General Discussion Triathlon Talk » Where do you draw the line? Rss Feed  
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2014-08-18 6:32 PM

Subject: Where do you draw the line?
I've been doing a lot of research lately into health, nutrition, training, etc. I've convered a variety of things including:

- High fat diets
- Removing dairy, grains, legumes, etc
- Cold water therapy
- High intensity interval training
- Boosting myself with every vitamin, mineral, pill and potion available
- Yoga/meditation/pilates
- Dynamic stretching
- Breathing exercises
- Compression gear

Any many more that aren't on the top of my head.

Basically, where do you draw the line in the sand and say to yourself that you aren't a professional athlete, you don't have thousands of dollars and hours of free time to devote time to all of these things, or simply, the benefit of getting 5 minutes faster over a certain distance is just not of any interest to you?

Obviously I want to be healthy and be able to enjoy triathlon as much as possible. I've been experimenting with a few of these points above recently and to be honest, the sacrifice of doing some of these things is reducing my overall life happiness all for the sake of recovering faster or improving my muscles to swim/bike/run faster.

So, where do you personally draw the line?

2014-08-18 7:03 PM
in reply to: elliot.power

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Subject: RE: Where do you draw the line?
Some of those things are pretty basic parts of training (intervals, stretching), but others are simply fads and wastes of money.

Focus on TRAINING and a healthy diet and don't worry about the fluff. Don't overthink it.
2014-08-18 7:12 PM
in reply to: elliot.power

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Where do you draw the line?
With the exception of common-sense stuff like intervals and stretching, if it doesn't improve my general feeling of well-being and/or takes time away from work, friends and family, training, or sleep, then I don't do it. i'm pretty sure my answer would be the same even if I was elite/pro level athlete, which I'm definitely not. The performance benefits of most of these are not proven anyway. Let someone else experiment.
2014-08-18 7:16 PM
in reply to: Hot Runner

Subject: RE: Where do you draw the line?
So it is the whole cost/benefit type thing?

You want the biggest bang for your buck with every new habit that you do?
2014-08-18 7:20 PM
in reply to: elliot.power

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Where do you draw the line?
Not really. I'm time-crunched, financially challenged, and lack discipline for things that I neither have to do nor enjoy. I am not going to spend my days doing things I don't like (I like to train!) or deprive myself of yummy food just to gain a few minutes in a race.
2014-08-18 7:40 PM
in reply to: Hot Runner

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Subject: RE: Where do you draw the line?
I don't think of training as a return on investment. I put in the money I need to do what I love and enjoy it and to train well. It doesn't require a lot of money to learn about proper training and nutrition.

2014-08-18 7:50 PM
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Subject: RE: Where do you draw the line?

Just train......all of those other things will either become part of what you do or they won't. 

It's a personal journey, you don't start at the middle, you start at the beginning.  You get answers to what works for you as you go.

Edited by Left Brain 2014-08-18 7:51 PM
2014-08-18 7:54 PM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Subject: RE: Where do you draw the line?
Originally posted by Left Brain

Just train......all of those other things will either become part of what you do or they won't. 

It's a personal journey, you don't start at the middle, you start at the beginning.  You get answers to what works for you as you go.

Well said!
2014-08-18 8:35 PM
in reply to: elliot.power

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Extreme Veteran
Silicon Valley
Subject: RE: Where do you draw the line?
Easy answer for me. When I stop having fun.

I started this adventure to get back in to shape after decades of doing nothing. I still love to compete. I love to push myself. I found out I love this sport. When it stops being fun, that will be the day I know I crossed the line.

I still have an IM in my future (IMAZ - Nov 2016 to be precise). With any luck I won't hit that line until Dec 1, 2016 or much much later.

2014-08-18 8:49 PM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Stairway to Seven
Subject: RE: Where do you draw the line?
Originally posted by Left Brain

Just train......all of those other things will either become part of what you do or they won't. 

It's a personal journey, you don't start at the middle, you start at the beginning.  You get answers to what works for you as you go.

2014-08-18 9:29 PM
in reply to: AdventureBear

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Subject: RE: Where do you draw the line?
I like to think of myself as low maintenance. If my wife wants to tease me she can easily get a rise out of me by suggesting that something I'm doing means that I'm high maintenance. Below is what works for me - find what works for you. (Of course lots of people will disagree with me on some of these. They have their arguments against these points but I can find some good arguments and sources for all of the points in my first two categories.)

No way - as likely to do harm as good
- High fat diets
- Removing dairy, grains, legumes, etc
- Boosting myself with every vitamin, mineral, pill and potion available

Nope - of questionable benefit
- Cold water therapy
- Compression gear

Probably beneficial but not for me
- Yoga/meditation/pilates
- Dynamic stretching
- Breathing exercises

I do this when it's part of a program I'm following
- High intensity interval training

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