General Discussion Introduce Yourself!!! » Tri Noob from the South Rss Feed  
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2016-08-22 5:38 PM

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Subject: Tri Noob from the South
Hi there,

I will be doing my first sprint tri in September (Alabama Coastal Triathlon). Prior to beginning training, I was a long time casual runner and occasional cyclist. Turning 40 (ack!) and becoming involved with my local Girls on the Run program was part of what inspired me to run a half marathon this past spring. I wanted to continue setting new goals and thought a sprint tri would be a nice change of pace from longer distance running, especially since the heat is oppressive here (the Gulf Coast) in the summer. Like most others, my biggest fear is the open water swim. I have been consistently getting in the pool and have really done well with upping my distance and working on my stroke. However, yesterday, I actually swam in the Gulf for practice. The waves were big and I exited the water with several jellyfish stings. So, now, I'm sufficiently terrified and have been using this forum to read old threads addressing tips for the beginner, especially the open water swim.

Edited by carin1976 2016-08-22 5:41 PM

2016-09-07 1:11 PM
in reply to: carin1976

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Tri Noob from the South

Hi Carin and welcome to BT!

I'm a champ open-water swimmer and jellyfish are still my nemesis. I sympathize! Well done for getting out there.

You may find this article helpful too:


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General Discussion Introduce Yourself!!! » Tri Noob from the South Rss Feed  

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