General Discussion Triathlon Talk » Post your favorite travel workout Rss Feed  
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2016-04-15 6:15 PM

Scottsdale, AZ
Subject: Post your favorite travel workout
Hey all!

Summer is coming up quick and I'd love to know what people do for workouts when they don't have access to SBR (unless you plan your vacation around that - which I try to do - lol! I'll be on a LONG road trip with my family in June, and while I'm going to bring my bike, many days I won't have time to head out on a ride and really don't want to haul around my trainer.

Here is one of my favorite ones that can be done just about anywhere (gym hotel, beach, park).

10 rounds of:

400m run

push up x 10
lunge/squat/jump squat (choose 1 - x10)
back extension or hip hinge (good morning) - x10
core - plank (hold for 1 min) or other ab exercise x10

by the time you get to the last round, you should be pretty tired and have a nice heavy feeling in the legs. Push the run so that it's a challenge, and watch form with all exercises.
Feel free to add any exercises to it, or change them around. I like these since they don't require any equipment.
Hope to get some good ideas!

2016-04-15 7:03 PM
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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Post your favorite travel workout
It's pretty rare that I end up somewhere where I can't run. In the event that happens, I usually ask at the desk if there's anywhere good to run that I can get to on public transport, and I've always been able to work something out. Have had some amazing runs--parks in Bangkok, the prayer circuit around the Potala in Tibet (acclimatization needed!), up to a hilltop lodge for breakfast in Nepal, around a lake in Burma, up to castles in Europe, a nice country road in Laos with school kids racing me on bikes...Pretty much everywhere I have met friendly fellow runners. I have a "life list" of countries that I have run in and try to add to that whenever it is safe and feasible.

If I'm not trying to follow a specific plan (I usually don't on vacation), my favorite workout is very simple--Put on shoes and start running. Try to go out and back without making too many turns (ideally, none) so I don't get lost. Either that or do loops of a park. Usually about an hour, but occasionally I'll be so happy with the route that it will end up being more like 90 minutes. I also have a silly workout that I do in hotel pools sometimes--I pretend it's 25m (even if it's not) and do things like 4 X "100" of each stroke, then 4 X "100" IM, "400" free, alternate until bored with it or I've swum as long as I want.

I hate treadmills so tend not to use them unless there is no other choice and I really feel like I have to get in a run. Anyway, the kind of places I stay at most of the time when traveling on my own money don't tend to have gyms, or at least ones with workable equipment. If all else fails, there are all kinds of core/strength videos on the Internet that don't require equipment. Try googling "Core H". Ugh!

Edited by Hot Runner 2016-04-15 7:09 PM
2016-04-16 2:19 AM
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Sarasota, Florida
Subject: RE: Post your favorite travel workout
Most my vacations have had a gym so I just move it inside with the exercise bikes, treadmills and weights, but last year I was forced to 2 week taper due to no gym. I just did some beach runs and swims but I have always had this tradition carried over from days in hs weight training. After a workout our coach would make us do max set of push ups, roll over immediately do ~120 crunches, immediately roll back over to max set of push ups, roll back over, ~ 60 crunches, roll back over max set of diamond push ups, roll back over do at least 30 crunches. I did this with a workout buddy after an hour of weights and he thought it was so evil he called it "sudden death". I still do this little routine once a day while on vacation but might throw in some body squats or improvised dips on some furniture etc.

Edited by runtim23 2016-04-16 2:20 AM
2016-04-18 8:23 AM
in reply to: runspingirl

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Birmingham, Alabama
Subject: RE: Post your favorite travel workout
I generally try to book hotels that are close to a place to run or that have a good gym. In many cases, the stationary bike in the hotel gym has to suffice for the bike and I've yet to stay in a hotel with a pool that was large enough to bother swimming laps in.

If I'm on vacation I generally only work out when I want to and give the training routine a break, which means I go on "exploration" like runs every other day or so. When we go to the beach I haul my bike along because many of the roads have a bike lane there (why doesn't every town?) and there are miles and miles of paved trails in a state park near where we stay. I'm going next month and can't wait to ride where I don't have to worry about getting clipped by a teeny-bopper texting their BFF's while they should be focused on driving.

Any of you know if YMCA memberships are good in other cities? I've never thought to ask.
2016-04-18 9:26 AM
in reply to: runspingirl

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Subject: RE: Post your favorite travel workout
I haven't run any place as interesting as Hot Runner has, but running is a great way to explore a new city. Many hotels will have maps with recommended routes, but typically I just head out. If the city isn't laid out in a grid, I find a river or something else easy to follow. I have come back to the hotel knowing about festivals, restaurants, and historical sites that I learned about on my run. I will add that I also take $20 in cash with me in case I get lost and need to catch a cab. I have never needed it, but I have been known to stop for coffee and a pastry when I get back near the hotel.

Also, it isn't quite the same, but if I am near a beach, I will rent a bike to ride around all day. It isn't a hard workout, but it is fun and keeps the legs moving.
2016-04-18 10:20 AM
in reply to: happyscientist

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Extreme Veteran
Ridgeland, Mississippi
Subject: RE: Post your favorite travel workout

Hot tub intervals:

3 sets of 5 minutes with 1 minute recovery.  

If you feel especially good you can increase the number of sets.

2016-04-18 12:16 PM
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Albuquerque, NM
Subject: RE: Post your favorite travel workout
Normally, on travel, I try to run and do strength training.

I always try to make the run a mini-adventure and have seen some really cool stuff that I would have missed in a car.

For strength training on travel, my go-to workout is the Card Workout:

1) Pick 4 exercises (i.e. Push Ups, Jump Squats, Straight Leg Sit Ups, and Lunges) and assign them each to a suit (spades, hearts, diamonds, clubs).
2) Shuffle the deck
3) Turn a card over and do as many reps of the suit assigned exercise as the cards shows (J,Q,K = 11, 12, 13). If it's an ace, do 20 burpees.
4) Repeat #3 until all the cards have been turned over.

Edited by RockTractor 2016-04-18 12:17 PM
2016-04-18 3:24 PM
in reply to: RockTractor

Scottsdale, AZ
Subject: RE: Post your favorite travel workout
Originally posted by RockTractor

Normally, on travel, I try to run and do strength training.

I always try to make the run a mini-adventure and have seen some really cool stuff that I would have missed in a car.

For strength training on travel, my go-to workout is the Card Workout:

1) Pick 4 exercises (i.e. Push Ups, Jump Squats, Straight Leg Sit Ups, and Lunges) and assign them each to a suit (spades, hearts, diamonds, clubs).
2) Shuffle the deck
3) Turn a card over and do as many reps of the suit assigned exercise as the cards shows (J,Q,K = 11, 12, 13). If it's an ace, do 20 burpees.
4) Repeat #3 until all the cards have been turned over.

I like this one - thanks for the idea!

I would love to run a lot while on our vacation, and it usually is my first choice…but I try to give my legs a break and have to do a lot of workouts early before heading out and before the family gets up and moving. So while heading out on a long run would be great, I like to keep some things close to home.
When we were staying at the beach, I did a lot of runs along the beach, and did some rides while I was there too. But I like quick workouts like the one I posted where I can get some cardio and strength in and be able to stay close to where we are staying. The one I posted I did at a park close to our timeshare and it was perfect!
We were in Tombstone, AZ and it wasn't safe for me to go out for a run (just the area was a bit sketchy to be by myself) so I ended up doing hill repeats on the hill where the hotel was and did some various strength moves at the end of each. People watching from the breakfast area were quite amused :-)!
I like having a variety of ideas available so when I can't get out for a run or bike, I still feel like I did something worth while, and feel better when I have to sit in a car for the rest of the day.
Would love to hear any other ideas!
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