out doesn't mean anything to you, that's fine. No one says it has to.

You're missing my point. I don't give a damn, in all honesty.

What is annoying the snot out of me is all the fawning over it to the exclusion of actual news. If people are supposed to take such things as daily issues (which they already are) then can we get on with the rest of the daily stuff and let people with every point of view say their piece and let it all go already.

You've missed the hundreds of hours of prime time news where people are actually saying everyone should be dancing in the streets about this. If you say anything about who the hell cares, then you're branded some leper type and shouted down.

Let's get on with life already. Let it all go.

You should take your own advice.

For someone who doesn't give a damn, you have pretty strong opinions about it. You honestly do not give a damn, but it annoys the snot out of you? Which is it?

It is possible, you know, to not care about something without telling everyone around you how much you don't care. It's easy: you just...don't care.

Don't we all have to sit through hundreds of hours of pointless non-actual-news-related stuff on tv that doesn't interest or appeal to us? Like you said-- let it all go. Get on with life. There's no surer way to a life of being p.o.ed and stressed out all the time than to devote a lot of emotional energy to trying to understand why people don't see the world in exactly the same way that we do, or worse, expecting people different from us to act the same as us.

You tell people "who the hell cares?" about something they care (or think they care) about, and you wonder why their reaction is to brand you a leper? As someone who himself feels very strongly about certain subjects and who is, I think we can all agree, fairly confident in his opinions on many subjects, you of all people should understand that reaction.

I agree wwith you that, from my pov, much more has been made of this subject than needed to be made, but who am I to tell others how to think and feel? Let 'em have their party.
2014-05-19 11:41 PM
in reply to: jmk-brooklyn

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Subject: RE: Public service announcement...
Originally posted by jmk-brooklyn

Originally posted by DanielG

Originally posted by jmk-brooklyn

If his coming out doesn't mean anything to you, that's fine. No one says it has to.

You're missing my point. I don't give a damn, in all honesty.

What is annoying the snot out of me is all the fawning over it to the exclusion of actual news. If people are supposed to take such things as daily issues (which they already are) then can we get on with the rest of the daily stuff and let people with every point of view say their piece and let it all go already.

You've missed the hundreds of hours of prime time news where people are actually saying everyone should be dancing in the streets about this. If you say anything about who the hell cares, then you're branded some leper type and shouted down.

Let's get on with life already. Let it all go.

You should take your own advice.

For someone who doesn't give a damn, you have pretty strong opinions about it. You honestly do not give a damn, but it annoys the snot out of you? Which is it?

I'm guessing you're being intentionally obtuse so I'll quit here.
Enjoy your evening.
2014-05-20 9:48 AM
in reply to: DanielG

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Subject: RE: Public service announcement...
Originally posted by DanielG

What is annoying the snot out of me is all the fawning over it to the exclusion of actual news.

I solved this problem for myself a few years ago. I just get my news online and pick the content I want. Now, I couldn't imagine watching or listening to an entire news program, especially if they were discussing something that actively annoyed me.

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